National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 362: Gradually surpassing the standard

Chiyong City.

The cold wind joins in, especially in a transparent station.

Yuan Bi looked at the political commissar of the detachment next to him and saw that he had put his hands into his sleeves. He couldn't help but said with concern: "Commissar Liu, please go inside and rest for a while. I will call you when the car arrives."

Not so squeamish. Political Commissar Liu was shaking and heating up, and said: When we were squatting on guard before, our clothes were not as good as now. We stayed in the woods for half a night, waiting for someone was nothing.

The time you mentioned before was when you were 30 years old.

20 years old. At that time, young people with some academic qualifications were promoted very quickly. By the time I was 30 years old, I was almost ready to become a captain. The political commissar smiled slightly, looked at Yuan Bi's epaulettes, and said: It's different from you.

Yuan Bi spread his hands: I understand that you are cold, but your words are also so cold and can easily chill people.

The political commissar laughed twice: It doesn't matter whether I get promoted or not. Look at me, I'm just a big investigator now, and I just come out to do receptions, right?

It depends on what you said

Yuan Bi couldn't admit this, so he racked his brains and said: At the very least, if you died for the country, your funeral expenses would be higher than mine.

The political commissar looked at Yuan Bi calmly: I think you want to receive funeral expenses.

The high-speed train slowly enters the station.

Through the glass door, Yuan Bi saw Jiang Yuan. He had seen the photo and quickly pointed it out to the political commissar.

The political commissar rubbed his hands and immediately greeted him.

Team Jiang, welcome to the Chiyong Municipal Committee. After finally warming up, he shook Jiang Yuan's hand after keeping it warm and introduced himself.

Political Commissar Liu. Jiang Yuan was polite. The political commissar of the detachment has a higher position than Huang Qiangmin. Although Bureau Huang has negotiated the price, he still needs to be given the respect he deserves.

Liu Jinghui stepped forward on his own initiative and shook hands with Political Commissar Liu.

I've reserved a private room at the hotel in front. Let's go and have a rest first, have something to eat, and then go back to the bureau? Political Commissar Liu suggested with a smile.

Jiang Yuan was a little too lazy to go and said: How about going directly to the crime scene?

You have to eat, not to mention that the team members are tired from traveling. Let’s eat something first and then go to the crime scene. There is still enough time.


Seeing that Jiang Yuan still wanted to refuse, Political Commissar Liu coughed twice and said: This is also arranged by your Huang Bureau.

Well? Jiang Yuan didn't even react.

Tang Jia whispered from the side that Huang Bureau seemed to have arrangements for meal prices and hotel standards. There should be some requirements for Chiyong.

Jiang Yuan was surprised and said: Are you starting to pay attention to life? It doesn't look like Team Huang's style.

It is not a province, and some resources may not be easy to arrange. On the other hand, I might be worried that we won’t be able to eat well or sleep well outside.

Jiang Yuanxin said, "You have never seen the meal standards and accommodation standards of the Criminal Police Brigade during the Yellow Team era."

However, he can also understand that Chiyong, who is located in another province, may not be able to meet some of Huang Qiangmin's requirements.

After all, they can't ask the province to build buildings in Ningtai County. If you cannot meet the requirements at work, you will naturally have to raise the requirements in life.

You can't let others work for nothing - Comrade Huang Qiangmin would most likely say this if he were here.

Several people talked and arrived at the restaurant in front.

However, the private room was well decorated and the dinner was really good. The Sexiang Hotel is not big and has no ostentation. It has all kinds of tastes and has certain local characteristics.

Political Commissar Liu himself was also humorous, telling jokes and jokes, but he didn't drink. Otherwise, it would have been an extremely harmonious and friendly meal.

Jiang Yuan was full, patted his belly, looked out the window, and said: It's a bit late, why not show the crime scene? I want to do an autopsy first.

If it is an active crime scene, it is natural to see it as early as possible, even if it is done at night. But at the current scene, most of Huayue's time has passed, and Jiang Yuan is more willing to

Let's wait until the weather gets better tomorrow to investigate more carefully.

In contrast, there is no need to choose an auspicious day for an autopsy.

Political Commissar Liu was eating a piece of sausage. He silently put down his chopsticks and said: "Of course there is no problem with the autopsy. Is it Captain Jiang who will do the autopsy yourself?"

He also knew that Jiang Yuan's job was as a forensic doctor. However, judging from Political Commissar Liu's 30 years of work experience, those who are particularly capable in one area will always compensate for some abilities in other areas, such as Jiang Yuan's. With such a strong criminal investigation ability and the tendency to solve backlogged cases at every turn, the level of forensic medicine may be worrying.

