National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 485: Still a young boy after returning x

In the next few days, Changyang City's graphic investigation team and technical investigation detachment also participated in the investigation of the case.

The community where Wang Xingzhai lives is still in a prosperous area of ​​the city, and there are a lot of cameras, including in the elevators of the buildings.

However, the murderer lowered his head the whole time and wore a large mask, which greatly affected the performance of the picture detective. Some European countries have banned masks for a period of time, the purpose of which is to avoid the difficulty of image recognition.

Jiang Yuan also helped to look at the gait, and he actually remembered the gait. However, the step from gait to person would be easy to do in real time, but after so many days, it would be difficult to track it.

From Yanlord's community to the main road, they encountered a situation that was covered by camera records. Jiang Yuan and the people from the photo investigation team were fooled by guessing and trying. After the murderer took Wang Xingzhai into a fake car, Later, I encountered a section of road without cameras. I continued to guess for most of the day, but after all, I couldn't continue.

Although the two policemen sent by the picture detective are still looking for surveillance, the chance of being able to continue to lock in is very small.

At this time, the task force clearly entered a plateau period.

There are still clues that can be pursued, but it is not clear when they can be traced. Moreover, whether it is tracking mobile phones or using special circumstances to find people, it cannot be obtained by increasing manpower and material resources. In Shiting County, Li Xiang is still leading people to search for and dig graves, but his manpower and material resources are basically saturated. Any increase will only increase management costs.

Not everyone is Xu Taining, who can continuously accumulate manpower and material resources to speed up progress. A young expert like Li Xiang has a hundred people under his command. If a hundred people are sent out to do a single task, it will be the limit.

However, professional criminal investigators have also encountered similar situations.

Dreams and passions are just slices of boiled meat. The red color is very attractive, but what supports them are the vegetables underneath, which are the inconspicuous, ordinary, boring, cheap bean sprouts, cabbage, rapeseed or cucumbers. Anything will do, it’s just foreshadowing anyway.

Delicious meat slices are often available, but flavorful side dishes are not often available. Xingke people spend most of their time cooking.

When these technologies first began to become popular, those who made fingerprints, those who made DNA, those who made footprints, and those who made tool marks still attracted some attention. Once their popularization was completed, their aura disappeared.

Just like a quilt, the most comfortable and softest moment is when you first touch it. After sleeping for a long time, there are only two distinctions between normal and uncomfortable.

Jiang Yuan also disappeared from everyone's sight.

It took Jiang Yuan a day or two to accompany the people in the picture investigation team's running posture. This process allowed Jiang Yuan to see the cunning and professionalism of the murderer.

Wang Xingzhai is also a professional criminal. Although he has become a little weak due to drug abuse and nightclubs, he does not lack the skills and mental strength to resist. Logically speaking, he should not be controlled by the murderer for a long time.

However, the murderer did it, whether he did it with words, force, or there were details unknown to the police, but there is no doubt about the murderer's professionalism.

Words like professional killer are not valid in China most of the time.

Without such an environment, there is not much money to be made. The most important thing is that most murderers can escape their crimes because of luck, the negligence of the investigators, or some advantages of the natural environment. All in all, killing someone and getting away with it is hard to replicate.

You still have to collect money, and you have to have a certain level of publicity.

But today's murderer gave Jiang Yuan a glimmer of possibility.

He has a long-term employer, a stable income, and a stable channel to dispose of corpses. The victim is most likely a marginalized person in society, not protected by a mature system, not involved in a long-term and stable intimate relationship, and no one cares about him if he disappears.

As long as he has the criminal skills, he can kill people stably for a long time and make a living from it. This is a professional killer.

Such people are naturally extremely dangerous.

As long as there is a chance, Jiang Yuan feels that it is very necessary to bring him to justice. And the opportunity is right in front of Jiang Yuan.

He uses extreme

With fast speed and a stable mentality, he worked overtime to restore the skull of Victim No. 2.

The reason why cases of professional killers are difficult to investigate is that they do not have the criminal motives of normal cases. There is often no direct intersection between the murderer and the victim, and there is no direct interest. Secondly, the criminal methods of professional killers are very professional and leave few traces. Third, professional killers often know how to dispose of crime scenes and victims’ bodies, further making investigations difficult.

