National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 676 Arrest

Chapter 676 Arrest

Li Haochen held a document bag under his arm and, together with Cui Xiaohu, quickly walked into the building of the Criminal Police Detachment of Zhengguang Branch.

The special task force of the Zhengguang Bureau made a breakthrough, which aroused Li Haochen's sense of urgency. He urged Cui Xiaohu as he walked, saying: "Hurry up, I told you to get this psychological profile as soon as possible. I heard that Jiang There is another breakthrough over there."

"A breakthrough doesn't necessarily mean the case will be solved. Jiang Yuan has been here for so long, so it's not normal for him to have a breakthrough." Cui Xiaohu looked at Li Haochen and smiled. He knew that Li Haochen wanted to use psychological profiling to prove himself.

The pressure from ministries and commissions is huge. It is very difficult for a young man like Li Haochen to get ahead by relying on criminal investigation skills. If he wants to use psychological profiling to make his debut, he must have a decisive major case to support him. Otherwise, this will always be a small trick. .

However, the development of this technology in China is very slow. Although Li Haochen's reasoning is very strong, the accuracy of his psychological profiling can only be said to be good - of course, this is actually amazing, founder The psychological profiles given by the FBI are often full of errors and omissions, or even completely opposite.

In general, psychological profiling is also a technique that is half art and half science, but it is more art than cranial reconstruction, which is to say, it is much less reliable.

Li Haochen was a little guilty before, so he didn't take out the psychological profile, but now he heard that the task force had made a breakthrough - although he didn't know the specific breakthrough yet, but thinking about Jiang Yuan's efficiency in doing backlog cases before, he I can't be calm anymore.

Other task forces may work on backlog cases within a time limit of half a year or even one year. Three months can only be said to be a starting point.

But Jiang Yuan had already shown a completely different approach to solving crimes, and Li Haochen was unwilling to waste what he had written for several days.

After finding no one in Tao Lu's office, he went all the way to the meeting room of the task force, where he saw Tao Lu and several criminal police officers talking together.

Li Haochen's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried over to name the criminal policeman who blocked his way.

"Oh, Chu Li, Chu Chu is here." Tao Lu greeted him like a good person.

Li Haochen smiled and said, "Excuse me, I heard there was progress in the case, so I came over quickly."

"There is indeed progress. We have locked the suspect's vehicle." Tao Lu's face was red. Even the criminal police detachment in the capital was quite exposed when solving such a big case. In terms of proportion, it is the same as those from Beijing who took the Tsinghua University entrance exam. It sounds easy, but is actually very difficult to criticize.

Li Haochen's eyes widened on the spot, like a 007 student who had gone through all kinds of hardships and made up for six years and eight months before suddenly knowing that he was participating in the joint examination for overseas Chinese students.

He hurriedly said: "Has the control been deployed? How was it locked?"

Li Haochen was sent by the ministry and had the obligation to understand the case.

Tao Lu said: "We found a paint chip from the bones through Jiang Yuan and determined that the bones had been in contact with a Futian van. Then, Liu Chu mentioned that surrounding residents often complained about the construction machinery in the open space disturbing the residents, so I searched through the complaint records and found that a Foton Xiangling M1 van appeared in the open space many times during the incident and was complained about stench, sewage, etc."

Tao Lu said and handed a printed personnel information to Li Haochen and said: "The owner of the van is named Han Xu. He is 27 years old and a native of Beijing. His home address is about 3 kilometers away from the vacant lot where the crime occurred. He should be familiar with the surrounding situation." In addition, we pulled the phone bill data and found that Han Xu has appeared near the vacant lot many times. However, because he lives nearby, it is not enough to be used as evidence alone. "

Tao Lu Xiaoxiao concluded: "Overall, there is still a lot of evidence to be completed, the chain of evidence needs to be improved, and the suspect has not yet been arrested..."

He talked about his shortcomings, basically showing off in front of his face.

Being in the same city, the Zhengguang Bureau did not have many opportunities to show off in front of the cadres of ministries and commissions.

Li Haochen smiled reluctantly, holding his briefcase with his hands, his knuckles turning white. It was still a step too late.

Cui Xiaohu glanced at Li Haochen, a little amused and helpless. The psychological profile only lasted a few pages, but it took a lot of effort. Regardless of whether it is reliable or not, if you rely on existing information to guess a murderer out of thin air, and sometimes you can even draw a picture, the workload will not be low.

