National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 770 Harvest Season

Through the interrogation of Chu Yanqin, Qi Changye dug out six more corpses.

As a result, the number of corpses involved in this case reached 12, which caused quite a stir even within the Beijing Bureau.

When many people hold meetings, they will talk about this "006 case" - a case lower than 007 and involving 6 corpses at the same time. Now because six more bodies have been discovered, some people call them "two 006s." The two 006s are naturally inferior to 007. This is necessary humility.

Qi Changye's chest gradually puffed up, especially after the case was gradually dug deeper and the connection and decoupling with the "Half Ton Case" was completed, praises poured in.

These days, there are very few espionage cases that can be actively solved. In this case, Qi Changye applied for resumption on his own initiative, and the conditions were not quite met - as evidenced by the vehicle delivered to Ningtai County - Qi Changye's initiative is undisputed, and the most important thing is, of course, perfection. The case was solved.

The criminal, Chu Yanqin, was also a formally trained intelligence agent. This type of prisoner was a rare type and had received attention and... interrogation from all sides.

At this point, Qi Changye had completely handed over the person.

Also handed over was his own car.

A brand new Passat with only 7 years and 200,000 kilometers on it.

"Hey, be careful when transporting it, can't you use it in the capital?" Qi Changye looked reluctant.

"You said that your license plate is special and we can't use it..." Huang Qiangmin looked at the Passat being locked on the trolley and said with a smile: "If I don't transport it back, how can I use it?"

"Can you apply for a license in the capital..."

"If you don't bother to apply, you won't need it." Huang Qiangmin said calmly: "The Zhengguang Bureau has guaranteed the use of our cars in the capital. It is also expensive to maintain a car here. It is too wasteful."

"Hey... my old friend has traveled a lot with me. When I picked up this car, it was less than three years old and it was as good as new!" Qi Changye said, shaking his head and sighing.

Huang Qiangmin pouted: "I'm afraid you have a lot of money this year. Buying a brand new one is just like playing."

Qi Changye smiled and quickly cried: "I don't know when it will be available, and a lot of funds are earmarked..."

Huang Qiangmin waved his hand and asked, "Have all the criminals been sent for prosecution?"

"Yes. Several of them have signed guilty pleas and punishments. Chu Yanqin and his wife may still have to struggle a little. The prosecutor is asking for the death penalty." Qi Changye said this very relaxedly.

The 12 victims were basically participants in several smuggling channels, including Qi Changye, who also disguised himself as a smuggler and was found to have problems, so he was hacked to death in the woods without hesitation.

During this process, deceased Nos. 1 and 2 were killed by 3456 and other participants. The same goes for No. 3, and so does No. 4.

The participants in the murder case were also Chu Yanqin's priority targets to be eliminated, and her husband was often among the executors.

One of the two is responsible for planning and the other is responsible for action, and they work together seamlessly. In this way, Chu Yanqin concealed his identity very well and maintained a secret state for a long time.

Huang Qiangmin nodded when he heard this and did not ask for specific details. If asked for details, Qi Changye probably wouldn't be able to tell.

"Okay, I'll go back then." Huang Qiangmin put away his car, notebooks, etc., and prepared to leave after saying a few words.

"Bureau Huang, Bureau Huang." Qi Changye quickly held Huang Qiangmin's hand: "Then the next case..."

"Let's see then." Huang Qiangmin didn't give the correct answer, turned around, got into a Beijing-branded A6, and left handsomely.

Jiang Yuan also put the last batch of bones into the box.

Compared with normal corpses, skeletal corpses are easier to store. However, these bones have been identified and will soon be cremated and returned to their families.

Jiang Yuan wrote the number himself and pasted it on the box.

After the last number was written, a blue dumpling also flowed out.

Wanxi's legacy: Origami (LV2) - Practicing origami is the most painful and happiest process Wanxi has ever experienced, a bit like the process of raising a child. She didn't like origami very much, but after hearing from experts that origami can best develop children's intelligence and cultivate children's concentration, Wanxi reluctantly started to learn it. He really wanted to go back to the child and fold a boat for her.

Jiang Yuan sighed softly.

Wanxi is the real name of Qi Changye's special sentiment. But this skeleton has been buried for several years, which means that Wanxi's children have grown up to the age where they don't like origami.

"Ask Captain Qi, what happened to Wanxi's child who died, Teqing, and what should I do if I help him." Jiang Yuan put away the blue dumplings and asked the forensic doctor Gong next to him.

Forensic doctor Gong is the main forensic doctor commonly used by Qi Changye's brigade. He is in his thirties and has very good skills. He can have a LV2.5 level in forensic pathology, which makes him the best among his peers.

Jiang Yuan asked through him, which was also an additional witness.

Forensic doctor Gong didn't have any objections. He called Qi Changye and chatted for a while before mentioning Jiang Yuan's words again.

"I was adopted into a relative's home. I had someone to take care of me, and I also received a scholarship, but my life was relatively ordinary." After hearing what Qi Changye said, Forensic Gong relayed it to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan nodded: "In this way, our Jiangcun will subsidize a certain number of students every year, regardless of age. It's no problem if I add one more person. Can you ask Team Qi to handle it?"

"Okay." Forensic Doctor Gong said quickly.

After going back and forth for a while, both parties finally settled the matter.

After ending Qi Changye's call, Jiang Yuan breathed out softly. In this way, the case was officially over.


The system screen appeared in front of Jiang Yuan again.

Mission accomplished: The passing geese leave traces

Mission content: Crimes will not disappear easily, and corpses cannot be easily buried. Finding the buried body, redressing the injustice, and bringing peace of mind to the family.

Mission progress: (12/X)

Mission reward: Forensic Sketch (LV6)

Picture Scout-Trajectory Analysis (LV6)

Seeing these two skills as rewards, Jiang Yuan was somewhat unable to hold back.

This was a task that Xu Taining took on during his investigation. At that time, Jiang Yuan found two corpses buried underground and obtained the forensic sketch (LV2) skill. Unexpectedly, this task is still accumulating.

After the Forensic Sketching skill level reached LV6, it was directly given to the next skill, Picture Detection - Trajectory Analysis, which also reached LV6 in one go.

Any skill that reaches LV6 is considered a semi-magical skill.

Jiang Yuan didn't feel tired at this time. He rubbed his face and asked Mu Zhiyang next to him: Where are my biologists?

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