National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 542 The first scene

late at night.

In the conference room of Luojin City Bureau, the lights were still on.

Boom boom.

Pang Jidong knocked on the door and went straight in. He saw Yi Shihuang and his apprentice flipping through files at the table.

"Why don't you go back yet?" Pang Jidong asked with a smile.

Yi Shihuang glanced up, the wrinkles on his face trembling: "It's too late to go back. I'll wake up my wife and get scolded. It's better to sleep in the office. Don't you have to go back too?"

"I'm going back. My wife loves people." Pang Jidong showed off and asked, "What are you busy with? Is there something wrong with 828?"


"Then why are you anxious? You will save a lot of time during the investigation phase, and you will have plenty of time to handle the case."

"Hey, I just want to see... how this case is solved." Yi Shihuang pushed the information in front of him and said, "We can't let these technical people have the final say in the future."

When he said this, Pang Jidong's expression became solemn, and he said after a while: "No matter what, aren't we the ones who got the fingerprints back?"

"To take fingerprints now, we have professional on-site inspections." Yi Shihuang glanced at Pang Jidong and said, "It's up to us to arrest the person."

"Well..." Pang Jidong rubbed his face: "It's too late. I'm all confused. I don't have enough brain."

Yi Shihuang sighed: "Lack of brains is a big problem. Now is not the age of iron feet."

"Today's young people are different from us. They all know some technology, and there are more and more college graduates." Pang Jidong said, and naturally sat down at the table, then looked at the information and asked: " There are no technical people involved, so how are you going to handle this case?"

"That's what I was thinking about tonight. First of all, I must find witnesses. They may not have seen it, but they may have heard it." Yi Shihuang did not answer directly, silently flipping through the information. After a while, He said: "As for the fingerprint, we actually asked Li Tong to check it, but it was not successful at that time."

"Was the suspect in Curry at the time?"

"I'm an old poisonous person who was released after serving his sentence. How come he's not here?"

"Li Tong should be quite strong..." Pang Jidong said, suddenly burst into laughter, and smiled like an old cutie: "Do you think Li Tong will doubt himself when he hears this story? He might not do it tonight. I didn’t sleep, so I just looked at this fingerprint all night long.”

"He won't." Yi Shihuang said.

Pang Jidong said unexpectedly: "Are you so sure?"

"I called and asked." Yi Shihuang's expression was as innocent as a Shar-Pei dog.

Pang Jidong was stunned: "To rub salt into the wound, are you not planning to use others again?"

"I'm about to retire anyway. However, Li Tong is in a good mood, at least better than us."

"How to say?"

"He said that Jiang Yuan used image enhancement or something. It was a picture-detection thing, and it was very high-end. If he couldn't do it, it had nothing to do with us."

"There are quite a lot of new things." Pang Jidong was quite accepting of it. He turned around to see Yi Shihuang still looking through the files and just smiled.

In fact, technology has been innovating. There is no need to wait for Jiang Yuan to come over. In recent years, there have been countless cases solved just by using mobile phones.

In the past, there were many troubles in using technical investigation methods, and they were not used in ordinary small cases. Now that the cyber security team has been established, many cases can be easily solved by picking up WeChat records.

As for technology such as trace evidence, it covers a wide range of cases and has excellent results. However, the police have always been unwilling to publicize this aspect.

"Okay, don't think too much about it. In fact, let alone our people who solve crimes, there are fewer people who are still willing to commit crimes. All professional criminals have gone to engage in telecommunications fraud. Without any skills, they can't even find anyone. "Pang Jidong put down the file and went home to find his wife.

Yi Shihuang was unmoved and continued to study the file with his head down.

He is not prepared to solve all the cases, just half or one-third of the remaining cases.

Jiang Yuan stayed in the trace evidence laboratory for three days.

Pollen is not easy to control, and the amount is too large. It is pinched out one by one, which makes the back and neck hurt.

Jiang Yuan suddenly understood the problem of popularizing forensic botany. The root of the difficulty in popularizing forensic botany was here. There were not many high-level botanists willing to do this work for criminal investigators. And those with low levels are useless.

There is no need for moral kidnapping. Criminal investigation is important, paleontology is equally important, and exploring the origins of human beings is more meaningful.

If anything, if you explore an ancient tomb or ancient building complex, you can at least write a few papers. If a young person who has just graduated goes to college and is either promoted or left after five years, he can at least keep his job by sweeping ancient tombs or something like that. Work. If you want to solve a case for the police, you may leave nothing but thank you.

- Unless the case is super important.

On the fourth day, Jiang Yuan called Pang Jidong and his fourth team and set off to the area where the first case occurred.

This is a very quiet residential area with lush vegetation and numerous residential areas. The roads are generally not wide and suitable for pedestrians, and there are relatively few cars.

When we were almost there, Pang Jidong introduced us: "This is our wealthy area in Luo Jin. There are many villas and bungalows, and there are almost no high-rise buildings. There are several high-end hotels, and then there are schools, small business districts, large shopping malls and There are no such things as office buildings. It is a relatively pure place to live. It is very popular among us Luojin people, and the housing prices are higher than those in the surrounding areas."

This is something that will not be written in the file. Jiang Yuan realized the key points and asked: "So as soon as the case came out, it attracted a lot of attention?"

Pang Jidong said: "That's right, but generally speaking, the middle class can afford to live here and the rich are willing to live here. It should be an area with very good security. In fact, we have a guess, because there were surveillance cameras around the area at the time. Yes, vehicles entering and exiting are always at risk of exposure, and we guess that the murderer probably lives in this area."

