National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 406 The deceased is gone


During the sunniest time, Jiang Yuan came to Luyang's funeral parlor.

The two-story forensic building, exposed to the light, seemed to be emitting yin energy, stretching its whole body.

Mei Fang wore a white coat and was leaning in front of the door, waiting for Jiang Yuan. With that look, if she were a woman, she would probably make a good photo.

But now he is a male forensic doctor with a belly, a beard, and messy hair, and he looks a little bit oozing.

Mei Fang looked very enthusiastic and came up to us with a smile and said: "Captain Jiang, these five corpses and I are waiting for you. I thought you would come in the morning."

"I inspected Tian Xiang's house yesterday and continued the inspection until evening." Jiang Yuan was conducting on-site inspection as a spot inspection or trace inspection. Because there are no corpses or dead people in Tian Xiang's house, there is no need for a pure forensic doctor like Mei Fang to go.

Mei Fang thanked her twice for her hard work and asked, "How was the interrogation?"

"Chen Youdi came to his senses and was already spitting. Zhang Hai was also caught running away. He even knew to use a fake ID, but he was in a panic and was met by the railway police. After a few words, he revealed his identity. Jiang Yuan said and shook his head. The mental state of these two is not as good as that of ordinary adults, but they can do cruelty that normal people cannot.

Mu Zhiyang followed Jiang Yuan and followed his words and said, "The police officer is also very lucky. He got a third-class merit for nothing."

"Railway policemen used to be the easiest to catch and escape, and they do this as a profession." Mei Fang glanced at Mu Zhiyang, and then said: "It's like a rumor that there is a person in Jiangyuan's special case team who specializes in getting shot. "

When Mu Zhiyang was injured for the first time, he would hang out in various groups to see what was said about him. Now he is even more calm and said, "I'm not only afraid of my brother's suffering, but also afraid of his third-class skills. I understand."

Mei Fang chuckled: "I want to post this to the group."

"Then I won't admit it." Mu Zhiyang was not stupid and replied with a smile.

Mei Fang felt a little regretful, but still praised: "It is indeed the shield of Ningtai."

Mu Zhiyang thought about it for a moment, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

Anatomy room.

Mei Fang pushed a corpse over and introduced it: "Number 5 will be transformed first, and then the other body parts will be classified." Mei Fang smiled and said,

The fifth body was found in Chen Youdi's home, and only part of it was found. It is not yet known where the rest is buried.

After Jiang Yuan inspected Chen Youdi's house, he followed closely to Tian Xiang's house. He did not have time to do an autopsy on No. 5 Wang Leqin - the name was given by Chen Youdi. After seeing the murder weapon and Tian Xiang's interrogation After taking the photos of the room, Chen Youdi's emotions collapsed to the other extreme, and the part that he barely recovered from would only make the interrogation easier.

"The age is also about 30 years old. The height should be 175 centimeters and the weight is about 100 kilograms. The height and weight are quite distinctive. There may be other options for the place to dump the body?" Jiang Yuan himself measured the data with a ruler, and Makizhi next to him measured the data. Yang took notes and made guesses at the same time.

The body of No. 5 Wang Leqin was mainly thrown away from the upper body. Regarding this part, it is not even clear whether the murderers adopted the method of throwing the body away. Because both arms are left, the upper body only has the spine and sternum, which is not easy to deal with. However, compared to long bones, the vertebrae and sternum can actually be processed using machinery and equipment at home.

In this regard, the murderer doesn't actually need to read a book. If he chops the body into pieces, he can probably tell the hardness of the bones.

For example, fresh thigh bones cannot be chopped with ordinary household knives, but breast bones and the like are not so tenacious.

Of course, there are time and physical costs involved. The three murderers have been dismembering bodies in Chen Youdi's barn for several years. Not only have they accumulated considerable experience, but the location and environment of the barn can meet the needs of long-term dismemberment. Corpse No. 5 is at least the first Five victims were enough for the three of them to gain a lot of experience.

Tian Xiang might still be doing some research and development in this area.

