National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 386 Discussion

The time of death was two months apart, so many previous investigations could be overturned.

Although it feels a bit outrageous, the reality is that there are always various possibilities for forensic time judgment to fail on such a decaying corpse. Not to mention two-month errors, two-year errors abound.

How can it be so easy to judge the corruption changes of living organisms in different environments? Not to mention the physical and chemical indicators, even if a child over 3 years old is brought to the doctor now, he would not be 100% sure how old the child is. Not to mention the large error in indicators such as height and weight, even if he is allowed to smoke. If there is blood, it is allowed to check the bone scale line, but there is still the possibility of overage.

This is still a child whose body has changed a lot. For a 25-year-old leading cadre, even if the file is allowed to be checked, it may not be possible to accurately determine his birth year.

If you kill one now, you may not be able to judge accurately.

Liu Jinghui looked at the file, then looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "If the criminal police team in Luyang City finds out about this, they will have to break up with us."

"We don't need their funds or their manpower. It doesn't matter whether they are willing or not." Tang Jia followed him to several places and became very confident.

Liu Jinghui said "yes" and couldn't help but said: "It's really nice to handle the case independently."

He had not handled cases independently before. When he had different opinions, he had to convince the actual case-handling unit to make the other party listen to him so that it would be easy to operate. Small judgments are okay, but judgments in directions that have a greater impact are sometimes more troublesome.

The final decision-making power is always in the hands of the leaders of the case-handling units. There is no way around it.

However, the pressure of non-independent handling of cases is much less. You have no power and no responsibility. If you can help the cities and counties below, it is the best. If you cannot help, it is not their fault.

In fact, Liu Jinghui still does not have to take responsibility. Instead, Jiang Yuan, who is in his twenties, has become the person in charge of the special class.

"Five months before the deceased Li Yuan was discovered, there were records of money transfers through the Internet." Liu Jinghui reconfirmed what he had seen before, sighed, and said: "It is equivalent to saying that the criminal first kidnapped, and then It turned into murder, with robbery in between.”

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but think of the Tan Yong case, which was a very bad case he had done in his early days. The murderer also kidnapped young women and had a tendency to turn into murder.

Jiang Yuan quickly suppressed his emotions and turned them into logical resources, saying: "From kidnapping to robbery, to killing, keeping the murder weapon, and then abandoning the body, the criminal did a good job in every step. Is it possible to consider it?" Do you think the criminal is not a first-time offender?"

"It's very possible." Liu Jinghui immediately agreed.

If a crime is viewed as a project, the longer the chain of the project, the greater the possibility of making a mistake, and the more evidence should be left behind. For example, in kidnapping, there may be traces of ropes, handcuffs, or plastic locks, but there will be no traces at all. It may be that the traces have faded, or it may be that the criminal is capable of killing someone without restraint. The victim was firmly under control.

Looking at the various escapes, jailbreaks and even counter-killings of kidnapped people in movies and TV dramas, it can be imagined that kidnapping a victim for a long time is actually quite difficult.

Killing people and abandoning corpses is not an easy task, especially when abandoning corpses. Most murderers worry about being discovered and exposed. Therefore, a balance must be struck between the efficiency and completeness of discarding corpses.

All in all, Jiang Yuan didn't think that a novice could achieve the current level of perfection in so many chains. "The murderer may have consciously misled us about the time of death." Jiang Yuan put forward another point.

Liu Jinghui looked over.

"It can be seen from the photo that there are many of these scattered at the scene where Li Yuan's body was found." Jiang Yuan took out a photo, projected it directly on the screen, then pointed it with a laser pen and said, "These should be flower fertilizers and... The flower fertilizer in the green belt by the roadside is a kind of flower fertilizer. I think the murderer may have taken the flower fertilizer from the green belt by the roadside and mixed it into the soil where the body was buried. This method can accelerate the decay. It can also confuse our judgment of the time of death."

Jiang Yuan

The photo released is of a scene at a corner of the national highway.

