National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 707 Girlfriend


Huang Qiangmin pressed the combination lock and entered the door. When he saw the person, he asked: "Is the person gone? Is Qi Chu here?"

When Mu Zhiyang heard the sound, he ran out quickly and said, "Qi Chu is asleep inside, and that's the one snoring."

When Huang Qiangmin heard it, there was indeed a faint whistling sound coming from the bedroom inside.

"I slept quite peacefully." Huang Qiangmin smiled and said, "Didn't he say anything else later? Jiang Yuan didn't pay attention to him, right?"

"What can I say? I just didn't expect them to be so poor." Mu Zhiyang smiled as if he was the one who was sold.

Huang Qiangmin waved his hand and said: "No one has extra funds. If this year's budget does not fill the hole last year, it will be considered a good year."

Saying this, Huang Qiangmin straightened his waist. In the past year, he has built more business for the Ningtai County Bureau than in the past ten years. If there is a "bureau annals", it would be reasonable to write an evaluation of "he has made great contributions".

Huang Qiangmin smiled secretly and asked again: "Where is Jiang Yuan?"

"Go back to sleep and recharge your batteries. Shall I call him?"

"Let's call Lao Qi first. Let Lao Qi take a bath and wake up, and then we can talk."

Even Mu Zhiyang showed an unbearable expression: "Qi Chu just fell asleep, please shout now, don't die suddenly."

"It's okay, their pension is high." Huang Qiangmin was not prepared to wait for time. Not to mention that the case was waiting for a long time, Qi Changye was not qualified to sleep in the Jiang house and snore like thunder when he tried to poach people.

Mu Zhiyang was ordered to wake up Qi Changye.

Huang Qiangmin made a pot of tea by himself and drank it leisurely. After a while, Wu Jun and Jiang Fuzhen joined in. They are like different species of fish in the river, the kind that don't have to worry about being bitten away by crocodiles.

Soon, angry howls came from the room where Qi Changye slept.

Qi Changye’s voice was clearly audible:

"How long have I slept? Can't I let others get a full sleep?"

"What a hatred."

"I haven't slept in two days."

"I don't care if the King of Heaven is here!"

Later, Qi Changye still came out, and he had washed his face. He was a little drifting, but his expression was not in a trance.

"Old Huang, what do you have to say now?" Qi Changye sat on the other side of the tea table unhappily.

"Jiang Yuan needs to be scheduled." Huang Qiangmin calmly made tea and poured a cup for Qi Changye, and then said: "You are in a special situation this time, and we will try our best to make it convenient for you. The case is going smoothly. Everyone is happy, but if Jiang Yuan continues to participate in the future, Jiang Yuan must first agree, and secondly, the time must be arranged. It is impossible to be on call at any time. People in other units have been waiting for months. Arrange first. First come first, so I asked Xiao Mu to call you up..."

"Then I'll schedule the next three months!" Qi Changye said immediately.

"That's not how it's arranged." Huang Qiangmin smiled and said: "It takes time to arrange the cases. If your caseload is not large, I suggest you use the number of cases to arrange them. If you do them together, they will be counted as one. In this way, you will not lose, and we will The pressure is also less.”

"Then arrange three cases."

Huang Qiangmin nodded and said, "Then it is expected that the three cases will be carried out in sequence starting from the second half of next year?"

"Next year... how about next year!" Qi Changye laughed, and then his expression changed, because Huang Qiangmin didn't look like he was joking.

"So time is tight. Even if I help you move it forward, it will still be next year..." Huang Qiangmin muttered, as if he was really helping Qi Changye to schedule.

"Wait... we have to deal with each case one by one. We haven't finished the current case yet." Qi Changye didn't sleep for too long, and his thinking was a little sluggish. Only then did he regain his composure and catch Huang Qiang. Loopholes in folk vernacular.

Huang Qiangmin immediately retorted: "The murderer has been caught, how can we say that the case is not completed! You can't lead out a clue and say it is the same case."

"It's the same case." Qi Changye breathed out laboriously and said: "The murderer has been caught, but our case is not just to catch the murderer, but also, the murderer's connections are still hidden. Even if we can't catch them all, there are still many people inside. We still have to catch the main core characters before we’re done.”

Huang Qiangmin frowned: "How many people are here? Wait, I'll ask Tao Zhi to come over."

Qi Changye blushed, coughed twice, and said, "Let's just talk. Why should we give him an extra share?"

"The recent cases in Tao Zhi were solved in a few days, more than a week." Huang Qiangmin glanced at Qi Changye and said, "If this case of yours continues for so long, , not only the amount of time spent, but also all subsequent arrangements were disrupted."

Qi Changye had countless things to say to refute, but after thinking about it in the end, he stopped talking. Anyway, it is a business-to-business matter. He is a small role player, so there is no need to worry about it so much. The big bosses can just talk about it.

Tao Lu came very quickly.

Theoretically, he was still Qi Changye's direct superior, so Tao Lu also brought the political commissar, captain Liu Sheng and Cui Qishan over, and they mingled together and talked, which was chaotic and lively.

The louder voice finally woke up Jiang Yuan.

"Did I wake you up?" Huang Qiangmin saw Jiang Yuan coming out, beckoned and said, "We are discussing the case with Qi. I guess there is still some follow-up work to do."

Jiang Yuan thought of the unfinished task and immediately nodded: "I'm also thinking that there should be some clues to this case."

Jiang Yuan said, sitting at the tea table, drinking two cups of tea, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Changye couldn't bear it any longer and hurriedly asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

Jiang Yuan nodded slowly and said: "I looked at the files yesterday and looked at the photos of the on-site investigation, and I have some ideas..."

Qi Changye sat upright and listened carefully. Jiang Yuan was not the only one to do the on-site investigation, others had done it, but the results could not guide the investigation, so all he could get was "Thank you for your hard work." But if someone like Jiang Yuan was able to give clues and ideas for solving cases at every turn, he would naturally be held up with admiration and respect.

In terms of facial expression management, Qi Changye still has certain abilities.

Tao Zhi covered his face and turned to look at Jiang Yuan.

"I noticed one thing. Because the murderer had to observe the victim for a long time, he probably spent most of his time in the room. The barbells and other simple fitness equipment in the room were also used frequently." Jiang Yuan After a pause, he added: "In addition, there are facial cleansers, sunscreen oils, creams, essences and other skin care products in the bathroom... In addition, he has long purchased luxury clothes and shoes like Ermenegildo Zegna, which is very important to a single man." In other words, it’s over-armed.”

Qi Changye reacted immediately: "You mean, he has a concubine?"

Jiang Yuan felt uncomfortable: "Maybe it's his girlfriend."

"It's impossible for my girlfriend to come to my house without leaving any traces. How is that possible! It can only be a mistress, maybe a married woman!" Qi Changye looked like he was familiar with this person, nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, this guy is pretty good-looking, about 1.8 meters tall. He works out and wears Ermenegildo Zegna. It's not difficult to find a woman!"

The few people did not discuss whether the murderer's woman knew the murderer's job content, or what she knew. We are all veteran criminal investigators, and we know that some people are really tight-lipped, but from another perspective, it is natural for two people who often stay together and often sleep together to know certain information about each other. .

Regardless of whether the murderer tells it or not, after spending time with him, the people around him will always know something.

"I'll make a report first." Qi Changye stood up quickly and made a phone call. He thought unconsciously in his mind: Jiang Yuan made judgments based on things that didn't exist at the scene these two times. This is a good way. , I want to learn this trick, so I don’t need to ask for help in the future!

I vomited after doing it. It must be some kind of enterovirus. I'm feeling much better today. Meow, I'm so weak.

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