National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 717 Professor Su gathers talents for support

"I am in Baijiang Province. When I need support related to forensic botany technology, I always invite some botanical experts to participate. What? You don't know yet|Read COM, read the chapter without errors|Hurry up and google it} But the feeling of doing it with Master is really different."

Pang Jidong followed Jiang Yuan to look at the microscope for a day, and suddenly couldn't help but sigh.

"Master's method of doing it is different?" Although Zhan Kan is a student of cranial reconstruction, he basically spends his time with Jiang Yuan during work hours.

"It's so different. It's so easy to do it with Master. The botanists outside are very powerful, but I don't think they have reached Master's level..." Pang Jidong himself has not mastered forensic botany. Yes, so Jiang Yuan is the strongest, but he still feels guilty.

Zhan Kong even thought that he was flattering him, and secretly praised his elder brother, and then said: "It would be good if we could invite botanists from outside. Unlike skull restoration, we can only do it ourselves."

"There are good botanists outside, such as the ones from the Institute of Botany that I just started looking for. They paid their own money to participate. But some are just for three minutes, and some just want to know more about it. I just communicated with them. Well, people can't stay for a few days before running away. Besides, experts have a lot to do, and there are always projects and meetings..."

"That's true."

"It's a pity that I can't learn botany. It's better to be a young person. The possibilities are endless." Pang Jidong said with genuine emotion.

Forensic botany is too difficult. This skill may not have as many prerequisites as cranial restoration, but the depth requirements are still higher.

Botany itself is a bit unknown, and there are even fewer people who take the initiative to learn it. Basically, only students who have gone to college and taken professional courses will get involved. In terms of the basic number of people, it is no better than sculpture.

Pang Jidong is fifty years old this year. He has a comprehensive understanding of forensic botany and can even popularize and communicate basic content to botanists who have been exposed to it. However, if you really ask him to get started, it is impossible to continue.

When Jiang Yuang first learned forensic botany, he learned about the relevant situation. At this time, he smiled and said: "In this regard, we can only expand the invitation list and try to find botanists who are interested in this area. However, there are a few Just a botanist with whom we have long-term cooperation will be enough, it doesn’t take much.”

"Indeed. We can't pay for it anyway." Pang Jidong said with a wry smile and said: "I have discovered now that botanists who are capable of forensic botany and can really solve crimes, people want to make money. There are many ways, and the business trip allowance we have is just a courtesy fee."

"The same goes for skull reconstruction." Jiang Yuan said indifferently: "Criminal investigation is a very interesting field. There are also people who are willing to assume social responsibilities and pursue a sense of accomplishment."

Pang Jidong looked at Jiang Yuan and said helplessly: "There won't be too many such rich second generations and second generation demolishers."

"There have been less demolitions in recent years." Jiang Yuan sighed inexplicably. When he was studying in the past, houses in his family were demolished every once in a while. Especially after buying some houses in the provincial capital, Jiangfu Town likes Houses or factories will be demolished if they cannot be kept for a few years.

Pang Jidong's eyelids twitched twice. Are we discussing the same thing?

After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and continued working.

Pang Jidong watched for a while, then on a whim, he took out his mobile phone and started a group chat.

After a while, Pang Jidong put down his phone and said with a smile: "Master, there was a botanist named Su Lei before, do you remember?"

"Remember. Women, academic elites." Jiang Yuan naturally remembered that there were not many women among botanists. Although Su Lei looked 40 years old, she was still much more dazzling than the unkempt men.

"There is a group of botanists who often help. I just said in there that I came to master to study, and Professor Su Lei immediately suggested that I also want to come with you to study and take a look... I don't know if it's convenient. inconvenient……"

"I have no problem. I'll tell Tao Zhi later." No matter how high Jiang Yuan's status is in the Zhengguang Bureau, he is still a guest soldier. It is not easy to attract friends on other people's territory. He can't even say hello. Do not hit.

Pang Jidong immediately said: "I'll ask Tao Zhi directly. If possible, I'll call Su Lei and the others over. They have also participated in several cases through forensic botany now, and they just want to see how master you handle forensic botany." Looks like this, I think it might be more enlightening."

"I have no problem." Jiang Yuan agreed.

That afternoon, Su Lei flew to the capital with her colleagues and students.

Su Lei was still wearing a professional suit and black silk high-heeled shoes, as if she had come to attend a meeting or conduct a business event.

Not only that, she also brought another student with her. She had long hair shawl, black and straight, and a broad mind. She was wearing a sports suit and carrying a backpack with deep scars.

"This is my new doctoral student, Qiao Shengli. The research direction given to her is to focus on forensic botany." Su Lei has worked for Pang Jidong several times recently and accumulated a lot of academic materials. , naturally cannot be wasted.

"Hello, Doctor Jiang." Qiao Shengli said hello proactively.

"Thank you for your hard work." Jiang Yuan, as a police officer, expressed his gratitude to the society for coming to help.

