The car drove three kilometers and arrived at the second target area designated by Jiang Yuan.

As usual, Jiang Yuan got out of the car and walked for a while, about a hundred meters away, before waving for someone to come over.

This is under the high wall of a villa community.

The wall is three to four meters high, and there is a layer of barbed wire blocking the top, with the warning "Electricity Danger" written on it.

There is a green belt under the wall. There are some tall trees planted next to the wall. The trees are not very old, but it feels like you can climb up and look at the height inside the wall.

The width of the green belt is about three to four meters wide, and there is also a circle of low big-leaved boxwood trees on the edge. The dark green leaves are oval, smooth and hairless but extremely dense.

Beyond the green belt are sidewalks and roads. On the other side of the road is another wall, and inside is another villa community.

This kind of road between villa communities, on the side without the garage exit, has almost no cars. Occasionally, it passes by at a speed of forty or fifty kilometers, and there are very few pedestrians. Jiang Yuan and others I haven't found anyone since I parked my car.

If the eucalyptus criminal chooses this green belt and acts behind the bushes, the concealment effect will be similar to that of a car. There is a low probability of being discovered, but that's why it's so exciting.

Jiang Yuan motioned to the technicians accompanying him to take photos and keep recording, and said to Pang Jidong: "This is it, let's check again."

Jiang Yuan himself dressed up again and entered the green belt to investigate again.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yuan withdrew disappointed.

The place is right, but I can't find any useful clues.

I have to say that there are some advantages to doing sex in a green belt, especially for rape. It is easy to leave some hair, dander, and various liquids on the ground due to violent movements and other reasons. superior.

If it's a cement floor, you might be able to find some scraps if you look for it after a while. But in places like green belts, a large number of decomposers will automatically and consciously eliminate them.

Of course, there are dangers, just like someone is always photographed when their car shakes, and there are always people who can't help but run to the top of the mountain in Sining to check one car after another...

"No clues were found." Jiang Yuan returned to the car and shook his head. He concentrated on investigating the crime scene for half an hour, which was also quite tiring.

Pang Jidong expressed his hard work, then looked at the second scene, and couldn't help but said: "The criminal will stay at the second scene for a long time, and doing it in the green belt like it illegal? He is still too confident."

"Judging from the pollen map, this is where it is." Jiang Yuan had no way of inferring the state when the incident occurred, and said in a discussion tone: "Could it be that this kind of excitement is what the criminal is after?"

Pang Jidong said uncertainly: "It's possible. But the risk is still quite high... No one noticed it four times..."

Jiang Yuan couldn't answer this question. He waited for a moment and then said, "It's time to go to the first scene of the second victim."

"Okay..." Pang Jidong agreed, got in the car, suddenly shook his head and laughed, and said: "It always feels strange. We were in the special team at the time, and we couldn't find the crime scene, just like this. Someone appeared...I don't mean to be suspicious, I just feel that the world has changed a lot."

"The accuracy of the pollen map is still relatively high. Even if they are all green belts, the things planted are similar, but if you calculate the distance, the difference is not very far. Moreover, despite the fact that the types of plants in the green belts are all the same, in fact Various plants will naturally grow on and under the bushes, just like there are weeds in farmland..."

Jiang Yuan did not elaborate on the types of these plants, but generally speaking, in a green belt several hundred meters long, if it is planted for a long time and the area is not large, there will always be thirty or fifty species of wild grasses and wild flowers. of.

Asking Jiang Yuan to explain again, Pang Jidong felt a little embarrassed and waved his hand: "Every few years, new things will come out in the laboratory. I just can't learn them anymore, but it's no problem to cooperate with them. Don't worry. Well, I won’t let anything slip here…”

After watching Jiang Yuan's previous crackdown, Pang Jidong was now only worried that he would have problems with his cooperation and hold Jiang Yuan back.

Jiang Yuan smiled and wanted to say a few words of relief. At this time, the system screen in front of him popped up:

Mission: The old man is brave and ambitious.

Mission content: Pang Jidong was once the young criminal policeman in the team who was most familiar with advanced technology. He was an emerging force who was knowledgeable and educated, and understood technology and science. He used various technical powers to continuously detect many serious crimes, avenge the dead and make the living safe... New technologies in the new era are coming, and Pang Jidong, who is nearly fifty years old, struggles to keep up with the development of technology. Help him.

Mission goal: To enable Pang Jidong to fully understand the elements of forensic botany and become familiar with the methods and methods of using forensic botany to solve eucalyptus.

Jiang Yuan's eyelids were twitching wildly. After reading the system's tasks, he turned to look at Pang Jidong and couldn't help but frown.

Pang Jidong is almost 50 years old, and his memory and understanding must have declined a lot. There is really a lot of content in forensic botany.

Even if the system does not require it to be taught forensic botany, but only learns to use forensic botany, the complexity is high enough.

The most important thing is, is Pang Jidong willing to cooperate?

The new location designated by Jiang Yuan arrived soon.

This is the first scene of the second victim.

Compared with the first case, this case was only 8 days later, and the murderer was much more cautious.

The first site he chose was the bottom of a small bridge.

