

Cui Qishan panted heavily, straightened his arms, and exerted force on his feet. He persisted for more than ten seconds before the resistance in front suddenly relaxed.


The car in front got out of trouble, made a dull roar, and stuffed a lump of mud into Cui Qishan's mouth.

Bah bah bah...

Cui Qishan vomited several times, but his mouth was still filled with the smell of fresh earth and stinking tires.

"Cui Da, get in the car." Xiao Si, who came with him, didn't bother to comfort him. When he was in the Seventh Brigade, although he was annoying and not recognized, no one bothered him.

How is it like now? After being kicked out to Cui Qishan, the work has become heavier day by day, and now he is on a long business trip. Thinking about the punishment he had suffered, the captain couldn't help but feel his hatred.

"Give me a bottle of water." Cui Qishan got into the car with his head covered, and his mouth felt as if it was mixed with cement.

"I drank it, do you want it?" Xiao Si handed over a bottle of Nongfu Spring.

"Who still has water?" Cui Qishan asked again.

Li Jiang: "I drank mine."

Wang Chao: "I drank mine too."

Both of them handed over the Nongfu Spring in their pockets.

Seeing this, Xiao Si also handed over his Nongfu Spring.

Cui Qishan looked down at the three bottles of water and looked up at the three people. He didn't know which brat had the lighter taste.


The battle-scarred Santana, who had long been tested, unloaded a group of people at the entrance of Zhanggang Village.

Cui Qishan got out of the car immediately, with a serious expression on his face as if he was about to vomit.

"Cui Da, hold on." Xiao Si was not making sarcastic remarks, but just asking his boss to be stronger.

"I can't die." Cui Qishan snorted, wiped the corners of his mouth, looked back at the broken car, and said, "The car I rode in when I was a kid was not much better than this."

Li Jiang smiled upon hearing this: "Maybe it's the same car."

Cui Qishan rubbed his bracelets and silently recited "Don't hit people" several times before gradually calming down.

The beads are from Lao Shantan and are not expensive, but they were given by Wu Jun, Jiang Yuan's master. Compared with Jiang Yuan, Wu Jun is obviously more like an elder with respectable teeth and morals. Cui Qishan also likes this string very much, especially this time. Whenever he gets motion sickness or is about to faint, smelling it or even squeezing it will make Cui Qishan feel better.

"This village is very poor."

Li Jiang jumped on the spot a few times and then looked around.

Zhanggang Village, Balitang Township, Ding'an County, Shu Province—this address does not sound very affluent.

"In poor villages, those who don't go out to work basically receive subsistence allowances, and they have enough to eat but not enough to eat." The local policeman got out of the driver's seat of the war-damaged vehicle, holding his waist and swaying.

"It's not easy." Cui Qishan muttered and asked, "Where is Zhang Lizhen's family?"

"The village chief will be here soon." The local police are also stationed in the village. The situation in the village is not very clear.

Several people searched for someone again and again, and finally found Zhang Lizhen's home.

When I opened the door, the first thing that hit my nose was the strong smell of alcohol.

Looking at the rather large yard, all the beer bottles and liquor bottles were thrown away...

Several old men and women who were watching the fun passed by with stools, and they also covered their noses and said: "You must have drunk to death, are you here to collect the corpse?"

The village chief drove the people away and shouted again: "Uncle, the police are coming for you."

The village chief, who was in his forties and one of the younger generations who still stayed in the village, shouted, then turned around and said: "My uncle's foot was injured and it hurts a lot, so he likes to drink. Now he has money sent by his daughter. , it’s easy to drink too much.”

As he spoke, the village chief opened the door, turned on the light, and went into the room. After a while, he pulled out a staggering little old man.

Just by looking at his drunken appearance, Cui Qishan could already guess why he didn't call the police.

"Put the law enforcement recorder on." Cui Qishan first tidied up his appearance, then turned on the law enforcement recorder, introduced himself step by step, and then asked:

"When was the last time you contacted your daughter?"