Now, the three links in this iron triangle have actually been shaken.

The murderer in this case serves a drug gang, and the motive for the crime has already been revealed. Although the criminal methods were professional, the process had fallen into the eyes of the police. Based on the conditions of several corpses, the basic procedures could be guessed. As for the disposal of the corpse, how smart it once seemed, now looks so stupid.

However, the key point is that the above three favorable conditions only exist in this case.

If this case fails to pass smoothly, the loosened iron triangle will become stable again.

The murderer will definitely look for new ways to dispose of corpses, revise and improve his criminal methods, and even change locations, job content and even employers.

After Jiang Yuan figured out the joints, he stopped thinking so much and concentrated on squatting in the police station office, even skipping the steps to go home. Anyway, his house in Changyang City is only a little big, and he has to clean it when he gets home, so he might as well stay at the police station.

The main thing is to save time and energy. Although there are other clues and targets tracked by other criminal police, there is also the possibility of breakthrough, but within Jiang Yuan's range, skull repair is the most promising.

Don't think too much. If you can confirm the source of one more corpse, you may be able to double the clues. Moreover, the two corpses can be confirmed from both sides, which may also help the case.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Yuan lives in the police station. In movies and TV dramas, if someone has a great influence on the case and may discover the true identity of the murderer, then his journey home will become particularly dangerous. .

Considering that the other party was a cadre of a drug trafficking gang and might even have a gun in his hand, Jiang Yuan felt that he should be more cautious.

Jiang Yuan disappeared for several days.

When Bai Jian looked up from the mess of clues, he saw Jiang Yuan had already moved the computer and sat back in the conference room.

Bai Jian was a little happy when he saw Jiang Yuan, and said with a smile: "I just said that I haven't seen forensic doctor Jiang for a few days. Well, our clues have been basically sorted out now. Team Jiang will join in, and we will try our best to solve the problem next time." In a few days, we will further advance the case.”

Bai Jian clapped his hands and said, "Everyone should be more energetic. As criminal police officers, we should have a murderous look in our eyes. No matter how the case goes, we should have confidence in ourselves."

Bai Jian shouted loudly: "Confidence is the best weapon for solving crimes. Believe in yourself. A temporary setback will build up greater strength for us!"

"Yu Zhi!" "Yu Zhi"

The greetings at the door almost drowned out Bai Jian's words.

Bai Jian couldn't help but stand up. The criminal police detachment captain in a provincial capital city still needs to be respected.

Yu Wenshu smiled more gently, shook hands with Bai Jian, and said: "Brigade Bai has worked hard these past two days, so don't just focus on solving the case. You should also pay attention to your personal health."

"After solving this case, take a good rest for a few days." Bai Jian replied.

"It's best to really rest." Yu Wenshu took out his hand and looked at Jiang Yuan. "Yuzhi." Jiang Yuan greeted.

Yu Wenshu and Jiang Yuan were very familiar with each other. Most of the members of Jiang Yuan's backlog class were lent to him by Yu Wenshu. At this moment, Yu Wenshu nodded and asked directly: "How is it?"

He learned about Jiang Yuan's return from Wang Chuanxing and others, so he rushed over immediately. At this time, Bai Jian also looked at Jiang Yuan with some hindsight.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I performed skull repair surgery on deceased No. 2, and the final facial image was like this."

He gestured to Wang Chuanxing to open the PPT and showed a photo of a man in his 40s.

Slightly fat

, he has a beard on his chin, his short hair is a little messy, his teeth are not neat, and he has a bad nose that looks straight at the hips, but he doesn't look like he's on drugs.

Jiang Yuan continued: "After facial verification, deceased No. 2 should be Chang Jiagui, a native of Qi Province, and a transport truck driver by profession. He had a medium-sized Foton truck in his name. He was divorced and had a daughter who was awarded to his mother. One month after Chang Jiagui disappeared, his ex-wife reported the case.”

If delinquent girls are the most vulnerable female group, truck drivers are the male group most vulnerable to illegal abuse.

However, compared to the nightclub deceased No. 4, the No. 2 deceased Chang Jiagui was able to investigate quite a lot.

The expressions of the detectives in the conference room also became vivid, showing strength, struggle and expectation.

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