National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 449 That’s it

The victim of the kidnapping case, Chen Cangyun, lived in a community not far from Hongmen Market.

Although he is a high-profile boss, Chen Fenyun is low-key and has low requirements for the living environment. He and his wife only live in a house of more than 200 square meters, which was purchased and renovated more than ten years ago.

Chen Cangyun's parents, a younger brother, younger sister, and their children all live in the same building in the same community, and they all have similar apartment types.

At the same time, the Chen family also worked in their own frozen food company, receiving wages and dividends. Chen Cangyun was kidnapped, it can be said that everyone in the company was shocked.

Jiang Yuan brought Wang Chuanxing, Huang Qiangmin and Li Ting to Chen Cangyun's home in casual clothes.

The four people didn't look that eye-catching, just entering normally like ordinary residents in the community.

The moment they entered and closed the security door, the Chen family couldn't wait to surround Jiang Yuan and others.

"How's it going? Do you have any clues?"

"Do you want to pay a ransom?"

"Can you find someone?"

Everyone has questions, and everyone can ask recurring questions.

Li Ting hurriedly stepped forward to explain that she was related to the Chen family, and her logic was sufficient. In a few words, she roughly explained the identities of Jiang Yuan and others.

At this time, Huang Qiangmin went to the front and said coldly: "One person speaks, who of you has the final say?"

He was as serious as a policeman and showed no intention of helping.

The Chen family immediately calmed down, and some of them looked back.

"I'll do it. I, Chen Cangshan, am Chen Cangyun's younger brother. Just call me Lao Chen."

Chen Cangshan handed Huang Qiangmin and others his business card, and said in a low voice: "My brother has always been in charge of the internal affairs, and I have been in charge of the external affairs.

Logistics and communication with external companies are all handled by me. "

"Your name is Lao Chen, what about your brother?" Huang Qiangmin asked casually to establish the conversation.

"In the market, he is usually called Boss Chen." Chen Cangshan said: "As for my brother, he mainly sells in the market. He is familiar with every household in the market, as well as the restaurant merchants who come to buy goods. All calls go to him. We have been in business together for almost 30 years and have always done well."

"Tell me about the specific circumstances of the kidnapping. Has anyone seen the specific kidnapping process?" Huang Qiangmin asked.

Chen Cangshan shook his head and said: "We received a courier, but when we called my brother and couldn't get through, we couldn't get through the driver either, so we found out that he had been kidnapped."

"Even the driver was kidnapped?" Huang Qiangmin frowned. If this is the case, it means that there is more than one kidnapper, or even two.

Chen Cangshan nodded and said: "The driver has been with my brother for more than ten years. He is in his 40s this year. This is his son."

Huang Qiangmin looked at what Chen Cangshan was pointing at.

It was a young man with a green face, his eyes were red and swollen, as if he had been crying, and he looked like he was in a state of confusion.

"Where's the express delivery?" Jiang Yuan asked.

At Chen Cangshan's signal, another young man quickly ran to the study and took out a large SF express envelope.

"Can I find the person through express delivery?" the young man asked expectantly. Huang Qiangmin was the first to say: "Don't think too simply, but we must investigate."

None of the Chen family said anything. They had obviously discussed this issue before. But since people use express delivery, they naturally think of ways to avoid it. Otherwise, if they find the person through a reverse search, they might as well make a phone call.

Jiang Yuan put on gloves and carefully opened the express envelope. There was a piece of paper inside, with printed handwriting on it, which said: Use 20 kilograms of gold to replace someone. Do not call the police, otherwise the ticket will be broken. I will prepare 20 kilograms of gold for you 24 hours a day, worth 8 million. Maybe you can only afford two ordinary people. The amount of money that 20 ordinary families may not be able to put together for their housing.

It would probably be difficult for the Chen family to get it together.

Chen Cangshan said cautiously: "We received the express delivery from SF Express, and the phone number from the courier guy.

I also stayed, why didn’t this person call? Afraid of being tracked? "

"It's possible." Huang Qiangmin did not answer directly. Nowadays, the management of mobile phone cards has gradually become stricter. Although there are still loopholes that can be exploited, in terms of security, they are not that safe. The same goes for Internet phone calls. Especially in these years when electronic fraud has been on the rise, the police's investment in communications is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If you think carefully about the news that "a certain person was repeatedly persuaded by the police but was still deceived", there is actually a hidden fact. When a person receives a fraud call, the police also know about it.

Here, there are systematic early warnings, especially the server-side early warnings, which have been very comprehensive. "

However, Huang Qiangmin couldn't explain it carefully to Chen Cangshan. He was vague and said: "There are also advantages to using paper and notes. For example, it can be a one-way conversation, so it will be difficult for us to bargain with this."

It was a one-way conversation, so naturally he couldn't ask to talk to Chen Cangyun. From this perspective, the possibility of Chen Cangyun being voted out is greatly increased.

"Do you know where the person was kidnapped?" Huang Qiangmin asked.

Chen Cangshan shook his head blankly.

As a result, the risk of drivers committing crimes increases. To tie up the driver and Chen Cangyun together, it would take three or four people, or even more accomplices, to do it together, but in this way, there would be more people to share the money with.

On the contrary, if the driver participated in the kidnapping, the situation would be simple. Maybe just one more kidnapper, or even the driver himself, would have the means to kidnap Chen Cangyun.

Huang Qiangmin was already scratching his head when he thought of this. If anything, he has been in charge of criminal police work in Ningtai County for so many years, and he has never seen any big storms.

