National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 872 Conclusion

"The body was discovered three days ago. When it was found, it was on the grass in the suburbs. The body was highly decomposed..."

Deputy Director Ruan Tianyang introduced the case beside Jiang Yuan.

After saying a few words, the Hou Le family shouted from behind: "What do you call the corpse from three days ago? The corpse is rotten!"

"But the body was indeed discovered yesterday." Ruan Tianyang opened his small eyes that had been used for 50 years, and they were as cute as if they had cataracts.

"Old Huang must be looking for a current case. Can the case that was discovered yesterday compare to your case that was only discovered yesterday?" How long has the Hou Le family been holding an unconvinced, highly decomposed corpse? The weather is now It's not hot, maybe it can last for a month, which is equivalent to giving Ruan Tianyang a big advantage.

Ruan Tianyang did not hesitate, just smiled and said: "Let me continue. When I found it yesterday, there were traces of burning around the body. In addition, the body was near the water, but not all the water plants were burned. Next to the body , we picked up a sharp dagger..."

"The deceased's upper body clothes showed signs of being burned by fire, and the edges were scorched. In addition, a large amount of blood stains could be seen on the right side of the clothes. The buckles of the clothes and pants were intact. There were burn marks on the hair on the forehead, but there was no damage to the scalp and no skull. Fracture. There is a large area of ​​burns on the right side of the face..."

"The fatal injury was a horizontal sharp force trauma to the hyoid bone in front of the neck, reaching deep into the esophagus..."

Ruan Tianyang described it relatively simply, and then began to describe the forensic report.

Jiang Yuan listened to him and read the report himself.

The forensic report is obviously more detailed. For example, for sharp trauma to the neck, it specifically states the direction of the wound, which is from the left front to the lower right. In addition, redness, swelling and burning reaction of the trachea and bronchial mucosa, black and gray deposits in the tracheal cavity...

Apart from this, there were not many suspicious points in the organ sections, and no toxic substances were detected in the test.

"Since you came to see Captain Jiang, you should have left the body for Captain Jiang to dissect. It would be such a waste to finish it in a hurry." The head of the Hou Le family made a provocation.

Ruan Tianyang smiled, not even giving an explanation. Who knows if Jiang Yuan can be photographed today? He just tried to reach out.

"No hurry, let me take a look first." Jiang Yuan interrupted Hou Lejia's words, and then flipped through the pages of the document he had just printed.

It stands to reason that these files and file contents can be used for paperless office, but the people below are worried that if the leaders want to see the paper version, they will print it out, and the leaders... do find the paper version convenient. .

Jiang Yuan casually placed the document he read on the desktop.

The criminal police captain and detachment captains who were watching the excitement in front of them picked it up and looked at it without any scruples.

Huang Qiangmin's eyebrows twitched but he said nothing.

When we were filming Jiang Yuan just now, he was naturally in control of the situation, because everyone came to borrow Jiang Yuan, just like the villagers who came to borrow a combine harvester, even for the sake of scheduling, they would give a A sincere smile.

Now that work has begun, villagers from the same village came to the field to see how the combine harvester is working. What else can they say?

"This man had his throat cut and it seemed like he was burned to death?"

The first person to look at the forensic report saw the clues.

The second person took over and said as he read: "The murder weapon was thrown directly at the scene. It's a bit like a newbie."

The third person took the newly printed document and flipped through it with the person next to him, saying: "The identity of the victim has not been determined yet, right? There were many injuries on the body. Was he being chased or something?" "

Because the corpse had been burned and was in a highly putrefied state, the condition on the surface of the corpse became extremely complicated. The wounds, which were originally the easiest place to use as evidence, became difficult to identify.

There were several criminal police captains who actively participated in the discussion of the case. There were also some who were quiet and thought alone. Of course, there were also those who were too lazy to think and were checking their cell phones nearby.

Ruan Tianyang had to take on the task of explaining at this time. Soon, he connected his own forensic doctor on the phone and began to answer the questions of the criminal police captains online.

Everyone has a variety of problems, but there is still a long way to go before solving the case. It gives the forensic feeling, and it is more like a game.

In fact, it is just a form of gambling, just like ordinary villagers pulling a few wheat ears and peeling them off by the roadside while watching the combine harvester work. The normal investigation process takes a lot of time just to understand the situation. If you can understand forensic reports and understand the content of pictures, you can enter the state faster. Some people cannot get the information directly and have to be relayed by others, which takes longer.

The forensic doctor of Ruan Tianyang's family had no choice. Even if he was impatient, he could only answer the call from the deputy director.