Jiang Yuan was noncommittal. This kind of reasoning could be considered, but it was not very rigorous. Compared with Liu Jinghui's reasoning, it was not competitive and was more like a conjecture.

Pang Jidong continued: "The problem is that there are a lot of people living here. There are always hundreds of thousands or 200,000 people. The area is actually quite large. Many communities are very remote because only people from their own communities come and go. Passing cars. The busier place is near the school and there are some small supermarkets."

"So the crime scene could be anywhere?" Jiang Yuan understood what he meant.

Pang Jidong nodded: "Before this case, some schools had school buses, and in some schools students walked home by themselves, or rode bicycles home. It is normal for middle school students to walk home by themselves. If the criminal hijacked someone on the road , after driving a little distance, you may reach a remote place. After the violence, you can drive a little further and drive back to your home."

This is also a guess, Jiang Yuan listened silently.

Mu Zhiyang, who was sitting next to him, said at this time: "Generally, rapists run away after the crime. Why did this person take the risk to do it twice?"

This is a question that anyone who sees this case will ask. Cases of secondary rape are extremely rare, and many people have never heard of them.

Pang Jidong said: "Maybe it's because of the stimulation. Or maybe there's some psychological problem?" Pang Jidong paused and said: "We have been doing criminal psychology for a while, which is FBI profiling, and we are experts from the provincial department. I helped, but no one was caught. His definition is that the criminal is impotent and may need special circumstances to get hard. The first time is to relieve stress and for stimulation."

Pang Jidong paused and then said: "The second time, we guessed that it was probably at the criminal's place, home, or rented location. The criminal may have also given himself medicine. Based on the estimated time given by the four victims, I also ran a map, but it had no effect..."

"It can't be at the criminal's home, at least it's not a fixed location." Jiang Yuan remained silent, and he was very sure at this time.

Pang Jidong had been involved in the case of the two strongmen for a long time, and he did not dare to come to such a conclusion decisively. He couldn't help but ask: "Why is it not a fixed location?"

"The types of pollen stained on the clothes of the four victims are quite different, and the proportions vary greatly. They are not in fixed buildings." Jiang Yuan has been collecting pollen for several days in a row. Later, I also had my own analysis of the case.

Pang Jidong could only nod. He was assisting Jiang Yuan this time, so he naturally followed his train of thought and said, "That's four cases, choose 8 locations?"

"Yes." The answer given by Jiang Yuan was completely different from the previous guesses of the task force.

"Go to the location marked A immediately." The driver reminded at this time.

Soon, the car stopped at a small roadside by the river.

The river flows very slowly and looks like a stagnant water from a distance. There is a sign on the roadside named Yongtongqu.

Jiang Yuan got off the car and walked slowly along the path.

Pang Jidong followed him closely. Several criminal policemen in the other car also got out of the car and looked around.

This place is about a few hundred meters away from the place where the first victim was electrocuted. It is still very remote and the greenery is very beautiful. The big branches on the roadside are lush and leafy, and there are green grass under the trees and half-person tall trees. bush.

"It should be here." Jiang Yuan suddenly stood in front of a lawn. He took a photo with his mobile phone first, then sighed and said, "Ask the greening management staff here. If they haven't done anything in the past year or so, If it’s too much renovation.”

"I'll ask if it's in charge of the municipal government or the nearby properties." Pang Jidong had already found someone and called now.

Jiang Yuan stretched out his hand to signal.

Mu Zhiyang immediately brought him gloves, head coverings, foot coverings and other items.

Jiang Yuan slowly put it on.

They were standing about 20 meters away from the river, next to a two-lane asphalt road and a bicycle path without bicycles.

The place where Jiang Yuan identified the crime occurred was next to a thick sycamore tree, which provided a large area of ​​shade.

The lawn under the sycamore tree is about three or four meters wide. The bushes on both sides have two layers, one high and one short. They are only trimmed to a flat head and are more than one meter high.

Jiang Yuan could imagine that if the criminal brought the victim here, pushed him into the lawn, and then lay down, the bushes would basically cover his figure perfectly.

As for shouting... As long as the victim opens his mouth to speak, he will be shocked. The criminal obviously doesn't care whether the victim is awake or dead...

In the words of criminal psychology experts that Jiang Yuan read in the files, this is the ultimate form of control. The criminal wants to do the most objectionable and offensive behavior to the public in this kind of place, which is close to the public.

Likewise, the file also contains photos of the location where the first victim was electrocuted four times.

For an ordinary person, these four electric shocks are enough to be fatal.

It can be said that this is more violent violence than ordinary punches and kicks.

If possible, such people should be sent to the underworld as soon as possible.

Jiang Yuan was fully dressed and leaned over to search nearby.

After more than a year, ordinary biological examination materials should be no longer available. Now it is time to see if it is possible to find the items that the criminal or the victim accidentally lost.

Pang Jidong asked the person, reported it to Jiang Yuan, and helped to find him.

Jiang Yuan found an area of ​​about twenty square meters, stopped, shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like there's anything left. Mark it and let's go to the next spot."

Pang Jidong did as he was told, walked a few steps, then suddenly stopped and looked back at this place, still a little unsure: "So, we have found the first scene of the first victim?"


"Are you just going to leave like this?" Pang Jidong was a little reluctant. If during the task force, he really found the first scene of the victim, why would he still dig deep?

Jiang Yuan only said: "There are still seven places, or we can leave two people to look at."

When Pang Jidong heard this, he left two people alone and asked them to wander around the area to see if they could find witnesses. At the same time, he called people.

As an old criminal police officer, Pang Jidong knew that if all eight scenes could be found, various clues would naturally emerge from this case.

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