National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 438: Flustered (asking for monthly votes)

"Captain Jiang, let me help you get the evidence bag."

Mu Zhiyang was a follower at the scene. Seeing that Jiang Yuan had collected key evidence, he immediately stepped forward and helped him put it away.

He was a policeman at a police station. Looking at the appearance of Captain Hou Lejia, I always felt that he seemed to be the protagonist of some disputes in the market. He had the quality of grabbing evidence and running away.

What Mu Zhiyang didn't know was that Bureau Huang always charged Hou Le's family first. In terms of familiarity, life and work experience, Huang Qiangmin has also suffered losses and thickened his cerebral cortex.

Jiang Yuan handed the evidence bag to Mu Zhiyang, and then continued to pick up hair around the drawer.

It is not certain that these hairs belong to the criminal, but if the murderer does not wear a hood like himself, and does not keep himself clean like Wu Junhao's Bald Strike Team, there is still a high probability that the hair will be left behind.

Just like an adulterer who can find other people's hair from his partner's car. If a murderer is more careful than a cheating man or woman, does he deserve it? People can have affairs every day, clean their cars and bed sheets every day, how many murderers can kill people every day?

However, judging from the appearance alone, Jiang Yuan judged that the hair around the drawer should belong to several people. If they are all family members of the deceased, forget it for now. If they do not belong to the family members of the deceased, the probability of this person being the criminal is low. Very big.

The possibility that this case was committed by a stranger is very high. If an acquaintance committed the crime, it would be difficult to find such a calm murderer based on the deceased's social circle. If so, he would not rummage through boxes and cabinets just to get three melons and two dates from a rural family, thus increasing the possibility of being exposed.

"These." Jiang Yuan put the hair into categories and handed it to Mu Zhiyang.

His placement method is very rigorous compared to many other trace inspections.

Mu Zhiyang put it away again, looked back and saw that Hou Le's family was no longer there, so he whispered: "Captain Jiang, is this case solved?"

Jiang Yuan looked back at the chaos at the scene and said: "It would be easy if the DNA of the sweat stains can match. If the sweat stains cannot match..."

"The sweat stains are not comparable, and there are still hairs." Mu Zhiyang was very optimistic.

Jiang Yuan shook his head: "The hair may be left by the master who installed the drawers, or it may be left by the man and woman having an affair."

Some evidence exists for too long and becomes a problem. Especially the location of the horn gra, such as the hair evidence in the wardrobe, makes it difficult to prove its effectiveness.

Forensic forensic science in Europe and the United States has encountered a great dilemma in this regard. In the past, criminal science and technology personnel often conducted selective tests when encountering similar situations. This is also because initial DNA testing is expensive.

However, with the broadcast of various legal dramas, countries that have adopted the jury system, mainly Americans, have suddenly become ahead of the system in terms of criminal science and technology, and the requirements for completeness and completeness of evidence even once It exceeds the capabilities of normal American laboratories, so much so that technicians on many cases are not even willing to fully collect evidence.

Domestically, the collection of evidence in murder cases, especially during the investigation, is as comprehensive as possible.

The investigation of the crime scene lasted almost a day.

By the time Jiang Yuan and others left Changxin Village, the first batch of evidence results had almost come out.

Jiang Yuan didn't have to worry about this anymore. He handed over the evidence, packed it up, and went to sleep for two hours. When he woke up, the forensic reinforcements from Qinghe City also arrived.

Jiang Yuan then took Forensic Doctor Zhai and others to the anatomy room of the funeral home and met with Wang Lan and Forensic Doctor Ye from the Qinghe Municipal Bureau.

Regardless of the fact that Dr. Zhai is leading 8 new forensic doctors, logically, the 8 new forensic doctors can work independently. However, they are the forensic doctors of the provincial department and have their own plans and work contents. They cannot do it for the Hou Le family. Save money and work for nothing. It's not because Jiang Yuan is here that even an invitation won't work.

Wang Lan must come. According to Qinghe Municipal Bureau's policy, for serious murder cases, such as tragic homicides, dismemberment cases, corpse cremation cases, etc., or this kind of double corpse case, you can request the Municipal Bureau's forensic support. Sometimes you don't have to accept the support. .

