National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 430 A little sour

"A woman between 33 and 36 years old, 163 centimeters tall and weighing about 110 pounds. A woman with type A blood, long hair, about 34 years old, who has given birth, often bends over to work, and often climbs mountains. She should be a resident of an upstream town or village. "

Forensic Doctor Zhai has a strong foundation in forensic anthropology. The last time he worked with Jiang Yuan, he showed his level of Iv2PLUS. This time when he came to Longli County, Forensic Doctor Zhai concentrated on doing his best to use his The best comes out.

The eight young forensic doctors who came to receive training took notes while listening, looking serious.

Someone who could talk would laugh while Forensic Doctor Zhai finished speaking.

He said: "Zhai Chu is really awesome. With just one bone, if you look at it for a few minutes, you will get a series of judgments based on anthropology. It is invincible."

Forensic doctor Zhai is a little old man who works with corpses all year round. He still has few opportunities to be praised. He smiled sheepishly and said: "What do you mean by being invincible? I can't even understand what you young people say now."

"You are really powerful if you can understand what the corpse is saying." The talking forensic doctor patted the corpse with two flattery slaps.

Forensic doctor Zhai was very happy. He put down the bones and said with a smile: "It is said that forensic medicine listens to the corpse, but it is not that easy. However, technology is changing rapidly now. When you get to my age, I don't know where forensic technology will have developed." One step away”

"We can't really let the corpse speak." The forensic doctor nearby said.

"To be honest, if you ask some corpses to talk, they may not be able to tell how they died. In the end, we have to help look at them."

"You want to dissect while chatting with the corpse? It's quite exciting."

"Many surgeons just give the patient local anesthesia, chat with the patient while doing the surgery, and are praised later for having a good attitude during the surgery."

"To be fair, even if the corpse thinks our attitude is bad, it shouldn't be able to complain."

"Then there shouldn't be any time to complain, just solve the case yourself."


Forensic Doctor Zhai was quite happy to listen at first, but then he couldn't listen anymore and said: "Look at the bones, look at the bones."

Everyone gradually calmed down and watched forensic doctor Zhai take the bones and talk about the bones.

Forensic Doctor Zhai also used this method to make a new judgment.

He has been looking at the bones for two days, but he has never been able to make a breakthrough.

Fortunately, forensic doctor Zhai is old and knows that it is normal to be unable to break through - the body of ordinary people, sometimes when they die, is just an ordinary dead body, with no distinctive points found, or even no traces left on the bones. How special

There are many residents in the upper reaches of the Lishou River, and several villages and towns were built along the Lishou River. As far as the place where the body was found is concerned, the 10 kilometers upstream are relatively densely populated. What's more, the situation of dumping the body must also be considered.

If the victim has broken a leg, had a bone nail inserted, or had a dental implant, half an ear missing, two broken ribs, severe rheumatoid arthritis combined with gout, etc., it is always easier to find someone.

"Let's talk about the patella today." Forensic Doctor Zhai casually took out a knee and said:

"The value of the patella in forensic anthropology should be in the second line. Everyone knows that for forensic doctors, the pelvis has the highest value. It can accurately and easily determine gender, age, and fertility status of women. It can also Use various calculations to determine height and even weight. Generally speaking, if you have a pelvis, you don’t need to look at the patella. But "

"We are forensics, and we always encounter some special cases, such as dismemberment cases. The criminal police only found the lower body, or only found a leg. What should we do at this time? The most common case is actually an explosion. Not only explosions There are also gas explosions, pressure cooker explosions in restaurants, etc. In an explosion, it is easy for the upper body to be blown away, leaving only the bones of the lower limbs."

While holding the knee of the corpse, Forensic Doctor Zhai said: "It is relatively difficult to determine the gender of the patella. First, we need to measure the height of the bone, the width and volume of the internal and external joint surfaces and other indicators.

Standard, and then, let’s talk about a series of regression formulas for age, mainly to observe some changes in bone quality on each bone surface.”

The more he talked, the more excited he became. After all, the judgment of the patella is still very technical, and it is also very consistent with the identity of the provincial forensic doctor.

