same day. The abbot and lay people all followed the police down the mountain.

Along the way, the abbot's mood was a little depressed. When he was about to go down the mountain, he even said his last name unconsciously: "Bacheng, the king of thousands of mouths, Bacheng, the king of thousands of mouths..."

Mu Zhiyang curiously asked him what he was doing, and the abbot said, "I'm cursing people."

"Who are you scolding?" Mu Zhiyang asked.

"On the surface, I'm scolding myself." The abbot rubbed his big beads and said, "Even if a netizen takes a video, they can only say that I have a weird temper."


"I just want to recite a few more words to the bastard!" The abbot rubbed his big beads quickly: "The bastard! They are all bastards..."

Mu Zhiyang looked at the abbot's shrewd head: "Fortunately, your surname is Cheng..."

The abbot said very philosophically at this time: "I am born with talents that will be useful. If you think carefully and carefully decipher the words, you will always find a surprise. If you read more books, you will find that there are plenty of curse words in Chinese. "

What could Mu Zhiyang say? He could only raise his thumbs up and say, "Reading is really useful."

"This is true. If Qian Guoqing, the donor, had studied hard, he would not have caused such a big disturbance." The abbot shook his head helplessly: "It's all cause and effect."

After talking about this, Mu Zhiyang became interested: "How to say it, please tell me."

The abbot said: "If Qian Donor has gone to college, he will definitely have the status of a cadre at his age, so he can only retire at the age of 60. In this way, there will be no time to wander around. The nature of his work will probably be For white-collar jobs in the office, when he gets older, he no longer has the energy to talk about sexy women. In most cases, he probably has more than enough energy but not enough energy..."

Mu Zhiyang looked at the abbot, who was about 10 years older than him, and said sincerely: "Sure enough, a monk must see it clearly."

The abbot said "En" and said: "People like us who are often away from home, whether we are in love or marrying a wife, we should think more carefully and be more cautious."

"Yes, yes." Mu Zhiyang fully expressed his opinion.

Criminal Police Brigade.

Captain Han entered the door, drank two sips of water, and then ordered a few people and said, "You guys, please make detailed records of inquiries for the abbot and pilgrims."

There was a police officer who had just returned from hiking. Everyone who heard this was numb: "The record we made last night was not detailed enough?"

"This is fate, not prostitution. Have you asked all the questions?" Captain Han said impatiently: "Ask everything that needs to be asked, in and out. This person is probably related to the temple. These bad things here are inseparable."

But whether it is related or not, I don’t actually know. The detectives complained secretly, but there was nothing they could do.

It's troublesome to break the fate, and it's also very troublesome to do it. And everyone also knows that if you don’t record the inquiry now, people’s rhetoric will change later, and it will be useless for you to refute.

Lying to the police is a very stupid thing to do, but there is one exception, that is, people who don't tell the truth. This kind of person cannot tell the truth anyway, and most likely will not get a reduced sentence. It will only increase the workload of the investigators.

Of course, what is even more annoying is the other kind, which is the nonsense spoken by the witnesses, just like these lay Buddhists and pilgrims today.

No one thinks they are telling the truth, but which part is the truth and which part is the lie? Or maybe they forgot about it as they talked about it.

Among the criminal policemen who remained in the criminal police brigade, some did not realize the seriousness of the problem and said with a smile: "There is no rush anyway, just take your time and write down the notes."

The normal transcript is like this. It follows working hours, and everyone is not in a hurry. It’s time to rest and drink water. It’s almost like chatting.

Especially when facing unimportant witnesses, with the camera set up, there is no need to think hard to find a breakthrough, just speak normally. The main workload is to go back and transcribe reports.

However, the situation today is obviously different.

The content of the chat is different.

In the past, it was the police who laughed and listened to the talk about life and destiny, but now, it is destiny talking to all living beings.

Seeing the kind and twisted expressions of the 60-year-old ladies, and hearing their pain and curses, several young police officers soon couldn't stand it any longer.

Later, it wasn’t the police who were looking for people to chat with, it was the people who were looking for the police to talk to.

Chatting, chatting, chatting... the day passed.

The next day, the few people staying at the guest house of the Criminal Police Brigade did not need to be urged by the police comrades. Everyone came to the door of their own initiative and continued to chat.

Jiang Yuan passed by during work hours and saw Captain Han's expression, which made him feel even worse than when Director Huang was there.

At least, when Huang Bureau was there, Captain Han was definitely in pain, the kind of tired pain caused by excessive blood loss from being bitten.

However, after a few days of interviewing and recording, Captain Han was already exhausted and had a dull pain from an unknown injury.

Jiang Yuan couldn't care less, just like going to work, he went to the criminal police team in the morning and went directly to his office to repair the skull.

At noon, he didn't even go out to eat. He just ate some food brought from home, such as sauced bones, Buddha jumping over the wall, barbecue, pilaf, etc., which could be eaten with a little heat.

There is a microwave in the office. Just adjust the time and it will be a good meal after just a few dozen.

Even if it is a relatively bland food like Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, bring a little more soup each time, heat up one pot at a time, and pour rice into it, and it will be a good light meal.

In the evening, if he was hungry, he would cook some hot pot or barbecue in the office.

