National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 320 Father and Son

"First-class meritorious service! You have left everyone behind. Ma Jiyang is the top meritorious service member in the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment. His experience of three second-class meritorious services is extremely outstanding. He is basically unrivaled among his peers, but he is not Got first class merit.

Jiang Yuan said modestly: "I didn't expect to get first-class merit either."

"How could you not have thought that for those cases you did, if you were not given first-class merit and let the second-class merit behind you, what would we do with third-class merit? You should get first-class merit." Ma Jiyang He only got third-class merit this time, and when he met Jiang Yuan again, he started teasing him.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "The Ma Brigade team is very complimentary. We will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

This was a little louder than what he said just now, but when Ma Jiyang heard it, he immediately closed and opened his eyes, as if he blinked, and said: "That's definitely possible. The strength of our team has always been one of the best. You You can tell just by looking at my military medals, right?"

Ma Jiyang slapped his chest so loudly that it sounded like a 59 tank covered with armor plates.

And this time he only got third-class merit, which fully shows that after losing his wife, his strength will inevitably decline.

Since ancient times, soldiers who have wives who can afford a house are the strongest soldiers.

"Jiang Yuan!" A reporter passed by and picked up a camera to take photos of Jiang Yuan, and then conducted an interview.

Ma Jiyang and others left with envious smiles.

This is not the special treatment of first-class merit, but the special treatment of Jiang Yuan, a young, tall and talkative person.

Jiang Yuan dealt with the reporter in a few words, and then walked out, but was stopped again.

Yu Wenshu invited several tons of reporters this time, which was very nice and decent during the meeting, but when it came to free interviews, Jiang Yuan and others were a little unhappy.

Jiang Yuan came out pretending to be on the phone and had an urgent case.

After getting in the car, Jiang Yuan felt a little relieved and took out his mobile phone. He saw that there were hundreds of WeChat messages and text messages, and there were several missed calls.

In WeChat, in addition to private messages, the most popular group was red envelopes reminding Jiang Yuan. Jiangfu Town, which had just learned the news, was sending red envelopes all over the world, especially among the groups of loving families. Jiangfu Town had the most red envelopes. At one time, Occupying half of the country.

For an ordinary Jiang family member, if the house they are allocated in the demolition is not many and the rent is not enough, then if they seriously grab a wave of red envelopes this time, they can have a prosperous New Year.

In addition, the red envelopes sent by private messages also prompted several screens. Jiang Yuan had to take out his notebook to record these red envelopes.

Changyang City Year-end Commendation Conference--

Income: First-class merit bonus of 20,000 yuan. The father’s red envelope is 1,000 yuan (when my son grows up, he can choose a gift he likes. If it is less than one apartment, I will reimburse you.) The uncle’s red envelope is 6,666 yuan (Xiaoyuan is amazing). The third uncle’s red envelope is 66666 (I heard that you can’t give away too much money. I will ask the village committee to pay you the design fee for the monitoring equipment later. The extra uncle will give you the consulting fee.) The third uncle’s red envelope is 10,000 yuan (Jiang Home is always your solid backing). Aunt Hua spends 10,000 yuan (don’t tire yourself out, I heard that you have become a leader, don’t just think about charging, lead the team and go home safely). The fifth uncle’s red envelope is 5,000 yuan (you are too ambitious): the sixth uncle is 3,000 yuan (the fee for trying to compete), the seventh uncle is 3,000 yuan (the fee for trying to compete), the eighth aunt is 2,000 yuan (the fee is to compete), and the ninth uncle is 2,000 yuan (the fee is to compete)

Jiang Yuan's hand was sore at taking notes. After writing two pages, he found that there seemed to be endless private messages behind it.

Some people even posted it twice, for example:

Aunt Six, 10,000 yuan (My aunt is not very well-educated, so she didn’t know that first-class merit is so powerful, it’s amazing!), Aunt Seven, 10,000 yuan (Your uncle has been talking about it at home all day, and asked me to give you another red envelope to make him feel happy.) Twenty Uncle Yi: 3000+6000 (Originally I wanted to buy you a pair of combat boots, but then I thought, I’d better give you a red envelope. You should also buy some equipment for emergencies.)

This time was different from before, it was as if the whole village had given Jiang Yuan red envelopes. Of course, not everyone should give out red envelopes one-on-one, but should give out red envelopes with the family or household as the core.


Calculate it like this

Jiang Yuan thought for a while, turned around and took out the notebook in his bag, and then opened the eel form of a "Jiangcun Family Household".

