National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 865 Trial Day

Meng Chengbiao sorted the documents one by one. The pile of folders on the right was already as generous as a roasted whole lamb.

Don't look at the interrogation. During the interrogation, many interrogating police officers would slam the thick documents on the table with a "Duang" sound, but in fact, most of the documents were written by veteran actors, and some were even extras.

Criminal suspects or readers with a little bit of experience, when faced with this situation, know in their hearts that the other party did not actually obtain much information. In the end, they still relied on intimidation and suppression to obtain a confession... However, most of them Part of the time, everyone cooperates with each other to perform the trick, and the successful explanation is successful.

But this time, the two criminal suspects would never easily recognize the identity of the big boss, and Meng Chengbiao had really accumulated a lot of information in his hands.

The two persons of Chickpea and Mr. Feng Shui, or rather their two identities, have so far killed no one in their hands. Their identities are somewhat similar. They are equivalent to being the organizational director and internal staff of their respective lines. Therefore, they He is not directly involved in the trafficking and production of drugs, but he also has considerable conditions to perform meritorious services.

Therefore, although the two of them are middle and high-level people in the gang, they will basically not be sentenced to death.

But if the identities of Amethyst and Citrine are recognized, then as gang leaders, the two of them will have made meritorious deeds for all the gang members, and they will most likely end up dead.

Meng Chengbiao could almost imagine what kind of Shura field the next trial scene would be, what kind of battles, swords and shadows it would be.

Meng Chengbiao gently patted the documents on the desktop with his hand.

These are all evidences he carefully prepared.

Even though it was already a lot, Meng Chengbiao still felt unsatisfied.

Amethyst and Citrine each commanded a line in the drug gang. In a few years, they committed numerous crimes including murder. If they were normal people, even a murder The accumulated material about crimes can be as thick as a dictionary, not to mention dozens of murders and hundreds of various cases.

However, the key to the problem is not to prove the guilt of amethyst and citrine, but to prove that chickpeas and Feng Shui masters are amethyst and citrine respectively!

Meng Chengbiao frowned while thinking, his expression even more solemn than when he was a fan.

"Lao Meng, how are your preparations here?" A soft female voice came from interrogation expert Sun Fangyuan.

Sun Fangyuan is about the same age as Meng Chengbiao, but unlike Meng Chengbiao, who has been a police officer for 20 years, it is difficult to get ahead. Sun Fangyuan was a famous heroine in Shannan Province 10 years ago. She received first-class merit and served as a March 8th red flag bearer. He was selected into the expert pool of the provincial department early on, and the heads of the drug lords who were reviewed could fill a pit of naan.

This time, Song Beixue also borrowed Sun Fangyuan specifically to examine the two crystals.

After Sun Fangyuan arrived in Changyang City, he worked day and night to familiarize himself with the case information and study the context of the case... However, let alone the hundreds or thousands of suspects in the entire "Poison Network", they were just two people, Chickpea and Mr. Feng Shui. , the information on Amethyst and Citrine involved in the case was too much for people to read. Therefore, Sun Fangyuan also relied heavily on Meng Chengbiao, who had followed Jiang Yuan throughout the whole process.

"It's still the same as before. There is evidence, but if we want to prove that the chickpea is amethyst and the Feng Shui master is citrine, there is still a lack of strong evidence." Meng Chengbiao rubbed his face, not wanting to appear too bitter and resentful.

Anyway, since my partner is a female police officer, it’s hard to be too raunchy. Although he still looked overworked.

"There are always more ways than difficulties." Sun Fangyuan came to this case, but encouraged Meng Chengbiao: "Actually, there are simple ways, I just don't want to use them."

"Oh? Is there any simple way?" Meng Chengbiao was a little surprised.

Sun Fangyuan said calmly: "Mr. Chickpea and Mr. Feng Shui are both middle and high-level members of the drug cartel. Is it true that they are only worth a reprieve? As long as we find enough evidence and communicate with the prosecutor, we will make it clear." Tell these two people, regardless of whether they are crystals or not, we will demand the death penalty for them. I want to see if they are so calm."

Meng Chengbiao said "ha": "What a loss."

Everyone is equal in the face of death. How much difference can there be between drug lords, drug dealers and drug addicts? Just like the bosses of many companies still do not change their evil demeanor, and the leaders of many units still remain unchanged. Drug lords are just fate. He just became the leader of a gang. To say that they are less afraid of death than little poisonous insects is probably not true.

If you are really not afraid of death, there is no need for the three crystals to deliberately kill all the old brothers who know you, just to hide your identity. They would even rather have inconvenient command just to leave a way out for themselves.

Therefore, Sun Fangyuan's method is to dig out their escape route, which is definitely very practical.

Meng Chengbiao put himself into the perspective of Chickpea and Mr. Feng Shui. He felt that if his disguised identity was also sentenced to "immediate execution of death penalty", he would really be scolded.

"However, this plan can only kill the two drug dealers. It is still not enough for a canon punishment. Therefore, I don't want to use this method." Sun Fangyuan explained again.