The takeout industry in Qu'an County is not developed. The few stores that are willing to deliver takeout sell products like Hualaishi, and they are mainly small chain stores, and errands are not yet open.

Jiang Yuan had no choice but to leave the WeChat account of a delivery boy and ask him to buy various food and water every day.

After getting familiar with Jiang Yuan's daily life, the delivery boy was shocked and started to consider taking the auxiliary police exam.

A few days later.

Master Cheng and others returned to the small temple one after another.

The skull made by Jiang Yuan is also gradually taking shape.

"Take some pictures." Jiang Yuan directly drew the pictures on his notebook, and then called the full-time criminal photographer from the Qu'an County Bureau to come and choose.

Cranial reconstruction can be called an art, but its negative impact is that the restored human face is somewhat uneven.

To put it simply, every step of skull restoration is not extremely precise. Generally speaking, choices are made within a certain range.

Theoretically, if the choices in each step are very different, the final faces will be very different.

However, the human eye or the human brain itself does not rely on accuracy. As long as the gap between the portraits is not particularly large, the eyewitnesses will have a certain ability to distinguish. It is easier to identify people who are familiar to you.

It may be a little more difficult when used for facial comparison or computer analysis, but compared with the artist's portrait, the accuracy of the photos obtained by cranioplasty is much higher.

Especially in China, most police stations actually do not have the equipment of painters, and of course, there are no skull repairmen.

The only criminal photographers who have anything to do with art are usually quick-trained photographers.

The person from Qu'an County obviously did not go beyond the usual scope.

He selected six pictures in one breath, and it was obvious that he had the idea of ​​​​exerting a large amount of data to produce miracles, which showed that he had no self-confidence at all.

"This should be about the same. By the way, why don't you make your face whiter or yellower?" Those who engage in criminal photography usually photograph dead bodies, and their aesthetics of portraits have gradually become more like those of forensics.

"It's difficult to judge the color of facial skin, so let's diversify it." Jiang Yuan shook his head secretly, also losing confidence in him, and chose 24 photos by himself.

In this way, 30 pictures with different... similar appearances were collected. In theory, there are 30 people, but in fact they all look very similar, just like 30 brothers.

Import these 30 photos into the backend system, and you don’t have to wait long for the backend to start to impress.

At this time, Captain Han and Liu Jinghui also ran up.

"Look what's there." Liu Jinghui sat behind Jiang Yuan, ready to help look at the photos.

The portrait system used in Qu'an County is similar to the fingerprint system and is also a candidate model. By default, the avatars of 20 candidates are spit out at a time for people to choose.

But unlike the fingerprint system, people's recognition of faces is much higher.

Even a well-trained fingerprint expert has to look carefully at the candidate fingerprints thrown out by the automatic fingerprint identification system and compare them one by one.

However, when faced with human faces, ordinary people can clearly tell whether the people in two photos are the same person without training.

This makes the screening process very fast.

This is also the useful part of cranial reconstruction, because what comes out is a human face, and everyone can easily compare it. Even ordinary criminal police officers have corresponding abilities.

Dozens of photos were swiped through in an instant, and soon, several people noticed one photo at the same time.

"This person." Liu Jinghui pointed and said, "Look for this person's information!"

What appeared on the monitor was an old man with a high nose and a somewhat artistic temperament. Looking at the identity information, he was also from Nanming, Vietnam.

Just looking at the address information made everyone excited.

Captain Han took the mouse, clicked it a few times, and entered the password. Soon, he looked at the screen and saw a red reminder of "missing".

At this moment, it was almost locked. Captain Han looked at the page carefully and said: "This person did not leave DNA or fingerprints in the system, but his children left DNA... I will contact them!"

Mu Zhiyang was watching behind him in confusion. When everyone was no longer so busy, he asked Liu Jinghui in a low voice, "Liu Chu, did a completely unrelated person die?"

"It's relevant or not. You have to ask to know. But..." Liu Jinghui curled his lips and said, "Qian Guoqing is from Yue Province, and this person is also from Yue Province. If you say it is completely unrelated, I don't believe it."

"Then... is it still love and hatred?" Mu Zhiyang felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't even have a girlfriend, and the old babies in the temple began to hate each other because of love, and even started killing people? Is everyone’s progress too inconsistent?

Liu Jinghui did not answer, but said: "It's hard to tell the motive, but who do you think killed him?"

Although the dungeon in which the old babies of the independent small temple killed each other failed to open smoothly, Liu Jinghui still had other expectations.

Mu Zhiyang shook his head blankly: "They sleep with each other. Who knows who will kill someone."

Jiang Yuan reminded: "The place of death is also quite special. It is deep in the road and not many people know about it, but..."

"But what?" Captain Han immediately asked.

"If it's for murder, you should carefully search the surrounding locations. The crime scene is not far from the road. As long as you are willing to walk a few more steps, it is a good place to kill..." Jiang Yuan grew up at the foot of Sining Mountain. The older one still knows something.

Mu Zhiyang's eyes widened again: "That's not true, I'm already so old..."

"Don't underestimate the elderly!" Liu Jinghui snorted and said, "Just because they can keep writing notes for three or four days, and the content of the conversation is so in-depth..."

"Stop talking, there's a picture!" Mu Zhiyang felt painful.

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