National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 437: Calm (please vote for me)

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Changxin Village.

Outside vehicles, one after another, surrounded the southeast of the village, stopping at every opportunity.

When a villager came out to collect parking fees, he was called aside for education.

Two technicians from the criminal investigation team, plus forensic doctor Lao Ye, entered the courtyard in the southeast corner and never came out again. It was not until they saw Jiang Yuan that their brows relaxed.

"Come in and take a look, the scene is a bit miserable."

When Lao Ye saw that Jiang Yuan was really here, his energy and spirit changed.

From the moment he entered the scene, he kept asking the Hou Le family to invite Jiang Yuan over, not only because he was not confident, but also because the atmosphere at the scene was different.

Although Lao Ye has limited abilities and average skills, he has been doing forensic work for so many years and has been to many scenes.

When you look at some of the crime scenes created by criminals, you will know that they are the work of novices, while at the first look at some, you will know that they are not simple.

Jiang Yuan changed into protective clothing and other equipment and went in. He saw blood stains starting from the door.

"You killed him? Did you leave the murder weapon behind?" Jiang Yuan could tell by looking at the blood stains on the ground and walls that it was cut with a sharp, heavy and long knife.

This judgment is already based on the trace tool inspection of LV6 and the blood stain analysis of LV5.

"I didn't leave it, I looked for it specifically." Lao Ye was a little regretful.

This is also one of the signs of a veteran. Many novice murderers like to leave the murder weapon at the scene because it is troublesome to hold something in their hands when running away, or they are afraid that passersby will easily find the murder weapon and call the police. I even felt like I had taken away the murder weapon and didn’t know what to do with it.

In fact, handling it in any way is better than leaving it on the spot. Because of any murder weapon, even with Jiang Yuan's ability, it is difficult for him to confirm the type of murder weapon immediately, let alone its specific appearance. The initial judgment basically relies on guessing.

In the later stage, in order to ensure the integrity of the evidence chain, the police will also spend great efforts to find the murder weapon. The investigation of criminal cases is essentially a duel between the police and the criminals.

Consuming more police resources theoretically reduces the risk of arrest.

Of course, ordinary criminals will not consider this step at all, because if they do, they should know that it is more beneficial to reduce police investment by not committing high-violence crimes and not creating tragic scenes.

But most criminals tend to do the opposite. In the final analysis, when they choose to commit crimes, the factor of confrontation expands.

In front of Hou Le's family, forensic doctor Ye continued: "It feels very calm. You see there is so much blood, and there are not even bloody footprints on the ground. There is more blood inside, and there is no step on it."

"Indeed." Jiang Yuan agreed, walking along the paved bridge while observing the surroundings.

This house in Changxin Village was newly built in recent years. The large courtyard at the entrance is paved with antiseptic wood. The four-story building is not very large, but there is an entrance hall on the first floor. After going around, there is a large living room with floor-to-ceiling windows, which looks grand and bright.

Of course, now that there is a lot of blood spilled on the ground, the upper body of the male host is spread on the floor-to-ceiling window, and the waist is almost cut off. The design of the living room is a bit lost, but the foreignness index has increased.

There were still no bloody footprints on the blood stains in the living room.

Jiang Yuandao: "The murderer escaped by hiding from the blood left behind. He was indeed very calm."

Although it is said that when slashing on the spot, the blood that bursts out at once will not be as much as now, but you still have to pay special attention to avoid this blood.

Extra attention means that the murderer is relatively calm at this time. This alone is very difficult. For a normal murderer, no matter how good his plan was before, if he is not a repeat offender, he is definitely in a state of superiority at this moment. As long as he doesn't shout out, he will not care about what happens afterwards. How about it.

One of the secrets of secret marching in ancient times is to require "people have titles and horses pick bells" to prevent novices from shouting at them.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan noticed a large number of footprints in the living room, sighed, and asked, "Have any villagers come in?"

"Well, the villagers who found it ran out and shouted, and some even used crutches to smash the body." When Lao Ye said this, his face was also dark.

Wang Zhong, who was accompanying the trace inspection team, took photos, looked at the shape of the body, and said, "It's like this, but you still can't see that the person is dead?"

"They just want to touch me, what can you do." Lao Ye snorted and said, "The old men in the village also have bad intentions."

