National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 769 Sunny and sunny


The sun is shining and the wind is gentle.

Not long after Jiang Yuan arrived at the autopsy center, Qi Changye came over with three corpses.

"I'll show you the newly excavated corpse." Qi Changye smiled. The smile on his face was as warm as the cooling water flowing out of a nuclear power plant. The temperature was comparable to the main pipes of the Mohe Thermal Power Plant. His expression was as humble as if he was acting cute to tourists on the side of the highway. The Lone Wolf focuses on a person who is not very skilled in pleasing people.

Jiang Yuan was a little surprised: "Didn't I show it to your own forensic doctor?"

"Think about it, it's up to you. Don't bother two masters. Moreover, our forensic doctor also recommends showing you such a skeletal corpse that has been filed for a long time." What Qi Changye said was not a lie.

He mainly came here to apologize again today in order to maintain the balance.

Secondly, the workload of their own forensic doctors is small, and their daily focus is mainly on current cases. The skeletal corpses do have experience problems.

"I don't care, but you have to tell Political Commissar Huang." What Jiang Yuan said was exactly what Huang Qiangmin emphasized again and again yesterday.

Qi Changye said hurriedly: "I am going to give Political Commissar Huang a good explanation. What happened this time was really an accident. When I received the call, I felt numb... Hey, I was still thinking about the follow-up hospital that day, wasn't I? The other person is so good at drinking. I think about it, if the relationship is not good but it’s not good, then let’s drink... I didn’t even get down from the table, so I just carried him over to observe, and I was almost able to do a gastric lavage..."

"The matter is over." Jiang Yuan had no intention of pursuing it, and had no way of pursuing it.

"It would be great if Political Commissar Huang could think so..."

"Did Chu Yanqin explain the details of the murder?" Jiang Yuan interrupted Qi Changye.

"Oh, two cases have been handed over, and the rest are still under trial." Qi Changye quickly took out the file from the briefcase beside him: "I thought I would show it to you later."

"Which two cases are they about?"

"Numbers two and five."

"Well, let me take a look at the bodies first. Political Commissar Huang may not be here for a while. You can move around freely." Jiang Yuan asked people to fetch the bodies of No. 2 and No. 5, including the body of the dog attached to No. 2. The same was true. .

Qi Changye stood pitifully beside him, scratching his head and ears, thinking about how they would talk after Huang Qiangmin arrived.

Originally, he was still eloquent, especially with Huang Qiangmin, and Qi Changye would even have some psychological advantages. After all, we are the wealthy Party A.

Today is different from the past. You said that a combine harvester as big as Jiang Yuan suddenly refused to use it - doesn't that mean that the whole team has to go back to the old era of sickle harvesting?

How can you live a life of being hunched over, waking up early and working late at night, and being unproductive? Qi Changye didn't even dare to think about it.

Jiang Yuan used extremely fast speed to place the bones in the box on the dissection table, and then began to stare at the bones in a daze.

Forensic anthropology is a particularly demanding job, or it can also be called liver.

Many people may be curious about what the archeology students and teachers who are holding brushes and scrubbing the cemetery bit by bit are thinking about when they are working. After all, their work is really boring.

In fact, sometimes, it’s just thinking.

To discover changes in bones, identify the causes of bone changes, and then think about life, career and even society, the chain of difficulty is still very long.

Forensic doctors face lower difficulties than anthropologists. However, unlike anthropologists, forensic doctors have imminent tasks. The pressure brought by human society is real and is something that anthropologists have never experienced. of.

Jiang Yuan just kept watching and watching...

Huang Qiangmin came, and Jiang Yuan was watching too.

Huang Qiangmin didn't bother Jiang Yuan at all, and just pulled Qi Changye and talked for a while.

Not long after, Tao Lu also came over.

As a middleman, he was a little embarrassed about this matter. Of course, there are also various complaints against Qi Changye.

Tao Lu and Huang Qiangmin stood in line, scolding Qi Changye so much that he wanted to crawl into the floor.

Qi Changye turned his back on himself, which made it hard for Tao Lu and Huang Qiangmin to keep pressing forward. At this moment, Qi Changye had some artistic aura around him - raindrops as big as the pipa played on his face, and I was all wet from dancing, I also want to praise your elegant smile, boss...

"There is nothing wrong with No. 2 and No. 5. Of course, if the murder weapon is found, we can do another analysis." Jiang Yuan spoke, adjusting the atmosphere in the room.

"You mean, Chu Yanqin didn't tell lies?" Qi Changye quickly turned around.

"It can only be said that she was at the scene. The details are correct. She should have seen it with her own eyes, and it is not like a report. Well... there is a high probability that she was not the one who killed him. The height and weight are not right." Jiang Yuan While talking, I was also taking notes.

Jiang Yuan's LV5 crime scene investigation included crime scene reconstruction, LV6's tool mark examination, and LV4's forensic pathology, which led to corresponding speculations about the murderer's condition.

