National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 448: Meritorious Service

The serial killer case was solved, and the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment was as happy as the New Year.

Interpols are people who rely on logic. One thing everyone knows is that if a case such as a serial murder case cannot be solved, from now on, no matter the cold or summer, no matter the spring and autumn, no matter the sun, moon and stars, there will be no holidays.

Unsolvable cases are not terrible. The requirement that murder cases must be solved has been relaxed in recent years. Especially in a provincial capital city as big as this, it is unreasonable to force all cases to be solved.

However, the scary thing about serial murders is that as long as you don't solve the case, the murderer will keep committing crimes until he is discovered and arrested.

It may stop in the middle, but that is the murderer's own choice. It may be because he was arrested for a traffic accident, it may be because he got married, he may have given birth, he may have been injured or died in an accident. The problem is, you don't know. No matter what the situation is, maybe at some point, he will commit another crime again due to some kind of opportunity.

For the police, such murderers are an absolute nightmare - specifically those who have the ability to evade capture by the police.

Most perverts who intend to be serial killers are actually just simple and weak perverts. Most of them do not show the characteristics of serial killers. They may be arrested when they kill the first person.

He killed three serial killers in one breath and also invited Xu Taining and Jiang Yuan to be arrested. It really made people relax after they were caught.

The director was also very relieved. The day after he approved the arrest, the "Changyang Evening News" report was released.

Next, there was an interview report by the satellite TV station. They cut out some of the previously filmed material and released it. What stood out was the group, as well as the figures of Yu Wenshu, Jiang Yuan and others.

For ordinary police officers, this is already a relatively revealing report. But Jiang Yuan doesn't care too much. Only those who have no money want fame. They hope that after becoming famous, they can be noticed and have money.

As a native of Jiangcun, Jiang Yuan had long been fed up with the feeling of being noticed. If he wanted to interview and report on anything, he would have plenty of opportunities.

In comparison, Jiang Yuan looked forward to the meritorious service awards ceremony in Changyang City.

Yes, Luyang City's meritorious service evaluation has not been approved yet, but Changyang City's case will be completed after the case is completed. This is the reflection of different levels in different cities.

By the weekend, Huang Qiangmin came to Changyang City. Witnessed together that two criminal police officers from Ningtai County received second-class and third-class merit respectively.

The winner of second-class merit was Jiang Yuan. The third-class winner was Mu Zhiyang.

Jiang Yuan deserved the second-class merit. After all, he used his LV6 skills to rush out. The murderer of the serial murders was also found out by him on his own, saving money for Changyang City. Director See, I smile when I dream.

Mu Zhiyang received third-class merit. It is equally well deserved. The bandage on his head was wrapped three times and three times, which made his head look big. No one dared to say that a criminal policeman who was injured in the line of duty was not worthy of a third-class meritorious service.

The U.S. military also has a Purple Heart Medal to certify combat injuries. Mu Zhiyang, a criminal police officer from Ningtai County, traveled all the way to Changyang City to participate in local case investigation work, went deep into the forefront of the battle, and was bravely wounded. Naturally, he deserves a third-class merit award. .

When the two received the award, there was cheering and laughter. Moreover, in addition to the two people, there are also several Changyang City's own criminal police officers who have won awards, not necessarily because of this case. The merits accumulated in the past can be cashed in this time.

When Jiang Yuan came off the stage, holding the medal of second-class merit, a system interface popped up: Criminal Imaging Technology (LV2) + Document Inspection Technology (LV2) + Trace Inspection Technology (LV2) + Biological Evidence Inspection Technology (LV2) + Meritorious Service. The skills after receiving the award are determined by the candidates. Jiang Yuan has seen the entire list many times.

Jiang Yuan's eyes wandered for a moment, but he didn't make an immediate decision.

The existing skills are enough to deal with normal cases. If you really encounter a case that you can't solve in the future, it shows that your arsenal is lacking, and you won't have time to choose again when the time comes.

While his mind was spinning wildly, police officers from all over the world came to meet him.

Changyang City is the provincial capital. If something happens, it will spread immediately

The whole province is gone.

For the police in the province, serial murder cases are definitely of the highest concern.

In terms of case difficulty, this kind of case is only slightly higher than the normal backlog of murder cases. Jiang Yuan's detection process actually illustrates this point.

What a tactic! There is a huge difference between nails!

The prosecutor in charge of this case has lost all his hair!

It just happened to be detected.

In this case, Jiang Yuan's fame expanded instantly regardless of whether he should say it or not. Because everyone doesn’t say it, but what they like in their hearts is actually a way to hunt for novelties.

Some policemen who knew Jiang Yuan, especially the captains of various criminal police teams, would say hello and say a few words when they saw Jiang Yuan.

Huang Qiangmin squatted directly behind Jiang Yuan, standing up from time to time to chat with his colleagues who didn't know what he was doing. The auditorium was full of joyful atmosphere.