Forensic Doctor Zhai looked at the young forensic doctor below who was listening carefully and felt slightly satisfied.

As long as they are willing to listen carefully, these young forensic doctors in front of them can more or less have some common sense of forensic anthropology. When they encounter a case in the future, they will at least know where to ask for help, how to preserve evidence, and where to take photos, even if they are not responsible for solving it themselves.

Forensic doctor Zhai, who has reached level 7 in Forensic Anthropology, might be able to display his skills at level 8 or 9 today, showing great ease.

To put it another way, Forensic Doctor Zhai is already halfway to LV3. In terms of forensic anthropology technology alone, apart from Jiang Yuan, this is the pinnacle of forensic medicine in Shannan Province.

In fact, Jiang Yuan's forensic anthropology is LV3, but after working on cases in the province for so long, he has never encountered anyone with a comparable level. Of course, this is also in line with his other skill configurations.

The more comprehensive it is, the more relevant it is. Forensic clinical science in LV3, forensic pathology in LV4, forensic evidence science in LV4, and time of death in LV6

The intervening identification, coupled with the current LV3 skull restoration technique, will definitely promote forensic anthropology.

To put it into perspective, Jiang Yuan’s forensic anthropology must be 7PLUS.

However, for the young forensic doctors who come for training, they still cannot understand the gap between Forensic Zhai and Jiang Yuan in forensic anthropology. And because of Forensic Zhai's age and style, everyone agrees that Forensic Zhai must be at least one of the best.

Only Forensic Doctor Zhai frowned while touching the bones.

His original idea was to see if he could advance this case through the techniques of forensic anthropology. Not to mention directly detecting such low-probability incidents, he wanted to limit them to a range and then enter a level where they could be effectively investigated. The forensic doctor thinks it's OK.

Jiang Yuan's skull restoration took time. If forensic doctor Zhai used his relatively familiar hands to squeeze the skull, it would have taken at least a month. Now with computer-assisted cranial reconstruction, the time may be shortened to one or two weeks.

But Forensic Doctor Zhai believes that if he can define an effective radius for investigation, even if he demarcates an area with tens of thousands of people, or even an area with 100,000 people, Longli County will be willing to investigate as long as the specificity is obvious enough.

As far as the political correctness of the police system is concerned, when you encounter clues about a murder case, you just rush forward without thinking too much. Even if the leader has many ideas, he can only think more about them in private.

However, ideas are ideas and practice is practice

"You guys think about it yourself, I'll go up and take a look." Forensic Doctor Zhai let the other forensic doctors come over, and walked out the door with his hands behind his back.

They were looking at the bones in the basement of the Longley County Criminal Squad.

There is no autopsy room in the office building of the Criminal Police Brigade. Some units do, but none of the police stations in Qinghe City have similar configurations.

However, the unknown corpse 122 has been boiled down to the bones, which is equivalent to a completely inactivated state, and is in a very clean state. In order to facilitate forensic doctors Zhai from the provincial department, as well as Jiang Yuan and young forensic doctors from various places, Hou The captain had just vacated a room in the basement, taking into account the needs of all parties.

Forensic Doctor Zhai came upstairs, took a deep breath, stretched his shoulders, and then slowly went upstairs.

As they approached Jiang Yuan's office, they heard lively noises coming from inside.

"This is" Forensic Doctor Zhai walked in the door like a little old man.

"Hey, forensic doctor Zhai is here." Hou Xiaoyong shouted, which reminded Jiang Yuan.

"Forensic Doctor Zhai. I can't go out here, so come and sit." Jiang Yuan sat inside and said hello.

Only then did forensic doctor Zhai see clearly that in the small room, several tables were gathered together. Several policemen from the Criminal Division Squadron, as well as Hou Xiaoyong and a policeman from the Jiangyuan Backlogged Case Squad, were sitting around the chairs. Eating fat intestines and pork belly in a lively manner

Chicken, and hot pot with fatty pork belly chicken.

"It's so lively, what's going on?" Forensic Doctor Zhai came in and asked.

"Captain Jiang has restored Unknown Corpse 122, and we are celebrating." Hou Xiaoyong said with a glib expression.

Forensic Doctor Zhai was stunned: "Recovered?"

