National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 321 Don’t be cold

After making an appointment for team building at home, Jiang Yuan started to make preparations.

The first thing is to go to the suburban warehouse where the crime occurred to conduct an on-site investigation. Yes, Jiang Yuan's preparations were not based on food, drinks and other items, but based on the spiritual connections of the team members.

For company team building, they still need to play a werewolf or a killing game. For police team building, even if there is no murderer dancing in the street, there still has to be a murder case to go with it.

Jiang Yuan took Qiang Nan straight to the Modern Pharmaceutical Industrial Park on the outskirts of the city and found the warehouse where the arson was committed.

After 8 years, the warehouse has been renovated and belongs to another logistics company.

There are not many goods in the warehouse. The view inside the warehouse is basically clear. There are about forty or fifty employees. Jiang Yuan showed his ID and explained the purpose of his visit to the warehouse manager. The latter expressed surprise: "People have died here. ?"

Jiang Yuan didn't expect to receive this question first, so he thought about it and said, "People have died in many places. Don't think too much about it."

"We often work early in the morning here. Hey, if you say that, how can we work overtime at night in the future? Ah." The manager looked very unhappy.

""Actually, it's nothing. In such a large area of ​​​​the warehouse here, only two people died. For example, Huazhi Road next to the industrial park used to be full of mass graves. When the People's Republic of China was first founded, bandits came in and killed people. Records of dozens of households... "When Jiang Yuan was studying, there was a teacher who liked to tell allusions from various places in Shannan Province, and of course they were all about dead people.

The warehouse manager gained new knowledge and did not smile at all. He only said: "I live at No. 350, Huazhu Road. The rent of the houses nearby is the lowest..."

At the end of the story, the warehouse manager also woke up and his expression began to flatten.

Jiang Yuan and Qiang Yi looked at each other and said, "Actually, it's nothing, it all happened more than half a century ago.

"Look at the warehouse." The manager didn't want to say anything to them anymore. He found a corner to sit down where the surveillance cameras couldn't capture, took out his cell phone, and started searching silently.

Jiang Yuan sighed, don't enter your home address in the search engine followed by suffixes such as dead person, murder case, or corpse. The older the city, the older the place name, the less suitable it is.

Just like what Jiang Yuan and Uncle Qiang said, after decades of age, how can one not die?

Sure enough, the manager quickly fell into severe irritability, moderate erection, and mild fear.

The place where mass graves were once built was naturally on the edge of the city. Even after so many years of development, the level of prosperity is still very low. In the dead of night... isn't it normal for someone to die?

Taking advantage of the manager's restart, Jiang Yuan quickly walked through the warehouse with Uncle Qiang, taking pictures where they should be photographed, recording where they should be recorded, and showing his ID when someone came to ask.

The warehouse has been rebuilt and there are no traces of fire. But the basic structure remains unchanged. The renovation is just to build it up again on the basis of the original foundation.

Jiang Yuan himself actually didn't know what he wanted to see, but he still looked at it carefully and took pictures.

This is how solving a case is, and you don't know what clues you really need. Only when you have walked the road you should take and seen the scenery you should see, you will know that you have reached the end after reaching the end.

After leaving the warehouse, making another circuit and returning to the parking lot, Jiang Yuan first got in the car and sat behind the wheel, then he heard the strong man shouting.

Jiang Yuan quickly got out of the car and saw Uncle Qiang pointing at the right rear wheel of the car and said, "The tire was punctured."

The scene of Liu Jinghui's car accident immediately appeared in Jiang Yuan's mind. Almost subconsciously, Jiang Yuan took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and then turned around.

There was nothing unusual, but Jiang Yuan still turned around twice more before reaching the back of the car.

Just as Uncle Qiang described, the right tire was punctured; the tire was still hard, but it was not sure how far it could be driven.

"It seems useless." Jiang Yuan looked at the tires and asked hesitantly.

"Well, we don't have any big problems driving in the city. We can drive back and repair the tire." Uncle Qiang said.

Jiang Yuan shook his head: "Just don't move. Just call the Criminal Division Center for a checkup."

As Jiang Yuan spoke, he called Wan Baoming and asked the latter to send a trace inspection.

Tires can also be considered criminal technicians

The focus of research is that at a level of around lv2, a lot of things can already be seen.

