National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 361 Let’s talk first

The murderer may have left footprints in the yard, but judging from the photos, the traces in the yard were too messy. The villagers and officials who came in later basically destroyed the scene in the yard. If you want to do analysis, you have to go to the scene again to see if you can extract anything useful.

There were no signs of damage or prying on the doors or windows. However, one has to go to the scene to determine the details. However, judging from the fight scene between the criminal and the male host in the living room, the criminal most likely entered through the door.

The murderer entered, threatened, and the male owner resisted, was beaten, and then put into the elderly room downstairs. The whole process should be relatively fast, which can be seen from the blood drops on the ground.

Judging from the victim's own bloody footprints, after his head was broken, he staggered and tried to run away, maybe even wanted to shout, but then he was injured again. The second blow should have been a blunt instrument, a hammer. swipe. The speed should be very fast. Judging from the blood stains thrown off the wall, the murderer was relatively tall, over 1.8 meters tall, heavy, and very skilled with a hammer.

Judging from the position of the blow, except for the male host downstairs, the murderer basically went to the head. The murder was very decisive. It was not an act of being forced to kill. It should have been premeditated. The little baby who survived probably stayed because he thought there was no threat.

But judging from subsequent actions such as rummaging through drawers, making money should be the ultimate goal.

There were no valuable fingerprints at the scene, DNA from defensive injuries failed to match, and there were very few footprints left. The degree of mutilation was high, indicating that the murderer was experienced.

Jiang Yuan gave out a string of information in minutes, and Tang Jia beside him quickly recorded it without anyone having to say anything.

Jiang Yuan rummaged through the evidence based on bloodstain analysis, footprints, and on-site investigation skills, and Liu Jinghui's thoughts gradually became clear.

After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, Liu Jinghui simply stood up and said from the beginning: The door on the outermost wall of the victim might not be closed, allowing the murderer to enter directly. Maybe the door of the villa inside was not closed properly, so the two parties met in the middle of the living room.

However, the male owner of the house should not have expected to be killed at first, which shows that the other party is not an enemy or creditor with deep grudges.

The old lady, eldest son and hostess upstairs probably didn't hear the sound downstairs, at least not the sound of fighting. Because they were all killed by the intruding murderer in daily life.

Looking at it this way, it is possible that they did not intend to kill anyone at first because the male protagonist resisted and accidentally killed the male protagonist during the conflict, so they continued to kill the whole family? Of course, it's also possible that you had the intention to kill people and silence them, but you just didn't do it immediately when you first entered the door?

Liu Jinghui made inferences step by step, and together with Jiang Yuan, tried to describe the crime scene. However, simply looking at the photos, to this extent, is basically enough to analyze.

Tang Jia quickly filled up several pages.

Let me take a look. Liu Jinghui reached for it, looked at it again, and then marked out what Jiang Yuan said: "The murderer is relatively tall, over 1.8 meters tall, heavy, and very skilled with a hammer."

Liu Jinghui smiled and said: Send this paragraph to Chiyong City first, they should be interested.

kindness. Can. Jiang Yuan's section was done using LV5's bloodstain analysis and LV3's footprint learning. The analysis report obtained from this, even if it is done by experts from the ministries and commissions, is only as good as this, and the high probability may not be achieved. .

After all, there are so few experts who know how to analyze blood stains and have practical experience. It is difficult to maintain professional standards. Chiyong City probably wouldn't be able to borrow the occasional one or two.

For crime scene reconstruction, I think we can do it first, then go back to the scene and then continue. Although Liu Jinghui is a player who likes reasoning, he also needs the support of evidence or clues. He likes Jiang Yuan's crime scene reconstruction technology even more.

My favorite thing is to restore the original appearance of the case.

Chiyong City.

In the crowded office, there are only begonia flowers on the windowsill.

Still exuding the breath of life tenaciously. A dozen cigarette butts were piled in the pot of Begonia flower, like stars over the moon.

