National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 431 Preface

Hou Lejia put his hands in his pockets and came to the village group office of Yuguang Village. While waiting for someone, he looked around at the small Yuguang Village.

In order to keep confidentiality, they did not contact the locals in advance. They just asked people from the township police station to come with them and then called people on the spot.

The unit of village group is rarely mentioned nowadays. It is actually the former production team, usually a natural village, or a village with a name like that.

The unit of a village recognized by the state is actually an administrative village. An administrative village or village is a production team. The person in charge of the team is the production team leader, who often has considerable power.

Jiayuan Township, where Yuguang Village is located, is a natural village. In the upper reaches of the Lishou River, there are at least three or four towns and almost 1,000 natural villages in the area where corpses may be dumped.

Therefore, after the simplest missing persons investigation, the case of Unknown Corpse 122 came to a standstill.

The Hou Le family once thought that the deceased came from other places. If this is the case, then the hope of finding out is even slimmer.

In fact, Yuguang Village is indeed far enough away. To get to the nearest bank of the Lishou River, you have to climb a mountain. There is a high probability that the body will be dumped. Of course, it is possible that the victim was taken to the river and then killed.

"Brigade Hou. This is the village chief of Yuguang Village. Zhang Xuejie." The policeman from the police station who came with him brought an old man in his fifties.

In his fifties, he was considered a young man in the village. Zhang Xuejie looked quite capable, but he looked a little panicked. When he arrived at Hou Le's house, he asked, "How big is the case?"

He saw the people coming. The last time more than three police officers came, there was a group fight between two villages, and several were seriously injured. This time I saw several police cars alone.

Of course, the Hou Le family would not answer such a question, so they saw that the policeman next to them had already taken out the photo and asked Zhang Xuejie, "Do you know this person?"

"It's because of my bad eyesight." Zhang Xuejie took the photo away and saw it clearly, then said, "This is Zhang's wife, Li Fang, right? Have you found her?"

He looked at the police around him again and couldn't help but frown: "Isn't that a good thing?"

"Is Zhang Lu at home? Is he in the village?" Hou Lejia asked the main question first.

Zhang Xuejie thought for a moment and said, "I should be here. I was there for the past two days. They have a motorcycle driver at home, and sometimes he goes down the mountain."

I've also been there when I went to the market or something. "

"Take us to his house." The Hou Le family took the lead and asked at the same time: "How many people live in Zhang Lu's house now, and how many people live in his house now?"

"It's just two people. His mother-in-law ran away, and it's just him and his son.

"Li Fang ran away? Why did you say she ran away?"

"Pack up all the clothes and jewelry. My husband and son have been left at home. Either he ran away or something." Zhang Xuejie said nonchalantly: "His son is in elementary school, and the family doesn't have much money. He is in the central elementary school right next to him. Reading, Zhang Lv didn’t want to work, so he did some farm work in the village. In today’s rural areas, if we can earn money from farm work, we old men can do it. If my wife keeps quarreling, we can leave.”

Zhang Xuejie said it very naturally. "Is this common?" Hou Lejia asked. "what's going on?"

"The situation where my wife ran away."

"There are many people who can't get a wife. Those who can, stay for a few years, and then run away when they can no longer live. Some go to the city, some find a good one, it's all like this. There are also children who take them with them. If they run away together, this won’t work. Her husband’s family will find her mother’s family to cause trouble.” When Zhang Xuejie talked about the current situation in the village, he also sighed.

At this point, the Hou Le family's alarm bells were already ringing.

For further confirmation, Hou Lejia asked: "What did Li Fang's husband say? Has he gone to find his wife?"

"Just say they ran away. If they run away, there's no need to look for them. We have a lot of them here. What are you looking for?" Zhang Xuejie was a little nagging, probably thinking of something.

Hou Lejia asked knowingly: "His husband ran away when he said he was going to run away."

. Are they divorced? "

"No, it's impossible to divorce even if you ask for a divorce. Now that you have a wife with so many betrothal gifts, who would be willing to divorce." Zhang Xuejie paused and then said: "Young couples who go to work outside will get divorced easily. Well, Zhang Lu lives in the village and will definitely not want to leave."

"Then no one has looked for Li Fang?"

"The phone didn't get through either. We thought at that time that he might have found a good family." Zhang Xuejie realized that something was not right, and his voice became softer.

Hou Le's family continued to ask, and while they were talking, the criminal police came to Zhang Lv's house, surrounded his house, and then knocked on the door.

Zhang Lv's house is a bare tube building with a total of four floors. There is not even a tile on the facade, and the red paint on the door has also fallen off, piece by piece, looking very casual.


The mottled red-painted door opened directly, and inside was a sloppy middle-aged man rubbing his eyes.

"Zhang Lu?" A criminal policeman stepped forward and asked. "What's the matter?" The man still didn't react.

"Are you Zhang Lv?" As the criminal police officer was speaking, two other colleagues had already passed him and blocked the door, preventing Zhang Lv from suddenly closing the door and turning a good arrest into a battle royale.

"Yes." The middle-aged man frowned, but with so many policemen in front of him, he still acted a little timid and did not dare to speak forcefully.

"Is there anyone else at home?" The detectives began to enter. "No."

"Where's your son?" "He's gone to school."

"Do you have any relatives? Arrange for someone to pick them up." The Hou Le family frowned. This is a relatively complicated situation.

