National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 279: Outstanding

"Don't tell me, the Qiao Maishou caught today is quite perverted." Liu Jinghui sat in the hotel and felt quite emotional.

To be honest, although he is very capable of reasoning, he considers himself a man who can first deduce the criminal and then find the evidence. But it is rare to see it done so quickly and smoothly.

Moreover, this time it was purely a case study. The experience of solving the case without showing up at the scene is still very good.

Liu Jinghui was a little unfinished.

Yu Wenshu, the leader of the detachment, had no authority at all. He served Liu Jinghui some food and said, "No matter how perverted he is... he didn't run away, right? He still fell into our hands."

"Yes." Liu Jinghui smiled, recalling the description of his criminal behavior, took a bite of Husband's lung slices, and then said: "The wounds on the victim's chest and back are inappropriate. The wounds on the back look like they were stabbed continuously. On the contrary, the wound on the chest was a single stabbing, and with so many wounds, it is not necessary to say it was murder, but it was just to vent anger. The victim didn’t even have an enemy..."

As Liu Jinghui spoke, his expression became slightly colder, and he said: "The murderer actually didn't even have the courage to confront a woman head-on, so he first stabbed the victim in the back. From the beginning, he There was no intention of letting anyone survive.”

"He has been in the juvenile detention center for so long. He must be very brave. He dares to kill someone without his life. He is afraid to face an unarmed woman?" Tang Jia also followed, and it was a bit puzzling at this moment. look.

Liu Jinghui laughed and said: "Don't tell me, he is really brave, and in terms of his life experience, his character is more daring and arrogant, that kind of vicious type. His physical condition Too bad, otherwise, it would have started with robbery.”

"It's time to start now." Tang Jiada said.

"Death penalty." Wan Baoming, who sat at the same table, said: "A repeat offender, who robbed, raped and killed a girl. He stabbed him more than thirty times, and he was stabbed directly from the back. The nature is particularly bad and he will not be given a reprieve."

"It should be executed immediately!" Tang Jia also saw the photo of the deceased. For some, giving him football status was a mistake in itself, and his parents...if he had parents, he deserved to wail and cry.

Jiang Yuan was already hungry. After eating a few mouthfuls of food, he put down his chopsticks and said, "I probably brought my own murder weapon. The dagger he used should be as long as a chopstick. It's not easy to buy in ordinary places. That's it." Running to kill people."

"These are all evidence. You need to write them down later. Don't miss them." Yu Wenshu immediately reminded Tang Jia, and then said: "Also remind the interrogators and remind me later."

Tang Jia understood the idea and immediately praised: "Team Yu, if you need any reminder, after we finish our meal, you can recite it into the meeting minutes..."

Yu Wen laughed and pretended to be humble: "A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. You still have to write down the things that should be written down."

Then, Yu Wenshu was still a little emotional and said: "In the past, there was no need to write down the evidence. It would take two or three days to investigate a clue. A group of people were so busy that they couldn't even eat. It was not easy to find someone. Evidence, I can’t wait to present it.”

The whole table burst into laughter. Some people were happy, and some people really felt the same.

For example, Wei Zhenguo, as a grassroots policeman, almost sheds tears when he thinks of the days when he was working on a backlog of cases.

Liu Jinghui works in the provincial department, so his life is naturally different. He took a sip of tea happily and said with a smile: "It's not just evidence. How much money will you save by the case Jiang Yuan helped you handle this time?"

Yu Wenshu's hand trembled. If it had been anyone else, he would have praised it greatly and given this number an artistic upper limit. For example, the cost of doing a DNA test on all the men in the district, plus the cost of thousands of police officers to investigate for a week, plus the cost of feeding these thousands of people lunch boxes, etc.

But before saying these words, the first thing that came to Yu Wenshu's mind was Huang Qiangmin.

Huang Qiangmin is just a criminal police captain in the county bureau. Yu Wenshu can recruit more than a dozen of his subordinates at the same level. Each of them has higher education than Huang Qiangmin, with bigger eyes, flatter teeth, and more They all smile, and they don’t flatten their mouths like they’re ambushing someone.

But Huang Qiangmin’s price is really cruel.

"The average cost of solving a murder case is about 200,000 yuan. Suzhou is relatively high in China.

, about 500,000, we can’t afford it..." Yu Wenshu smiled.

Liu Jinghui put down his chopsticks and said, "You must have evenly carried out all the murder cases of surrender."