She came all the way here, not just to add two dead souls to the underworld.

Meng Chengbiao raised his eyelids to get his words back.

Sun Fangyuan smiled when he saw this and said: "The simple method won't work, so let's use the complicated method."

Meng Chengbiao looked up at Sun Fangyuan, picked up the water glass and took a sip. Seeing that Sun Fangyuan was waiting without saying anything, he sighed silently and said: "What kind of complicated method?"

"I have two tricks to deal with this kind of person. One is what I call sincerity for sincerity. Just chat with him sincerely, be nice to him, and tell him the truth. There is a high probability that the suspect will be recruited. ." When Sun Fangyuan said this, he looked at Meng Chengbiao and was also judging his rank.

Sun Fangyuan's strategy sounds a bit ridiculous. Modern people don't believe this at all, let alone a drug lord.

But in fact, experienced criminal police officers basically know how to use this trick. A typical example is like a fugitive chase. When the fugitive police catch a suspect outside, they usually greet the suspect with greetings. When he is hungry, he will buy the suspect his favorite food, and when he is thirsty, he will ask the suspect to drink from him. The suspect who was reluctant to drink the drink and wanted to smoke even ordered it for him personally.

A similar story is the Japanese criminal police's pork cutlet rice. It is said that it originated from the famous post-war kidnapping case "Ji Zhan Kidnapping and Murder Case". The police bought the prisoner a bowl of fried pork cutlet rice during the interrogation, and the prisoner recognized it after being moved. crime.

Therefore, even if he is an extremely vicious criminal, although he must be sent to hell, he still has sincerity.

For interrogation experts like Sun Fangyuan, impressing prisoners with sincerity cannot be said to be a basic skill, but it is also a required skill on the road to advancement.

If Meng Chengbiao didn't understand, Sun Fangyuan would be ready to use him as a tool.

Meng Chengbiao knew Sun Fangyuan and understood Sun Fangyuan, and said: "This move may take a long time."

Sun Fangyuan said: "So it is said that every drop of water can penetrate the stone. How long have you persisted for the longest time?"

"15 days." Meng Chengbiao explained: "Murder case."

"The longest I used it was 22 days. Theft case." Sun Fangyuan and Meng Chengbiao exchanged part of their qualifications as interrogation experts, and then said: "Since we both have experience, I suggest that we use this trick. I Mr. Feng Shui, how about you take charge of the chickpeas?”

Mr. Feng Shui narrowly escaped and seemed to be more clever than Chickpea who was caught directly. In addition, the importance of amethyst is slightly higher than that of citrine, so Sun Fangyuan's allocation is considered a profit.

Meng Chengbiao did not object and said: "Are they all using such a soft plan? Can Mr. Song wait?"

"Before they made amethyst and citrine, they were desperadoes who did not care about their lives. Intimidation and oppression are not necessarily effective." Sun Fangyuan said this, the female aura became stronger, and said: "I can withstand Song Total stress, what about you?”

"You are the main interrogator, so I'll listen to you." Meng Chengbiao didn't express anything fierce, which made Sun Fangyuan a little disappointed.

"Then, the guarantee plan is to exchange sincerity for sincerity." After Sun Fangyuan confirmed it, he patted the documents in front of Meng Chengbiao and said, "The second move depends on you, Captain Jiang."

Meng Chengbiao said "Oh" without any surprise. We are all farmers. Who saw a super large combine harvester parked in the village and wanted to borrow it?

Unless the plot of land is really too small and you can't talk about it, you have to ask for a rejection at least before you can go back to work with peace of mind.

"If Team Jiang can produce more evidence to prove the connection between amethyst and chickpeas, or between Mr. Feng Shui and citrine, we will interrogate it again, and that will be hard to do. Sun Fangyuan smiled and said: "Of course, we may not be needed anymore, but we have to give this road a try."

"Captain Jiang must have been doing it. But these two guys have cut it off very thoroughly. If there was any irrefutable proof, they would have done it long ago." At this point, Meng Chengbiao repeated what Sun Fangyuan said just now and said: "Otherwise, there would have been no need for it long ago. We are."

"That's right. Therefore, we have to provide more evidence to Captain Jiang through interrogation." Sun Fangyuan stood up and said, "Let's go, let's start with the guarantee plan."

While Meng Chengbiao was stunned, Sun Fangyuan entered the elevator empty-handed.


Meng Chengbiao walked out of the interrogation room with his waist straight and hit his broken waist several times.

"Captain Meng." A policeman shouted as he passed by, holding a dinner plate in his hand.

"What is this?" Meng Chengbiao smelled a good smell.

"Oil-splashed noodles. Captain Sun asked me to make them." The police officer replied: "I specifically asked a chef from Xishan to make them fresh and deliver them immediately. I have to go there quickly. The noodles are lumpy, and Captain Sun is not happy."

"One more question, does the suspect want fried noodles? Is he from Xishan?" Meng Chengbiao asked hurriedly.

"It seems like it. It also comes with garlic."

"Okay. Let's go." Meng Chengbiao frowned. Starting from dinner, he actually asked something.

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