National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 677 Interrogation

Chapter 677 Interrogation

trial room.

The criminal suspect Han Xu was bundled up on the interrogation chair, and his hands, feet, and back were all tightly locked.

His back was to the clock, and in front of him were only three policemen and cameras sitting at attention, with an iron railing in the middle. The airtight room without windows couldn't be called stuffy, but it had a damp, basement-like smell.

Han Xu guessed that this should be the basement.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to escape by opening the window or rushing out of the door like in the movie. He needs to defeat three policemen and open the iron railings and locked doors before he can enter the basement outside. He doesn't know what is going on outside...

Han Xu thought wildly for a few seconds, and then said: "I have already said that I was the one who killed the person. I also committed the crime alone without any accomplices."

The interrogating policeman remained calm and said, "Okay, then tell me where the body is hidden."

"I threw some into the pond and buried some. Didn't you find them all?"

"I found it, but what if I found it wrong, so I have to check with you." The interrogation police officer was a bit like chatting, but essentially he wanted Han Xu to relax.

He did not believe Han Xu's confession.

Originally, a murderer like Han Xu should be easier to interrogate.

Everyone has a desire to talk, and killing someone is actually a condescending "victory".

Teenagers, young adults, middle-aged or older men, if they win a fight, they will be excited to announce it, and even show off many times. A serial killer may be nervous or even interested when he kills for the first time, but subsequent killings are definitely accompanied by psychological factors. This is also one of the foundations of psychological profiling.

A murderer like Han Xu had to keep silent in order to avoid punishment. Now that he is caught, he should know that nothing he says can get away with it. It is often a characteristic of such criminals to take the opportunity to vent their emotions.

However, Han Xu did not do this.

He calmly looked at the interrogating police officers and said, "You can find it if you find it. I have no obligation to verify it for you."

"Do you think this is a bargain? Be serious!" The policeman next to him immediately shouted and put on a classic black face.

Han Xu was not affected. He chuckled and leaned back: "Anyone who tries to trick me will wrap a towel around my neck. Oh..."

Han Xu showed two teeth and smiled like a black cab driver soliciting customers at the airport.

"We've seen you do this a lot. If you don't cooperate, we'll send you back to the detention center." The interrogating police officer was very nervous in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

Anyone who often enters the detention center knows that interrogation is actually more interesting than staying inside. The preparations and interactions before and after disrupt the routine life in the detention center, but it will make people feel more relaxed, just like Spent a May Day holiday. Tired? Very tired. Is it fun? Is not fun. Still going? Still going!

In addition, there is also a corresponding system in the detention center to allow you to live a regular life. For example, snacks in the small shop used to be bought by those with more money, but now they have become commodity transactions under a points system, and you need to meet certain requirements. Points are required to purchase a certain amount of goods. As for obtaining points, you must be good, which also includes your attitude and performance during the interrogation.

Han Xu's smile couldn't help but shrink.

In fact, he usually walks around with an honest face. It is not easy to run around the city in a 3.2-meter van. From time to time, he has to help carry goods. He earns hard money. He met the owner of the goods. Every now and then I have to smile.

In comparison, he rarely displays a fierce personality. In fact, when he killed someone, he always strangled him from behind, and it was not that easy to look at him head-on.

"You just said that some bodies were thrown into the pond. Whose body was thrown into which pond?" the interrogating policeman asked again.

Han Xu's evasive words just now had no effect at all.

For police officers, the most basic interrogation skill is to ask for details, and fabricating details is very difficult.

monitoring room.

Li Haochen watched Han Xu's interrogation silently, comparing it with his own profile.

At this time, Li Haochen discovered that what affected his judgment the most was that the murderer was set to be a single person. In fact, he had also thought about the possibility of a gang committing a crime, but various evidence showed that the possibility of a gang committing a crime was very low. For example, the three corpses in the grave were buried at separate times, which is very inconsistent with the nature of gang crimes.

In addition, the corpses sinking into the sewage pool also reflect a kind of randomness. If a gang commits a crime, even if you are not more cautious, your accomplices will not let you handle the corpse so carelessly. Two or three people can do it again. Digging a hole is not a big deal.

Li Haochen never expected that the murderer and his accomplices would act separately.

As for how he acted specifically... Li Haochen couldn't help but look at Tao Lu and asked, "Has Han Xu's master, the chef, been found?"

"Found it, he's still working in the store. He's having lunch in the store and there are a lot of customers." Tao Lu looked at his watch. He was also under a lot of pressure. Han Xu's master Mei Gangxiu was put under surveillance by the police yesterday, but Tao Lu never agreed to arrest him.

From the outside, Mei Gangzhuo is just an ordinary chef, and his social circle has basically no overlap with Han Xu. Judging from a simple investigation of him, no solid evidence has emerged for the time being.

Although Han Xu and Mei Gangzuo exchanged many text messages, the contents of the text messages themselves were simple phrases, making it difficult to prove their accomplice relationship. You can't arrest Han Xu just because he knows him.

Tao Lu's idea was to wait for the news of Han Xu's arrest to reach Mei Gangzuo, and then obtain evidence based on Mei Gangzuo's actions.

There is naturally a huge risk here.

The most important point is that if Mei Gangzuo escapes and succeeds in escaping, Tao Lu's merit will be a direct result, and his fault will be a fault. Secondly, even if Mei Gangzhuo did not run away and simply committed suicide, Tao Lu, who made the decision, is still responsible.

Therefore, the most correct approach now is to interrogate after arrest. Even if the interrogation fails and Mei Gangzou cannot be prosecuted, Tao Lu will still follow the procedures.

However, in the face of the largest number of murder cases solved by the Zhengguang Bureau in recent years, Tao Lu was not prepared to take it lightly.

He resisted the opinions from above and waited wholeheartedly for Mei Gangzhuo's movements.

"He should know that Han Xu was arrested." Li Haochen frowned and said, "When we arrested Han Xu, we didn't cover it up."

"He may be sure that Han Xu will not sell him out." Tao Lu glanced at the monitoring room.

Li Haochen said: "It's true that it's not sold. If it weren't for the stupidity, we wouldn't even guess that other people were involved in this series of murders. To be honest, even if I were asked to do this case, I would rather do it alone. The master Mei Gangzuo... I don’t know what he taught and where he got his teaching experience.”

The expressions of several people present were grave. Many people had actually guessed Li Haochen's guess. Why should you be a master if you have never killed anyone?

And Mei Gangzhuo is 47 years old this year. I don’t know when he started killing people, when he stopped, or... he just didn’t stop?

Tao Lu's eyes were particularly complicated.

He had just killed 10 corpses with Huang Qiangmin, and Han Xu, an apprentice, had killed 6 corpses!

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