National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 678 Temperament

Chapter 678 Temperament

He only smoked most of a cigarette before Tao Lu smashed it into the flowerpot.

A flowerpot as big as a human head started to vibrate as it was being pounded by a Tao Deer. The begonia flowers on it were trembling, like the tender human tissue of a shy adult that complied with the legal description allowed.

Jiang Yuan silently handed over a box of Chinese. Tao Lu still only took one, lit it himself, exhaled, and said, "My daughter doesn't even let me smoke. I'm really anxious today."

"If you are really worried, just close the Internet cafe." Cui Qishan was also anxious.

Han Xu has identified all six corpses found. Although the details need to be added, as far as the investigation is concerned, it basically has a happy ending.

As for Han Xu's master Mei Gangzuo, it is entirely possible to investigate and prosecute in another case.

Tao Lu was unwilling to give in, shook his head and said: "You can't accept it yet, don't worry, Mei Gangzhuo is more scared than us. Even if he has a strong psychological quality, can he withstand the accusation of serial murders? Moreover, we There are so many people to discuss, and he can only bear it alone. In this environment, he should be the first to lose control."

"We all fell apart one by one. Workers may not be as resilient as serial killers." The policeman next to him, holding the Yellow Crane Tower in his mouth, said deeply.

Tao Lu took off the Zhonghua that had just entered his mouth, turned around and saw that it was indeed Comrade Xiao Si.

Cui Qishan's eyebrows drooped, he took a heavy puff of cigarette, and then spit it out quickly, hoping to hide his head.

In public smoking areas, that is, balconies with flowers, it is impossible for only leaders to smoke. Although he, Cui Qishan, is the head of the task force, he can't control it so leniently.

Tao Lu sighed heavily: "That's right. Sometimes, two ropes are harder to stretch than one rope."

The smoking area fell into a silence that everyone understood.

Jiang Yuan put down a pack of cigarettes and helped everyone spit out thick smoke rings to hide themselves.


Tao Lu picked up his cell phone and asked while holding a cigarette in his mouth, looking like an undercover agent.


Tao Lu responded twice, his face changed slightly, he put down the phone and said, "Liu Sheng is missing!"

Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah...

A group of people screwed cigarette butts into the pots of Begonia flowers.

The delicate branches and leaves of the Begonia flower were swinging wildly, and the bright red flowers seemed to be shaken off in the next second.

However, until the last cigarette butt is extinguished, the Begonia flower still stands. It has seen a lot.

"Send the police first. I'll notify you of the location of the defense on the way." Tao Lu quickly made a decision, then started calling people to shake people off, and then reported to the police.

Mei Gangzhu must not be lost, and the way to ensure that he will not disappear is not to look for people everywhere like a headless chicken, but to draw a big circle on the map as soon as possible and deploy defenses as densely as possible.

With the density of surveillance cameras in the urban area and the road traffic conditions, Mei Gangzou really had the only way to escape.

Tao Lu has not only made similar plans, but has also organized and implemented them many times, so he has no hesitation in assigning and arranging tasks.

Jiang Yuan is not very familiar with this kind of thing in the capital, but Liu Jinghui has been around the provincial capital Changyang City all year round, but he has seen a lot of it.

When Tao Lu's call ended, Liu Jinghui reminded: "I'm afraid Mei Gangzhuo didn't want to escape."

"Huh? You mean, he wants to eliminate the evidence?" Tao Lu thought about it and immediately picked up the phone again.

Liu Jinghui said quickly: "It's possible that he went to deal with evidence. What I'm most afraid of is that there are still witnesses, so we have to confirm the location quickly."

Tao Lu frowned and didn't say much, but his tone of order became more urgent.

As a criminal police officer, you have seen many bad cases, so you don't have to always think of the worst.

"We're going to help too." Jiang Yuan also has a team of criminal police officers under his command. They can still play a big role if they are sent out at this time.

However, the situation was urgent and no one, including Mu Zhiyang, had time to get their guns. So Mu Zhiyang carried a small transparent shield, got in the car and drove to the small restaurant where Mei Gangzuo worked.

Liu Jinghui was in the same car as Jiang Yuan. While watching Mu Zhiyang practice his shield, he said: "If we meet this Mei Gangzhuo, don't worry about anything else. We must first make sure that he loses his combat effectiveness. You know."

Mu Zhiyang was stunned for a moment and said, "Is it appropriate?"

"If he obediently surrenders, then you should handle it carefully. But if he dares to resist, don't think about holding back." Liu Jinghui emphasized: "This man is 47 years old, and his physical strength is definitely not as good as before, but he After so many years, I just taught Han Xu how to kill, and he killed six. I can't be merciful. Therefore, if I want to escape from you group of young people, I have to be heavy-handed and dare to fight hard. You don't want to Hold on, otherwise, Jiang Yuan and I may both be in trouble."

"I know." Mu Zhiyang's expression became determined and he checked his equipment again.

Among the people in this car, the driver, Lu Tongda, was a traffic policeman. He had met Jiang Yuan before on the Yuan family's case. He could be considered someone who had been deeply involved in major cases. However, his combat effectiveness was obviously not good. He could block three at most. The kind where the bullet can't help but fall.

The rest is that Mu Zhiyang can fight a little, Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui are both brain-eaters. Even if the opponent is a 47-year-old chef, there is a high probability that someone will chop melons and vegetables.

Mu Zhiyang was mentally building himself up and once knocked on his shield.

Get off and change roads.

Mu Zhiyang made preparations again.

In Jiang Yuan's mobile phone group, a message popped up, which was an address.


Before Jiang Yuan could figure it out, Tao Lu's call had already come over.

Tao Lu: "Did you see the message? I sent it to someone else alone."

"I saw it, where is this?" Jiang Yuan had some guesses, but still asked.

"Mei Gangzou bought the address of the house for his mistress, and the surveillance camera captured a photo of him passing by." Tao Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

In today's big cities, there are more cameras than people. Mei Gangzhuo's thousands of walks, as long as he is caught by one camera, will be wasted immediately, just like now.

Mu Zhiyang said a little doubtfully: "Mei Gangzou is 47 years old, right, and he still has a mistress? He is the chef, right? Did he buy the house with illegal gains?"

Jiang Yuan turned on the speaker phone, and Tao Lu heard it from the other side and said: "The mistress bought the house by herself, and she also has a job and a good income. As for Mei Gangzhu, he basically never paid the mistress. We are from the mistress." In the social account, I found Mei Gangxiu.”

Mu Zhiyang reacted at this time and said: "By the way, they used social software to kill people. Can Mei Gangzou be able to date someone at such an old age? How old is the mistress?"

"My mistress is younger than you, I guess." Tao Lu on the other end of the phone said, "Some people don't really need material conditions to fall in love."

"Does it have the temperament of a serial killer?" Mu Zhiyang was unconvinced.

"Mei Gangzhuo really does have this thing." Liu Jinghui babbled.

Mu Zhiyang looked over and saw Mei Gangxu standing upright with his hands in his pockets on the balcony not far ahead, with sharp eyes like a vulture looking for food.

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