National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 565: Changing Roads

Liu Jinghui hadn't finished reading the dossier yet, but during the grading process, Liu Jinghui subconsciously chose the second corpse to focus on.

This is completely different from Jiang Yuan's idea.

In Jiang Yuan's view, the first and third cases were the ones where the murderer was most likely to make mistakes.

The first crime may be the murderer's first crime. As we all know, the first crime of a serial killer is often imperfect.

By the way, the slogan that people must die was shouted out in 2004, not long after the three corpses. One of the backgrounds was the large number of serial murders that occurred in the country. Of course, it is not called that at this time, but one of the perceptions is this:

Because the detection rate of murders is low, many murderers are not punished, which in turn gives them the opportunity to practice and learn to kill, which in disguise increases the number and difficulty of serial murders. Therefore, police forces must be concentrated as soon as possible to detect newly discovered murders in order to fundamentally curb the spread of serial murders.

For a similar reason, when the police encounter a serial murder case, they often consider the first case, that is, they first consider the case, and then the first case in the series. Many times, we will even leave the current situation alone and concentrate on checking the first accumulation.

The first piece is very important, and the third piece, as the final production, is even more important to Jiang Yuan, because this piece was obviously carefully arranged, and it was this piece that aroused the vigilance of all parties, thus This eucalyptus has been included in various lists.

The more carefully arranged a piece of software is, the more likely it is that errors will occur.

However, Liu Jinghui's ideas were completely different from Jiang Yuan's.

After an in-depth review, Liu Jinghui approached Jiang Yuan again and said, "I suggest that the second case be the main target of attack."

"Tell me something." Jiang Yuan asked Liu Jinghui to come over to make suggestions.

Liu Jinghui sat down, faced Jiang Yuan face to face, and said: "In my opinion, the second case is actually the most difficult to operate and the most likely to go wrong."

Jiang Yuan said "Hey": "Isn't it the third case? The murderer also used medicine and secretly brought a living person over at night."

"There are still many ways to obtain ether, especially 20 years ago." Liu Jinghui paused and then said: "In fact, corpses are more difficult to handle than living people. Even if ordinary people cannot understand the weight of a 100-pound corpse, I’ve already kidnapped someone, how could I not understand?”

Liu Jinghui continued: "Furthermore, after the first experience, the murderer could obviously subdue a thin woman and bring her to the railway. Why did he kill her first and then take her there?"

"Third, the problem of the first scene. When someone is killed, there is a first scene. It is still difficult to disguise the first scene. Even if the police never discover the first scene, the murderer should not be able to guess it. Can the police find it? So, we still need to clean up what should be done at the first scene. In order to hide ourselves and make it easier to clean up at the first scene, do we need a room? Doesn’t this require several hours of work? Do you own the house or rent it? How to explain it?"

Jiang Yuan nodded slowly when he heard this. Liu Jinghui's reason was very good. Cleaning up the site is no joke, it is even more tiring than cleaning up land after renovation. It can be done in a few hours because of the internal drive brought by my own destiny. If I had to switch to a boring job, it might take even longer.

Of course, the murderer could also use a cleaner method to kill, such as strangulation, but the murderer obviously did not use this method. Perhaps he was afraid that contact would leave traces? Or maybe there were other reasons. In short, the murderer used assassination.

Looking back, no matter which method the murderer initially chose, he should have considered that there would be situations similar to assassination. In other words, time must be arranged and physical strength must be saved.

Although the above requirements are relatively harsh, as a serial killer who has escaped sanctions for 20 years, his ability should not be low.

Liu Jinghui thought more than Jiang Yuan thought. He continued: "If the first scene is in the wilderness, it is also a possibility. However, there are not a lot of soil, leaves and the like on the body. Killing people in the wild and then transporting them... Come in, take off your pants and fart, then just throw it outside."

Jiang Yuandao: "It makes sense. Maybe the murderer is a more ritualistic one?"

"I think it's because of the means of transportation. 20 years ago, it was not easy to get a car. Bicycles and motorcycles were still too easy to expose. The first and third terms are easy to explain. In the dead of night, it made the two The first victim can just come over by himself. How did the second eucalyptus's body get brought in?"

Jiang Yuan then fell into thinking. After a while, he said: "There don't seem to be many traces of vehicles at the scene. All they found were the company's cars, and none were found."

Jiang Yuan also has the skills to identify vehicle traces, but he can't find any clues from the photos.

Liu Jinghui snorted, and then said in a long tone: "Do you think the body was transported by railway?"

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, and a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

"Huh?" Jiang Yuan was stunned. Indeed, if a train brought the corpse, it would be easier to carry it. However, the management of trains is much stricter than that of ordinary vehicles.

Huang Qiangmin said from the side: "I read in the report that the railway has also checked this aspect several times."

"It's hard to say, I can only make a guess." Liu Jinghui just read the file and naturally couldn't give any definite answer.

"In that case, we should put the main investigation direction on No. 2?" Jiang Yuan hesitated slightly.

Liu Jinghui nodded again.

Jiang Yuan sighed: "Okay, then change the main direction of attack."

In the past few days, he has killed several people on Body No. 3. The most important thing is that many policemen have done a lot of work based on his judgment.

Now that the police force is withdrawn and reinvested in corpse No. 2, it will inevitably be considered as hesitant and a waste of police force. After all, no one wants to do useless work, and no one wants what they have done to be easily dismissed.

However, based on his trust in Liu Jinghui and his persuasive judgment, Jiang Yuan easily changed his direction.

Ri Gongyi pawn didn't just keep his head down and rush forward.

Now that we have crossed the river, we still need to move our soldiers where they should.

It is easier to change now than to go back to No. 3 if he completely loses the clue.

Jiang Yuan changed it when he said it should be changed, and took the file of victim No. 2 again and started reading it. Fortunately, when this case was restarted for the last time, the special team brought over all the evidence from each family. Otherwise, we would have to go to another city to see the No. 2 dossier now.

Soon, the only sound left in the room was the rustling of files.

Similar to No. 1 and No. 3, the interpersonal network of victim No. 2 is not complicated. The three of them are in different cities and have almost no intersection.

This is also one of the reasons why this case is judged to be a serial murder. If the three people are connected and have an interest in the murderer, and then the murder occurs, then it is considered a normal murder with multiple bodies. .

However, there is no relationship between the three people, so it is very difficult to solve the case. Random killing has always been a difficult problem in murder cases.

"Tell me, why did the murderer stop after killing three people?" Liu Jinghui looked at the file and asked questions as if talking to himself.

The lights in the office were a little dim. Huang Qiangmin stood up and turned on the lights and said, "Accident? Transferred? Or jailed?"

"This man is a master. He just killed three people and then stopped. It seems unreasonable." Liu Jinghui has always raised questions without solving them. After thinking about it for a while, he simply asked Jiang Yuan and said, "If the victim No. 2 can be found, The first scene would be great.”

Jiang Yuan reviewed his skills and said: "Then it's forensic botany. Extracting pollen from the deceased's clothes to see if we can simulate her route on the day of the victim. It may be a bit difficult."

Liu Jinghui has no hope for this. Now he can only shake his head and think hard about where to find the plant distribution map from 20 years ago.

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