National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 352: Anti-trafficking

Xinming Township.

Its characteristic is that it is located on the edge of the provincial border. Whether it is good or bad, it is basically destined that its development tone is centered around the life at the junction of the two provinces.

Li Huaqiang's grandmother's family is from Xinming Township, so since he was released from prison last time, he rented a yard in Xinming Township, bought a few beds, and set up a youth hostel to receive tourists who came along the highway. Backpacker.

He has run around outside and knows that some young people prefer to go to the countryside instead of living in big cities. As long as the name is more fashionable and the price is reduced to twenty or thirty for a bed, there will always be people willing to come.

At the beginning, Li Huaqiang wanted to imitate the black shops in Water Margin and sell single guests staying in the hotel at a good price in the future.

Later, he did sell a few. After getting the money, Li Huaqiang began to cherish this den.

The risk of directly grabbing people to sell is still relatively high. If you only do intermediary work for peers, not only will the risk become smaller, but the income will also be more stable.

The transformation was a huge success.

Today's trafficking gangs have become a labor-intensive industry. Not only is the cost of staying in a normal hotel high, but it also requires troublesome things such as ID cards. It is not very convenient to bring the kidnapped object with you. Therefore, everyone will look for some special places to stay.

Li Huaqiang's Xinming Township Youth Hostel has become one of the long links in the abduction and trafficking of women and children. He has made money, his "colleagues" have gained convenience, and there have been more business activities in the township. It is a real win. .

When Li Huaqiang got rich, he even opened a small bar in Yanwai.

He usually sits at the door of the bar, drinking with a bottle of beer. Occasionally he uses his mobile phone to bypass the wall and check the news about Telegra. If a stupid customer comes over, he will chat with him and evaluate the cost and method of abducting the other party. .

If a small team comes to stay, Li Huaqiang will be busy. He entertains the members of these small teams with wine in the tavern, and while earning some room and board expenses, he also picks out good people and decisively buys one or two, which he can then resell or sell elsewhere.

Today is a busy day. The small team that just arrived are resting in the yard. Although it is not time to celebrate, some people can't help but start drinking. It's just because the leader is strict and they don't dare to have sex.

In Li Huaqiang's impression, a small team of this size is quite good if it can be managed to this extent. No wonder they can run rough and run. There are some stragglers who just got out of prison and took the train to escape. The unlucky ones were caught by the police.

For a time, the police on the railway specialized in catching fugitives, and some even received first-class merit for this, which was simply outrageous.

"Boss, your cell phone is ringing." The bartender and temporary caretaker of the business department inside shouted.

Li Huaqiang said "Yes", drank the remaining quarter of the beer in one gulp, and went to answer the phone with unsteady steps. "Hey." Li Huaqiang shouted.

On the other end of the phone, there was only gasping.

Li Huaqiang frowned: "Hello?"

"Boss, there is a police car." The voice on the other end of the phone was soft.

Li Huaqiang was stunned. Only then did he look at the name on the phone and realized that it was his spy at the entrance of the village.

He learned this habit in prison. After coming back, he followed suit and found a gangster in the village. He played with women a few times and asked him to pay attention to the passing vehicles at home and report any incidents.

Li Huaqiang did not expect that this arrangement would actually be used.

But at this time, he was even more worried about what to do next?

Run away?

Just give up the foundation of Xinming Village? At worst, grab a few wealthy households in the village?

But he was drunk just now, and now he is driving under the influence.

"How many cars?" Li Huaqiang asked in a low voice. Maybe he's not here to catch himself.

The other end of the phone replied in the same low voice: "At least 10 cars."

Li Huaqiang became nervous and then started to sweat.

This was no joke. He said "yes", put down the phone, and walked home.

He had a carry-on suitcase that he could just grab and leave, but he didn't know if it was too late yet.


The siren suddenly sounded.

A police car was heard directly in front of Li Huaqiang.

"Stop, the police are handling the case, don't move." The policeman who got off the car trotted forward, pulled Li Huaqiang aside, and let him stand against the wall.