"How much does she give you each time?"

"Have you always been beaten?"

Cui Qishan asked one question after another, paying special attention to the other person's expressions and movements.

One of the benefits of asking in person is that it is easy to determine whether the other person is lying.

Of course, when Zhang Bao was drunk, lying couldn't cover it up. He also has no intention of lying and basically answers all questions.

As the questioning progressed, Zhang Bao sobered up and asked, "Where is my daughter? How is my daughter?" As if he remembered something.

"Not sure yet." Cui Qishan did not answer directly.

Although the police have identified the victim as Zhang Lizhen, the DNA collected here has not yet been sent and the report has not yet been released, so it is still not 100% certain.

The other one, Cui Qishan, must first complete Zhang Bao's transcript. To put it bluntly, Zhang Bao may also be the murderer.

Zhang Bao more or less realized something, wiped his face with cold water from the yard, began to wake up, and answered more and more seriously:

"She called me earlier and said she was going to a foreign country for a business trip or something. She would work abroad for three years and then she would be promoted when she came back. The money would be more."

"I was given 10,000 yuan at that time. I said there was no need for that much..."

"Yes...he gave me a new mobile phone number and told me that if I want to change my mobile phone number, the call charges to this number will be cheaper."

"I called once, but she didn't get through. She said she was traveling across the country... the last time... the last time was about two months ago. She only said a few words at that time and said she was very busy..."

Cui Qishan asked while exchanging expressions with Xiao Si and others.

Xiao Si, who was responsible for taking notes, even took the time to record the time of the call mentioned by Zhang Bao next to him. It is easy to see that after the victim died, the phone calls between Zhang Bao and his daughter continued.

Although the call only lasted once a month or two, and each time lasted only a minute or two, or even dozens of seconds, Zhang Bao obviously did not find any flaws.

In fact, in the past six months, this kind of call has been going on, just changing a mobile phone number.

Cui Qishan frowned. This was too scary. Moreover, what was the murderer's purpose?

Wouldn't a normal murderer just dig a hole and bury the body?

Have you contacted the victim's father?

It is probably using AI voice. There are more and more similar fraud cases.

But this is also easier said than done. If you have the ability to commit fraud, you just need to do it. Killing someone is wrong.

Furthermore, you have to make phone calls every once in a while, change your mobile phone number, and even pay money, so why not just dig a hole and bury it?

The transcript was almost completed soon.

At best, Zhang Bao is a clumsy middle-aged man. To be honest, Zhang Bao is a stupid, confused and selfish alcoholic man, and the clues he can provide are limited.

"Do you have anything to add?" Cui Qishan began to enter the finishing process.

Zhang Bao shook his head: "No more."

"Is what you said true?"


"Look at this record. Does it match what you said?"

Zhang Bao: "I... don't know so many words."

"You tell him." Cui Qishan sighed.

According to regulations, the other party must read the entire transcript at the end and then sign it. Usually, they also have to write something like "I have read the above transcript and it is consistent with what I said."

But if the other party doesn't know the alphabet, or doesn't know much, the police will have to read it to the other party line by line. Finally, write "The above transcript has been read to me and it is consistent with what I said."

This work was a bit tiring, Xiao Sidu foamed at the mouth and kept drinking from the cup.

Zhang Bao was still a little embarrassed, so he took the time to whisper: "I'm sorry, there are no young people in the village anymore, otherwise I can just ask them to read to me."

Xiao Si nodded.

Zhang Bao added: "In the past, when Chunfang was here, she could help, but she was also lost. Ya'er was also lost."

Cui Qishan, who was distracted at first, frowned: "What do you mean it's also lost? Did you go to another place?"

"Anyway, I can't find her back. There's no news. Several girls in the village are like this. I'm prepared." Zhang Bao let out a long sigh.

Cui Qishan sat up straight and immediately said to Li Jiang next to him: "Go to the car to get the equipment. Let's talk to the village chief here again."

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