National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 687 The Case of Liu Jinghui Drinking in the Rain

"Could it be another master-apprentice inheritance? Has the capital preserved traditional culture so thoroughly?"

Liu Jinghui came after hearing the news and started discussing happily upon entering - of course, full of respect for the deceased.

Tao Lu didn't know whether to be happy or depressed. He covered his forehead and said: "The last case was the master and the apprentice. If this case is the master and the apprentice again, I think we can really launch a special operation from the prison. We can call it..."

"Don't be ashamed to ask." Cui Qishan joined the discussion enthusiastically.

"Destroying people is tireless." Xiao Si's expression was serious, as if he was discussing the issue seriously.

"What I want to say...Shun Teng...forget it, those of us who want to be police rely on the help of gangs to solve cases. It is possible for criminals to be stupider and just start learning now, right?" Liu Jinghui said. While talking, he picked up the investigation volume on the table and read it.

In one room, there were two other criminal investigation experts sent by the city bureau, both to understand the situation and to help.

Several groups of people looked at the dossier each and formed a small circle to discuss in a low voice.

Although Liu Jinghui spoke as if he was joking, others could not refute his joke.

From a reasoning point of view, this possibility does exist, and considering that Zhengguang Bureau just encountered this situation in its last case, it is meaningless to talk about probability.

"What was the result of the interrogation?" Jinbao Town, who came from the city bureau, is a first-class senior police sergeant. You can tell by the Sichuan pattern on his forehead that his qualifications are old enough.

Tao Lu said: "I will definitely be able to get it through trial, but I don't know when I will be handed over."

"Then don't be anxious, and take your time with the trial." Jinbaozhen arranged.

"Yeah. Mainly because I'm afraid that this accomplice will run away after receiving the news." Tao Lu was really worried. The last case involved two people, the master and the apprentice. As a result, the apprentice, not knowing whether he had been warned in advance, endured multiple rounds of interrogations, giving his master the opportunity to escape and kill again.

Tao Lu is probably responsible for this matter. He hurriedly approached Huang Qiangmin to sign a new quota in order to make up for this mistake.

However, no one expected that the "Carrion Case in the Rain" would go extremely smoothly, but then get stuck during the interrogation.

If there was another master who ran away again, Tao Lu himself wouldn't be able to bear it.

The veteran detectives present could understand the pressure Tao Lu was under, but there was nothing they could do about it. In fact, this case has deviated from the understanding of the veteran detectives from the very beginning. It is purely Jiang Yuan's personal case.

What forensic botany or pollen atlas sounds like is one thing, but recognizing and understanding it is another. And if you can't understand and just follow the instructions given by Jiang Yuan, then who are you to question Jiang Yuan's judgment...

Soon, everyone turned their attention to Jiang Yuan.

"This case is a bit strange." Jiang Yuan, who came back from the scene, said: "The long-handled dagger we found was analyzed and confirmed to be the murder weapon that caused the death of victim No. 3. In the suspect's villa, a long-handled dagger was found. The blood stains of the suspected victim are also confirmed to be those of victim No. 3. However, how the suspect knew the details of the corpse rotting in the rain case and why he chose to imitate it is still uncertain."

"The suspect himself confessed that he read online reports and that day he had a conflict with an escort because of the issue of prostitution. He impulsively killed the person. Finally, he thought of the case he saw online and thought it suited his situation. Then It happened to be rainy for a few days, so I imitated the behavior of dumping the body." Liu Sheng followed Jiang Yuan and made a supplementary explanation.

"The pollen patterns of the first scene of bodies No. 1, 24 and 3 are similar, indicating that the first scene was either at He Wei's home or in a villa adjacent to his home. Investigations have begun on his neighbors and close relatives." Jiang Yuan added another sentence.

The expert from the city bureau frowned and said: "A huge amount of power is now tied to He Wei alone? If this thread is broken, there will be nothing."

"Old Sun is already on trial here." Tao Lu shook his head, expressing his inability to do anything.

The office felt a bit dull for a while.

Liu Jinghui laughed "haha" and forcibly adjusted the atmosphere and said: "Anyway, we have solved a murder case. Even if it is not the case of corpses rotting in the rain, it is still very good. Don't let the atmosphere be so solemn."

Tao Lu smiled coquettishly: "Once bitten by a snake, I will be afraid of well ropes for ten years."

Liu Jinghui shook his head: "You are like a student who scored 99 points in an exam. You must cry and say, I shouldn't have lost that point. We don't have to take 100 points in every exam..."

Tao Lu also laughed when he was told this, and turned around and said: "Actually, it was Jiang Yuan who got 99 points, and I didn't get a single point. Well, to be honest, I'm half confused as to how this case was completed. .”

The process and details of the case were understood by everyone present, including the two criminal investigation experts from the city bureau. At this time, they all agreed with what Tao Lu said. With the case half-understood now, how could it be possible to correct the omissions? rise.

