National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 708 Fresh scene

In the next two days, Jiang Yuan mainly rested. He reported to the Zhengguang Bureau in the morning, picked a case and went back.

The members of the special case backlog team are busy sorting out information on previous cases and cooperating with the criminal police of the Zhengguang Bureau to complete various paperwork.

"One-stop service still requires service" - political commissar Huang Qiangmin, who has laid the foundation for the Ningtai County Bureau for ten years, said at the mobilization meeting.

Detecting cases that others cannot solve is certainly the core competitiveness of the Ningtai County Criminal Police Team. Filling in documents that others are unwilling to fill in can also be one of the core services.

As a result, the criminal policemen of the Zhengguang Bureau Criminal Police Detachment are also very happy. If the case is solved, the credit and rewards will go to the Ningtai people. The subsequent complicated work will be their own, and the overall funds will be reduced. There will always be someone who will not satisfied.

Now, since everyone doesn't work too much, they don't care too much about the issue of credit attribution. After all, if the backlog of cases is solved, it will still make people less worried, especially the atmosphere where the backlog of cases can be solved is very fascinating.

The atmosphere at Jiang Yuan's home is also quite good.

Jiangfu Town always likes to be bustling with people and makes delicious food. For today's young people, if you feed them meat with one hand and drink with them with the other, those who are not excited will take out Huahua's intestines. Play together.

Jiang Fuzhen himself was even more excited.

It has to be said that although the people of Jiangcun like to eat the meat he cooked, after eating it for so many years, their combat effectiveness has declined a bit.

Another thing is that the people in Jiangcun have become rich for a long time, and they are eating all kinds of delicacies. They are no longer like they used to, eating three kilograms of meat in one meal.

But the young people in the criminal police team can really eat three kilograms!

Especially young people in their twenties who have just joined the workforce. It is very interesting to eat three kilograms of meat at noon and one kilogram in the afternoon. This makes Jiang Fuzhen excited.

"Before I came to the capital, I thought that the well-informed people here may not necessarily like the meat we cook. Unexpectedly, we are quite popular." Jiang Fuzhen stayed in the kitchen happily, While skimming foam, he showed off to Wu Jun who was rubbing beads next to him.

Wu Jun smiled and nodded: "It's a bit like Hui Ban entering Beijing."

"Gray board?" Jiangfu Town is a real demolition household, and its knowledge is relatively scientific.

"The opera troupes from Anhui entered the capital, and Peking Opera was born." Wu Jun explained in a confused manner.

"It's an allusion." Jiang Fuzhen nodded, thought about it for a moment, tapped the iron spoon twice, and said: "Then let's call this Nanniu Shangbei. If we can open a store, let's call it this name. Otherwise , or build a ranch? It’s more difficult to establish a ranch here.”

"It shouldn't be difficult to have money. I don't know what procedures you need to go through. However, if you want to do it, ask Tao Zhi and the others. There should be a way." As a deputy section-level cadre, Wu Jun felt that he should arrange a detachment leader or something. No pressure at all.


Jiangfu Town specially asked people to bring a package of freshly slaughtered beef from their own ranch, and then called on the chefs to come together to prepare a sumptuous banquet for the "Southern Cows Going North".

Moreover, unlike a chef who is obsessed with certain ingredients, Jiang Fuzhen also specially bought some crabs, fish and shrimps, and paired them with some exquisite vegetables - naturally done by the chefs.

Jiang Yuan, who came home from get off work, also enjoyed his meal. The chefs were very familiar with the Jiang family and his son, and there were always some tricks to catch their stomachs.

Thinly sliced ​​boiled beef, white and tender swimming crab with green onion, slightly yellow and white tender king crab, tender and white nine-section shrimp, and a nest of noodles stewed with seafood scraps, beef soup, and unused chicken soup. piece……

Paired with some beer and red wine, a group of people ate heartily and sweated profusely...


The sound of mobile phones caused everyone's movements to pause.

Jiang Yuan felt the vibration, wiped his hands, took out his mobile phone, took a look at it, and then said, "I answered the video call from Qi Chu."

After saying that, Jiang Yuan clicked on the call and said, "Qi Chu, let's have dinner at home."