This bridge is only a few dozen meters long, and there is an approach bridge more than 20 meters long. Both sides of the approach bridge are still green belts and residential areas.

The place where eucalyptus is found is in the green belt at the junction of the approach bridge and the small bridge.

The probability of being discovered here is relatively low. You can even park temporarily under the bridge. There are about three or four cars with empty spaces, no one is in charge, and there are no cameras.

The excitement of committing rape here may be reduced, but provoking the police will probably make up for the dopamine he lost.

Jiang Yuan found a place. He first asked other police officers to take photos and videos, and then said to Pang Jidong while putting on his clothes: "Pollen atlas is also called pollen signature, which means the accuracy of the signature is similar. This cannot be proven by a single pollen. A single There’s not much that pollen can prove, you have to consider the possibility of it drifting in from outside…”

As he spoke, he looked at Pang Jidong.

Although Pang Jidong was a little confused, he still nodded: "So the type of pollen must match the meaning, right?"

Jiang Yuan, who had just accepted the task, explained it to Pang Jidong in detail, saying: "That's not necessarily true. It depends on the type. Pollen are basically everywhere in the modern living environment. Including office buildings in cities. There will also be pollen, but generally speaking it is wind-borne pollen, there are also pollens that are mainly insect- and bird-borne pollens, and there are also pollens that are spread by water flow. The latter ones are different from the previous ones... …”

After the introduction, Jiang Yuan continued: "It is not an accurate quantification. Generally speaking, the type is determined first, then the site is found, the site is found, and then the proportion is determined..."

The rise of Jiang Yuan said: "Of course, it is not simply impossible to quantify. Botanists have studied some pollen more frequently, such as pine pollen grains from pine trees. Seeing the wind-borne pollen with its saccular structure, We know that it is a long-distance transmission type, and even the distribution of pine pollen throughout the city. We have icons and some formulas. If you are not familiar with it, just look it up..."

"There are also rushes, sedges, straw, etc. They all have their own characteristics. Specifically, we can refer to some icons...":

As Jiang Yuan talked, he saw that Pang Jidong's eyes gradually lost light, just like a child who was listening carefully and couldn't focus his eyes.

Jiang Yuan then stopped and said with a smile: "It's not in a hurry..."

Pang Jidong was excited: "Why are you not in a hurry?"

"It's okay. I'll take a look at the scene first," Jiang Yuandao said.

"Oh, I... I'll take a rest first." Pang Jidong breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his brain was swollen.

Jiang Yuan gave Pang Jidong a lesson and asked him to digest it for the time being.

As for whether Pang Jidong is willing to learn... Jiang Yuan is not ready to give him this choice for the time being.

At the third scene, there were still no clues available.

Jiang Yuan was not in a hurry now. He knew that the prisoner was a cautious person. When Jiang Yuan was doing on-site investigation, he began to give lectures to Pang Jidong.

Pang Jidong is old and slow to respond, but the advantage is that he is willing to listen.

For people of his generation, if someone is willing to teach something, they must at least show respect, otherwise it will be a social problem.

The disadvantage is that when you reach Pang Jidong's age, after learning something for a while, your consciousness begins to drift...

Jiang Yuan paid attention to Pang Jidong's expression and state. When he saw that he was awake, he sent out the output. When he saw that he was dizzy, he let him rest.

The fourth scene...

The fifth scene...

The sixth scene...

By the time they reached the seventh scene, Pang Jidong's men were already dying and fell asleep while listening on the road.

He didn't even realize what was happening.

Jiang Yuan's sudden learning assistance exhausted Pang Jidong's brain resources in just a short time.

His mind was now so full of sporopollen that he could no longer think of other problems.

The police officers next to them were also in a bad state. They had more or less heard the content output by Jiang Yuan. After listening too much, they seemed to be contaminated. Their bodies swayed a little and their reactions began to slow down. .

Jiang Yuan saw that the task had not been completed and knew that Pang Jidong was not in place yet, but he could not accept it in a short time, so Jiang Yuan got out of the car and continued to conduct on-site inspections.

Finally, there was the eighth scene, still nothing gained.

Nothing was found at every site, which actually illustrates certain problems.

On the one hand, this shows that the prisoner is very cautious, and his proficiency may improve during the subsequent operations. But on the other hand, Jiang Yuan feels that there is a possibility that the prisoner will return to the scene.

Instead of returning to the site quickly, we returned to the site after a while and further cleaned up the site. The reason for this idea was that the site was too clean. All 8 sites had only greenery and no debris. , a scene without any artifacts, although possible, always feels a little too clean.

This is not completely consistent with the sanitary condition of the green belt that Jiang Yuan saw along the way. Even though there are many villas and low-density residences nearby, there are always some paper scraps, broken bottles, plastics and the like in the large green belts.

However, these ideas of Jiang Yuan are also speculations and are also not supported by evidence.

After this trip, the real clues I got were actually the locations of the eight scenes.

The farthest between the eight sites is four or five kilometers, which means they are all limited to one area.

"Go back. Today's on-site investigation will end here." Jiang Yuan sat back in the car and patted Pang Jidong.

Pang Jidong twitched, as if he had been awakened, his eyes were wide and lifeless.

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