But there is one thing to say. Except for those cases that are particularly obvious and direct, Huang Qiangmin has never found solving cases to be easy.

He is like the kind of student who will be able to pass the exam. Only very simple questions, such as after-school exercises, or free points in the paper, he can answer stably and correctly. In addition, he can also The answer is 40% to 50%, or even 60%. But in the process of answering questions, he may or may not be able to solve ordinary questions. The only thing that is the same is that they will not make Huang Qiangmin think the questions are easy.

Today's kidnapping case, the more I ask about it, the more serious it becomes. There are no witnesses, no video data, and no basic information at all. The chance of a positive investigation is basically non-existent.

The rest, most likely, is to negotiate with the kidnappers for the ransom.

During the negotiation process, if you can catch the thief, that would be perfect. If you can't, you can only wait for the negotiation to be completed and slowly solve the case. After all, after the negotiations are over, either Chen Cangyun's confession or Chen Cangyun's body will be more conducive to solving the case.

"In this situation, I suggest that we let the police intervene." Huang Qiangmin called Li Ting over and borrowed her identity, saying: "We are both friends with Li Ting, and we won't hide it from you. From now on Judging from the facts of the case, Boss Chen is already very dangerous. The risk of passively waiting for the kidnapper's arrangements is also very high. It is better to take action and face it proactively." Huang Qiangmin was not prepared to solve the case privately. Now that he understands the case, he Persuade Chen Cangshan.

In fact, the Chen family didn't have any ideas at all, so they agreed to report the case to the police in just a few words.

In fact, even if they disagree, they have already reported the case. However, after this, the Chen family's cooperation has become higher.

Kidnapping cases inevitably require the cooperation of the victim's family.

Huang Qiangmin stabilized Chen Cangshan and others, then motioned Wang Chuanxing to look at them. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Yu Wenshu.

During this period, Jiang Yuan had been reading the note with a horseshoe mirror.

He acquired the LV3 document inspection skill very early, but he never used it very much.

Now, this note is the most direct evidence, and Jiang Yuan's attention is focused here.

If this kidnapping case eventually evolved into a drama of paying a ransom, monitoring and chasing, and finally trying to capture and escape, then Jiang Yuan would be useless. But if you change it to a note...even if it is a printed note, there is a lot of information in it.

Soon, Huang Qiangmin finished calling

Then, he turned around and said with a comforting smile: "Okay, don't worry. The criminal police detachment is experienced in kidnapping and will keep it as confidential as possible. In addition, are you able to pay the ransom?"

"Do you want to pay?" Chen Cangshan asked.

"To be honest, solving a case is one thing, but bringing the hostages back intact is even more difficult. We don't know what kind of person the criminal is or what his character is. We can also guess his next actions. No, so from the perspective of your family members, I suggest you make as complete preparations as possible." Huang Qiangmin said as tactfully as possible.

The Chen family understood, had a brief exchange with each other, and quickly made a decision to send two people together to raise money and buy gold.

Huang Qiangmin nodded slightly and said no more. As a police officer, the most common kidnapping cases that I see are actually the ones that kill people. Huang Qiangmin couldn't tell how far this case would progress, but with the Chen family's financial resources, it was still necessary to raise 8 million yuan to give Chen Cangyun a chance to survive. Likewise, no matter what the kidnappers choose, the process of paying the ransom will inevitably expose more flaws to the police.

"I'm looking for a phone number." Jiang Yuan waited for them to finish speaking, then took out his mobile phone and turned on the speakerphone on the spot.

After two rings, Meng Chengbiao's voice came from the phone.

"Team Jiang?" Meng Chengbiao is the only non-young person in Jiang Yuan's backlog class, and he is also the most calm.

"Well, there is a case. Are everyone in the team here?" Jiang Yuan asked. "Here I am"

"Then go on speakerphone." Meng Chengbiao became serious. "I am also hands-free here. There are family members of the victim." Jiang Yuan explained and then briefly described the case, and then said: "You guys have to do a few things now. First, the horizontal strokes and the shape of the triangular peak are all It is clear."

"Second, there are burrs on the edge of the ink and scattered dots of ink. It should be that a third-party toner was used. In addition, this is a low-speed laser printer."

"Third, the paper is a low 70G paper. Then send it to the laboratory for inspection to see if we can find the specific manufacturer and model."

"Fourth, the printer has a high degree of wear and tear. It is most likely not a self-purchased home printer, but a printer from a print shop or company. The ransom note is only a small piece torn off, more like Printed at the print shop.”

"Based on the above four points, you first go through the printing shops in the city, with the Hongmen Market as the center, and search in all directions. Don't miss anything. If you find a printing shop that uses HP black and white laser printers, use the same Type the same paragraph in Song font and font size, take a photo, and send it to my email with the original image. Also pay attention to ask them about the type of paper they use. If they use multiple types of paper, type a few more."

"If you identify the printing shop used by the criminal, you must keep it confidential and apply for support immediately. At the same time, check the surveillance, ask for in-store video recording, and make notes for the store staff. You should also not wear uniforms to avoid irritating the criminal."

After Jiang Yuan gave the order, he looked at Huang Qiangmin and said, "Say something to Yu Zhi? Let him send some people to cooperate?"

"Okay." Huang Qiangmin picked up the phone and answered Yu Wenshu. He actually wanted to say: My people have helped you solve the case again. It was only because the family members were around that Huang Qiangmin said angrily: "Yuzhi, we have a lot of clues for you."


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