National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 353 Ending

When Jiang Yuan arrived at the scene, there was already a circle of people outside the cordon.

There were villagers watching the fun, passers-by who didn't mind it, and parents crying and crying.

"Police officer, police officer, help us see if my child is inside?" A tricycle stopped at the intersection, and a couple rushed over, holding photos of their children in their hands.

The person who was grabbed was the policeman on guard duty. In fact, this was not the first time he encountered this situation. He glanced at the photo in embarrassment and whispered something.

The two people immediately hugged each other and started crying.

Jiang Yuan and the police officers accompanying him pretended not to see it. Logically speaking, the disclosure of case information is not allowed for unclosed cases. To disclose information to the outside world, high-level leadership must approve it. Therefore, the police still remain silent on some cases that have attracted a lot of public attention.

However, grassroots work has never been carried out by relying on rules and regulations, and technicians such as Jiang Yuan are not qualified to teach others how to do things.

Jiang Yuan entered the youth hostel with his head down.

There's an old-fashioned smell of humanity coming across, a bit like a boys' dormitory.

Everyone probably didn't like the smell, so they gathered in the middle of the yard to talk, hold meetings, and issue orders. In fact, this is also the essence of the youth hostel. On weekdays, Li Huaqiang is also here to observe foreign teams and backpackers.

Occasionally, the reality of the team and the ideals of the backpackers collide, and Li Huaqiang will gain one or two extra incomes.

Of course, they have gone to live in the detention center now, and it will probably be difficult for them to be on the front line next time they come out.

"Expert Jiang," Gao Changjiang breathed hot air through his nose and was a little excited.

The case has basically been solved, at least most of it. As for the five extra children, although it has made the case more complicated, Gao Changjiang is not too afraid. After all, such a difficult case has been solved, so just follow the clues. What?

Of course, it also depends on who touches the melon. People who follow the awesome ones are the big melons, and those who follow the SB are the ones who are the ones doing the wrong thing.

Jiang Yuan looked around, then confirmed the information and said, "I heard there are five more children?"

"Yes, two of them were stolen by them here. The other three were bought by another group of people from the previous two cities. The local police also came over." Gao Changjiang nodded. , said: "These people are reselling children now and making a profit from the difference."

"How to make money?"

“Those who are eager to sell, or those who have no channels, will sell their children for 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. People like them can sell them for 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, or they can bring in 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. They can even store them for a few days until someone comes. If you offer a high price, sell it for 40,000 to 50,000 yuan." Gao Changjiang frowned and said, "If they have a place to hide and channels to sell, they can make money."

“You mean a lot of people were involved?”


"A child sells for 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. Calculated at 50,000 yuan, there are 9 children here, worth 450,000 yuan?" Jiang Yuan suddenly began to settle accounts.

Gao Changjiang didn't know why, so he said: "If we calculate it by product, the average is only 40,000 yuan, and the maximum is 350,000 yuan."

"There are more than 30 participants. On average, each person can't even get a share of 10,000 yuan." Jiang Yuan continued to calculate the accounts, saying: "It means that they have to do several cases like this a year, and each person sells to four or five people on average. How can I keep up with the income from part-time work? "...

"Yes." Gao Changjiang responded solemnly. If you want to settle accounts, this is actually the method of settling accounts.

For this kind of chain gang, even if the final selling price of a child is 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, or even 170,000 to 170,000 yuan, the average profit of each link of the participants is about 10,000 yuan.

This means that professional child trafficking criminals must commit at least multiple crimes every year on average to be meaningful and not earn less than working odd jobs.

Gao Changjiang shook his head and said: "We have now found out a few clues and are ready to follow them. Expert Jiang, what is your plan?"

Now he was too embarrassed to give orders directly and let Jiang Yuan be free.

Anyway, as long as the case can be solved, how to assign tasks is not that important.

Gao Changjiang is willing to delegate power, and Jiang Yuan only feels relaxed. For him, there are too many solutions to solve the case, especially now that there is so much evidence and a lot of witnesses. Jiang Yuan thought for a while and said: "I'll start with Browse the scene, and then watch it again."

Interrogations were not his thing, crime scene investigation was well within his range. The earlier the on-site investigation is done, the better, and other clues can be followed slowly later. The other is the process of Jiang Yuan's on-site investigation, which is the process of locking in evidence.

It is difficult to expect members of such a criminal gang to admit their guilt. If you want to pursue a long sentence for a serious crime, the evidence must be very solid.

Jiang Yuan called two people over to accompany him and began to wipe the marks in the youth hostel.

In such a large space and an environment where people often change their lives, it is actually not easy to erase useful traces. Jiang Yuan was extremely careful.

At the same time, he did not forget to make use of Expert Liu in front of him - as an expert in crime scene reconstruction, he still had considerable insights into analyzing location movements, etc.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, when Jiang Yuan went to rest, Wu Xia compared his fingerprints one by one.

By noon, the DNA laboratory began to issue reports one after another.

At this time, information about many people who had been released from prison emerged. At the same time, the DNA and fingerprints of many missing people were compared.

Indeed, the traces in the youth hostel are very complicated. In theory, there are too many to be used.

However, for someone who left traces of a black shop in this youth hostel, the ratio of abducted people to those released from prison is surprisingly high.

When the answers were compiled, many police officers, including Gao Changjiang, fell silent.

"This place has become a traffic stop for abducted persons." Gao Changjiang's tone was gloomy, and there was no longer any pleasure of breaking through the case.

Cases of abduction and trafficking of women and children are very different from ordinary criminal crimes in that the crime is always ongoing.

Although murder is horrific, death occurs within a short period of time. In cases such as robbery, arson or theft, or even rape of a woman, there is a limit to the amount of time the crime can take.

Trafficking cases are different. Unless the case is detected or the victim dies, the abducted person is always in a state of being violated, in pain and helplessness.

This makes the investigation of the case extremely heavy and serious.

Gao Changjiang went back home and stayed for a few hours. After returning to the police station, he began to organize his troops and prepare to set off.

This kind of case listed by the ministry can be closed quickly, or it can be pursued very deeply. Gao Yangjiang is obviously prepared to choose the latter method.

More than a hundred criminal policemen were divided into six groups and began to hunt down the prisoners who were released from prison.

Victims are hard to find, but perpetrators often do not hide. Because the purpose of their violence and crimes is often for a better social life and enjoyment, not the other way around.

Jiang Yuan stayed in the police station, constantly checking people and cases.

Children and women who have been trafficked are constantly being rescued.

Jiang Yuan stayed until the end of the year before quietly returning to Ningtai County.

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