Jiang Yuan re-copied the number of red envelopes and so on into the eel table, then reopened WeChat and continued to add the amount of red envelopes one by one.

Jiang Yuan actually doesn't care about the value of these red envelopes. What he cares more about is the feelings, the attention and concern of the villagers for him.

Just like when we had a meal with hundreds of families back then, the people who were willing to give one steamed bun did not care less about themselves than the people who were willing to give two steamed buns. But today, the neighbor who has closed the door may just have a heavier task of creating a human being. Just put too much thought on other people's children. After two days, their backs will be sore, and they will naturally reopen the door and cook more delicious food.

But it has to be said that since the people of Jiangcun became rich, they have a lot more rules. For example, red envelopes like this kind of courtesy are something that everyone cares about. If a family fails to follow the rules, everyone will wonder if your family has been deceived into starting a business.

At that time, the admonishing villagers will trample the family's threshold.

After all the red envelopes were collected, and many second-round red envelopes were received, just when Jiang Yuan was feeling a little uncomfortable, Jiang Fuzhen called.

"Dad." Jiang Yuan put down the computer, pushed open the door and got out of the car, and stretched his muscles in front of the car.

"Where are you? Are you going out to celebrate with your colleagues?" Jiang Fu Zhen's voice came out loudly, just like talking in the village or at home. It must be very loud in order to travel far.

Jiang Yuan held the phone further away and said: "I'm still here in the auditorium. Everyone gave gifts to the factory today. I'll write it down on the computer.

"Yes, it's better to remember it. Send me a copy later. Those who deserve a gift must return the gift." Jiang Fuzhen paused and said, "When you're fine, come back to the house. I'll buy it for you." That little house is downstairs."

"Hey, you've arrived in Changyang City?" Jiang Yuan was a little surprised. He was still at home two days ago.

Jiang Fuzhen snorted and said, "If you had told me earlier that you got first-class merit this time, I would have come over to take a look. You didn't even ask your father and me to come and watch the ceremony."

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment and said: "It's mainly other people. It seems that I didn't ask my parents to come and see..."

Jiang Fuzhen: "That's because other people's parents are too old, but your dad and I are still young."

"It seems to make sense. I didn't think about it clearly." Jiang Yuan didn't hesitate and said instead: "Okay next time, next time I get first-class merit, I will call you to come over and take a look:"

"That's pretty much it." Jiang Fuzhen muttered.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Qiang's voice came over, "Don't let other people listen to what you two father and son said. Those who don't know will think you are bragging, and those who know will be pissed to death."

Both father and son laughed out loud.

Jiang Yuan started the car and drove back to the newly bought small house in less than a quarter of an hour.

When I got downstairs, I saw a small box truck parked at the door. Uncle Qiang and Jiang Fuzhen were watching advertisements in the agency store downstairs.

Perhaps because he was driving a van, the agent didn't come out to ask Jiang Fu Zhenle to look around for a while. When he saw Jiang Yuan, he said: "I just thought your house is so small. Do you want to prepare a special dish for you?" Cellar or something like that, forget it, we’ll talk about it later, I’ll get you a cow, a sheep, and some chickens, ducks, and geese, and I’ll invite my colleagues and friends over for a meal later…”

When Jiang Yuan heard what his father said seriously, he knew that he was not joking. He quickly went to the back of the pickup truck and saw that there really was a cow with exposed flesh, a sheep with no clothes on, and chickens, ducks and geese with their buttocks exposed. .

"This... okay," Jiang Yuan had long been familiar with his father's style. After thinking about it, he said, "Then let's have a dinner party tomorrow."

"Hello tomorrow, I can still help you a little bit. You don't have to go to work tomorrow?"

"Nowadays, team building must be done during working hours, otherwise you will be scolded."

"Oh, do you have a big pot?" Jiang Fuzhen asked again.

Jiang Yuan shook his head: "I don't cook much either."

"Well, there's nothing we can do if we don't have a big pot. I'll make a call." Jiang

As he spoke, Fuzhen took out his mobile phone and waited for the connection to be connected, then said: "Chef Guo, you guys can come on a business trip tomorrow; yes... I'm at my son's side, Changyang City. Well, you guys can come and watch, Qi Ba It's enough for me...

Jiang Yuan then also called Wang Chuanxing and informed him: "I will invite everyone to come to my team building tomorrow when I go to work. I will send you the address later."


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