National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 688 Brainstorming

Chapter 688 Brainstorming

Jiang Yuan's family always had a rich dinner. It was almost time for dinner, and Li Haochen and Cui Xiaohu, as well as Liu Sheng, Cui Qishan and others all came to visit by chance.

This group of criminal policemen is equivalent to the main police force in the "Carrion Case in the Rain". Tao Lu, Huang Qiangmin and others who did not come at least spent most of the time in retreat. Waiting for news.

Jiang Yuan provided a variety of beers as usual, and the chefs tried their best to prepare a dozen side dishes and served them on the table, so that a group of people could chat while eating.

Because it was a newly repossessed house, Jiang Yuan did not have time to decorate it. Instead, he bought a large round table that could seat more than a dozen people in advance. At this time, everyone replaced the long-backed chairs with armrests with small round stools. , squeeze it, squeeze it, and sit down.

The content of the chat soon turned to the case.

Li Haochen prepared for a long time and said first: "I asked Tao Zhi about the latest progress. The current suspect He Wei's financial situation is also very problematic. He borrowed a lot of money and paid off the villa. Now if the bank forces him If he wants to pay back the money, even selling his villa won’t be enough.”

"People who live in villas also have financial problems?" Mu Zhiyang was drinking beer with meat. He paused with his chopsticks and said, "Where did he spend so much money?"

"His wife probably asked the same thing." Xiao Si drank beer, leisurely.

"Mainly it's prostitution." Li Haochen said: "He liked prostitution before the divorce. His wife discovered it. After the divorce, he intensified it. Coupled with the division of family property after the divorce, the business is sluggish and other reasons, he is now unable to make ends meet."

Xiao Si nodded: "His wife really did ask."

"Escorts are too expensive and the price/performance ratio is too low." Cui Qishan muttered, shook his head and said, "Then it is indeed possible that the conflict is caused by prostitution."

"It is indeed possible, but probably not." Li Haochen regarded today's discussion as a rare opportunity and said seriously: "I look at this issue from the perspective of a murderer. The prostitution was definitely not discussed at the last stage. It is a relatively certain number, which was discussed at the beginning. If there is dissatisfaction in the middle, it is impossible to bring the person home to start a conflict. It is too dangerous. The other party only needs to send a message, and there will be endless consequences. trouble."

"People familiar with the victim have also called the police a long time ago, and they will not wait until now." Liu Sheng agreed.

"Serial killers also know that killing people is dangerous." Mu Zhiyang clicked his tongue twice. He is knowledgeable and can even say to many young police officers, I have caught more serial killers than you have ever talked to.

"However, the economic problem is a bottom-level problem. The murderer who is short of money, even if he is a skilled worker, will definitely have deformed movements." Li Haochen looked at Liu Jinghui and said: "I observe this He Wei, he still has a relatively strong desire to survive. , there is no reason for such people to let themselves go into financial crisis."

His main purpose today was to brainstorm with Liu Jinghui. Of course, it would be best if Jiang Yuan could provide technical support.

Liu Jinghui was naturally willing to discuss it, and while squeezing his brain, he said: "It makes sense. Prostitution is not a bald thing. Villas in the capital are very expensive. He can at least pay for it by tens of millions. With a little Pay attention to your expenses, it is impossible to spend so much money. If there is a financial problem, a normal person will stop and make adjustments... Is he a sex addict? "

Li Haochen said: "Abnormal is abnormal, but it is not abnormal to this extent. After all, he is a person who has done business, how can he not have any concept of money? I also asked his ex-wife, when the two divorced, his What his wife took away were cash, jewelry, stocks and other floating wealth, and the house was left to He Wei, and she agreed in writing that it would be left to the children in the future. Did he decide to spend all the money for this reason? "

"He started killing people. He felt that sooner or later he would come in, so he decided to spend all the money?" Liu Jinghui thought as he said it, and took another sip of beer. "This actually shows that he cares about money." It’s very heavy. In fact, it costs money to come in, and it costs even more. If he is serious, he should understand this aspect.”

Cui Qishan was a little anxious as he listened to the two people's reasoning and said, "How about just checking his account? Tens of millions of funds were spent in just two or three years. All of them were prostitutes." ? Let’s be honest in private, regardless of whether it’s calculated on a daily basis or a per-time basis, who can last three years and finish 10 million?”

A group of people nodded.

Xiao Si followed the leader of his own task force's thinking at this time, but still retorted: "Maybe they call more than one at a time..."

Cui Qishan glanced at the young Xiao Si with disdain: "You can't win against anyone in this kind of old world, so you can find two or three at a time? If you do this every day, you must be sick."

