National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 384 A new case is launched

Huang Qiangmin persuaded Chai Tong to leave.

The resource Jiang Yuan needs most is time. Can Chaitong give that? He is not related to the gods.

Of course, sufficient manpower can alleviate the pressure of lack of time, but Jiang Yuan's current manpower is actually sufficient. Chai Tong had just arrived, and he actually didn't know what resources he had, so he followed Huang Qiangmin with a smile and continued to inspect other offices.

The office staff who accompanied Chai Tong were also all smiles. After they entered the elevator alone, they whispered: "I thought the people in the county bureau were a little boastful before, but I didn't expect there are really capable people. Jiang Yuan has a backlog of cases." With the strength of the dedicated class, there is a lot of room for maneuver in the future.”

Chai Tong responded with "En En" and felt even more cheerful.

The elevator door opened. After a few seconds, the second elevator came over. A group of people formed an inspection formation again and slowly walked into the office of the Second Squadron.

The traditional, normal, somewhat dirty, messy, old, and inconspicuous criminal police office that conforms to the inherent label of the criminal police team was displayed in front of Chaitong and others.

"Well, the Second Criminal Police Squadron is also the backbone of our Criminal Police Brigade. In recent years, it has been responsible for many major cases. It is also our main force in murder cases." Huang Qiangmin euphemistically marked the history and history of the Second Criminal Police Squadron. The current situation, and the difference from Jiang Yuan’s special case backlog class.

In the past, the Second Squadron was the main detective force of the Ningtai County Criminal Police Brigade. Although the First Squadron was strong, Wu Junhao's thoughts and skills were not focused on solving crimes. If he was asked to do those crimes of passion cases, the First Squadron could handle them. Very good.

Especially when pure force is needed, Wu Junhao and his No. 1 Squadron are the absolute main force. For example, a mentally ill person kills someone on the street, someone's dog goes crazy, or a group of young scholars robs them. As long as a squadron takes action, there is nothing that cannot be taken down.

But cases that require a little twists and turns were within the range of the Second Squadron in the past. For example, a husband kills his wife and pretends to commit suicide, a wife colludes with her lover to chop up her husband and pretends to be a burglary, there are also cases where a real burglary is transformed into a rape of a woman, and there are also random robberies that are more difficult to detect, including cases of random rape of a woman. Liu Wenkai and his Second Squadron generally did a good job in such vicious cases.

But speaking of it, Wu Junhao and his No. 1 Squadron have strong LV2 attributes in terms of force value. After all, there are very few criminal police officers who can focus on physical suppression and like to take this path.

Relatively speaking, the overall investigation skills of Liu Wenkai and his second squadron are entry-level LV2. That's why Huang Qiangmin said that they are now the main force in murder cases. If we think about it in the past, it would be enough to say that we are the main force.

Chai Tong is not good at anything else. He is a high-level expert in listening and debating meaning. He only asked one more question: "Were the serious cases in recent years mainly handled by the Second Squadron?"

"Yes, mainly the Second Squadron is doing it, and other squadrons in the First Squadron will also do some." Huang Qiangmin said.

Chai Tong nodded. He clearly remembered Ningtai County's crime detection rate in the past few years. Based on this, he judged that the level of the Second Squadron was that of an ordinary county bureau.

Judging from the results, his judgment is also relatively accurate. This is completely different from judging Jiang Yuan's strength.

It's like the head teacher is transferred to a new class. He sees the average score of the class and then looks at the daily test papers of an ordinary student, and basically knows what level he is at. But if you see that a student's test paper is full marks and he seems to be first in the competition he participated in, then asking him to judge the results will not only be difficult, but also a little doubtful.

Chai Tong looked at Liu Wenkai and was a little disappointed.

The Jiang Yuan he just met was the type to win gold medals in provincial competitions. If he competes outside the province, he will still be very competitive. But Liu Wenkai was just an ordinary top student in a county school. Pretty good, without comparison.

If we have to rely on the Second Squadron to compete, it is impossible for Ningtai County to stand out.

"Next is the First Squadron." Huang Qiangmin had no intention of explaining for the Second Squadron. My level is limited, and I can’t even pretend.

