National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 675 Stirring up the situation

Chapter 675 Stirring up the situation

Tao Lu and others were even more excited when they heard that they had found paint.

Tao Lu was a criminal police officer, and he didn't know much about criminal science. But one thing he knew was that whenever there was paint evidence in the inspection materials, the laboratory would almost never miss it and would give some explanation, which would be accepted by the court. Very broad too.

This is because paint evidence is widely used, the most common of which is car paint. In road traffic accident cases, vehicle paint evidence is often used to lock down suspect vehicles and determine whether the collision played a key role. In addition, marine paint, construction paint, spray paint, etc. also frequently appear in cases.

The complex composition of paint may be troublesome in industry, but it is very easy to use in criminal identification. There are even more ridiculous inspection methods, such as microscopic inspection, infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray energy spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Py-GC/MS inspection - if the officials' loyalty can be so... If a variety of technical tests were used, integrity would have long become a basic practice.

The police station's own trace evidence laboratory did not dare to neglect, and worked overtime to help jump in the queue.

In just one day, the inspection report was delivered to Tao Lu's desk.

Tao Lu quickly flipped through the inspection report, with a smile of victory on his face.

After hearing the news, members of the task force immediately filled Tao Lu's office.

The director of the inspection center smiled and passed the report to everyone, and explained on his behalf: "The white particles are indeed paint, and they come from Foton Microcard. We used a variety of methods to verify it. The most mature infrared method was used in the report. From the spectrometer test, we can see that there is an absorption peak of 1724 in the sample, as well as absorption peaks of 1601 and 1583..."

Several senior criminal policemen nodded "hmm" as if responding to their wives, not listening to what the director was trying to say. At the same time, they craned their necks to read the report, as if they understood it.

The director of the testing center suddenly looked resentful: "I have told you the final conclusion..."

"For micro-trucks, do you check the vehicle's driving trajectory first? To be on the safe side, then visit nearby residents? This kind of vehicle is still very conspicuous in residential areas." Cui Qishan read the report, and his emotions were already rising: "It's just the time span It’s relatively big, but it shouldn’t be a problem.”

In the current police system, as long as the license plate of the vehicle is input, you can see its driving trajectory for a long time in the past. Of course, this driving trajectory is mainly completed by monitoring, which is an application of big data and eliminates the need for It eliminates the trouble of the criminal policemen blindly following the car.

Even if the vehicle blocks the license plate, etc., the police can retrieve its trajectory through fuzzy search.

Liu Sheng next to him said: "You should be able to find similar cars passing nearby. I don't know how many there will be. However, it won't be much work to find them one by one."

"There is a problem. There is paint from the van on the bones, which does not mean that the van will be driven to the open space. It is possible that the van was the first scene and the open space was the place where the body was dumped, but other means of transportation were used in between."

This sentence was the key, and it suddenly boiled the blood of several criminal police officers.

Tao Lu turned around and took a look, only to see that it was Xiao Si from Cui Qishan's new task force who poured cold water on him.

Liu Jinghui coughed twice and said: "It is indeed possible that the van was parked in other places, but I think the probability that it has been driven to an open space is still very high. Otherwise, transporting six corpses will be a huge trouble. Even if The murderer didn't understand at first, but after transporting corpses once or twice, he would give up this method."

"Micro trucks are generally about three meters or three-and-a-half meters long. You can't run in many places in the city. You can't run in the open space here, at least during the day. It's not very convenient to drive here at night and drive around in the dark, and it's not very conspicuous. "Xiao Si has invested a lot of time in this case, has his own ideas, and will not be easily persuaded.

Liu Jinghui considered his words, then smiled and said: "It is true that this factor cannot be completely ruled out, but it is not easy to move the body. When the victim first died, the body was so heavy that the murderer had to dismember it and let it rot. Everyone has seen how buried the corpses are. Even if the bones are turned into bones, there are often things attached to them. In this case, the murderer makes it more difficult for him to change the car."

"And there will be a lot of evidence left on the car, and it will be difficult to clean." Tao Lu nodded to Liu Jinghui and said, "Let's not consider the transshipment issue for now. Liu Chu, please continue, oh, Jiang Yuan is here, Captain Jiang is sitting This way."

He was tantamount to rejecting Xiao Si's idea.

When Tao Lu saw Jiang Yuan, he smiled from the bottom of his heart. The case seemed to have some clues, but it was all Jiang Yuan's fault.

As a criminal police officer, he can understand the situation at the scene by asking questions in a set of one, two, three and four. The young forensic doctors present had already excitedly described Jiang Yuan's discovery experience over and over again.

If this case is solved, this scene will be talked about by everyone for a long time.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said hello, without sitting over, he just said: "I have read the electronic version of the report, you continue to talk."

Before others could speak, Xiao Si did not give up and said: "I admit that the probability of replacing the vehicle is not high, but we must take this situation into consideration. In addition, the paint we found should not be the exterior paint of the vehicle, but Interior paint. If so, could the murderer just use Foton's paint to touch up the paint? I don't mean to be disrespectful, but the price of Foton cars is relatively low, and the repair shop uses their paint to spray other cars, too. It’s possible.”

Tao Lu and others frowned.

If Xiao Si was to argue, what he said made sense and had to be taken into consideration.

Liu Jinghui waited for a while and said: "The core breakthrough point now is this car. Is it a Foton brand van? I think you can search for Foton brand first, and check everything that passes through the open space in the driving trajectory. If it is still No, then consider the situation Xiao Si said."

When he explained this, everyone's thinking instantly became clear.

Cui Qishan grabbed Xiao Si and said with a smile, "You almost led me into a ditch."

Xiao Si spread his hands and did not press for approval.

Liu Jinghui coughed twice more and said, "I have another trick here, you can try it."

Tao Lu looked over immediately. It was true that there was no upper limit on the budget for this case. It was also true that he felt guilty because he had no money in his pocket. The trick was particularly suitable for him.

Liu Jinghui continued: "I thought of it when I was reading the transcript. Several residents near the open space here reported and called the police very frequently. In addition, because they wanted to demolish them, they had no control over these construction vehicles, trucks, etc. , are also very sensitive, and are often mentioned in the police records. Maybe we can check and compare the records from two years ago, maybe there is a license plate number."

Tao Lu patted his thigh, turned around and said, "Old Liu, I leave this to you."

Liu Sheng responded quickly. This method is affordable and cost-effective. Just send two people to check the records, and it might become a breakthrough in the case. It is simply a gift from heaven. Even if it can't be found, it actually doesn't matter. The workload of two people is nothing.

Cui Qishan wanted to raise his hand but didn't have time until he left the door. He still felt a little regretful and said to Xiao Si: "You just shouted yourself. They are all captains and the like. They are embarrassed to fight with you. I can't fight." It doesn’t matter, Tao Zhi doesn’t like you anyway.”

Xiao Si shook his head and said: "I am the shit stirrer in the shit group. How can I be allowed to touch this kind of cake?"

Cui Qishan was stunned for a moment, stared at Xiao Si for a long time, and said, "If it really is a shit stick, you can't stir it up."

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