National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 404: Wall bang.

Mu Zhiyang jumped twice excitedly, as if he was warming up.

He protected his head with a shield and moved forward a few steps, also in a decent manner.

In fact, since the last time he was injured in the "Wu Longshan Savage Case", Mu Zhiyang has been studying hard. Wu Junhao, the captain of the first squadron, also did not hesitate to teach.

In the words of Wu Junhao back then: In these days, if you encounter a gangster who shoots with a pistol, you will win the lottery! "Leader, attack from both front and back, don't give him time to take hostages!" Mu Zhiyang urged, calling Wang Chuanxing, Shen Yaowei and others lined up behind him to form a temporary assault team.

Zheng Tianxin looked back at Jiang Yuan and thought to himself, your subordinates are quite vicious.

Seeing that Mu Zhiyang and others were in high spirits, Jiang Yuan could quite understand them. The members of Jiang Yuan's special case backlog team are all very aggressive police officers. If they didn't want to make meritorious deeds and achieve a career, they would not be seconded to Jiang Yuan all the way. The workload of his special backlog class is not low, and the pressure is even huge. The salary and benefits are not as good as those of ordinary police officers in Changyang City. Everyone is aiming to achieve success and win. Jiang Yuan himself is not like this.

If we were discussing cost-effectiveness and focusing on career advancement, it would be meaningless for Jiang Yuan to do forensic medicine.

"Assuming that the criminal is the same person, we can let Mu Zhiyang and others give it a try. They have all been trained in related subjects." Jiang Yuan expressed his support, which surprised Zheng Tianxin.

When it comes to training, in fact, everyone has been trained. The police are inherently violent machines. It is common for police officers in the United States to rush out with one or two people, or two or three people, against the sound of gunfire. The domestic police do not dare to rush. It is not that the police do not dare to rush, but that the leaders are afraid of getting into trouble.

For leaders, they would rather use three to five hundred people to kill a gunman, or would rather wait for several hours for armed police or special police to come and deal with it, than let ordinary civilian police go into battle.

There are so many cases like this that many police officers themselves are unwilling to go up. But this situation is obviously not normal.

Everything has a cost. Obviously they are fully trained police officers who are often asked to do many dangerous jobs, but when guns appear, the police officers suddenly become like porcelain dolls. If a gunman needs 200 detectives to spend a day with him, then hundreds of thefts will have to be shelved.

365 days a year, all personnel are required to deal with murders, gun cases, meetings, and big leaders’ trips. How much time is left for everyone to deal with ordinary cases?

Jiang Yuan himself has experienced a gunfight. Now that he thinks about it, the fear at that time was real. Looking back after the incident, many things can indeed be done better.

Mu Zhiyang probably had the same mentality. People who have been exposed to rain should not be afraid of walking in the rain again, let alone if they are fully protected.

Rather than working through the qualifications day by day, Mu Zhiyang is more willing to take a little risk.

"Captain Jiang, they are your people. If you are willing, I have no objection." Zheng Tianxin could guess a little bit of what these young people were thinking. Although he didn't agree with it very much, to be honest, a small pistol on the opposite side could kill dozens of his own. The number one, wearing a body armor, a helmet and a shield, rushed over to at least two third-level fighters and went up. It was normal for young people to want to give it a try. When he was young, he didn't just seize a few opportunities to succeed.

For step-by-step work, unless they are technical geniuses like Jiang Yuan, who are masters in solving crimes, most people will spend their whole lives as police officers. They work overtime until their hair becomes thin, stay up late until their livers become cirrhotic, and write reports until they are full of fat. They might as well be beaten. Gun!

"Then let Mu Zhiyang and others try it?" Jiang Yuan looked at Mu Zhiyang and others for confirmation. Zheng Tianxin nodded and said, "I'll bring you three guns and try not to use them."

He asked someone to get the gun, then looked back at his team and said, "If you have any ideas, you can go together. This is also an opportunity."

The two detectives in front of him smiled and said nothing. They were all in their thirties, had families, and had seen through it all. They were not interested in fighting for their lives. Not to mention asking for a name, even if you are injured and your legs and back hurt in the future, you don't think it's a good deal.

Zheng Tianxin's eyes moved a little further, and there was something

A young man who had just graduated a few years ago couldn't help but jump out: "Zheng Zhi, I want to go."

"Okay." Zheng Tianxin agreed. You can't let the guest troops charge ahead and let your side enjoy the gains alone.

For every one, there were two. Soon, half of the young police officers in several nearby cars stood out, and there were about ten people in total. Here, Mu Zhiyang and others, armed with guns and shields, took a detour from the self-built house on the right back to the downstairs of Tian Xiang's house.

The police officers from the Luyang City Criminal Police Brigade were divided into two teams. One team detoured from the self-built house on the left, and the other team went around to the back, where they joined the police officers who had arrived before and prepared to climb over the wall from the back.

In other words, except for the dozen or so police cars on the front with their lights flashing, there were attacking teams on the other three sides.

Tian Xiang hid himself behind the window on the second floor, only occasionally raising his head to take a look, as if he was worried about being killed by a sniper rifle. I couldn’t see what the police were doing, and I probably wouldn’t understand them if they saw it.

At the same time, he couldn't help waving his arms and shouting wildly, feeling a little mentally unstable.

Of course, many people will become mentally unstable if they encounter a similar situation, where they are surrounded by dozens or hundreds of big men who threaten to drag you to death.

On Zheng Tianxin's side, a criminal policeman held up a shield and a loudspeaker, shouting: "People inside, listen, you have been heavily surrounded by us."

While talking, Mu Zhiyang was carried directly to the second floor of Tian Xiang's house by two colleagues. They are all standard movements that have been practiced, but there are too few opportunities to use them.


The sound of breaking glass was inexplicably similar to the sound of a gun.

But the detective in front shouted so loudly that Tian Xiang, who was in a room away, didn't hear it at all.

Mu Zhiyang rolled the small shield on the spot and pulled it out from behind his back. At the same time, he threw a rope down and put his feet against the lower edge of the window sill. The detective behind him climbed up with a little help.

Special police officers practice more of these technical and tactical movements, but ordinary criminal police officers also have to practice them. Generally speaking, the longer they leave school, the greater the deformation of their movements.

After three or four people came up from the front, Mu Zhiyang's pounding heart slowed down.

At this point, half of the mission has actually been completed. Next, it depends on whether Tian Xiang has taken hostages and whether he will die.

A group of six people all went upstairs, one of them went downstairs to open the door, and the rest moved forward slowly. Soon, I heard the sound of windows being smashed outside.

Tian Xiang stuck his head out again and shouted: "Don't come over."

Mu Zhiyang made a gesture, held up the big shield he had replaced, and walked directly into the room. boom!

Tian Xiang shot again and hit the shield without even a spark flying. Boom!

Mu Zhiyang stood upright, even with his shield on him, and rushed towards Tian Xiang without any intention of slowing down, so he hit him against the wall.

Shield slam! Wall bang!

Electric baton!

Electric baton!

Tian Xiang slid down the wall without even saying a word of curse.

"Stop the electricity, it's done, it's done." Mu Zhiyang helped Tian Xiang block the third electric motor, then took off the shield and looked at Tian Xiang as if he were looking at a newly caught wild yellow croaker.


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