National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 467: Heartfelt Admiration

"The deceased Zhou Wei, 60 years old, 175 centimeters tall, was from Nanming, Yue Province. His daily job was a tailor, but he has been missing for a long time, and his tailor shop has closed because of this..."

A young policeman from the Qu'an County Bureau held a folder in his hand and made a report to everyone in a professional manner.

In the conference room, all the leaders, including the director, listened very carefully.

If it weren't for the photographers running around, holding cameras like giant monkeys, this meeting would have looked very serious and high-end.

Fortunately, the photographer finished taking the first part and was led out. The director coughed and cleared his throat and said to Jiang Yuan and others: "The external publicity side asked me to shoot, and I can't refuse. That …Let’s continue talking about Eucalyptus.”

Captain Han stood up immediately and said: "Then let me tell you the direction of our next investigation. First of all, Qian Guoqing is an important role in this case. He and the deceased Zhou Wei are from the same hometown and are old acquaintances. According to Zhou Wei's Family members described and searched consumption records, they found that Qian Guoqing had three sets of suits made by Zhou Wei, all of which were three-piece high-end suits..."

"Zhou Wei came to Shannan Province and explained to his family that he was traveling. His children also bought the air tickets for him. However, shortly after arriving in Changyang City, Zhou Wei lost contact with his family. Later, his children were reported missing, and two This time I came to Changyang City, but my search was fruitless."

"Qian Guoqing and Zhou Wei's time in Shannan Province overlapped, but based on their itineraries and the time Zhou Wei arrived in Qu'an County, Qian Guoqing should have been in Changyang City."

The deputy director in charge of criminal investigation asked: "That means Qian Guoqing is not the murderer?"

"Yes, but we think Qian Guoqing is probably an insider. We have brought him here and are interrogating him." Captain Han looked a little helpless.

The deputy director took the initiative and asked: "Isn't it easy to interrogate?"

"Well, this Qian Guoqing is a bit slick, and what he says is true and false. We are verifying it." Captain Han did have a headache. Qian Guoqing is a foreigner, and many things need to be verified by the criminal police assigned outside. On the other hand, this guy has a lot of little secrets. Although most of them are things the police don't want to know, in order to hide them, Qian Guoqing always tells lies inadvertently.

Senior criminals actually don't lie very much in front of the police. If they do, they will tell a big, deep lie. Ordinary fibs are meaningless, and they can easily lose the chance of a reduced sentence. For them, sometimes when jail is certain, there is no need to lie again and again. Moreover, the detention center is not as comfortable as the prison, so it is better to go to jail as soon as possible. I told you to go to prison early and enjoy a regular life.

Qian Guoqing is different from his layman friends in that their guilt is not heavy and their moral shackles are particularly heavy. In addition, they are particularly immoral, so they can only make up for it by lying constantly.

The leaders were naturally unwilling to hear this. The director immediately turned to Jiang Yuan and asked, "Is there any direction for the criminal department?"

"As for the murder weapon, we have made a relatively detailed description. Preliminarily, it should be an iron rod or a cylindrical object with the front end." Jiang Yuan said briefly. The source of the corpse has been determined. The next step is After carefully crawling the evidence, I can only wait patiently for this part.

Of course, if the directors are willing to pay a huge price and adopt a money-spending model to save time, there are not no plans, such as investigation...

But it's obvious that the director's current attitude is that he still wants to have sex for free.

In the final analysis, this incident is just a hoax, and it is not on the same level as the station explosion.

If there is anything that attracts the attention of the directors, it is Jiang Yuan's skull restoration technique.

When the meeting ended, the reporters who came over confirmed this point.

"I heard that in this case, our special team used the most advanced cranial reconstruction technology in the country. Can you tell us about it?" The reporter was young, beautiful, long-legged, and asked questions with a smile on his face, which made people want to answer the question. .

Jiang Yuan had also been in contact with reporters many times, so he was a little hesitant when he was stopped, but within the scope of the police station, the probability of hitting a minefield was not high, so he just followed the other person's questions and answered them.