Li Huaqiang couldn't help but recall the prison's past in his mind. While nervous, he stood obediently by the wall.

The past two years of life made him feel like he had changed, but at this moment, the memories he thought he had disappeared seemed to have been found again.

One, two, three.

Several police cars stopped on the roadside one after another. The police officers who got out of the car looked at Li Huaqiang at most and went straight to his yard.

Li Huaqiang knew that his secret was exposed, so he lowered his head and walked hard out of the village.

At this time, there is no need to think about the suitcase. Even if you don't bring anything, it is better than going back to prison.

"Comrade, please wait a moment." An older policeman stopped Li Huaqiang and asked slowly, "Are you a local?"

"So." Li Huaqiang whispered.

"So? How?"

"My grandma is from here."

"Oh, did you bring your ID card? Let me take a look."

"No," Li Huaqiang's heartbeat quickened, and he was ready to run away. He could even guess what the police said next, and he would definitely be looking at his face.

Nowadays, the software installed in the police's mobile phone can display the ID card and basic information after taking a photo of the face. As Li Huaqiang is a prisoner released from prison, he will definitely be reminded.

Li Huaqiang planned to deliberately change his position when taking pictures, then turn around and run away.

He looked left and right, secretly plotting the direction of his famous escape.


Another police car stopped in front of me.

The police cars in front were already full, and the policemen who got out of the cars behind them could only look ahead with melancholy, and then hurried past.

"Wait a minute." The old detective grabbed a passing policeman. The latter looked over in confusion.

"You young people, please help me check this guy's face using your familiar police skills." As the old detective spoke, he put away his cell phone, stood two steps to the side, and put his hands on his waist.

Only then did Li Huaqiang notice that the old detective was armed with a gun.

The latter was obviously afraid that he would grab the gun, so he backed away.

Li Huaqiang said in his heart, I grabbed the gun only if I didn't want my life.

Turning his head, Li Huaqiang looked at the new policeman resignedly.

The policeman took out his mobile phone, opened Police Messenger, operated it twice, and then took a photo of Li Huaqiang, and then his eyes widened after realizing it.

"What's your name?" the policeman asked sharply.

"Li Huaqiang."

"When did you get out of prison?"

"Three years ago." Li Huaqiang took a look and saw that the script was all based on what he wanted. But when he looked at the old policeman with a gun a few steps away and the people in the car next to him, he was helpless.

"Why did you commit the crime?"

"Abducting women and children." Li Huaqiang didn't even cover up.

The policeman opposite had a serious look on his face. At this time, everyone could guess that this guy was definitely involved in the case.

"Put your hands up and don't move." The police here immediately started to search you.

"This person is not even on the drawing." Another policeman took the photos from the car and checked them with Li Huaqiang one by one.

Li Huaqiang couldn't help but notice that the photos were all the guests he had accepted in the past two days.

Sure enough, there is no one who doesn’t get wet shoes when walking along the river.

However, this group of people is really inferior, and all of them have their faces left behind.

Li Huaqiang shook his head secretly, knowing that he couldn't escape. He couldn't help but think of the gangsters he arranged to go to the entrance of the village and the bartender at the bar.


government. "Li Huaqiang suddenly shouted.

"Tell me." the policeman asked in a deep voice.

"I reported it because I wanted to make meritorious deeds." Li Huaqiang sold his two men without hesitation. At this time, they only had so little value left.

Youth Hotel.

Groups of policemen rushed in, fully armed, and their resistance was as weak as fresh free-range chickens resisting a sharp knife. At most, they only spilled a little blood on the ground.

But two real guests woke up from their sleep, hugged their backpacks, and shouted to the police who rushed in: "How could you just come in like this?"

Few people paid attention to them, especially the police in the task force. All their attention was focused on finding the child.

Of the four children, the earliest one was lost was more than a week ago. If they were resold, it would be very difficult to find them again.

Several people went from house to house looking for children and calling softly.

Soon, children from several houses were gathered.

One, two, three...

Four, five, six...

"Nine children in total."

The final quantity was determined only after members of the task force met.

There were 5 more abducted children.


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