But now that the suspects are about to be arrested, Li Haochen's psychological profile is naturally of little use.

At this moment, Xiao Si, who was sitting in the corner, stared at Li Haochen's bag and made a reasoning thoughtfully, saying: "Li Chu, have you completed the psychological profile you did before?"

This time, Tao Lu's heart skipped a beat and he turned around to glare at Cui Qishan. This unlucky kid doesn't even know what occasion to talk to. How heartwarming is this to ask in private? If you ask me now, how miserable is Li Haochen?

Li Haochen also frowned, then smiled with relief and said calmly: "I did do a psychological profile, but the age alone didn't hit the mark."

He was reluctant to waste his efforts. Before the suspect was completely revealed, Li Haochen simply took out a folder from his handbag and said: "The murderer I predict is between 40 and 50 years old, no more than 60 years old. Have a job, have a special sexual fetish, have a medium level of education, engage in a manual job with low pay, most likely related to the slaughtering industry. Do not have female relatives living with you, are not good at speaking, or do not like to communicate, are very serious during work, and are good at doing things Some manual jobs have a good reputation among colleagues, but they are not respected..."

Li Haochen said openly, not afraid of not getting it right.

Now that he has done psychological profiling, he is not afraid of being laughed at.

Foreign psychological profilers also grew up in ridicule, and some once announced that they would hire a psychotherapist for themselves.

The reality is that people will not remember those failures, only the losers themselves will be worried about these failures. On the contrary, people always remember success, so it doesn't matter how many times you fail, what matters is success.

As long as it can play a certain role in a serious case, preferably by identifying the murderer, the status of psychological profiling will be consolidated. At that time, previous failures will only be seen as the mother of success.

Jiang Yuan also looked at the profile made by Li Haochen with some curiosity. It was really logical and conclusive.

It just doesn’t quite fit the image of the murderer.

Tao Lu coughed twice, trying to ease the embarrassment, and said: "Let's arrest the person first. Once we've caught him, we'll see if he's consistent."

As soon as he said this, Li Haochen couldn't control his expression. This meant that his profiling had failed. Otherwise, Tao Lu would have slapped Rainbow Fart on the spot.

"If you can help me in any way, let us know." Li Haochen stood to the side, not wanting to be the focus of the crowd anymore.

Tao Lu quickly arranged the task and sent several team captains out, then said: "Li Chu, I'm going to the scene. The suspect is on the Fifth Ring Road, and we are going to arrest him at his drop-off point to avoid long nights and dreams. "

"Okay. Then... I'll go with you." Li Haochen glanced at Cui Xiaohu and followed the team directly.

Jiang Yuan naturally followed the team, including Liu Jinghui and others, who drove out seven vehicles just to direct the arresting team.

Naturally, Jiang Yuan and others were not involved in the actual arrest work. Tao Lu commanded by remote control and heard a burst of cheers coming from the walkie-talkie.

"We caught someone. It's a near miss." Tao Lu was actually nervous. He didn't relax until he heard the report from the front.

Cui Qishan smiled to adjust the atmosphere and said, "It's better now. I just got off the Ring Road and I can't even go to the bathroom."

"He's a driver, so he can hold his urine without any problem." Tao Lu glanced at Cui Qishan angrily. The newly established task force looked dirty. It happened to be disbanded when the case was over to avoid contaminating the team. …

Jiang Yuan asked at this time: "The suspect is 27 years old. If he is a professional driver, does he have any experience in slaughtering? Is he experienced?"

He thought of that awesome knife. Although the clue of the knife was not used to identify the murderer, Jiang Yuan was deeply impressed by the details and proficiency of the murderer's use of the knife to dismember the body. The skill of cooking cattle requires experience and experience.

It would be difficult to gain such experience at the age of 27 without plug-ins.

Tao Lu also thought about it, and his face sank.

At this time, Liu Jinghui stabilized everyone and said: "The suspect may not be a single person, nor may he not have relevant skills. Check his social connections first!"

Tao Lu made arrangements directly. Once the identity was confirmed, it only took a matter of minutes to check the social relations of a criminal suspect.

Soon, a 47-year-old chef surfaced——

"Mei Gangzuo has been exchanging text messages with the suspect Han Xu all year round. Han Xu once called him Master in a New Year text message..."

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