Finally, everyone decided on the time for dinner and dispersed.

After all, it is still the stage of investigating a serious crime. Although the clues are stuck here, after all, it is not easy to go to a dinner party carelessly.

Jiang Yuan took the members of the backlog task force, as well as Liu Jinghui and others, back to the temporary house.

The house was also bought by my father before. During the demolition of Zengjiang Village, a street next to the resettlement house was instantly renovated and developed. There were various foot washing shops, KTVs, mahjong rooms, chess and card rooms, etc. Therefore, some villagers spent a large amount of demolition money on the Pink Skull. and competitive gambling, Jiang Fuzhen was also tempted. He was tricked by an intermediary into the capital and bought several houses in remote places outside the Third Ring Road. He didn't even see the houses, so he brought back a few thin pages of paper. Believed to have been defrauded.

Nowadays, Jiangfu Town has actually not seen many houses here. They have been rented out all year round. That is to say, when Jiang Yuan arrived in the capital, one of the houses happened to be expired, so he took it back.

But Shannan's chefs are very convenient. They took an early flight and brought some good local ingredients. When Jiang Yuan and others arrived home, the chefs started stir-frying in the small kitchen.

Liu Jinghui sat on the independent sofa on the side, stretched his waist, breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "It's good to have your own place. At this time, I don't feel at ease when I go to a restaurant outside for fear of being touched by someone I know." Yes, they said that we had a lot of food and drinks while we were solving the case..."

"We are indeed preparing to have a big meal." Wang Chuanxing actively placed a can of beer in front of everyone and said: "Those who are scheduled to drive tonight should not drink, or just change people."

Liu Jinghui opened the beer with a "pop" sound, took a sip first, and said: "The current situation is that the clues have been cut off, and the copycat crime case has been solved. The case of the rotting corpse in the rain must either be reopened, or it must be reopened from No. 3 The suspect has a breakthrough here. Our case is a feast of closure."

As he said that, Liu Jinghui looked at Jiang Yuan, somewhat expecting to get a rebuttal.

Jiang Yuan also took a sip of beer and said: "As for clues, after investigating the crime scene, the traces of the crime at the scene are obvious, and there is also evidence that He Wei committed the crime. The problem is, these can only prove the case of No. 3. Now What can connect Case No. 1, 24 and Case No. 3 is the pollen map produced by forensic botany."

"So the breakthrough lies with today's suspect." After Liu Jinghui finished speaking, he drank more than half a bottle of beer in one breath and asked again: "The pollen patterns are similar. Does this mean that the first scene was at the same place, or is it similar?" The location next door?"

"That's basically it." Jiang Yuan nodded.

"Then I actually have a question. There were a lot of people in the office just now, so I didn't say anything first." Liu Jinghui opened his mouth and then said: "You found the murder weapon that killed No. 3 at the scene, and Number Three’s blood, right?”


"No. 1, 2, 4, nothing at all?"


"This actually shows that it is very strange to find the blood stains of No. 3." Liu Jinghui looked at the detectives on both sides, and after confirming that they were all from Jiang Yuan, he said: "The murderer showed very special behavior at the second scene. Rigorous, including Victim No. 3, I remember that the investigation paper said that except for the body itself, the area around the dumping ground was clean, with no trace of blood or other liquids on the body, and the murderer did not leave any traces. How could you leave No. 3’s blood stains in your own home?”

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but nodded slowly. If you think about it from a logical perspective, this is indeed unreasonable.

Wang Chuanxing said: "The second scene was rainy and wild. A small amount of blood and the like were probably washed away and decomposed."

Liu Jinghui shook his head, obviously disapproving of Wang Chuanxing's analysis, but the reasoning is like this, logic is not 100% factual, the weirdness of reality often baffles rational people, and the irrationality of criminals is often extreme.

Liu Jinghui continued: "I saw the photos of the scene. The murderer He Wei's house was very clean. He lived alone. If he cleaned diligently, how could he not clean the place where the murder was done carefully? The traces left behind are easy to find. ?"

"It's not too difficult, the back of the sewer, the traditional location." Jiang Yuan is now at LV5 crime scene investigation, so it's hard for him to judge whether the traces left by the murderer are too easy or too difficult.

"Carefully investigate He Wei's social connections. It's impossible for him to let a stranger come to his home to dispose of the body." Wang Chuanxing said.

Liu Jinghui shook his head: "This brings us back to the original question. If he really has a master or apprentice, can outsiders know about this relationship."

"The access control of the community? You will check the entry and exit of this villa community, right? Even if you don't register, monitoring is always useful."

"Maybe. But I think no matter what the relationship between the two parties is, they will definitely not visit frequently." Liu Jinghui reasoned, his expression seemed a little difficult, but his eyes gradually brightened.

I haven’t encountered such a touching case in a long time!

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