Zhang Lu hesitated for a few seconds and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"We are from the Longli County Criminal Police Team. Do you know what we want to do with you?" The leading criminal police officer looked at Zhang Lu's cowardly look and suddenly asked.

Zhang Lu barely kept his eyes open and his head felt stuffy, as if he had been put into a pressure cooker. He didn't know what to say for a while.

He had actually rehearsed the conversation in front of him, but the serious faces, neat uniforms, and stern voices in front of him made his throat speechless.

Time has passed a little too long, it has been more than a year, and the string that was stretched has become loose, and it will not be easy to tighten it again.

The induction cooker was on high, and it was cooking gurglingly.

The boiling soup pot is milky white, much cleaner than the water in the steel pot for boiling bones. The pork belly and fat intestines that are turned up from time to time are large and complete.

The induction cooker is the same model used in the anatomy room. Dr. Ye bought it in his early years and it was not broken after more than ten years of use. So he bought more for his own home, his father-in-law's house, and his parents' house. Later, he also equipped it for his office. .

There is a fool button on the induction cooker. Press the hot pot and the water will boil. No matter what is cooked in it, it will boil to a pulp in no time.

Hou Xiaoyong added cabbage and radish to the soup pot of fat intestine, pork belly and chicken, and then began to boil easy-to-cook tribute vegetables, kelp sprouts, etc.

Even if Dr. Zhai had something on his mind, he felt warm and comfortable all over as he ate.

The basement is still a bit cold. Although there is air conditioning and so on, human bones are still different from boiled bones. If you stay there for a long time, you will still feel stiff.

After eating a few more chopsticks of fat intestines, Forensic Doctor Zhai felt half full. He put down his chopsticks and said, "I just said that I did three skull reconstructions. What case are the other two?"

"The other two are cases in Changyang City. They should have fallen off a cliff together, but no identity information was found." Jiang Yuan said simply, and then added: "They have also been placed in the ice coffin for more than a year. Because The situation is similar to the case here in Longli County. I heard that my case was going well, so I called."

More than half of Jiang Yuan's backlogged case team were kidnapped from Changyang City. It was almost time to work on two cases for others to pay the rent.

In terms of the number of cases, Changyang City, the provincial capital, definitely ranks first in the province. Jiang Yuan had previously helped them clear up their backlog of cases, and all he had done were confirmed criminal cases. This time it was delivered to my door.

Whether it is a criminal case or not will have to be further studied.

After all, in the case of falling off a cliff and dying, it may be due to a mistake, it may be suicide, or it may be pushed down.

In other words, it is a special situation when two people fall off a cliff together, but it cannot be ruled out that one person pulls the other person to jump off. Therefore, although there was no victim, Changyang City still stored the body in an ice coffin.

Forensic doctor Zhai is not interested in the case itself. What he cares about is the skull reconstruction surgery.

After thinking about the middle picture of the skull restoration that he just saw, Forensic Doctor Zhai couldn't help but feel a little itchy and said, "If you don't mind, can I help?"

"That's okay." Jiang Yuan answered reluctantly.

Forensic Doctor Zhai is too old and has passed the time to learn magic and skull restoration techniques. Moreover, some things can be said to be "learning XX with zero foundation", but it is a bit ridiculous to say "learning cranial restoration surgery with zero foundation".

Not to mention the many prerequisite skills required for cranial restoration, the cranial restoration technique at LV1 is actually not very useful. It is impossible to see the appearance of the victim in the photo. It was not until the case was solved that I felt that the photo had something to do with the victim. Like cranial reconstruction, what does that mean in practice?

As for teaching forensic doctor Zhai about cranial restoration techniques up to LV3 or LV2, that is not just looking down on skull restoration techniques, it is also looking down on the sacrifices of Guihua and criminals at all levels in Miaohe County!

"I don't do cranial reconstruction very often, so I can't do it in a free and easy manner. If you want to do it together, you have to follow my pace." Jiang Yuan said more tactfully.

Forensic doctor Zhai agreed immediately, and then asked: "Will it be done in Longli County?"

It always feels a bit strange to be working on a case in Changyang City in Longli County.

"Do a few cases first, and then move the device." Jiang Yuan paused and said, "If you find it inconvenient,"

"It's nothing inconvenient. I'm quite familiar with Lao Hou. Although he is a bit stingy and sometimes silly, his thinking is not very clear, and he is not particularly good at making decisions, but he is still obedient when working on cases. "Yes." Forensic Doctor Zhai gave a very pertinent evaluation.

Everyone eating and drinking around the fat intestine, pork belly and chicken, especially the police from Longli County, nodded silently. Including Hou Xiaoyong.

"Then let me get started. What should we do first?" Forensic Doctor Zhai was not hungry to begin with, and now he was even more indifferent to eating or drinking. He didn't want to learn the cranial reconstruction technique, but it was still very important to have a deeper understanding and go back and know what was really going on inside.

Jiang Yuan didn't expect him to be so active, and he still underestimated the appeal of skull restoration to high-level forensic doctors.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yuandao said: "Why don't you take a look at the photos I made before so that you can follow the next part. I may also have something else to do this afternoon. Let's officially start working on it tomorrow?"

"I can do it. Even if I don't sleep at night, I will try to keep up with the progress." Forensic Doctor Zhai is an older person, and he still has a very positive attitude towards learning.


That night, Forensic Doctor Zhai really didn't sleep.

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