National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 866 Mr. Feng Shui

Simply knowing the place of origin or hometown is not enough to solve the case, but the breakthrough is opened bit by bit.

Sun Fangyuan's appearance is very non-aggressive. Her appearance is not outstanding, but it is slightly prettier than average. She is a type that makes people feel comfortable but does not cause alarm.

The same is true for Sun Fangyuan's voice when he speaks and his actions, neither fast nor slow, leisurely and contented. At certain times, he is like a senior service staff, serving you tea and water, which neither makes you feel burdened nor makes you feel uncomfortable. Completely ignore her presence.

After joining the pre-trial department in his early years, Sun Fangyuan's trait was noticed by his master and he specially strengthened it. In the following years, Sun Fangyuan also changed his image based on some of his own experiences and methods.

Including her hairstyle, her makeup, and even her posture and demeanor at the table, Sun Fangyuan made careful corrections. As she grew older and entered middle age, she became less aggressive. During the interrogation, when she used the interrogation technique of sincerity for sincerity, the effect was even more outstanding.

Therefore, Sun Fangyuan did not simply propose this plan. She is very good at using this solution.

Apart from the fact that it may be more time-consuming and energy-consuming, Sun Fangyuan is quite confident about the plan itself.

However, when other measures were relatively weak, three or four days passed in the blink of an eye, and Sun Fangyuan had established a good "personal friendship" with "Feng Shui Mr." Sha Chengzai.

In this matter, the criminal suspect is the absolutely vulnerable party.

Some suspects will choose a purely confrontational strategy, that is, remain silent and refuse to talk. But for Sha Chengjae, this strategy is almost not an option.

First of all, on the day of his arrest, Sha Chengjae started donating his accomplices according to the plan in an attempt to make meritorious deeds.

As a middle-level and high-level member of a drug gang, committing meritorious service is the only way for him to get rid of the fate of death and death. If he does not have a reduced sentence for meritorious service, but chooses to remain silent and refuse to talk, no matter he is a citrine or a Feng Shui master, the end will be death and death. This ending is different for the police, but not for him.

Therefore, silence is inconsistent with the "Feng Shui Mr."'s past choices, and will make all his previous actions in vain.

Just like plea bargains in the United States require an account of everything you know, in China if you want a reduced sentence for meritorious service or a leniency for confessing, you must make a truthful confession, and it is not allowed to tell someone half-hidden and half-hidden. You can only say half, but you will not get half the sentence reduction, but not one drop, or even aggravation.

Therefore, Sha Chengzai must have a dialogue with Sun Fangyuan.

In fact, Sha Chengzai preferred to talk to Sun Fangyuan instead of talking to the fierce supervisor or other serious male police officers. Especially when some of his small requests were met, Sun Fangyuan actually greatly improved his situation.

After all, no matter how closely Sha Chengzai was cared for in the detention center, there were still too many unsatisfactory things in life. For him, who had been pampered for many years, the gap could be said to be very large.

At this time, even an ordinary bowl of oily noodles can make Sha Chengzai feel happy.

Secondly, Sha Chengjae is an extremely confident man.

He is nicknamed "Mr. Feng Shui" because he walks around the world as "Mr. Feng Shui" every day. He is good at talking and observing people's emotions. He can often win big orders with just a few words.

Therefore, in terms of personality alone, Sa Seung Jae is not shy about dialogue.

The conversation between Sun Fangyuan and Sha Chengzai lasted for four days.


Sun Fangyuan waited in the interrogation room again, and when Sha Chengzai arrived, he nodded and said, "Here he comes."

"Here we come." Sha Chengzai knew what Sun Fangyuan's strategy was, but he could only face it tactfully and calmly.

Sun Fangyuan just smiled slightly, opened the folder in front of him, and said, "Let's talk about chickpeas today."

Every time we chat, Sun Fangyuan will set a theme, and this time is no exception.

Sha Chengzai said "Huh" and said without changing his expression: "Hickpea and I are not on the same level. I don't know much about him."

"How many times have you been in contact?"

"I don't remember exactly how many times this happened." Sha Chengzai was vague.

"It doesn't matter. You can tell the story of your encounter with him in sequence. If there is less contact, it should be easier to explain. In addition, I also made it clear in advance that we will verify each other with Chickpea's confession later." Sun Fangyuan said He smiled and said, "Let's try to finish it within half an hour. We can have mutton steamed buns for lunch today."

Sha Chengzai's saliva secreted unconsciously, and he knew that he had no reason to refuse.

This is the tacit understanding the two have established in recent days. Sun Fangyuan will provide him with better food and drinks without him taking the initiative, and will also help him solve some living problems in the detention center, such as cleaner cells. and toilet paper, etc. In return, Sha Chengzai will explain today's theme clearly in a short time.

This was originally Sha Chengzai's meritorious mission, but it was carried out specifically and smoothly by Sun Fangyuan.

Theoretically, there is no reason for "Feng Shui Master" to refuse.

Here, it is also a manifestation of information asymmetry between the two parties.

Sha Chengjae did not know that the police had already suspected that he was "Topaz". At the same time, he did not know that Sun Fangyuan was a police interrogation expert. He only knew that she was a good interrogation policeman. As a middle-level and high-level member of a drug trafficking gang, "Mr. Feng Shui" was treated with care by a full-time interrogation policeman. Originally, he was The most normal configuration.

