National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 564 Time of Death


In the early morning, two policemen, led by the staff of Qingtong Factory, knocked on the door of the expert building.

"Director Yang, the two police officers would like to ask about the situation of the eucalyptus from before." The staff introduced.

It has been almost ten years since Director Yang retired, but he still dresses the same as when he went to work. He wears a shirt on his upper body, which is flat and neatly ironed. The cuffs are rolled up, revealing the steel band watch on his wrist.

He held a roll of newspaper in his hand, patted the other hand gently, and said, "Then come in."

The two policemen looked at each other, said sorry, and walked in.

The staff in the factory smiled and said, "I'll wait outside," and didn't go in.

Director Yang's living room is still in the style of the old era, with a large and cotton leather sofa, a large-panel TV, and a low coffee table placed between the leather sofa and the TV...

"Would you like some tea?" Director Yang asked.

"No need." The two policemen waved their hands and then said: "Director Yang, we are here to investigate the three corpses on the Jingyang Line. Tell us what impressions you have of April 18th and 19th of that year. Just take a moment."

"It's been almost 20 years. Now you ask me what I did that day, and I can't remember it." Director Yang shook his head and asked, "Do you remember what I did that day?"

"I was still in elementary school at that time." The policeman in the lead smiled.

Director Yang was stunned and couldn't help but sigh: "Time flies so fast."

"Director Yang, is Madam here? We have a few questions. We can ask them separately."

"Oh, she was taking care of her grandson with her son." Director Yang shook his head and said, "What does it have to do with her at that time?"

"We judge that it was you and your wife who were walking nearby at that time. So we want to ask everyone." Seeing that Director Yang was not very cooperative, the policeman showed off his trick.

Compared with a single person, it is relatively easier to judge the age, height, gender and other factors of two people and then find people in several lists.

Jiang Yuan not only had information on several factory personnel and most of their family members, but also referred to the written information in previous investigation files.

The scope of the Three Corpses case is too wide. Previous investigators have made thousands of records, and the various lists recorded have exceeded 10,000. Jiang Yuan used footprint identification to screen them out, and then the Bald Strike Team and the Qingbai City Bureau The twenty or so people sent over were compared, and finally one after another came to the door.

Director Yang couldn't see what was going on behind him, so he was a little dazed at this time: "I was walking with my wife, how did you know? There were no cameras at that time."

"So, it is indeed you and your wife who were walking together, right?" The police officer smiled, but still did not explain where the information came from.

Director Yang thought hard for a while and then asked: "Did someone report me?"

The policeman was amused, but he still didn't say the reason. He just asked: "Can you confirm first, on what day did you go for a walk outside?"

"I said I can't remember clearly. You tell me first and I'll recall it."

"Director Yang, people were killed on the train track that day. How could you not remember the three dead bodies on the Jingyang Line?" the policeman still only reminded him.

Factory Director Yang determined the reason, calmed down, considered his words, and said: "I didn't mean to hide it, but... there's nothing hard to say now. My wife and I did pass the section of the road where the incident occurred. But we passed by in the afternoon, and it didn’t overlap with the time of death at night.”

"What were you doing at that time?" the policeman asked.

"I knew it..." Director Yang said: "At that time, my wife and I secretly opened a store in the market in front of us. It was not illegal, but we just didn't want anyone to know. We went there that afternoon to take a look at the store. , and collect business money by the way.”

The two policemen were silent for a moment. This was a new situation for them.

However, this result is not bad. New information and clues are better than nothing.

The two cheered up and continued to ask.

Inquiry reports one after another were accumulated in this way, and finally sent back to the office of Qingbai City Bureau.

The Municipal Bureau specially set aside a large office, but it was still extremely crowded.

Despite this, the enthusiasm of the police gradually increased.

"There are really some new clues coming out."

"Things that were difficult to say twenty years ago are now said out loud, right?"

“The key thing is, I didn’t expect to be able to actually find people using their footprints.”