This is also the burial site where Li Yuan’s body was exhumed. The widest-angle photo shows an excavator, several vehicles, and multiple engineering personnel parked at the site. The place where the body was buried was twenty or thirty meters away from the national highway, with a green belt in the middle. It had been dug out at this time, and the place where the body was buried was a gravel open space, which was probably used as a site during the previous construction. At this time it was opened again.

Rubbles, old building materials and tools, soil clods and corpses, newly grown trees and grass, as well as turned soil and accumulated water, when ordinary people look at them, they can only experience disgust and confusion.

Liu Jinghui looked at the photos on the screen carefully, hesitated a little, and said: "The scene was not well preserved, so it is difficult to confirm whether these are specialized flower fertilizers, or whether they were dug out of the graves where the corpses were buried."

The scene in the photo is already the scene after the excavator has dug it. Moreover, the excavator has been working for a long time. The green belt beside the road has also been dug, and the land nearby has been leveled. It is completely , the appearance of the newly excavated construction site, it is difficult to confirm whether there is flower fertilizer where the body was buried, how much, and whether it was intentional.

Jiang Yuan actually knew Liu Jinghui's worries. He himself came to the conclusion after thinking deeply about this aspect, and said: "In fact, there is no need to confirm the matter of flower fertilizer. From the time of death and the degree of corruption of the body, Judging from the generation and type of the maggots nearby, there must be other factors that speed up the decay of the corpse and affect the type of insects. Judging from the state of the scene, it is more reasonable to mix some flower fertilizer when burying the corpse."

Liu Jinghui nodded as if he understood, thought for a while, and said, "You can check whether flower fertilizer was added to the green belt here at that time, when exactly it was added, and what type it was. The road maintenance department should have records. "

"Good idea." Jiang Yuan nodded.

A criminal police officer immediately raised his hand and took the initiative to look up the information.

Liu Jinghui pondered for a moment and said, "Assuming that flower fertilizer was indeed mixed in, can we confirm it? Did he mix it in accidentally, or did he mix it in consciously?"

"The amount of unconscious mixing is not large enough." Jiang Yuandao. "Is that possible? Hua Fei said he brought it himself."

"It's possible." Jiang Yuan couldn't rule out this possibility.

Liu Jinghui, on the other hand, answered the question he raised: "Actually, it is unlikely. According to the principle of burying the body far away and burying it close, the murderer chose to bury the body here. He also had to bring his own flower fertilizer. The amount cannot be small, and the workload is too much." Alright."

"Yes." Many people present nodded.

We are all criminal police officers who have done murder cases. After watching the scene a few times, we will have a similar understanding. The murderer usually tends to streamline the plan. Burying a body is not like going camping. A car and a shovel are the most basic configuration units. That's it. Some people will leave cigarette butts at the scene during the process of burying the body, and even get caught.

If you really bring a lot of things to bury the body, the possibility of leaking information is very high. Moreover, a body is already heavy enough to transport a bag of fertilizer? Rather than doing this, it would be safer to chop off the head of the corpse and bury it somewhere else, or

If a person has buried several corpses, there is a high probability that he will sum up a little bit of his own experience.

"It shows that he is a somewhat smart guy. At least he knows that putting fertilizers and corpses together can interfere with the forensic identification." Liu Jinghui summed it up and then said: "There should be another car, probably coming along the national highway, but there are also Maybe he's a local, but if he comes from afar, has the patience to bury the body, and notices the fertilizer in the green belt, this guy's psychological quality will be great."

At this time, everyone began to speak:

"If the car comes from out of town, it will have to pass through checkpoints along the way. The risk factor will be higher."

"Have you found any similar cases?"

"Not yet."

"The body of the second victim was not found, just an arm. It is said that the stray dog ​​on the roadside dug out the arm, so it is impossible to eat all the other parts of the body."

"Luyang City mobilized a large number of manpower to search, but could not find it."

The policemen on Jiang Yuan's backlog case team were having a heated discussion when Jiang Yuan's cell phone rang.

Jiang Yuan picked up the call and heard Huang Qiangmin on the other end of the phone say: "The Luyang Criminal Police Detachment sent someone here and wants to see you."

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