National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 385 Changes

dinner time.

The office of Jiang Yuan's backlog class was filled with smoke, with only a few crabapples blooming regardless, exuding a cheap smell.

Everyone was turning over the files in silence.

The file was delivered in the afternoon, and no one has been in or out of the office since then.

The core of solving the backlog of cases is to read the files. If you can't understand the files, there will be no talk of solving the backlog of cases. For example, in the case in front of me, there was no scene, no witnesses, and the corpses were all decomposed. The identity of the second corpse could not be found, and even the body other than the arms could not be found.

The criminal police team in Luyang City is having difficulty, and I really don’t blame them.

Under such conditions, Luyang City's criminal police team actually found several clues to follow. If not, they would have given up long ago. Unfortunately, the clues were not broken through and were always cut off before they could go very far.

In fact, any clue that cannot lead directly to the truth will have such problems.

It's normal to get stuck while walking, but such clues consume the most manpower and material resources.

The criminal police team in Luyang City was delayed for almost two and a half years by the case of corpses abandoned on National Highway 805, and it took at least two to three months to devote all their efforts to it, but they failed to solve it.

Liu Jinghui, who has been out all year round, felt heartbroken when he read all the files. After reading all the files, he couldn't help but sigh: "Lu Yang has made huge compensation this time. You, Director Chai, should have escaped by now."

Meng Chengbiao also had deep experience in this aspect, but he still smiled and said: "It's not a big deal if he escapes. He was not in charge of criminal investigation before, but it is certain that Lu Yang will not make any achievements in the past few years."

"No wonder." Wang Chuanxing and others shook their heads. They all came out to work hard for their careers, and they couldn't stand not achieving results.

"What do you think?" Jiang Yuan had already finished reviewing the papers. Seeing that everyone was about to start chatting, he simply started a discussion.

Everyone looked at it, and Liu Jinghui still said, "Then I'll start by offering some suggestions." "You say." Jiang Yuan nodded.

"Let me ask first, the wounds on the two corpses were caused by the same knife. Is this conclusion correct?" Liu Jinghui looked at Jiang Yuan. This is the scope of clinical forensic medicine. The original forensic doctor Zhai was a forensic doctor from the provincial department, and Liu Jinghui was also very familiar with it. But based on his current experience, Liu Jinghui trusted Jiang Yuan's judgment more.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said: "Judging from the photos, the tool used to divide the arms of the second corpse was also the tool used to kill the first deceased. It should be a knife with a thin front end and a thicker back end, and it has more The amplitude is not very uniform, and it can be determined that it is the same murder weapon."

"In this case, it means that the murderer killed two people a year apart and used the same murder weapon, which was not discarded in the middle. I think this matter is worth thinking about." Liu Jinghui said very seriously.

Everyone, including Jiang Yuan, had a waiting look on their faces, with no intention of thinking at all.

Liu Jinghui lowered his head and took a sip of tea. After waiting, he said: "If you let me think about it, there are actually some reasons. Let me talk about it first. The first one is that this murder weapon has additional value. For example, it is the murderer's heirloom. Sustenance or something. It could also be antiques or something like that. Secondly, deceased No. 2 may have appeared at the first scene of No. 1, or picked up the murder weapon, and then caused his own death."

Jiang Yuan's eyebrows twitched and said, "It means that the murderer may not be one person, but two people using the same murder weapon?"

"It's just a possibility. Can you tell whether the knife wielder is alone?" Liu Jinghui asked Jiang Yuan expectantly.

"It's impossible to judge the current state." Even with LV6's tool mark examination and LV3's forensic clinical science, Jiang Yuan couldn't judge whether the perpetrators were the same person on the two corpses that were close to decay. The main reason was the other party's operation itself. There is nothing specific and too little information.

Liu Jinghui nodded and said: "In this case, the probability of the third possibility is higher. The murderer may not care too much, or he may not be too worried about the murder weapon being found, or he needs to use the murder weapon frequently, so he did not carry out the murder. replace."

"Don't worry about the murder weapon being found, and having to use the murder weapon often, shouldn't they be two possibilities?" Jiang Yuan asked.

Liu Jinghui blinked his eyes and said, "It's also possible that he often needs to use murder weapons, so he can't worry about it."

Jiang Yuan was silent for a moment. He finally understood Liu Jinghui's hint. Many police officers present understood.

Meng Chengbiao impatiently played charades with them and asked, "You mean, there are still corpses? Did the murderer kill more than one person?" "What do you think?" Liu Jinghui asked.

"Your idea is bold enough." Meng Chengbiao did not answer directly, took a cigarette from the table, put it in his mouth, and started thinking about it.

Liu Jinghui said: "It's just an idea. Whether it can be verified is anyone's guess. However, this murderer has already killed two people, and the second one was dismembered until there was only one arm left. Killing two more people should be nothing. Strange."

Tang Jia asked: "Then how to find other corpses?"

"No idea, these two corpses were discovered accidentally." Liu Jinghui said: "The No. 1 corpse was dug out when digging a sidewalk next to the national highway. The scene was also badly damaged. The arms of the No. 2 corpse were also from people passing by. In fact, the two bodies snatched from the mouths of stray dogs appeared near the national highway, which is also a rather special place."

After a pause, Liu Jinghui continued: "The identity of corpse No. 1 and the occupation of the deceased Li Yuan are also quite special. She has a history of selling sex, and when she disappeared, there was a high probability that she was still doing business selling sex. This is also a high-risk group. .”

Liu Jinghui didn't say the word serial killer, but that's basically what he meant.

Of course, the country itself does not like to use this word, and descriptions such as serial murderers are easier for people to understand.

"Captain Jiang, I'm done here." Liu Jinghui's words contained mostly conjectures, but if the case was done according to his analysis, there would be a chance of success.

Especially the idea that there is another corpse. If you believe in this judgment, you will definitely be able to gain a lot of information once it comes true. Of course, the possibility of losing everything still exists.

Jiang Yuan said "grace". It was not easy for Liu Jinghui to come up with a different and valuable investigation idea just by marking the papers.

Ask Jiang Yuan to reason, but he can't handle Liu Jinghui.

After a brief sigh, Jiang Yuandao said: "I won't go into the information that everyone can see from the file. I think one thing that needs to be corrected is that the time of death of No. 1 should be changed."

"How to change it?" Liu Jinghui and others suddenly became interested.

If the time of death is modified, the direction and content of Luyang City's investigation will naturally change. For now, change is definitely a good thing.

If we just follow the evidence given by Luyang City, the probability of solving the case will be greatly reduced.

Jiang Yuan used the LV6 time of death assessment. He took out a few photos, pointed at the maggots on them, and said: "I think it can be delayed by two months. The time of death is about four months, not half a year as Lu Yang judged. .”

Liu Jinghui immediately pulled the file and started reading it again.

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