National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 484: In the evening, I don’t understand how deep the night is

dark night. Thick fog.

The breeze blew hard, making the hair of the girl wearing a short skirt stand up.

Mu Zhiyang looked at the girls wearing these clothes with their hair standing on end, covering their breasts, crossing their legs, running past him, heading straight into the hot nightclub, and felt very warm in his heart.

"You arrest people carefully, I will be the second echelon for you, don't worry." Mu Zhiyang said to Gao Yuyan who was next to him, who was eager to try.

Gao Yuyan glanced at him disdainfully: "Dong Bing, Tang Jia and I will go up first. The second echelon is the female police officers from the criminal police detachment. Just keep an eye on the outside."

If conditions permit, the country still requires female police to catch female thieves. From this point of view, the treatment and passive freedom of female thieves are higher than those of patients.

Of course, the police-to-robber ratio enjoyed by criminal suspects when arrested is also much higher than the doctor-patient ratio enjoyed by patients during medical consultation.

There are about 30 police officers waiting to arrest *** today.

Logically speaking, it would not take so many people to arrest a female suspect. However, on the one hand, the case was serious, and neither Bai Jian nor Yu Wenshu, who was hiding behind the scenes, dared to lose this clue. On the other hand, *** had been punished many times by public security, which was not a good thing. During this period of time when she was making friends, she was always accompanied by a flower protector.

It took the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment several hours to finally determine the location. In order to facilitate the arrest, they found a nightclub bartender and invited him out.

In nightclubs, beautiful girls are called dishes, and they are a dish provided to the rich guys. Just like free players are a function provided to paid players, the number of beautiful girls is one of the competitiveness of nightclubs.

The act of sending the beautiful girls you find to the big brother is to serve food. Nightclub salesmen who are more capable of serving food are called kings of food.

*** In the past, I was often called out by the King of Food to play. When I received a WeChat message today, it was no surprise. I paid 200 yuan for a taxi, spent thirty minutes putting on makeup, called a special car, and arrived at the bottom of the nightclub. When she appeared in front of the "Shuiyang Palace", she attracted the attention of more than 20 men and 6 women.

"Are you sure?" Gao Yuyan confirmed for the last time before taking action.

"Confirmed. It's her." Several detectives crowded together and carefully identified her.

Mu Zhiyang even let out a long sigh: "When I saw this photo a few years ago, I really didn't have the ability to recognize it. Being a criminal police officer is quite training."

"Just confirm it, don't talk so much." Gao Yuyan carelessly pushed Mu Zhiyang aside and stood guard in front of the car door.

People arrive. The door opens.

Gao Yuyan rushed out like a javelin thrower, not at a particularly fast speed, but still maintaining extremely high explosive power.

How can ***, who has been walking in nightclubs all year round, have such an experience? She weighs less than 90 pounds, has thin arms and legs. Looking at Gao Yuyan who jumped out like a black panther, she wanted to shout, but she was hoarse.


Gao Yuyan pressed her *** against the wall.

She still felt pity for her, and the usual approach would be to throw her down directly and pin her to the ground to be safe. Tang Jia stepped forward and twisted ***'s arm directly, his movements were even more brutal than Gao Yuyan's. "What's your name?" Gao Yuyan and others asked after controlling themselves.

During the anti-trafficking operation, they cooperated to arrest many women weighing more than 150 kilograms, and their movements were quite skillful.

"Who are you?" *** was actually a little expected, but still harboring fantasies.

"Let me ask you, what's your name?" Gao Yuyan's tone was stern, as if she was trained in the palace.


When Dong Bing heard this, he immediately handcuffed *** and said, "Police. Be honest!"

Similarly, what you hear on TV is really different from what you hear live.

Mu Zhiyang and others also got out of the car. Those who were wearing police uniforms went to the outside and those who were not wearing police uniforms went to the middle to help. They pointed at the people watching the excitement around and marked a cordon. As for those who took pictures with their mobile phones, those on the outside were The criminal police officer just adjusted the law enforcement recorder to make sure his face was captured.

*** was immediately pulled into the car, and the group of people withdrew immediately. There was no warning tape at the scene. The young people who came to the nightclub were all bored, but now they all became excited:

"Is it the police? Really the police?"

"You don't know how to do it, or do you think it's a script? Just take it to the cell, it's quite enjoyable."