"Yes. Hou Da has already led a team to arrest people." "Going to arrest people?" Zhai Forensic Medical Repeater.

Hou Xiaoyong nodded: "The recovered photo can be taken with the police pass and the ID card is directly produced. It is a woman working in agriculture in a village upstream, Yuguang Village. She has not called the police for such a long time. It is most likely that an acquaintance committed the crime. .”

Forensic doctor Zhai ignored Hou Xiaoyong's details of the case and only asked: "Where are the photos?"

"There is it on the table next to the computer desk." Jiang Yuandao said.

Tang Jia, who had sat down, quickly stood up and helped forensic doctor Zhai look for him.

Hou Xiaoyong picked up another piece of sausage, ate it and shouted: "Forensic Doctor Zhai, let's eat some together."

"No, I'm not hungry." Forensic Doctor Zhai was a little hungry, but he didn't have much appetite. He walked to the computer desk and saw that there were piles of photos there, and not only the photos, but also many photos. It is in a semi-finished state.

Although Forensic Doctor Zhai does not know how to restore skulls, his half-step LV3 anthropological knowledge is enough to see the gradual relationship between these semi-finished products.

From three-dimensional reconstruction, to the reference skull model, to the reference face model, to the calibration of skull feature points, the calibration of face feature points, and then start to produce the face model to be restored, then local deformation, overall deformation, and finally Form the face model to be restored and the final face model

This process, just looking at the photos, is plain and simple, and there is no hint of Gaussian, Laplace, Lagrange, Fourier, or Maxwell behind it.

Without those eye-catching formulas, Zhai Forensic's artistic style has also been simply and directly sublimated. From hard bone to cartilage, from cartilage to muscle, from muscle to gland, to fat and skin

"That's it." Forensic Doctor Zhai sighed, feeling a little ashamed of himself that he was unwilling to admit.

"This is unfinished. This is the pile that is finished." Tang Jia took out a photo of the finished product from the pile of photos next to him and handed it to Forensic Doctor Zhai.

Forensic Doctor Zhai was stunned again: "What do you mean?"

"I did three skull reconstructions at the same time." Jiang Yuan shouted from a distance across the table, and then said: "Come sit down and eat while you're here."

While chatting. "

He was reluctant to discuss specific techniques with Forensic Doctor Zhai. Skull restoration surgery is too difficult. At Forensic Doctor Zhai's age, Jiang Yuan feels tired even if he tries to spread new knowledge to him.

But as far as forensic doctor Zhai's current situation is concerned, if we tell him the specific technical details, forensic doctor Zhai is basically equivalent to a Muggle.

At Jiang Yuan's signal, several people pulled Forensic Doctor Zhai to the table.

"You guys are going to eat now." Forensic Doctor Zhai had no choice but to turn into a repeater and asked the same question as before: "What do you mean when you say three skulls have been restored?"

"When Unknown Corpse 122 started using the computer to draw the outline, I had nothing else to do, so I opened two more cases." Jiang Yuan said simply.

"I don't even know about this." Forensic Doctor Zhai blurted out.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I asked Dr. Ye to cook it, and it only took a few days to cook it. One of them made a quick progress, and the remaining one is still tracing the outline. You are in luck today, it happened to be 122 Once the results are out, Hou Da and the others will leave."

When Jiang Yuan opens a new case, there is no need to explain it to forensic doctor Zhai.

He also wanted to save time. Cranial reconstruction was a stepped workload. In this case, he simply opened a few more cases and repaired skulls one by one in an assembly line.

And when he did this, he naturally didn't need to report to forensic doctor Zhai. Everyone has no affiliation.

Forensic Doctor Zhai also realized the slip of the tongue, and said calmly: "Then I think the picture just now is almost complete. That is equivalent to solving another case."


I don’t know if the case can be solved, but if I work on it for two more days, the second picture should be ready for use. Come on, come on, have something to eat." Jiang Yuan greeted Forensic Zhai, eating enthusiastically. Forensic Doctor Zhai could only join in.

The fat intestine, pork belly and chicken are very fresh, and Dr. Zhai also likes the rich flavor of pepper in it, but the soup is a bit sour.

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