Yuan Bi faxed the file, sent out the photos, and helped Wang Chuanxing and others run through the process. Then he took a break, stood beside the Begonia lace, lit a cigarette, and smoked silently.

Since confirming Jiang Yuan's identity, Yuan Ben has become more attentive and tired.

Only those who work in criminal investigation feel that experts are rare, especially technical experts who can really help solve crimes. They are always an absolute rarity.

The number of experts in each province is very limited. There are only a few experts who can make a name for themselves in a province. If they are selected from across the country, they will be even more scarce.

Even though Chiyong's case seems to be very important, but let's talk about it, which one of the criminal cases is not important? An expert who focuses on a certain case may dive into it for weeks or months, while cases continue to occur across the country.

Yuan Bi has been very polite when he contacted technical experts from his own province recently, let alone from other provinces. Boom boom.

Wang Chuanxing knocked on the door of the big office, walked in and said with a smile: "Everyone is here." The policeman who heard the sound nodded to him and pointed to Yuan Bi's position.

Wang Chuanxing saw it himself, hurriedly walked over, took out a cigarette and handed it to Yuan Ben, saying: "Sorry to trouble you just now, we have almost completed the procedures here."

Just complete the procedures. Yuan Bi laughed.

Thanks to you, otherwise we would have been delayed for a long time. Just don't affect your handling of the case.

I'm just a little guy. The whole team's job is to kill the family, so today is none of my business. The director signs up and the detachment leader personally directs. I just have to obey. "Yuan Ben waved his hand.

In fact, one of his jobs was to find and contact experts from all walks of life. If he could contact Jiang Yuan through Wang Chuanxing and others, he would be very happy.

Thinking of this, Yuan Bi whispered: To be honest, there has been no progress in the case so far. Even if you want to employ people and send people out to investigate for clues, it is useless. Because there are no clues.

Yuan Bi spread his hands and said: "We just investigated the neighbors and visited the whole village, but it was useless."

Wang Chuanxing felt a little nostalgic, but also a little understanding. He couldn't help but smile and said: "I understand, we have been in this situation before." before?

After following Captain Jiang, this situation became less common. Wang Chuanxing smiled and said: Team Jiang usually screens the clues first and then sends people. The sea of ​​​​people is rarely involved.

Yuan Bi laughed twice and only believed Wang Chuanxing 30%. Occasionally there are one or two cases that may be easier to handle, but it is impossible to make most cases easy. Especially for backlogged murder cases, to be honest, no one is easy.

Just as he was talking, Wang Chuanxing's cell phone rang.

Wang Chuanxing answered the phone with a smile on his face and said: Captain Jiang gave an analysis. Sent a text message, please wait. What analysis? Yuan Bi was more curious at this time.

Then, Wang Chuanxing showed him the text message.

On the screen, a short sentence read: Based on the analysis of blood stains and footprints, one of the murderers is 1.8 meters tall, heavy, and proficient in using a hammer.

A few factors made Yuan Bi swallow his saliva.

Although it is still a very broad scope, this is already a very useful clue since the family murder case. Is this the profile of the murderer given by Team Jiang Yuanjiang? Yuan Bi asked.

Wang Chuanxing shook his head: Not counting profiling, you see Captain Jiang said that blood stain analysis should be based on blood drops on the wall.

Well, our technicians actually have similar analysis, but they are not very sure. Yuan Bi shook his head slightly.

One of the problems Chiyong's task force encountered was that the income information was too complicated and confusing to extract clues well.

Looking at Wang Chuanxing, Yuan Bi hesitated and said: If this is confirmed to be Captain Jiang's judgment, I will report it.

It was Captain Jiang who did it. You can report it and take a look. Wang Chuanxing responded.

Yuan Bi nodded, turned around and went to make a call.

After a while, Yuan Ben came back excitedly and said to Wang Chuanxing: Our detachment leader wants to have a chat with your team leader Jiang.

This is the phone number of our Huang Bureau. We can chat first. Wang Chuanxing also received authorization just now.

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