Fortunately, it was the case three days ago, and he had just dissected the corpse. He knew all the details clearly, so it was not difficult to answer it.

"This, there is no case."

Jiang Yuan had long been accustomed to reading files by himself. When he put down the printed documents, he came to a somewhat surprising conclusion.

Deputy Director Ruan Tianyang was still planning to have a back-and-forth conversation with Jiang Yuan. When he heard Jiang Yuan's conclusion, he suddenly became a little unconfident and asked: "What does it mean that there is no case?"

"The deceased committed suicide. It is not a criminal case." Jiang Yuan tapped the file with his hand and said: "The deceased's suicide method may be relatively complicated, but there is no murderer and no case."

Suicide is a type of abnormal death. For forensic doctors, it is actually encountered very frequently. Taking into account different regions, car accidents, suicide, drowning and other causes are the most commonly encountered abnormal deaths.

Ruan Tianyang was obviously stunned for a moment: "Suicide? After wiping your neck, do you set yourself on fire again?"

Jiang Yuan: "It could be the opposite. Self-immolation is too painful, so I want to end it quickly with a knife. Look at his wounds. I suspect there should be more than one cut mark. The corruption is more serious. It's not easy to be sure, but from the blood spurting Judging from the angle and magnitude of the splash, there should be multiple wounds on the body of the deceased, most likely test wounds."

Trial cutting is an important basis for suicide. In fact, normal people are often not decisive enough to commit suicide, nor are they like doctors or forensic doctors who know how hard to use to make a deep enough wound. In addition, the will to commit suicide may not be firm enough, and trial incisions will occur. Create.

"This..." Ruan Tianyang didn't know what to say for a moment. If it was a murder case, then just follow the steps. Now if it was a suicide, wouldn't the case be over immediately?

Ruan Tianyang felt a little uneasy if he was asked to decide like this.

At this time, the forensic doctor from Litang County on the other end of the phone suggested: "The wound on the deceased's neck is 15 centimeters long."

"But the direction of the wound is consistent with ordinary people's habits of holding objects, and there are no defensive wounds on the deceased." Jiang Yuan answered quickly. He had already asked and answered similar questions in his mind.

The forensic doctor on the other side asked: "How about the depth? The wound on the deceased's neck is as deep as the esophagus. If you cut it yourself, it is basically impossible to cut it so deep."

"The murderer usually doesn't cut so deep. From the photos, I think it is caused by decay and the formation of wounds deepened by the reproduction of maggots. In addition, the blood is also distributed on the right side. Looking at the shape of the coat, the deceased is standing. The wounds caused when..." Jiang Yuan talked more and more.

That's how it is when discussing a question. If you want an answer, it should be a conclusion consisting of one or two sentences, or at most a few sentences, with at most a few arguments. But if we really enter the discussion stage, we must have a school and a direction, a goal and a basis, a judgment standard, a confidence interval, and comparison and comparison...

Jiang Yuan was originally facing Deputy Director Ruan Tianyang, and his speech was relatively reserved. As the forensic doctor on the opposite side asked questions, he slowly relaxed and began to throw out more information:

"Actually, regarding maggots, let's talk about forensic entomology. There is still a lot to study. Why do I say that the deepening of the wound is caused by maggots? This is related to the types and types of maggots found on the corpse. Habits are related. How deep a wound can be caused by several generations of fly maggots can actually be studied more..."

"The identity of the deceased must be determined, but if you look at the scene of this case, you can already read the strong attribute of suicide. For example, in terms of footprints, although they have been burned and washed away by time, if you look at the scene On the ground, the footprints of the deceased can still be seen, but apart from the investigating police officers, there are no footprints of the second person... Banqiao should still be used when encountering such cases in the future."

"Bloodstain analysis actually supports the conclusion of suicide. In this regard, the bloodstains at the scene are actually basically destroyed, but the clothes of the deceased can also be analyzed for bloodstains..."

Jiang Yuan's output was fast and fierce, constantly impacting the intelligence of the forensic doctor on the opposite side.

The forensic doctor on the other end of the phone would make a few "um uh ah ah" sounds at first, but gradually there was only a muffled sound of pain.

It was a feeling of having my brain ripped apart by a boss. It felt like I had grown, but this growth seemed useless.

The police captains present seemed to have watched a play. If they didn't know for sure that they were not worthy, everyone would have thought that Jiang Yuan wrote, directed and acted himself.

"Then, is it time for our case this week?" Captain Bai of Shiting County has dealt with Jiang Yuan and Huang Qiangmin. At this time, he just hesitated and said: "Our Shiting County does not have access to the Taihe River. Can we join our Taihe River?" A working group?”

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