In Jiang Yuan's view, Tian Xiang should be the initiator and mastermind of this trio. He specially selected two cowardly, greedy and lustful old men, who were probably selected among the prostitutes.

Because Zhang Hai works in a company and looks like a serious person, he is responsible for selecting and abducting the fallen girl and burying the body. Chen Youdi acted as the cell leader more because he had a house and a yard and was a lonely old man. Tian Xiang himself should have a considerable degree of mental illness. He was responsible for killing people and dismembering their bodies, and he was probably also responsible for criminal planning. Tian Xiang should have a strong need for killing and sex.

In general, this is the prototype of an original criminal gang. They have no experience and no blueprint for learning. They just grow wildly and train themselves.

If they were not caught this time, Jiang Yuan estimated that in another year or two, they would recover the bodies.

How did Zhang Hai bury the body in the first place, and now he will recover it. After reprocessing, the probability of being discovered again will be greatly reduced. It can be seen from the fact that they never bury their heads.

Pointing at him is also difficult.

However, it is common for criminals to fail to keep up with changes in plans.

Every criminal, when deciding to commit a crime, especially a vicious crime, even if he is a messy person who usually buys groceries, will do what he considers to be careful thinking and planning.

As for implementation, that's another story.

In fact, you can get some experience by looking at the college entrance examination. Those who are late, forget to bring their admission tickets, go to the wrong test center, do not bring stationery, and those who faint in the examination room, including those who are nervous during the examination and cannot perform as well as during the training, are basically not suitable to participate in murder. After all, there are still three years of training for the college entrance examination, but the results are not satisfactory. If the murder is not satisfactory, the result will be life.

Jiang Yuan inspected the body as a whole, and then said: "The internal organs are basically gone. Fortunately, there is a head now, and you can still see the marks of hacking... It is also consistent with the murder weapon..."

Mei Fang nodded while acting as an assistant.

The physical examination was quickly completed, and Mei Fang took the corpse's head away a little further, cut open the skull with an electric hand saw, took out the brain, inspected it first, and then sliced ​​it...

The autopsy was carried out unhurriedly.

When he was almost done, a blue dumpling rolled into Jiang Yuan's hand.

Wang Leqin’s legacy - Yoga (LV2): Wang Leqin has been the most beautiful girl among the crowd since she was a child. She was proud and independent. She worked hard for a better life and to see a more wonderful world. During her most beautiful period, the world It also showed her the most beautiful and gentle side. However, as her delicate face lost its luster, the once-open door began to gradually close. Wang Leqin learned makeup, tried plastic surgery, and started doing yoga...all efforts , failed to bring back the gentleness of the world, the guests began to become indifferent and careless, and the tolerance and kindness that they were accustomed to began to disappear from around them. In the end, only a moment of yoga could make Wang Leqin feel the same peace.

Jiang Yuan sighed silently.

"Wait a minute, let me take a look at the other corpses." Jiang Yuan took off his gloves, changed into a new pair, and then opened the ice coffin containing several other corpses.

There was only a blue dumpling in the ice coffin of corpse No. 4, which flowed into Jiang Yuan's palm.

Cai Yan’s legacy—Children’s Communication Skills (LV1): After giving birth to a child unexpectedly, Cai Yan could only give it to her sister to raise. Her sister was working outside and had a difficult life. She didn't like her career choice, but she still took on the important task of raising children for her. Cai Yan traveled all over the country and took a long time to go back to see her child, but the child still kept calling "Mom, Mom". Cai Yan began to try to learn communication skills with young children. After she made enough money, she planned to go to the city where her sister worked, educate her children with peace of mind, and live a normal life.

Jiang Yuan pushed the ice coffin back, thought for a while, and said to Mu Zhiyang: "Let's sort out the situation of these victims and contact the families of the victims to see if there are any children who need care and support. and parents.”

"Okay." Mu Zhiyang responded.

Mei Fang thought more and said softly: "Well... Captain Jiang, this job can actually be left to our Luyang Criminal Police Detachment."

"Then you just do it, contact Mu Zhiyang in two days, and synchronize a copy of the information to me." Jiang Yuan waved his hand: "Get the inspection materials."

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