The most conspicuous things in the office of the No. 1 Squadron are various dumbbells and several poles scattered horizontally and vertically. One-third of the police officers either hold handgrips,

Either carrying a barbell or squatting in front of the desk, the remaining two-thirds went out.

As soon as Chai Tong saw these guys running towards the Devil Muscular Man, he knew that their brains must have been refined a lot, and if they were enough to solve the case, there would be no surprises.

Then came the third squadron and the fourth squadron.

Looking along the way, Chai Tong's expression became lighter and lighter. Without emotion, there is no expression.

Finally seeing the police dog squadron, Chai Tong looked at Rottweiler and Da Zhuang and let out a long sigh. Chai Tong said to Huang Qiangmin: "It seems that we still have to rely on Jiang Yuan."

"Yes." Huang Qiangmin thought to himself, I knew it earlier. When you tell me, Director Guan won't be able to vacate his position.

"Jiangyuan's special case backlog class, this reputation is still very useful. It can be our Ningtai County's signature. Then, let's sort out a few more cases and see what resources Jiangyuan needs." Chai Tong thought, While talking.

Huang Qiangmin waited for him to finish and said, "In terms of cases, in Ningtai County, we actually have no cases anymore." "Really? I thought you were using a way of expressing it." Chai Tong was a little confused.

Huang Qiangmin said: "After the new century, the backlog of murder cases has been cleared, and almost all serious cases have been cleared. We can't really commit theft."

Chai Tongtong: "Although the theft is small, mosquitoes are still meat."

Huang Qiangmin: "On the combat power ranking list, there are backlog of murder cases. Each detection is worth 100 points, and there is no upper limit. The points for thefts range from 1 to 5, depending on how many people are caught, whether they are breaking into the house, and whether they are serial crimes."

"Theft cases are indeed not enough for the overall social stability." Chai Tongtong: "The combat power rankings are the baton from the superiors. The baton goes towards the backlog of murder cases. We really need to give more consideration to the backlog of murder cases."


Chai Tong thought for a while and said: "When I was in Luyang City, there was always a case pending in the bureau. I thought I could give it a try. The corpse abandonment case on National Highway 805."

Huang Qiangmin said: "Then I will communicate with Luyang City."

Chai Tong waved his hand: "I'm very familiar with Lu Yang. I'll just tell them. You can inform Jiang Yuan." Huang Qiangmin was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Yuan's special class for backlogged cases.

When a new case was delivered, everyone immediately began to study and judge it.

After the Spring Festival, it is a good time to work hard. Jiang Yuan and others are also waiting for the arrival of new selling points and new tasks.

Luyang City is located to the south of Qinghe City. It is also an industrial city with relatively balanced development in Shannan Province. As for the case of corpses abandoned on National Highway 805 in Shannan Province, some news has spread.

Wang Chuanxing quickly gave a briefing and introduced it to his colleagues who were busy with other things in the office:

"There are two cases of corpse abandonment on the 805 National Highway. The first one occurred four years ago when a female corpse was found beside the national highway. Luyang City invested a lot of manpower and material resources at that time, but no progress was made. A year later, the case was almost completed It was abandoned and when the task force evacuated, someone found an arm next to the national highway."

"After forensic identification, it was proved that the arm was cut off after death, which means that another person died there. At that time, the case had not been identified as another case of corpse abandonment on the 805 National Highway, but After several months of investigation as independent cases, Zhai, a forensic doctor from the provincial department, conducted another appraisal and determined that the cuts on the corpses in the two cases were caused by the same sharp blade, so the cases were merged for investigation."

"Luyang City invested a lot of money in the case of corpses abandoned on National Highway 805, and it took a long time, but there was no major breakthrough, and it still became an unresolved case."

When Wang Chuanxing said this, he concluded: "This case should be very difficult. The only evidence that can be obtained is basically the body, including the place where the body was found, which is the second or even third scene. The first scene has not been found yet. "

"Let's read the files first." Jiang Yuan did not answer hastily. Whether the case is difficult or not can only be truly understood after reading the files himself.

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