Jiang Yuan and Qiang Xiao had been waiting for the helpers to complete their inspection work, and then left together in the car.

Before noon, members of the backlog team arrived at Jiang Yuan's house one after another.

When Wang Chuanxing entered, he couldn't help but shout: "I'll go, Captain Jiang, you have such a big house?"

He had just graduated a few years ago and was at the age where he wanted to look at and buy a house. When he saw the living room of Jiang Yuan's house, he was amazed.

Shen Yaowei, who has been to Ningtai County, showed a wise smile and said: "I'm afraid you have a little misunderstanding of the people in Jiangcun."

Wang Chuanxing sighed: "I can't even afford the down payment for this living room...

Tang Jia made tea for everyone and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter. If you calculate the monthly loan repayments, you will feel that it is quite good to have no down payment."

Shen Yaowei laughed without sympathy and said: "First-class merit is not a reward of 20,000 yuan. If you can get dozens more times, you will have a down payment, and you will be guaranteed to get a second-class prize every month from now on." If you don’t have merit and so on, then there will be no problem in buying a house.”

Wang Chuanxing also laughed: "It's really pleasant to say that."

Jiang Yuan saw that everyone had arrived, so he came over and turned on the newly purchased projector and said, "The theme of our team building today is this warehouse murder and arson case."

As he spoke, a photo of a burned corpse appeared on the projection cloth.

A human body almost as big as a real person: presented in front of everyone in a charred state.

Wang Chuanxing just picked up a blood orange, took a look at it, and then silently put it back.

"Was it so exciting from the beginning?" Tang Jiaxiao glanced at Jiang Yuan.

"This case involves Jianyuan Pharmaceutical. We will start the investigation first. If there are any clues, we will carry out the investigation with great fanfare." As Jiang Yuan spoke, he began to change the photos and said: "You're welcome, you can eat whatever you like. Later there will be barbecue and boiled meat, which my dad cooked himself."

While he was talking, Qiang Yong served up a beautiful plate of large skewers of roasted lamb.

On the projection screen, there was a different picture, but it was still a very exciting type.

Uncle Qiang took a look, put down the mutton, and said, "Nowadays, this is what young people do when they hold parties?"

Tang Jia looked at him in surprise: "Uncle, are you not afraid?"

"The meat will look the same when it's cooked. What's there to be afraid of? Let's eat it while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold." Uncle Qiang greeted everyone warmly.

At least half of Jiang Yuan's 18 team members have physical discomfort.

However, Jiang Yuan was very satisfied when no one vomited it out. At least it showed that he was not a complete novice.

"This case, where to start?" Shen Yaowei asked. His cousin Shen Yaoguo couldn't handle this case. Psychologically, Shen Huiwei actually wanted to see the gap between his cousin and Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan glanced at him and said: "I haven't thought about it yet. In fact, someone asked me to take a look at this case. In short, let's study it first and see if it can be done."

This is also true. For Jiang Yuan, he really has no "hands" on this case.

However, Jiang Yuan has just received a first-class merit medal, and he can use a high-level skill. If it is purely targeted at this case, it will be equivalent to providing a targeted and powerful weapon.

As for how the case should really proceed, Jiang Yuan really has no idea.

Anyway, they are all backlogged, and the scenes that can be seen have been seen. The rest are actually photos and evidence.

Fortunately, Shnengguo's work in this area was still relatively solid. All the photos that should be taken were taken, the angles that should be found, and the physical evidence that should be reflected were also reflected.

Jiang Yuan found a comfortable position and changed photos one by one.

A group of criminal policemen were sitting in the living room, eating barbecue and fruits, looking at the corpse and the arson scene.

A visual feast, it’s all there.

"Here comes the roast goose!" A chef came out with the roast goose on a chopping board without waiting for a moment, preparing to tear the goose down on the spot.

Jiang Yuan pressed the arrow keys, and the photo on the projection screen changed to a more disgusting one.

The chef looked at the projection screen, then looked down at the roast goose

Fu Duan smelled the unique aroma of roast goose and said involuntarily: "Wait a moment, I will come over in a moment."

If he said so, he put down the roasted goose and ran away.

Jiang Yuan looked at the chef's back and said, "She probably won't come back."

Shen Yaowei: "We will not be regarded as a perverted organization and then call the police."

Wang Chuanxing: "Tear the roast goose apart and eat it. Don't let it get cold."


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