National Forensic Doctor

The breadwinner of the family takes time off.

"Human traffickers have always been mostly recidivists. Gao Changjiang frowned and answered Jiang Yuan's words, saying: "We have also screened all the human traffickers who have been released from prison recently. There are more than a dozen police officers doing this. not found. "

Jiang Yuan straightened his back and wanted to continue talking.

Gao Changjiang felt that Jiang Yuan didn't know enough about the case, so he pretended not to see it and continued: "Judging from the existing scene, the murderer left very few traces. Because of this, we asked the ministries and commissions to invite experts Come to assist..."

Several experts present looked at the files and did not speak immediately.

Gao Changjiang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Although there are very few traces, the support given to us by our superiors is extremely high. As long as there are some clues, we can trace it..."

"Gao Bureau, we have tried our best to screen out valuable clues since yesterday. Until now, it is difficult to screen out reasonable clues." The expert sitting opposite Jiang Yuan gave Gao Changjiang a thumbs up. Went back.

There is a huge difference between cases. In some cases, the criminals do not know what to do and do not pay attention. There are clues everywhere. The main job of the criminal police or experts is to find the easiest clue and catch the person by the way. , we can complete the chain of evidence.

But in some cases, the criminals really pay attention. If there is a little chance or luck, there will be very few clues left.

In this case, it becomes very important to choose the direction of investigation. Some investigation directions can catch people at the time, but some investigation directions miss the person, and it will be useless to find them later.

Cases like missing children are already very difficult when encountering the second situation.

Assume that one or more criminals use relatively secretive methods to take away children in an unmonitored place. As long as they are not stopped by anyone during this period, there will be almost no traces left.

Especially in a place like a vegetable market, where people come and go, leaving traces of footprints or fingerprints, it can only be described as a mess. Gao Changjiang had previously wanted to use the crowd tactic, which was to try to screen out ex-convicts from the vast number of fingerprints.

His idea is actually good, but nowadays, fingerprint comparison is not that fast. Maybe it will be better with the application of AI technology in the future, but for now, it is still impossible to process hundreds of thousands of fingerprints. of.

The most likely and most appropriate method is to monitor the comings and goings. The problem is that now even the actual comings and goings of the criminals cannot be found.

The clearest and most reliable clues that the police have are when and where the child was lost. Other than that, there is almost no definite consultation.

You don’t need a bunch of uncertainties to infer a certainty, it’s too difficult.

"I know that the case is very difficult, but we can't just wait." Gao Changjiang persuaded everyone with unsophisticated tactics, saying: "I suggest that we cooperate with Professor Liu to reconstruct the crime scene and do some research on the case at the same time. A new combing, looking for any other clues..."

Professor Liu frowned when his name was called, but he did not object.

Other experts also had similar expressions.

As technology goes deeper, the certainty becomes less and less. Making the impossible possible is the daily life of every expert present. If not, how could he be listed on the list of ministries and commissions?

Although the difficulty still exists, everyone does have the confidence to break through forcefully.

Jiang Yuan had no choice but to follow the others to the Erma Lane vegetable market where the incident occurred. "

Gao Changjiang has actually blocked the vegetable market.

Therefore, he said that the search would start tomorrow morning, and the actual work had already been done in advance.

Expert Liu walked around the vegetable market twice to see the scene.

Jiang Yuan also followed.

Crime scene reconstruction is a must-learn for every student majoring in criminal science. As for whether you can learn it well or not, you don't have to worry so much. Just refer to advanced mathematics and discrete functions for the same skills.

Expert Liu took a notebook and pen and drew while reading. Occasionally say a few words, and the assistant next to him will take shorthand.

Jiang Yuan also has a little bit of the ability to reconstruct crime scenes through bloodstain analysis, but looking at such an unpopular scene, he would be at level 5 without showing any signs of cowardice, so he just followed it without saying a word.

Jiang Yuan's LV4 crime scene investigation, which he had mastered early on, can still be used to its advantage in such an environment.

Theoretically, if the scene where the last child disappeared could be found, Jiang Yuan would at least have the ability to isolate most of the DNA from the scene, and there was a high probability that it would include human traffickers.

However, comparison is still a big problem. Considering that a large number of fingerprints at the scene have already been compared, the significance of another wave of DNA scans is not that great. If the criminal wore gloves or the like, the chance of leaving DNA behind would be low.


Another ultra-bright dysprosium lamp was turned on. This kind of lighting equipment is often used on construction sites. It can illuminate an area of ​​1,000 square meters when hung at a high place. Multiple lamps are hung in a row, so that the brightness in the market is not lower than during the day.

This helps look for fingerprints and small physical evidence, if any.

"How's it going?" Gao Changjiang also hadn't slept for 30 hours, and his eyes were drowsy.

Expert Liu shook his head: "When the criminal took the child away, he didn't do anything too drastic. It was probably abduction or something like that. Most likely it was in the direction of the flow of people. Among the several doors here, I think the west door is It’s more likely…”

Gao Changjiang was quite disappointed when he heard this. If it was just to this extent, he could also say a lot, but of course, he would say it more casually.

"We can't wait any longer for the criminal to commit the crime!" Gao Changjiang cursed angrily in displeasure.

Many cases end up like this. Because the murderer could not be found in the previous case, we could only wait to see the subsequent cases.

If the criminal stops for some reason, the case will basically collapse.

"Let's look for old cases." Jiang Yuan took a look at the food market, which was the most important scene, and only confirmed his ideas.

Gao Changjiang had no other choice. He could only turn to Jiang Yuan and said, "We haven't found a suitable old case yet."

"It doesn't have to be in this province. He always needs practice to reach his current maturity. There is also a way to sell it. If there is no way to take action, there is no need to abduct four children at once." Jiang Yuan has done this now With more cases, we have a better understanding of the level of criminals.

Gao Changjiang pondered for a moment and said, "Then by what means can we find these old cases?"

It's not that he couldn't hear Jiang Yuan's suggestions, but Jiang Yuan's suggestions were obviously far away from his reconnaissance range.

Jiang Yuan was actually not sure, but after solving so many cases, his confidence had already risen, and he said naturally: "First sort out these cases, and then look for similarities."

The workload of this job is naturally not small, but Gao Changjiang has no shortage of people now.

He just said with some regret: "I originally hoped to use technical means to quickly solve the case."

"Everyone's skills will definitely be used in the process of sorting out the case." Jiang Yuan said something. Anyway, he was in a strange city in the next province. He was neither working under Gao Changjiang nor sold to Gao Changjiang. He was confident. All eight points.

Gao Changjiang looked at the other experts and saw that they had no objections. He simply nodded and said, "Then go back and sort out the case. What do you need?"

"Find some experienced police officers to find out all the disappearances and abduction cases in this province and surrounding areas in the past two years." Jiang Yuan felt like he had taken over the investigation.

This is also a bit of a habit. He had a high status when he was in Ning County. After he was sold to Changyang City, he had a separate dedicated team to work on backlogs, and basically formed the habit of commanding and giving orders.

In contrast, although other experts have been famous for a long time, due to their single technology and technical advantages that have only been accumulated for many years, they prefer to provide technical support rather than command and investigate.

Gao Changjiang hesitated for a moment, but still did as Jiang Yuan said. It was originally a newly determined investigation plan, plus the names of experts assigned by ministries and commissions - although he was the director of the municipal bureau, Gao Changjiang had not actually done many cases listed by ministries and commissions.

So, everyone turned around again, allocating manpower at the same time, and began to screen cases at night.

The eight people brought by Jiang Yuan became more familiar with this model, and began to help each other, as if they formed a group, commanded by Jiang Yuan.

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