However, can I accurately explain the relationship between "Feng Shui Master" and "Hickpea"?

Sha Chengzai swallowed, and then laughed sarcastically: "When I talk about mutton steamed buns, I get greedy."

"It will be delivered in a moment. We have made an appointment with the master. Let's take notes first. Let's talk about the first time. When did you first meet?" Sun Fangyuan smiled slightly and continued to ask.

Sha Chengzai thought for a while and said: "I forgot the specific time. It must have been the reception of the goods. At that time, it was not very strict. When we checked the quantity of shipments with them, I told the chickpeas We exchanged a few words and we were still middle-level at that time.”

"What are you talking about?" Sun Fangyuan answered immediately.

"It's just about receiving the goods."

"What's the first thing you say when we meet? Do you also say hello when we meet?"

"'s not that, the first sentence...I don't remember it clearly."

"Just talk about it, it's okay, think about it slowly." Naturally, Sun Fangyuan couldn't let go of the details.

Many people think that they can avoid police interrogation, but in fact they are based on vague words. They think that lying to the police is like lying to their parents, relatives, or girlfriends and teachers. You can even get through it by slamming the door and walking out.

In fact, the police will not tolerate the suspect's temper. The suspect's hands were handcuffed to the interrogation table and could not move, and all conversations between the two parties were videotaped and written on the transcript, which can be checked at any time. On top of that, the police will ask endlessly for details and repeat questions. Those who have not received considerable training and have had three girlfriends for more than thirteen times at the same time will basically not be able to avoid this level of interrogation.

Even a Feng Shui master like Sha Chengzai must rack his brains to deal with Sun Fangyuan's problems one by one, trying hard to remember when he met "Hickpea" as a "Feng Shui master" and what kind of problems he had. What can be said and what cannot be said.

At this moment, Sha Chengzai didn't know what kind of interrogation "Hickpea" was facing. He had to consider himself first.

You can miss the content of one or two meetings, but missing it many times will definitely be detrimental to yourself.

Half an hour passed quickly, but the conversation between the two was not completed.

Sun Fangyuan smiled, closed the notebook nonchalantly, and said, "You eat first. When you're done, we'll continue. Don't be in a hurry."

The mutton steamed buns were served in paper bowls, and the spoons were also weak paper spoons.

Sha Chengzai didn't care. He finished the bowl of mutton steamed buns carefully and cherishedly, while carefully thinking about his response strategy.

Dinner is over.

Sha Chengzai sat down and said with a smile, "Ask me."

"Well, let's talk about the second project first. Please go back and think about this project carefully before we talk about it tomorrow." Sun Fangyuan decisively skipped it, but said: "Tell me about your interaction with Citrine."

Sha Chengzai's eyes twitched. However, he was more prepared for this topic. After thinking about it, he said: "Huang Jingshu is my direct superior, and there are several ways to communicate between us. Generally speaking, under less urgent circumstances, he Contact me through a separate email..."

Sha Chengzai answered Sun Fangyuan's questions little by little, without any rush, and finally brought the situation back to some level.

Sun Fangyuan talked to him calmly, asking and answering questions until about four o'clock in the afternoon. During this period, he gave Sha Chengzai two cigarettes and then said: "You and Huang Shuijing have met before, right? When was the first meeting?”

"I have never seen the real person of Citrine." Sha Chengzai answered very skillfully.

Sun Fangyuan smiled and said: "That's not what others said, Sha Chengzai, you can't just eat the mutton steamed buns and then refuse to admit it, or are you willing to give yourself a peanut for the citrine?" "

Her voice still didn't have too much pressure, and the content was sincere and a bit cruel.

Sha Chengzai knew that he had met his former Boomerang. In order to increase the persuasiveness of Mr. Feng Shui, he had to fabricate the meeting between the two. At this time, he sighed: "I said the meeting with Huang Jingjing was actually just an appointment. In the same spot. He was talking from above and I was listening from below."

"Where was the last time?" Sun Fangyuan didn't ask the first time, but asked backwards.

Sha Chengzai hesitated for a moment and said: "It was in an empty factory building, where Huang Jingjing decided. It was a month ago."

"What did you say?"

"The main thing is to report the situation on the production side..."

"Why make an appointment in an empty factory?" Sun Fangyuan secretly clenched his fists. This was a method discussed within the task force. If there is a place where the citrine that Sha Chengzai pointed out has been, then there is a chance to get it. Citrine's trace characteristics or biological characteristics, such as footprints or DNA.

If only the traces and DNA of Sha Chengzai and other known persons were obtained there, then Sha Chengzai would need to give an explanation.

"We need to avoid the cameras in the city." Sha Chengzai explained. He had a limited understanding of the police's skills, mainly Jiang Yuan's skills, and he hadn't realized yet that he had revealed a flaw.

Based on the analysis of their identities, Mr. Feng Shui should avoid the prying eyes of others, while Citrine should ensure his own safety.

A factory building is a relatively reasonable location.

Sun Fangyuan immediately asked about the location, sent a message to Jiang Yuan, and then asked Sha Chengzai.

In less than an hour, Sun Fangyuan asked for a second place and continued to send it to Jiang Yuan.

Then comes the third place.

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