So, today, 12 forensic doctors were crammed into the forensic autopsy room in Longli County.

12 people surrounded a corpse. If the corpse could talk, they would all shout "It's too boring."

The forensic doctors are also a little embarrassed. Everyone is accustomed to being clean and living independently, and there are really few opportunities for such "gatherings".

Physician Ye, who knows how to deal with the world, has never had such an experience. Seeing that everyone was a little reluctant to let go, he thought about it and said, "It's rare that we meet each other. Let's have a supper together tonight."

"Two corpses, if we want to have a late night snack, we have to do it now."

"It can be done." Forensic Doctor Ye said, looking up at Jiang Yuan and Forensic Doctor Zhai, and asked, "Can you give me some guidance?"

It is naturally much easier to guide the dissection of a corpse than to do it directly. High-end forensic doctors are all instructors, such as Forensic Doctor Zhai. It is estimated that they rarely perform complete dissections on a daily basis. Most likely, their subordinates will do it.

As expected, forensic doctor Zhai nodded, but Jiang Yuan said very directly: "I will be the male corpse."

He does not have much actual experience in dissection. Since he started working, he has only dissected dozens of corpses, which is equivalent to the number of dissections of a mature forensic doctor who has worked for about three years. Therefore, even if he has the skills provided by the system, Jiang Yuan It is better to consciously accumulate some anatomical experience.

Furthermore, it is also very good to encounter skills from time to time when dissecting corpses.

The male corpse was chosen because it was the first victim. In theory, more information could be seen. Coupled with blood stain analysis, it is easier to understand what happened on the first floor.

Forensic Doctor Ye did not expect Jiang Yuan to do this. He tsked twice, then turned around and said: "Forensic Doctor Wang, what about we making this female corpse?"

He and Wang Lan often cooperated, so there was no need to be polite.

Wang Lan responded and said with a smile: "Two more gentlemen, please. It's rare that there are so many people today, so I won't move the bodies."

She is very thin, maybe less than 100 pounds. When she first started working, she had to move corpses. Even if it was very difficult, she had to grit her teeth to do it. Now that she is a senior forensic doctor, she still has to grit her teeth and do it by herself. This is why she likes to travel to various places on business. Each county has its own forensic doctor. She went to help, which increased the forensic force. The local forensic doctor was too embarrassed to let her move the body alone.

The two corpses were lined up on two side-by-side dissecting tables. Everyone selected the corpse according to their preferences and started working.


As soon as Jiang Yuan turned over the man's body, it made a long burping sound.

The hiccups lasted for three or four seconds, were strong and smelly.

The forensic doctors in the autopsy room were as serious as possible, but they still wanted to laugh.

There were too many people, and the atmosphere of terror could not be created at all.

"The waist is almost broken, and the fart is quite long." Forensic Doctor Zhai curled his lips. The intestines of dead people will still produce gas. If it cannot be discharged from the bottom, it must be discharged from the top. Of course, there are many gases that cannot be discharged through the existing opening. It is too late to wait for the forensic doctor to cut the gas in the middle and then disperse it.

"It's much better than giving birth after death." Wang Lan shook his head and said: "Let's talk about something happy, Lao Ye, what did you want to invite just now?"

"Fat intestines and pork belly**, there are many of us, and it tastes good." Dr. Ye turned around and took the large casserole of fat intestines, pork belly and chicken from the shelf, and said, "If you don't want to go there, let them deliver the food. Anyway, Team Hou will contribute the money, and I will save a few more pots."

"Just two of these pots are enough. Why do we need so many?" Forensic Doctor Wang said as he put the offal into the casserole and asked, "Has your Brigade Hou suddenly become more generous?"

"You have the honor of Forensic Doctor Jiang." Of course, Forensic Doctor Ye couldn't say that Bureau Huang had requirements for meal labels. He changed the topic and said: "It's a rare opportunity to use some public funds. I think this basin is very useful. I'm going to give it to I also have two at home, good for making soup and pickling vegetables."