Therefore, Political Commissar Liu asked if Jiang Yuan had brought other forensic doctors.

Jiang Yuan just shook his head and said: I will do the autopsy myself. Please inform Political Commissar Liu. If possible, I would still like to dissect it.

An autopsy requires the body to be taken out of the ice coffin and thawed again, which normally requires a little advance time.

However, the re-anatomy proposed by Jiang Yuan was equivalent to a second autopsy by a forensic doctor, and this request was actually more difficult to achieve.

Political Commissar Liu still agreed without hesitation. In fact, this was all mentioned before coming here. The criminal investigation plan that Jiang Yuan wanted must be satisfied by Chiyong. Otherwise, it would be pointless to come here to investigate.

Furthermore, forensic autopsy is not an easy job. Jiang Yuan's willingness to do it actually shows his attitude. From this perspective, Political Commissar Liu would not object.

So, some people went back to the hotel to rest first, while others followed Jiang Yuan to the funeral home and started the autopsy on the spot.

The four corpses were released. Jiang Yuan first examined the body surface one by one, then thawed the corpses, and first looked at the pathological slices of the corpses.

Today's forensic autopsy requires wax blocks and pathological sections of corpse tissue. From four corpses, more than a hundred wax blocks and sections can be carefully observed under a microscope.

In the case of killing four corpses, all operations were as standardized as possible. Qiu Xing, the forensic doctor in Chiyong City, also has good skills. Jiang Yuan estimated that he has the appearance of a forensic pathology 5, which is considered very good among front-line forensic doctors. He was strong, and the autopsy reports, biopsies, etc. didn't have much of a problem.

Of course, if Jiang Yuan is asked to do the first autopsy, he will definitely be able to find more things, but it is not certain whether it will help solve the case.

That's it.

Jiang Yuan looked at the pathological slices first, then went back to look at the corpse, and thanked Qiu Huang, the medical examiner of Chiyong City.

Qiu Xing said nonchalantly: "I don't care if you are willing to look at the body all night. What do you think? We can do well."

fine. Jiang Yuan smiled.

Captain Jiang is a forensic doctor, so giving us some advice will help us improve our skills in the future. Qiu Xing had heard about Jiang Yuan's name. Although he didn't mean to show off, he was a little curious about Jiang Yuan's strength.

At this point, Jiang Yuan gave a gracious voice and said: If you want to talk about it, it might be better to do some serial slices for the heart and liver.

Slicing is a continuous action. The internal organs, brain and other tissues taken out during the first autopsy were put into a bucket containing formalin solution.

After these tissues are fixed, they will turn into a hard gray color. Then, the forensic doctor will take samples from regular parts as well as from suspected locations.

From this point on, the work begins to become more complicated, difficult and harsh.

First of all, the tissues and organs have been soaked in formalin, which is a formaldehyde aqueous solution with a concentration of 35% to 40%. If you just scoop out a spoon and pour it on the ground, the formaldehyde concentration in the entire house will exceed the standard.

Secondly, the subsequent steps of material extraction, dehydration, embedding, and slicing are more technical than the last.

Especially the slicing process is often so thin that there is only one layer of cells, and it will be damaged if you are not careful. Serial sectioning refers to cutting off multiple pieces of tissue continuously to show more details.

Qiu Xing also did serial sections, but the serial sections of the heart and liver were completely destroyed by him.

Since he wanted to ask, Jiang Yuan naturally brought it up and immediately asked the forensic doctor to


Of course, there is still a little bit of dissatisfaction.

At this time, Jiang Yuan was seen standing in front of the male master's body, already picking up the scalpel and starting the dissection.

Qiu Xing stood nearby, assisting and watching, and taking a look at Jiang Yuan's own operations. Jiang Yuan did not make any complicated movements. While operating, he muttered in a low voice that there were multiple superficial skin lesions on the head and face. The skin on the back of the neck was peeled off, and there were multiple skull fractures on the head.

Mu Zhiyang was recording quickly beside him.

Jiang Yuan also slowly described the condition of the corpse he saw.

Bilateral shoulder and neck

cervical vertebra


At first, Jiang Yuan followed the normal procedure, but soon, what Jiang Yuan said began to go beyond the rules.

The knife-wielding murderer was about 1.7 to 1.75 meters tall.


The third person, the one who tied the rope, should be Zuo Huanzi.

The murderer holding the hammer also has great leg strength...

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