The policeman at the scene said: "I gave a confession to the old man on crutches and recorded it on video. He said he wanted to see if the body was soft and hard, so he pounded it a few times."

"The old man is over sixty and almost seventy. He must be just curious." Hou Lejia's face was dark. This kind of thing is the most disgusting. It is a type that is difficult to handle and will be uncomfortable if not handled.

Naturally, he doesn't want to cause trouble, so he is trying to calm things down.

"Let's go up to the second floor." Jiang Yuan looked at the living room, kitchen and bathroom before continuing to walk upstairs.

The second body, the mistress of the house, died at the stairs on the second floor. The body was face down, forming a pool of blood.

Further inside, there is a messy master bedroom, as well as clothes and shoes all over the floor in the dressing room of the master bedroom.

"I lost some cash, a little gold, and a diamond from my wedding." The two technicians other than Lao Ye were also older police officers. The Hou Le family took care of them and did not send them on business trips. Unexpectedly, they encountered A more tragic death on the spot.

However, the skills of the two are not bad, and they have sufficient experience in on-site investigation, so... the two also suggested to the Hou Le family to invite Jiang Yuan back - if at the beginning of the crime scene, you did not scan useful fingerprints and DNA, then, rather than hoping to be scanned later, it is better to hope that a scene investigator who knows how to analyze blood stains will show up. For example, Jiang Yuan.

Hou Lejia wanted to hold on longer, but the situation at the scene was not optimistic, and he did not dare to let the gold flow away 24 hours a day.

"Take the footprints of everyone who has been to the scene, including the police and civil servants." Jiang Yuan warned first, and then began to examine the corpse.

"Have you found anything?" Hou Lejia came over eagerly.

"It depends on luck." Jiang Yuan means that if you are not lucky, you will have to conduct a thorough investigation. If you are lucky, you will be able to relax.

The Hou Le family felt a little disappointed from their own perspective.

If he relied on luck - although he often relied on luck, it was only when he relied on it more that he realized how unreliable luck was.

"Sweep the scene."

Jiang Yuan found no clues at the scene that could directly identify the murderer, so he could only proceed step by step.

Using LV4's crime scene investigation, Jiang Yuan is confident that he will find clues even if the murderer is very careful.

Even if it is done by an expert, its level of concealment is limited. Even for criminals who have been trained many times, their maturity is very slow.

This is mainly because the cost of training is too high. If you practice three or four times on average and have to go to jail once, it will be very difficult for a criminal to have a higher proficiency level than the police.

In addition, criminal behavior is also a competitive behavior. From this point of view, criminals with generally low education are likely to be at a disadvantage compared to police officers with generally higher education, especially criminal department personnel.

Especially in some serious crimes that everyone takes seriously, criminal officers who have theoretical guidance always perform much better than criminals who do not have theoretical guidance.

The latter really relies on luck to survive.

"Bring me a few more cotton swabs and evidence bags." Jiang Yuan scanned them and said something.

The Hou Le family were looking into the house like headless flies. After hearing this, they immediately walked over and asked, "Did you find anything?"

"There are sweat stains in the drawer where the jewelry is kept. It may have been left by prisoners." Jiang Yuan pointed to the edge of the jewelry box.

In the light-colored wood grain drawer, two drops of suspected sweat stains can be seen, which are not easy to detect. Jiang Yuan also held the drawer of jewelry and looked through it carefully before settling on one place.

The victim's master bedroom was thoroughly turned over, including some winter bedding. In addition to the fact that two people had just been hacked to death, the prisoner was in a relatively high mood and sweating was almost certain.

The victim's jewelry was placed in the drawer under the wardrobe. At this time, there were still some large jewelry packages left inside, and the rings, necklaces, etc. inside were missing.

This kind of drawer is actually not easy to disassemble. The criminal most likely lowered his head and picked up the jewelry one by one into his pocket.

And when resting after strenuous exercise, it is easy to sweat.

Wang Zhong brought more cotton swabs and small evidence bags. Jiang Yuan wetted the cotton swabs on the spot and knelt down to take out the sweat stains.

The Hou Le family looked at this scene, feeling happy but also a little inexplicably sad. He spent such a huge sum of money. If he saves a few more years, he might even buy a private jet, that's it?

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