"Could it be that someone got cold immediately? Our sisters met one last time. He said he was 28, but he turned out to be 38. He almost burped and almost passed away. It was scary."

The police boarded a professional prison car. Meng Chengbiao had been waiting inside for a long time. When the car started to drive, he immediately interrogated suddenly: "What's your name?"

"***! How do you know to ask for my name?"

"Just answer whatever I ask you. Say it again, what's your name!" "***."

"That's right." Meng Chengbiao gave a special smile. The interrogation experts were all professional PUA masters, and they easily aroused the emotions of a frightened little girl.

After a few questions, *** just asked and said whatever he wanted.

Meng Chengbiao signaled the car to drive slower, and then said: "I'll ask a few more questions, and then we can rest. Do you know Wang Xingzhai?"

"I don't know you." "What's the relationship between you two?"

"***." *** also let go.

Meng Chengbiao nodded and asked again: "When was the last day you met Wang Xingzhai?" *** whispered the date.

"Wang Xingzhai is dead, did you know?" Meng Chengbiao suddenly said sharply.

*** was frightened and his body shook: "Really dead?"

Meng Chengbiao did not answer: "What happened the last time you saw him?" "He was taken away." ***'s answer was unexpected.

The several policemen in the prison car all pricked up their ears. Meng Chengbiao asked: "By whom?"

"have no idea."

"Tell me about the situation at that time"

*** hesitated for a moment and said: "I had just put on my clothes, packed them up, and was about to leave. Someone knocked on the door. Wang Xingzhai went to see me, and suddenly asked me to hide it in the closet and took tens of thousands more yuan. Give it to me, let me hide, say"

"say what?"

"He told me to tell the old ghost that it was Huang Li. Then he told me to shut up. The money and mobile phone in the closet belong to me." *** answered happily, and she kept this sentence in her heart for a long time. .

Meng Chengbiao gave a look, and naturally someone went to report it. Turning around, Meng Chengbiao asked: "How did you do it?"

*** hesitated for a moment and said: "I lost my phone and got the money back." This answer was somewhat unexpected.

Meng Chengbiao asked: "Why did you lose your phone?"

"I think he was flirting with me, trying to create an agent character or something. It was quite popular before. Anyway, if he asked me to spend money, I would spend it."

"Where did you lose your phone?"

"Sold to a mobile phone collector." *** said confidently.

Meng Chengbiao thought of the drug dealer lying in the grave, shook his head secretly, and asked again: "How much is the money?" "Sixty or seventy thousand yuan, I didn't count, it's all spent."

"Have you spent all the sixty or seventy thousand? How long did it take to spend it all?"

*** said disdainfully: "How long can 60,000 to 70,000 be spent? If you buy a bag or two pieces of clothes, you won't have much left. The salary of your police officers shouldn't be so low, right?"

meeting room.

Bai Jian's rosy face was smoking like a big roast duck: "Then, now the clues are divided into two. One is the whereabouts of the mobile phone, and the other is Lao Gui and Huang Li. These two people know each other. Of?"

As the case progressed to this point, it gradually exceeded Captain Bai's control. Especially in Changyang City, where he was unfamiliar with the place, he felt even more powerless.

However, this is how the case progressed. Seeing that no one else objected, Bai Jian continued to make arrangements: "Xiao Liu, you continue to lead the team to find the mobile phone and contact the technical detective Duo Liang.

Yes, it would be nice if you could confirm your phone number. Captain Li, thank you for your hard work in investigating this old ghost and Huang Li. "

"Yes." "It can be done." The two teams responded.

Liu Jinghui watched Bai Jian smoke a cigarette and said with a smile: "Jiang Yuan, can you find Huang Li's traces in the room, such as footprints and fingerprints?"

Wang Xingzhai was not taken away completely peacefully, and there might be traces left intentionally.

But Jiang Yuan could only shake his head and said: "The aunt he asked to come clean at a fixed time, and by the time we came, she had cleaned it almost 10 times. The footprints and other traces on the floor can no longer be found."

"It's okay. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. In any case, we are one step closer! Think about it, we now know the name of the murderer. Although we don't know the real name yet, we also know how Wang Xingzhai died. Yes, although we won’t be able to use it for the time being, we still have an eyewitness. Although he was a bit hungover at the time and didn’t see the process, victory is right in front of us!”

Bai Jian's mouth gradually became tougher, and he encouraged his men to become strong again.

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