National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 674 One step closer

Chapter 674 One step closer

The old bones have been soaked in sewage pools or corpse water for about two years. Even if they were young people who drank milk to supplement their calcium before they were alive, they would be unable to bear it anymore. If you look at it with a hoof mirror, you will see that there are pits on the surface of the bones. It is indispensable.

This is different from the bones of pigs, cattle and sheep that we see every day. So most of the pigs that go from the vegetable market to thousands of households are between 8 and 12 months old. The sheep and goats are a little older and have an extra summer school. Most of the cows are about three years old. , so they are slightly stronger, but no matter what they are, they are still much younger than young humans in their twenties. Bones are naturally much smoother and smoother.

Jiang Yuan and others only used a horse hoof mirror to look for traces inch by inch after confirming that there were indeed scratches.

At this time, Zhan Chan and other small forensic doctors could only do second-line work and accompany him all the way.

Soon, everyone discovered that Zeng Lianrong was always doing inspections at a similar speed, while Jiang Yuan's speed was getting faster and faster.

At the back, Jiang Yuan's horse hoof mirror moved three times as fast as Zeng Lianrong on the corpse.

If this were his disciples and disciples, Zeng Lianrong would be scolded for finding them so quickly. If there was anything missing in the process, the whole work would be in vain and he would have to go back and look for it again.

But when Jiang Yuan operated like this... Zeng Lianrong found it difficult to comment. Although he felt that he was not serious enough, considering Jiang Yuan's record and ability, he had nothing to say. Anyway, Jiang Yuan just touched it with his hands. It also supports at least 8 Zhan niches.

Jiang Yuan himself didn't notice it.

He is LV6 tool mark identification, this skill is also the top skill he currently has. At this time, he also opened the temporary skill +1, nearly 7 hours of tool mark identification LV7, that is, he has no household registration book. , otherwise they will have to be fucked out wherever they are produced.

In a short time, Jiang Yuan found six marks scratched by sharp knives. They were all shallow and corroded by the environment, so they were easily ignored.

According to Jiang Yuan's analysis, at least one must have a crime scene investigation of LV4 or above, or forensic anthropology, or forensic pathology, etc., to be able to find and confirm these extremely small scratches. In order to identify them more easily, It is best to have a LV5 skill that meets the requirements.

In Shannan Province, you have to be a top boss, the kind who sits upright in front of the dissecting table and watches with a hominisoscope all day and night.

From this perspective, Zeng Lianrong's technical level is also very high, and he is worthy of being one of the top anatomy centers in the city.

"The traces of No. 1 being dismembered are still very obvious. There are eleven places in total. No. 2 also left knife marks on the joints, indicating that it was cut into large pieces." Jiang Yuan put down the horse hoof mirror and pondered. : "It was done very carefully. Almost only the tip of the knife touched the bone. It should be an action like severing the fascia."

Jiang Yuan simulated it for a while and felt that the murderer's movements were very neat.

"He's a veteran." Zeng Lianrong sighed and said, "He'd better be trained in a slaughterhouse."

When the old forensic doctor said this, several young forensic doctors present could not bear it. There was also a girl among them who had obvious symptoms of nausea on her expression.

Zeng Lianrong took a closer look at the knife marks marked by Jiang Yuan, and found that they seemed to be even finer than what he was looking for. He couldn't help but feel relieved, and then said: "If I wanted to find this kind of person when I was young, I would find someone from the Intelligence Department. Scan the list of indoor meat processing companies, and then combine the lists of some people who have done private slaughter in the past, and you can basically determine the scope. Now... this is not a matter for our city. "

"Then let Tao Zhi know first. Horn knives and bamboo baskets are not very commonly used things. If you are lucky, you may be able to find them." Jiang Yuan said without having high expectations.

This trick is more effective for ordinary murderers because ordinary people plan to kill countless times, and then finally decide to implement it because of a certain opportunity. And those who finally realize it are often the most anxious ones. Those who can endure it for a while may give up later. Therefore, the killing tools of ordinary people are either ready-made household objects, or they are purchased and used immediately.

But the murderer in this case probably has a weapon at his disposal. Just look at the few corpses here. You can tell that No. 1, No. 2 and No. 5 were all dismembered with the same knife. Obviously, the murderer did not commit a single case and then abandoned it. Weapon habit.

Zeng Lianrong also made the call with little expectation.

In the case of serial killers, one cannot expect that there will be a road to the sky to guide the police. As mentioned before, becoming a serial killer is both a result of abnormality and social selection. No premeditated murderer wants to go to jail. If they are not arrested, these guys who benefit from murder will most likely continue to commit crimes for the rest of their lives. If they are not discovered or caught, they will It's possible to become a serial killer.

No matter how serial killers are formed, when they escape through multiple rounds of screening, they have mastered many skills that they should not master, so that ordinary criminal investigation methods are no longer effective against them. Only through careful investigation, technological advancement, luck, or the murderer himself making a mistake can we have a chance to catch this guy.

Many serial killers abroad were not arrested in the end. The famous one is Zodiac, who frantically provoked the police and still escaped. It can be said that it really shocked society.

Jiang Yuan continued to look at the bones with a horse hoof mirror. This was a very tiring task. Normal forensic doctors would not do this under normal circumstances.

Most of the time, forensic doctors work under a microscope, that is, they make pathological slices of corpses and then study them under a microscope. The content is somewhat similar to the pathology department of a hospital. However, when the forensic doctor discovers that his research subject has cancer, he only needs to smile knowingly: the loss is not much.

The magnification of a hoof scope is not as good as that of a microscope, but it is more convenient than a microscope and is a piece of equipment that is commonly used for trace inspection. Jiang Yuan was used to on-site inspections, and it was not uncomfortable to watch with a horse hoof mirror.

Zeng Lianrong made a long phone call, and when he came back, he saw Jiang Yuan looking at a bone in trance.

Coming closer, Zeng Lianrong coughed twice and said: "I just talked to Tao Zhi for a while, there is still a certain chance of a good knife. Even if the murderer bought the knife a long time ago, the person who uses this kind of knife, You will probably buy related items, such as whetstones. Another profession, such as doctors or forensic scientists, are accustomed to using lancets and ox knives if they want to dissect corpses, which means that the profession is likely to It’s related to the slaughtering industry…”

Jiang Yuan raised his head at this time and said: "Forensic Doctor Zeng, wait a moment."

After saying that, Jiang Yuan took a piece of PVC electrostatic paste from the tray beside him, covered it on the sternoclavicular joint he just looked at, and smoothed it as much as possible.

Zeng Lianrong looked over and saw that there were tweezers, scissors, transparent tape, evidence bags, sulfuric acid paper and other items on the tray. There were absorbers next to it. He immediately understood that Jiang Yuan was extracting trace evidence.

Zeng Lianrong asked his disciple Zhan Kong with his eyes.

Zhan Gong was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Captain Jiang is talking about a white spot on the sternoclavicular joint. It doesn't look like bone chips."

"what is that?"

"It's more like white paint. Let the lab take a look." Jiang Yuan turned the electrostatic sticker over, and a white particle that was barely visible to the naked eye was on it.

"Isn't it something in the soil or sewage?" Zeng Lianrong picked up the magnifying glass and looked at it from a distance. Then he asked and answered himself: "It really doesn't look like it. It looks a bit like paint."

As he spoke, his eyes lit up.

Paint is a very special chemical product, and it is also a relatively comprehensive one among the various material libraries collected by ministries and commissions. For most paints, the types can be basically confirmed through comparison. Compared with the knives, this is One step further.

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