He turned the camera on his phone and showed it to Qi Changye, telling him who was involved.

Qi Changye on the other side of the video was also sweating profusely and was panting heavily. When he saw a table of fish, shrimp, meat and crab, his expression lost control and he said: "I have been running all day and haven't eaten breakfast. I just climbed 16 I almost fell off the balcony, I couldn’t stand this..."

"Is it an emergency?" Jiang Yuan turned the camera and took a sip of the cold beer.

Qi Changye swallowed hard and said: "We tracked the concubine. The murderer's concubine's home has been silenced."

"Dead again?" Jiang Yuan was also surprised. After being a forensic doctor for so long, he had never encountered such a serial death case.

Qi Changye said with a "grace": "The more brutal it is, the more it shows their fear. However, this case still cannot be taken lightly. The female victim is a government civil servant with a low rank, but in a key position, she has access to a large number of secrets... …When we arrived at the house rented by the victim, the murderer should still be there, but unfortunately we didn’t catch him.”

"A rented house?"

"Yes, it just took time to find this house, which is equivalent to the love nest the two built here. Now it has become a murder scene. When we came, the murderer, the second murderer, should be searching and cleaning up. The other party is very Calm down, some of his accomplices may have informed us in advance, but he almost waited until we arrived at the unit door before evacuating. He was very bold and chose his course of action in advance, but he just didn't catch up..." Qi Changye briefly described a few words, and you can feel the excitement during the period. Thrilling.

Having said that, Qi Changye said again: "Can Team Jiang come over now? I have sent a car there. Do you want to video-see the scene?"

The fresher and more timely the scene is, the greater the amount of information given. Qi Changye also understood this truth, so he immediately made a video call.

"Okay." Jiang Yuan responded in one breath, took a crab leg and said while eating: "I'll have two more mouthfuls of rice, and survey the scene for a while. I guess I have to dissect the body again, so I will be hungry easily."

"It's okay. You eat your food. I'll give you a rough outline first, and then you can tell me where to start..."

"First of all, protect the scene. Don't touch anywhere now. Wear shoe covers, headgear and gloves. If there are no bridges on the ground, take a fixed route..." Jiang Yuan made arrangements while paying attention to the scene in the video.

The pixels of the video were low and many things could not be seen clearly. Jiang Yuan quickly instructed Qi Changye to walk towards the corpse.


The corpse was half-lying on the bed, with its legs hanging on the ground. The blood flowed from the lower half of the bed to the bottom of the bed and had not yet completely solidified.

On the surface, the victim should have faced the murderer and had her throat cut coldly. Moreover, during the process of cutting the throat, the murderer pressed the victim's head and neck with a pillow, making her struggle until all the blood flowed out. .

At the same time, there were many signs of rummaging in the room. It is conceivable that the victim may have been tortured.

Upon further reflection, the victim's male concubine, the murderer No. 1, has been caught, and the reason why she came to this rented house again does not seem to be a coincidence.

"Start from where you entered the door, get closer, and try to walk at a constant speed." Jiang Yuan stared at the screen and said.

Qi Changye put down his cell phone obediently and walked over little by little as Jiang Yuan asked.

Walking all the way to the corpse, Qi Changye asked again: "What next."

"Then...what do you want to know?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"What do you want to know..." Qi Changye was stunned by the question, and then asked: "Is it okay to know anything?"

"Almost, there is a lot of information at the scene, except that I can't tell you the name of the murderer directly..." Jiang Yuan also said this considering that this was a new person in the current case.

Qi Changye couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Can you know the physical characteristics of the murderer?"

"Yeah." Jiang Yuan took another crab leg, dipped it in the ingredients subconsciously, and said: "Height 180 centimeters, sports shoes, shoes may be five centimeters high. He has a strong build, weighs 160 to 180 kilograms, and has Exercise, broad shoulders, probably with experience or background in the military, judging from the gait, there are still some traces... I am about 38 years old, with strong arms, big hands and feet, size 44 shoes, and bigger fingers. A little thicker..."

"I'll arrange for someone to watch the surveillance first." Qi Changye couldn't help but give instructions after hearing this.

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