The beautiful reporter asked in detail and took notes carefully. She seemed to be preparing to write an ambitious article.

Cranial reconstruction surgery is indeed a relatively interesting criminal knowledge for ordinary people. The beautiful reporter asked more and more questions, but it took a lot of time.

As I asked, a little bit of the stories about the lay people came out.

The reporter's eyes suddenly lit up. Compared to the skull reconstruction surgery, this story seemed...

"That's all for today's interview." Jiang Yuan would definitely not reveal the details of the case under investigation, so he waved his hand and stopped the interview.

Before the reporter could ask further questions, Captain Han also ran over and took the person away.

Looking back, Captain Han let out a long sigh and said, "Sometimes I feel it's really troublesome. The liar didn't explain himself properly. Several female lay practitioners still wanted to send him in or pay for it... It's really like this." What a mess.”

"The murderer should be relatively strong, at least a healthy male." Jiang Yuan didn't want to get involved with female lay practitioners.

Captain Han nodded and said: "I have sent people to inquire nearby to see if anyone knows anything. Okay, let's find it slowly..."

After the source of the corpse was determined, Captain Han felt a little tired. The explosion he had just done was very cool, and the cranial reconstruction surgery was also very cool, but now the relationship between the old lady and the old tailor, which may have nothing to do with it, has become an ordinary daily routine.

Jiang Yuan could guess a little bit of Captain Han's thoughts, but he didn't care. He waved his hand and went back to his temporary office to rest.

There was a refrigerator in the lounge. Jiang Yuan took a soup dumpling specially sent by his father from it. He beat it in the microwave, then put a pack of vermicelli in it, and then put it in the microwave until "Ding" With the sound of ", a bowl of simple beef brisket powder is ready."

Jiang Yuan sat in front of the window with a bowl, thinking while eating.

It is said that once the source of the corpse has been determined, the case should be easier to detect. The circumstances of the case are still unclear, and it is still relatively rare...

Just as he was thinking this, Zhou Wei's head, which was placed on the corner of the table, suddenly spit out a small blue ball.

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment and picked up the ball.

The blue ball disappears in an instant:

Zhou Wei's legacy - Tailor (LV2): Zhou Wei has been a tailor all his life. He doesn't feel like he likes this job very much and only regards it as a job to support his family in Hukou. But at the last moment of his life, all Zhou Wei thought about was all the details of his many years as a tailor. If he had more time, if he could wake up earlier, if he could have less responsibility and more freedom, Zhou Wei might be able to live a more self-sufficient and happier life.

Jiang Yuan read Yize's description twice, then patted his head with his hands to express his gratitude.

When I picked up the tachyon again, my phone vibrated.

Jiang Yuan pressed speakerphone, continued to drink soup, and asked, "Han Da, what's the matter?"

"Someone told me that her boyfriend she met locally was jealous and accidentally beat Zhou Wei to death." Captain Han exhaled heavily: "Sun Lijuan, her boyfriend! Let's arrest her now."

Jiang Yuan recalled Sun Lijuan in his mind. She was not the three female lay people who lived in the small temple. Instead, she felt that she was a marginal figure. Perhaps she was afraid, so she did not dare to dance like Zhang Fen and others. sharp.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but look back at the skull and said, "Who are these people?"

"Killing is the last thing that needs a reason. Fortunately, you confirmed the source of the body. The murderer and the insider have no experience..." Captain Han suddenly wanted to explain a few more words to Jiang Yuan. Sometimes, the fate of the dead became... The problem is not that we don’t work hard, but that there are too many weird people and things.

Jiang Yuan himself suddenly felt an urgent need.

My skills are still not comprehensive enough, otherwise, why would I have to wait for the explanation from insiders.

Just as he thought of this, the system popped up in front of him again:

Mission: Heartfelt admiration

Mission content: Make your peers sincerely admire you

Mission progress: 0/X

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