The room suddenly felt a little cold. Mu Zhiyang quickly stood up and toasted everyone to warm up. He thought unconsciously in his mind: You can't listen to Cui Qishan's one-sided opinion on this kind of thing. You can ask Liu Wenkai later. He has never eaten chicken in all the years he has been engaged in public security. , I have also seen chickens running away.

"Let's continue talking about the case." Liu Jinghui took out the small leather notebook he carried with him, made a note, and said: "Checking the finances is one thing, but in terms of interpersonal relationships, I think there is more hope. To imitate crimes, he must have an imitator. If this problem is solved, the core issue of this case will also be solved."

"The serial killer is most likely a male. Judging from his killing methods and the method of abandoning the body, he is very confident, even a little arrogant, older, and should have successful experience in certain fields..." Li Haochen's time is limited, so he is After doing some simple psychological testing, he looked at Jiang Yuan and asked: "Captain Jiang, what do you think?"

Jiang Yuan thought for a while and said: "There is a high probability that it is a male. If a person is carrying a body alone, he should be very strong. He should be able to carry one person at least dozens of meters, and he should have enough energy and physical strength to clean the scene... …I can’t see anything else.”

"So, He Wei actually fits the portrait of the murderer." Mu Zhiyang said and described the scene when He Wei was arrested at the scene and He Wei turned around and threw away the two policemen.

Criminal police officers who often work on the front line, especially those responsible for arresting felons in murder cases, must have good physical fitness, certain skills, and concentration, regardless of their skills. He Wei was able to get rid of two people in this way, and his physical fitness was naturally far beyond that of ordinary people, fully meeting the requirements of being physically strong.

"If we use this as a basis, there will not be many people in He Wei's network who meet the criteria." Liu Sheng spoke more casually on this occasion.

"Indeed. He Wei's father is gone. Since his son is still young, maybe he can consider some weak connections, classmates, and fitness enthusiasts?" Li Haochen looked at Liu Jinghui as he spoke, and he had obviously considered this issue.

Liu Jinghui looked at Liu Sheng and said, "When investigating this case before, I should have done some intelligence research and judgment."

The so-called intelligence research and judgment can be understood as the collection of information through various channels such as criminals. Just like ordinary people don't know where to buy drugs, it's not surprising that some people have a much clearer and more comprehensive understanding of pornography than the Internet police.

Through reports in prisons and detention centers, and through special agents, etc., the police can often obtain information that cannot be obtained through normal investigations.

When Liu Jinghui asked this, he was actually asking whether it was possible for multiple people to commit the crime.

Generally speaking, serial killers are mainly loners, because it is difficult to keep secrets when multiple people commit crimes. But now that copycats have emerged, and everyone has even begun to consider the relationship between master and apprentice, it is not impossible for multiple people to commit crimes. possible.

It is actually very difficult for criminals to keep secret for several years, neither bragging when they are excited or drunk, nor mentioning it when they are angry and frightened, or even taking advantage of the benefits and emotions gained from it.

In the early years, when there was no DNA, many serious crimes were solved through this method. Especially in some robbery and rape cases, the victim did not even report the crime, but the suspect himself couldn't help but tell it at some point.

The marginalized groups that the criminal suspect comes into contact with are actually very sensitive and intelligent in this regard. Everyone is a master of licking blood at the tip of a knife. Who can refuse this free resurrection coin?

Some people go home at night and even write down the incident carefully, indicating the time, place and person, just to redeem themselves if they are caught one day.

Liu Sheng nodded naturally to Liu Jinghui's question and said: "He has done intelligence research and judgment, and he has done it very in-depth."

"In this case..." Liu Jinghui prolonged his voice, rubbed his hands again, and said with a smile: "Actually, there are two aspects, one is interpersonal relationships, and the other is financial issues. I think we can add another sub-item, information exchange. Needless to say about the first two, in terms of information exchange, He Wei was suddenly arrested. Is it possible that there are still browsing records and communication records in his mobile phone or computer and other electronic products?"

"You can also look for things like his membership card, gyms, clubs, etc., which may be tools for his contacts." Li Haochen was slightly excited. There were too few opportunities for such head-to-head collisions.


Liu Sheng's cell phone rang.

"It's from Tao Zhi." Liu Sheng said and hurried to the balcony to answer the phone.

A minute later, Liu Sheng came back, looked at the table with expectant eyes, and said, "He Wei wanted to explain, but he asked the head of the task force and the investigators who found him to be present at the same time. The interrogating comrades said that Jiang It might be helpful for the team and Tao Zhi to participate in the interrogation."

Liu Jinghui and Li Haochen, who are good at reasoning, frowned at the same time. Based on the current conditions, we can infer that our minds are at risk of being in vain?

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