"Ningtai Jiangyuan's magic weapon belongs to him."

In the small office next door, Zhang Shizhong was also excited. It has been several years since he switched from a criminal police officer to an Internet police officer, but in retrospect, the story of the criminal police officer is obviously more exciting.

"Maybe there really is a chance." Zhang Shizhong couldn't help but feel some confidence after listening to the report below.

He didn't expect that Jiang Yuan would be able to find passers-by that he had not found 20 years ago.

Although it can't be said that the case has been advanced, and there is no evidence directly pointing to the murderer, this beginning is still very amazing.

"Captain Jiang is back." The policeman reminded him while they were chatting.

Zhang Shizhong looked out of the window and happened to see Jiang Yuan get out of the car. In addition to Huang Qiangmin, a senior police sergeant in regular uniform got out of the car.

Soon, Jiang Yuan came up with people.

"Introduction, this is Senior Sheriff Liu Jinghui." Jiang Yuan gave up his position.

Zhang Shizhong immediately remembered it and said hurriedly: "I know Liu Chu. I have often heard that Liu Chu broke the eucalyptus. We all have it as a textbook to study."

Liu Jinghui smiled when he heard the familiar scene and said, "Jiang Yuan is right next to us during the battle. How is Guzi doing?"

"It's going on as planned." Jiang Yuan introduced his "Sun Gong Yi Pawn" plan to Liu Jinghui on the way.

"Okay, I'll mark the papers first." Liu Jinghui naturally had no idea and had to read the information before making a decision.

Jiang Yuan released Liu Jinghui on the spot and began to think about which pawn to fight today.

Jiang Yuan's choice is...

Time of death identification

The death time identification of LV6 is very excessive in itself. If you add a temporary skill of +1, you can know that this is LV7 without particularly advanced mathematical skills.

To be honest, Jiang Yuan has not experienced much of LV7's skills.

Seeing that there were no Gongpawn tasks today, Jiang Yuan left Liu Jinghui behind, activated his skills, and started looking at the photos.

This time he was looking at photos of corpses from the second case.

The first victim and the third victim among the three corpses were both killed alive. Only the victim in the second case was killed in a dead state.

A dead victim means that he has been killed before, so the time of death is a key point.

However, unlike ordinary corpses, the second victim was directly crushed by the train in the corpse state, which made it very difficult to determine the time of death.

In the report Jiang Yuan saw, the time of death spanned 20 hours, and the words "last two days" were barely included in it.

Jiang Yuan used LV7's time-of-death assessment to check it, but he didn't feel particularly relaxed.

This is purely difficult.

In fact, if the time of death is a little longer, such as more than a week, then the requirements for judging the time of death are also low. If the span of the death time is 20 hours, or two days, it is not too much.

However, the corpse had not been dead for a long time, so it became very difficult to judge.

Jiang Yuan took out the photos one by one and looked at them over and over.

In the photos, there are corpses with smashed heads, intestines scattered on the gravel, white bone stubble, and lifted skin...

Jiang Yuan looked extremely carefully.

When the second body was discovered, it was not the third corpse, and the body was eventually cremated, so there are only photos to see.

Of course, even if the body was left behind, it would be of no use until now. At most there are only bones to see.

But at that time, there were not many forensic doctors who preserved bones.

"How about it?"

I don't know how much time passed, but Liu Jinghui was tired of looking at the documents and wandered over.

"He must have been dead for 6 to 8 hours." Jiang Yuan put down the photo and said, "It's hard to get closer."

Liu Jinghui raised his eyebrows: "It's already very accurate, but the time of death is 6 to 8 hours, which is a big difference compared to about one day."

"how to say?"

"It is not easy to transport a body weighing about 100 kilograms to the railway. If the victim was killed six or seven hours ago, it means that the murderer will start dumping the body without stopping. This psychological quality... the way to dump the body It's also very difficult..." Liu Jinghui rubbed his chin and thought about it.

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