National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 405 Search

"Come on, come on, let's take a good picture here." Mu Zhiyang held up the shield and asked the photographer to carefully take a picture of the concave spots on the shield.

This dent was made by a bullet, just on the transparent upper part. It was not too obvious, but it was definitely hit at close range. Judging from the height of the shield, Tian Xiang's shot was quite accurate, and the impact point was probably on Mu Zhiyang's neck or chin.

They happen to be unprotected locations.

"That's a really accurate shot. It's very dangerous." Zheng Tianxin also came to see the scene and looked at Mu Zhiyang's shield.

Mu Zhiyang smiled and said: "I'm wearing a bulletproof vest to protect my head. If he kicks his legs, it might be of some use. However, I've been hit by bullets, which are much more powerful than his broken 77. It can slow me down." , even he is great."

The last shot Mu Zhiyang took came from a 9mm caliber NZ75, which was really much more powerful than this time. However, bullets are bullets, and a shot is a shot. In the face of merit, a shot is a shot.

At this moment, the danger was over. Zheng Tianxin looked at Mu Zhiyang again and couldn't help but nod: "Young man is full of energy, that's great. Well, I'll give Xiao Mu two more photos. This shot can't be in vain!"

He is giving away a favor. If Mu Zhiyang had not been shot, he would still have bravely charged despite the danger of being shot. Now that I have received such a shot, I really have to bravely charge against the hail of bullets, and I will not be able to run even if I start with a third-class skill.

Jiang Yuan also came up, wearing a mask, foot gloves and other items, and expressed condolences along the way: "Thank you for your hard work."

When he arrived in front of Mu Zhiyang, Jiang Yuan also looked at the shield, then smiled at Mu Zhiyang and said, "I'll ask you for credit later."

This is what Mu Zhiyang wanted. He grinned so much that he said coyly: "I just did some minor work."

Zheng Tianxin watched with amusement: "If the leader above says this, don't be so angry. You should try your best to pay attention to your personal safety in the future."

If Mu Zhiyang and others hadn't signed up enthusiastically and had Jiang Yuan's support, Zheng Tianxin would most likely not have nodded and let them go directly. ,

Mu Zhiyang smiled calmly and said: "It's okay. I have been injured almost every year in the past few years as a policeman. In addition to being shot, my arms and legs were slashed by knives. I was hit by an electric car while chasing someone. I was hit with rocks when fighting riots, and was dragged into the water when handling a suicide police situation, and almost drowned... Oh, I was bitten by a dog, scratched by a cat, and bitten by a hamster, no matter what. It’s more dangerous than this time, and in the end, I’m not even qualified to make a meritorious service.”

Mu Zhiyang looked at Jiang Yuan again and expressed his loyalty: "I'm afraid of hardship, tiredness, and death, so I won't come to Jiang Yuan's special case class."

Zheng Tianxin was inexplicably confused. Why didn't any of the new young people in his criminal police team have the courage to fight?

The large team of people escorted the unconscious criminal Tian Xiang back.

Because Mu Zhiyang was shot, he also returned to the criminal police detachment to go through the process. Jiang Yuan took several trace inspectors and continued to scan for traces at Tian's house.

The person was caught, but for the subsequent prosecution, a complete chain of evidence must be established. This job is the job of the criminal department personnel such as trace inspection and forensic scientists.

For now, finding the murder weapon is the most important thing.

Because many aspects of this case involve murder weapons, and they are the same murder weapons. Including the merging of the corpse burial case and the identification of the second and third murderers, all depend on the same murder weapon. At this time, if the murder weapon can be found, the foundation of the case will be very solid.

Of course, Jiang Yuan and others can now understand why the murderer did not change the weapon. There were too many people killed, and it seemed unnecessary to change the weapon. Moreover, activities such as dismembering a body have high requirements on the usability of tools. If the tool is not easy to use after changing it, you still have to deal with the knife and buy a new one, so it is better not to change it.

In fact, the task force still doesn't know exactly how many corpses there are. At this point, the remaining information about the body will most likely be found out through interrogation.

Xu Taining's investigation is basically over.

Wang Chuanxing, Tang Jia and others walked around the house with metal detectors, reaching into walls, wardrobes, etc. to check.

The metal detector imported by the Luyang City Bureau is a long stick, similar to a baton, and it can be retracted. It can be used to swing it twice in an emergency. It works by the probe on the front. Compared with the metal detectors like mine detectors used by engineers, this kind of detector is obviously more flexible, but I don't know how much the difference in sensitivity is.

Wang Chuanxing and others were very careful in their investigation. Among the three criminals, Tian Xiang was the most hidden and had the strongest anti-reconnaissance ability. In other words, among the three, Tian Xiang was the only one who had certain anti-reconnaissance capabilities. Then his status among the three criminals appears to be different.

Naturally, the search of his house should be more careful.

On the other hand, seeing Mu Zhiyang's success, Wang Chuanxing and others were more or less envious, and also wanted to achieve some breakthrough.

The police industry is an industry where promotion is difficult. Like teachers, doctors and other public institution employees, the probability of becoming a leader is very low. Most people work for ten or more years and become industry veterans. The backbone of the unit is to hold a position such as a team leader, such as the squadron leader of the criminal police brigade, the captain of the criminal police detachment, or the leader of the Chinese subject group. It is just a role of taking the lead.

However, people need a sense of honor and a way to ascend.

This is the case for receiving awards for meritorious service, or for rank evaluation, etc.

For young people such as Wang Chuanxing, this is also their "head start" in their careers.

Several police officers from the Luyang City Criminal Police Detachment also checked and rummaged around in pairs.

In cases like 805, when it comes to the search phase, there is no need to think about returning to the original position. When necessary, the bed can be lifted to one side and turned over without any problem.

Wang Chuanxing saw that they were rummaging carefully, so he took the mine detector and walked around the wall, and the mine detector started beeping.

"There is a secret door." Wang Chuanxing tried it left and right, and sure enough, he opened a wardrobe, revealing a narrow door more than one meter wide from the back.

There was a lock on the door. I asked someone to open it, and I saw a darkroom more than two meters wide and two meters long. In the corner of the darkroom, there were two dog cages. In the cages, two women were naked. Squatting inside, his hands, feet and mouth were bound.

The sudden light made the two women panic. At the same time, Wang Chuanxing's mood suddenly turned from excitement to calmness, and then became a little numb.

This fucking world!

"Call an ambulance." Tang Jia glanced back, then saw the unlocker coming over to help open the cage, remove the gag from the woman's mouth, and whispered: "We are the police, you are saved."

The woman couldn't help crying first.

The woman next to her started moaning even more before she took off the gag.

Tang Jia quickly helped the woman next to her untie the gag, and now the two of them cried even more freely.

Wang Chuanxing found the ceiling light switch on the side of the door and turned it on. A half-arm-long machete hung on the wall. The front blade was thin, the back blade was thick, and the blade was full of mottled stains.

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