"Yes, it's quite strong and big." Wang Lan knocked on the casserole basin with a crisp sound.

All the forensic doctors nodded.

early morning.

Jiang Yuan got up after only four or five hours of sleep. When he went to the criminal police team, he saw that the building was busy as if no one had slept.

It's true that he didn't sleep at all.

When the murder case was first discovered, it was the norm for the criminal police team to stay awake for 72 hours. Go to bed late and solve the case early, go to bed early and miss the Spring Festival.

The medical examiner's living condition is slightly better. The body has been dissected clearly, and no one is complaining about it when he finds time to sleep. Jiang Yuan didn't even eat the pork belly and chicken last night, so he went to rest.

Now when I came over and took a look, the criminal police members of Longli County seemed to have been given a shot of blood, and they looked even busier than yesterday.

"Have you caught anyone?" Jiang Yuan asked as soon as he entered the door.

"He's caught. He's a local. He's been out there for a few years and has committed crimes. He's being interrogated." As soon as the policeman in question replied, he saw a group of people running down the stairs again.

"Captain Jiang!" Hou Xiaoyong was among the crowd. When he saw Jiang Yuan, he quickly ran over and reported, "We are going to find the murder weapon."

"Have you confessed the murder weapon? What is it?" Jiang Yuan also wanted to confirm his judgment.

"Hatch knife. I brought it with me from home. It was said that the handle was wrapped with cloth. When I left, it was buried in the soil near the hillside." Hou Xiaoyong said in detail, and his tone was also excited.

Jiang Yuan nodded. The hatchet is a commonly used local tool with a long handle and thick blade, which is consistent with the traces seen at the crime scene.

Whether looking at the blood stain analysis or the wounds on the corpse, the hatchet is also consistent.

Jiang Yuan asked again: "Is the motive robbery?"

"Yes, when I came back from other places, I heard that the victim was in the grain harvesting business and often lent money to grain farmers, so I wanted to rob him of some money. In the end, I robbed a total of more than 20,000 yuan in cash, and the jewelry had not yet been appraised. I’m going to take it out of town and sell it, just in time to use it as evidence.”

"Just for tens of thousands of dollars, I took the lives of others and my own life at a young age, such as going out to work." Jiang Yuan shook his head. Even if you don't look at it from the perspective of Jiangcun people, the money is not worth killing people. With this courage and force, it is better to... find some work with low punishment from the "Criminal Law", such as... right.

Hou Xiaoyong smiled and said: "You can't talk about it at a young age. This guy is 52 years old. It's hard to find a job outside. Unless he is willing to go to the construction site, he will definitely not be willing. These people, In the final analysis, it’s all about idleness and indolence…”

"Wait, it's 52?" Jiang Yuan interrupted Hou Xiaoyong.


"Did you name your accomplices?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"No, he claims to have committed the crime independently." Hou Xiaoyong looked at Jiang Yuan's serious expression and whispered, "Is there a problem?"

"Yes." Jiang Yuan did not mince words, recalling what he saw during the autopsy yesterday, and said: "The murderer's strength and muscle strength are a bit too strong at the age of 52. How is the murderer's physical condition? He is very strong. ?”

"That... isn't very strong."

"Then do you think his body is strong enough to cut off the spine of Victim No. 1?"

Hou Xiaoyong saw the photos of the scene and immediately recalled the sight of the man who died on the first floor, lying in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with his waist almost cut off. He couldn't help but shook his head: "I can't do it. He was just an ordinary man in his 50s. , I have some strength, but not that explosive power.”

The indolent murderer doesn't sound like someone who still insists on working out at the age of 50.

"I'll call Captain Hou." Jiang Yuan took out his cell phone.

As far as we know now, there is no need to interrogate the suspect. The first thing to do is to expand the investigation. Starting from the existing suspect, check his contacts and interpersonal relationships, etc. Don’t wait until the time comes.

Hou Xiaoyong was inexplicably flustered. He remembered that he was in the interrogation room and saw the suspect crying and telling the truth. If one of the criminals was missed, it would be a big deal.


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