Then, he didn't plan to make any more greetings. He still held the mouse in his hand and said, "I'm just about to process the pollen collected here. You guys sit down first, take a look, and get familiar with the situation."

What Jiang Yuan has in his hands is a murder case, and now Cui Qishan and others have rushed to the victim's hometown. Not to mention that the pressure on the family members is instantly full, and more importantly, they need to consider the danger of alerting the snake. Time can be said to be quite tight, even if it is not It was a race against time, and there was no time to waste on reinforcements.

Su Lei had worked with Jiang Yuan before. She smiled softly and said, "We are here to learn. It's okay to sit back and watch. Is it a murder case?"

"Yes. Everything related to the case is confidential. No photos can be taken, and no information can be disclosed to the outside world." Pang Jidong gave up his position with a smile.

Zhan Kun also quickly gave up his seat, glanced at Qiao Shengli, and then quickly looked away.

"Are you analyzing diatoms now?" Su Lei confirmed Jiang Yuan's operation after sitting down for a while and took the initiative to participate.

Jiang Yuan was also willing to engage in academic discussions. He nodded and said, "Now that the evidence extraction has been basically completed, we want to first determine the water entry point of the body through diatoms. Then we will search the first scene based on this."

Using algae, especially diatoms, to determine where a body fell into the water, where it drowned, etc. is already a mature technology.

Its principle is actually similar to that of forensic botany, but compared to plants on land, algae are simpler, and the community composition in different waters is more significantly different, so it was applied very early. Most cities basically have relevant technologies.

Su Lei understood it as soon as she heard it and said with a smile: "Oh, this will eliminate the need for satellite remote sensing image processing."

She was telling the story of the last time we met, Jiang Yuan had people use drones to crawl out a large area of ​​​​images, and then used image enhancement processing.

The girl next to her, Qiao Shengli, had obviously heard this story and said with a smile: "The botanical genius who is good at processing satellite remote sensing images is a forensic scientist."

"I can't say I'm good at it. The scope of satellite remote sensing image processing is too wide. I only know a little about image enhancement technology." When Jiang Yuan said this, he looked at Su Lei and said, "Are you willing to show up?"

"Of course. Our little Qiao is eager to have such a practical opportunity. Are we going to take samples from the river?" Su Lei asked.

"Yes, we need to take samples along the river a little more closely."

"No problem, we are all very skilled at this."

"Then I will send a few people to follow you. We will take samples separately, one person at a time. We must take samples strictly in accordance with the regulations. In this kind of case, the more rigorous and the more evidence there is, the easier it is to impose the death penalty." Jiang Yuan specifically reminded.

Su Lei agreed and asked curiously: "If the samples come back, how are you going to deal with them?"

Unlike the criminal police who are more concerned about the results, Su Lei is more interested in the testing process.

"Hydrogen peroxide method." Jiang Yuandao.

"It's better than the strong acid method." Su Lei nodded in agreement and said, "The strong acid method can easily destroy the shell of diatoms and cause greater pollution."

"There may also be false negatives." Jiang Yuan added.

Su Lei smiled unconsciously and continued: "But I read the literature, and now it seems that there is a microwave digestion method using nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide, under vacuum ultrafiltration conditions, and using scanning electron microscopy for analysis. It is said that the detection rate of diatoms can be significantly improved."

Jiang Yuan: "No vacuum. No ultrafiltration. No scanning electron microscope."

In the corner of the office, Huang Qiangmin, who was resting with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes.

Guantian River.

The long river flows from west to east, with no end or destination in sight.

The clouds all over the sky, from far to near, cannot be seen through and cannot be dispersed.

Trees with yellow leaves look one after another from a distance, but when you get closer, they become sparse again. A minibus stopped, and little fat boy Zhan Guan took the lead and headed straight to the river.

The wild river was overgrown with weeds and muddy. Zhan Kun deftly stepped on a few stones and jumped to the river easily.

Zhan Gong smiled proudly. Although his figure is slightly out of shape, he has trained with him after all, and it is common for him to appear on the scene. The muddy riverside is popular with lazy corpse-disposers, and it is the home court of forensic doctors.

Zhan Gong turned his head and wanted to ask someone to throw the sampling bucket over. Before he could say anything, he saw Qiao Shengli, who had rolled her hair into a bun again, had already put on her rain boots, and walked in through the mud.

"I'll do it." The place Qiao Shengli chose was more than ten meters away from Zhan's niche. In order to reach the target location, she took two more steps into the water without any scruples, and she immediately fell into it.

Qiao Shengli looked indifferent. She stood firmly first, and after her body regained her balance, she threw out the sampling bottle in her hand.

After taking the water sample, Qiao Shengli bent down and dug out two more pebbles, which she also threw into the evidence bag and marked with words. His movements were as smooth as if he were doing his daily work.

After everything was completed, Qiao Shengli pulled out with all her strength, holding the backpack tightly on her chest, and walked out with difficulty, one step deep, one shallow step, deep, shallow, deep...

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