"Murder cases involve Jane and difficulty... Of course, what I mean is that we all appreciate Jiang Yuan and the case you did. But... we can't talk about money." Yu Wenshu looked at Liu Jinghui's face. Bu Shan emphasized again: "Huang Qiangmin and I have reached an agreement. We are also helping to apply for a county's monitoring system..."

Liu Jinghui was surprised when he heard this, but he immediately realized what he was doing. He looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "Did Lao Huang sell you?"

"It's not sold..." Jiang Yuan hesitated.

"What's that?"

"Counting... migrant workers from the county?" Jiang Yuan joked and added, "There has been no murder case in Ningtai County for a long time. There are no major cases."

"Only a few months." Wei Zhenguo said quietly.

"A few months will be enough for Dr. Jiang to solve dozens of cases." Yu Wenshu stood up and poured water for Jiang Yuan to show his kindness.

Liu Jinghui asked, "Are there so many murder cases in Changyang City?"

"There are still backlogged cases from 20 years ago." Yu Wenshu sighed and said: "When I first started working, some robberies and rape of women were really difficult to solve. Especially cases of rape of women. Many people go home first to take a shower and wash clothes, and then report the crime on the second or third day. When they go to the scene, they find very little evidence."

"Let's do the cases in recent years first." Jiang Yuan is not yet confident to this extent. Yu Wen laughed and said: "Of course, no matter how big or small the case is, justice does not matter first or later. When you are free and have time, we will work on the backlog of cases together. To put it bluntly, before I die, I handled all the cases Every detail of the case is in it."

Yu Wenshu pointed at his head, his expression was really confident.

Liu Jinghui deeply admired and envied Yu Wenshu's ability to have a photographic memory, and couldn't help but say: "When you joined the police, you really turned your heart towards the sun. It was a bit of a waste of talent."

"That's not the case. When I signed up at that time, I just signed up for whatever I wanted to do, and my parents didn't care so much." Yu Wenshu took advantage of the situation and talked about the prosperous years of those years.

Liu Jinghui followed up skillfully. As a reasoning expert, he naturally understands the ways of the world. At the wine table, he and Jiang Yuan seemed to be the protagonists today, but if they were to remain the protagonists, it would be too emotionally draining for everyone.

Now, Comrade Yu Wenshu has become the focus of everyone again, and the atmosphere in the box is more harmonious.

Wan Baoming also breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head, and began to send messages wildly in the small group:

Daily depression: [I represent Jiang Yuan as a water worker, and today I once again solved the backlog of murder cases. A total of four murder cases have been solved in a short period of time. I asked, who else? 】

Trace inspection Li Rui: [What's going on? You make it clear. 】

Daily depression: [Three murder cases have been pending, and one is an actual case. The body was burned and dumped, with only palm-sized fragments of burned bones. 】

Forensic doctor Niu Lihuang: [How to solve it? 】

Daily malaise: [Found through fuel, I will talk about the details later. 】

Forensic doctor Wang Lan: [Good guy, I need to write an article about this, otherwise I will lose money. Has the victim also been identified? 】

Wanbaoming nodded. This question seemed professional at first glance.

Although some cases are solved, if the murderer does not confess, or the murderer himself does not know, the identity of the victim may not be certain.

Wan Baoming thought for a while and continued the water group.

Daily depression: [It’s a girl parachuted in to work in the villa area. 】

Southern Expedition and Northern War: [The prostitution fee was not negotiated, the girl threatened to call the police and force the girl to have sex with her, and the guy kept doing it, right? "

Daily depression: [Can you guess this? 】

War in the South and North: [An old script, because someone was really sentenced, but this man was also a little impulsive. Giving money when he should be given is better than killing people and burning their corpses. 】

Forensic doctor Wang Lan: [What about the other three cases? 】

Wan Baoming smiled and quickly introduced him.

The backlog of murder cases are all very difficult cases. Even if they are not outstanding during the active period, they will be very different after they become backlogged cases.

Wan Baoming followed the whole process, and now the water group,

The water is so refreshing.

Anyway, for a dinner without wine and leadership, just listen to Comrade Yu Wenshu bragging, just wear your ears.

At the same time, people who heard Wan Baoming's story began to spread the news in different small groups.

Most of the backlog of murder cases are actually solved by chance. Those who specialize in the backlog of murder cases and can solve them are worthy of bragging in every issue.

The most rare thing is that everyone still likes to listen and play.

This is how things like fame are often accumulated.

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