Li Ting changed into a smart shirt and short skirt, came to Jiang Yuan with a smile, pretended to be interviewing, stretched out her empty hands in front of Jiang Yuan, and said with a smile: "Comrade Jiang Yuan, how do you feel now?"

"Ha, I thought you would really interview me." Jiang Yuan looked behind Li Ting, but there was no photographer following him.

"We are a satellite TV station. It would be great if you could have 5 minutes of footage today." Li Ting half-jokingly paid attention to Jiang Yuan's expression.

Jiang Yuan has been a policeman for so long, and his acuity has naturally increased, so he asked: "Is something wrong?"

"Well, there's something I don't know if it's appropriate to say it." Li Ting's expression gradually became more serious.

What good things can happen if you go to the police? Jiang Yuan pouted and said, "You can judge for yourself. I can't give you any guarantee."

Li Ting's expression paused, then she stroked her hair and said with a smile: "Captain Jiang, you are really ruthless. We even had dinner at the same table two days ago."

"In criminal cases, people usually go to jail." Jiang Yuandao.

Li Ting hurriedly said: "You misunderstood, I didn't want to plead for a certain case..."

Jiang Yuan looked at the door of the auditorium with relief. At this moment, some participants had already left, and he was also preparing to leave.

Seeing this, Li Ting could only grit her teeth and said: "Captain Jiang, please wait a moment. I have a friend here who asked me for help. His elders were kidnapped. The kidnappers asked not to call the police and asked for a large ransom. .”

Jiang Yuan's eyes turned back: "Didn't you call the police? When did it happen?"

"This morning. They found me at noon. Because they knew that I often reported news about the police station, they hoped that I could help and see if they could find a safer way to solve this case." Li Ting paused and said: "After much thought, I feel that if you, Captain Jiang, take action on this case, it would be the best choice."

She flattered Jiang Yuan calmly. However, as far as this case is concerned, Li Ting has been extremely considerate.

Although she knew the director and Yu Wenshu, she was not actually familiar with them. Moreover, they were of higher rank, and there was a high probability that they would not keep secrets for them. Even if they were willing to keep secrets to solve the case, they would not. He will take action personally, and in the end the case will be delegated to a specific executor.

In Li Ting's opinion, it would be better to find Jiang Yuan. On the one hand, Jiang Yuan has his own team, which not only has the ability to independently investigate cases, but also minimizes the scope of insiders. On the other hand, Jiang Yuan himself is from outside the county and has little contact with Changyang City. To a certain extent, he can keep it secret.

Li Ting has learned about some kidnapping cases. Although some cases have been solved perfectly, some cases cannot be prepared. When encountering emotionally unstable kidnappers, they break up in the middle or even at the beginning.

If so, it would be so tragic for the victim's family.

Jiang Yuan turned to look at Li Ting and said, "If you come to me, you are already calling the police."

"I know, but please help me, can you control the case within the scope of your team?" Li Ting paused for a moment, and did not mean to hide it anymore. She looked around and said softly: "The victim is in the frozen product business. Yes, the size of the company is already 9 figures, and it can be done privately..."


I'm not short of money. Wait a minute, I'll call our porn bureau over. "Jiang Yuan said, looking left and right, and then gestured with his eyes to Huang Qiangmin, who was not far away.

Huang Qiangmin's expression changed, and he came over with a frown: "Isn't it about love?"

Li Ting had no time to stop her, so she could only give Huang Qiangmin a smile: "Huang Bureau, I am Li Ting, a reporter from Shannan TV."

"Hello, hello. Is there a case?" Huang Qiangmin is also very perceptive. If it were for other matters, Jiang Yuan would not call him over.

Jiang Yuan ignored Li Ting, nodded and said, "Kidnapping case. Where did it happen?" After the last sentence, he looked at Li Ting.

"Red Gate Market." Li Ting couldn't hide it now.

Hongmen Market is a large wholesale market in the south of Changyang City.

Huang Qiangmin said: "This is a Changyang case. A case that happened in Changyang City, Changyang City."

Li Ting acted coquettishly: "Help Bureau Huang, let's take a look at Team Qingjiang..."

Huang Qiangmin pondered for a moment: "I'll have a chat with Yu Zhi. Don't worry, it won't affect this side."

No matter how reluctant Li Ting was, she could only watch the scope of insiders expand. She actually knew in her heart that from the time the victim's family found her, they were deceiving themselves and others by saying they didn't call the police.

"Okay. Let's go." Huang Qiangmin went over and said a few words before returning, taking Li Ting and Jiang Yuan out in high spirits. The criminal police in other counties would take such a case purely for scolding, but the criminal police in Ningtai County would be fine.

"Huang Bureau is back?"

"gone back."

"Jiang Yuan is amazing!"

"Ningtai is far away from the river, and fierce flames are roaring!"

Along the way, everyone greeted Huang Qiangmin and Jiang Yuan. Including people from other county criminal police teams, the smiles were even bigger.

Huang Qiangmin raised his head even higher.


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