The strength of the murderer, the angle of force, the tools used, etc... However, when based on bones, the effects of these skills have to be discounted.

It would be much better if it was accompanied by Chu Yanqin's confession. This is equivalent to changing an answer question into a right or wrong question. Especially when the answer is "yes", there is much less to verify.

Qi Changye nodded repeatedly: "This is enough. We are still asking about other details in detail. By the way, the corpse we sent here may have special circumstances..."

Speaking of this, Qi Changye's tone was only slightly lower.

The deceased is gone, and Qi Changye has basically reached his limit.

A blue dumpling rolled out from the dissecting table.

Jiang Yuan waved his hand and collected the dumplings.

Li Jian’s legacy: Nunchucks (LV3) – Li Jian spent a lot of time on Nunchucks, and eventually achieved his title as the King of Nunchucks in KTV. Because Li Jian really practiced nunchucks under his apprenticeship, as long as the private room of the KTV is big enough, Li Jian can sing "I can do all kinds of swords, guns and sticks with style" while playing with the nunchakus. Soft yet hard, it won a round of applause. If he could afford such a large private room by changing his profession, Li Jian originally wanted to be a yoga teacher, accepting some female students, doing exercises during the day and singing at night...

Jiang Yuan slowly put away the two corpses without calling his assistant to come over for help.

In the evening, Qi Changye invited everyone to eat hotpot mutton.

As we all know, among the Beijing dishes, the one that is barely considered to be in its camp and can be said to be delicious is the hotpot mutton. Especially the hand-cut lamb slices are really delicious.

In fact, if any meat is delicious if it can be rinsed in water, it is probably really delicious.

If there's anything wrong with it, it's that it's too expensive.

A plate of meat costing 70, 80, or even 100 yuan disappeared within 10 seconds after being thrown into the pot. Qi Changye's flesh ached when he saw it.

This time, in order to show his sincerity, he treated the guests in his personal capacity.

"We... can cook it before eating." Qi Changye poured in another plate of meat and stirred it with chopsticks, feeling a little guilty.

Three minutes after starting the meal, the table was almost empty and his wallet was roaring.

"It's almost done." Wu Junhao held his chopsticks with a serious expression, and took out a third of the meat at once, and put it into the sesame sauce. He didn't feel sorry for Qi Changye at all. He had three bullets in his heart. He didn't eat Qi Changye's meat today, so he was considered a civilized society.

Liu Jinghui's chopsticks were still clean, he just silently picked up a plate of meat and poured it into the pot.

When eating hot pot, if someone is willing to eat half-cooked in the first half, then others will either follow suit or not eat.

"Waiter, get one more of each!" Qi Changye shouted in pain.

"I'll get some sauce." Liu Jinghui stood up and started to warm up before eating.

After returning with the bowl, Qi Changye glanced at Liu Jinghui's bowl and frowned deeply. This was not as good as Wu Junhao.

"What did you say?" Qi Changye's Mandarin became more Beijing-style.

"As a base, add some oil and light soy sauce, add more fermented bean curd and chili oil, and finally add sesame sauce, peanut butter, and vinegar." Liu Jinghui stirred it up and said, "This kind of Chaoshan beef dip is also good. tasty."

"Just sesame paste will do." Qi Changye sighed: "I'll get you a special sesame paste."

"No need. The mutton dipped in sesame sauce is just delicious in the first few bites." Liu Jinghui looked at Qi Changye and said, "Sesame sauce is just the obsession of people in the capital. At that time, there was little food and the public taste was too boring. I eat Chaoshan food The improved beef ingredients have become more abundant in Chaoshan, and the ingredients bowl is also richer."

"You will only offend the people of Beijing and Chaoshan at the same time." Qi Changye insisted on giving Liu Jinghui a bowl of special sesame paste ingredients.

Jiang Yuan silently picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks, and did not let go when the chopsticks fell into the hot water. He waited until the meat was cooked and then brought it back safely.

The hand-cut mutton is thicker and has very little juice when chewed. Not to mention the taste, the toughness is like the back muscles of a corpse that has just begun to turn into bones. It is slightly tough, but will fall apart as soon as it is torn.

"None of the corpses at the scene were probably killed by Chu Yanqin." Jiang Yuan suddenly said, "Based on the evidence seen before and Chu Yanqin's description, the victim's death method is basically certain."

"This... no need to compare the details of the murder?" Qi Changye was a little surprised.

"There is no need to compare. After the previous doubts have been eliminated, Chu Yanqin's height and weight cannot be matched by other methods of killing." Jiang Yuan boiled a few more pieces of mutton, ate them in one bite, and said, "The next few The same goes for the corpses. Most of their murderers were buried in the woods. Chu Yanqin's methods are quite clever..."

"It doesn't matter if no one is killed, we can handle it more flexibly." Qi Changye breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly.

"Waiter, please bring six more plates of this meat." Liu Chi waved to someone. He also had three bullets in his chest.

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