National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 873 Skinned Man

Shiting County is the place where Jiang Yuan once led an expedition to sweep caves - this is completely literal. The biggest case Jiang Yuan and others did in Shiting County was that someone stuffed corpses into ancient tombs for Therefore, the task force dug a large number of graves and finally solved the case... and killed the Qinghe City group and the Yuan family, the head of it.

Although Jiang Yuan had just completed the "Poison Network" case and killed three crystals and the new drug kingdom of Crystal Cruises, in terms of scale, especially in terms of influence, the "Poison Network" is still not as good as Jianyuan Group. of.

Jianyuan Pharmaceutical is a pillar enterprise in Qinghe City. After being killed, the economy of the entire Qinghe City has deteriorated.

Shiting County has also become poorer.

Correspondingly, Captain Bai of the Shiting County Bureau should also become extremely poor. After all, they also contributed to the new comprehensive building in Ningtai County back then...

Huang Qiangmin looked up and down Bai Jian, the captain of the Bai Brigade, and said: "Lao Shi, take the initiative to pay. This style is not like yours."

"You have old ideas, and you look down on people, as if our work unit in a poor county would be reluctant to pay." Captain Bai looked at Huang Qiangmin, his tough mouth always the same: "To be honest, your attitude, I don’t like it, we poor counties are the ones who know how to spend money wisely!”

Huang Qiangmin shook his head after hearing this: "Let me tell you, no one with any education will be able to tell that you are praising our Jiang Yuan family in a different way."

"I'm not boasting. I'm talking about our family's financial strategy." Captain Bai's mouth has always been tougher than granite, and he added: "Just tell me how much funding your Taihe working group needs."

Huang Qiangmin waved his hand: "This matter is not that simple. Your Shiting County does not have access to the Taihe River. It is indeed inappropriate to ask you to raise funds for the Taihe Working Group."

Bai Jian frowned: "You think we have no money in Shiting County, right?"

"Lao Shi, you don't have to worry about money. This is not all about money." Huang Qiangmin smiled, then looked at the people around him, and said: "Our brotherhood in Shannan Province is mainly a mutual aid. We need to help each other, otherwise, we can just go to the capital directly. They are A6, and the support from all aspects is not a bit strong, but we are not better than this."

"You're done. I don't care about that. In short, we in Shiting County want to participate in the Taihe Working Group. Taihe is the Taihe River in Shannan Province. Taihe River has been the river in Shannan Province since ancient times. It is equivalent to the mother of Shannan Province. Therefore, everyone has the obligation to join the Taihe Working Group, and every county should join the Taihe Working Group." Bai Jian's language is so hard that it is difficult to resist.

The captains at the scene looked at Captain Bai with admiration. The old detective must have the ability to tell lies with his eyes open, otherwise, he would be easily fooled by the little yellow hair on the street.

Huang Qiangmin looked at Bai Jian again: "Lao Shixing, there is progress. Can you decide?"

The captain of the criminal police brigade is just a middle-level cadre in the police station. He is a business leader and cannot make major decisions.

Bai Jian raised his head: "I have indeed made progress. I was promoted to deputy director, and I am still in charge of criminal investigation."

"Oh, congratulations." Huang Qiangmin and all the captains said auspicious words. Huang Qiangmin glanced at it and felt that at least 80% of the people knew the news.

Huang Qiangmin couldn't help but secretly question himself, whether he was too insensitive to the news in the province.

"Director Bai." Huang Qiangmin handed over his hand.

"Political Commissar Huang is so polite." Bai Jian laughed twice, and then said with a tight mouth: "We have solved many backlogged murder cases this year, and also solved a series of major cases. The leaders appreciate it, but there is nothing we can do... How about... , come to our Shiting County to congratulate you?"

Huang Qiangmin was amused by Bai Jian. This guy could always use a tough tone and speak loose words. He was a real tough talker.

"What is your case?" Huang Qiangmin asked.

"This case of ours is really special." Bai Jian said with a more solemn expression when he talked about the case, "I wasn't in a hurry just now because I knew that if I took out this case, Captain Jiang would definitely I’d like to help take a look.”

Jiang Yuan had a lot of dealings with Bai Jian when he was investigating cases in Shiting County. When he heard what he said, he sat over and said with a smile with a little emotional intelligence: "Please introduce Bai Jian."

"Our case actually only happened in five days. Let me sum it up in one sentence. A woman died, and her scalp and face were peeled off." When Bai Jian said this, there was no trace of emotion on his face. He smiled and said coldly: "The scene was horrific. The deceased's face and scalp were all peeled off, and his lips and nose were gone. Only his eyeballs were still there, hanging on the white gums."

When he said this, everyone immediately imagined the scene.

The Hou Le family couldn't help but tremble: "There is a big case in your Shiting County!"

Bai Jian ignored him and looked at Jiang Yuan and said: "Our forensic doctor is Wei Qun, and Captain Jiang has also seen it. According to his judgment, the victim was strangled to death first, and then his scalp and face were peeled off little by little. In addition, , there were signs of a fight at the scene, and the victim’s head showed signs of being hit with a blunt instrument.”

"The victim is a 42-year-old woman who lives alone. Her husband works outside. She opened a small shop in the village and has a good reputation."

"The body was discovered by villagers who came to buy things. The time of death is expected to be in the evening of the previous day. The village is close to the main road, and the county road is near the small shop. It is initially suspected that an outsider committed the crime, but if that is the case, This case is more difficult.”

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but listen.

Although I haven't seen the specific files on this case yet, from Bai Jian's description, there are already signs of a serial killer.

In particular, the actions of peeling off the scalp and face are typical of serial killers. The famous one is Ma Yong, the face-cutting demon in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. He killed more than a dozen job-seeking girls, cut their faces and quartered them, and also There are Americans who pioneered the West and scalped Indians...

In Shannan Province, there are still such murderers in Qinghe City, which is somewhat unexpected.

Thinking further, is this the murderer's first crime? Or was it just one mistake among many crimes?

From this perspective, the small shop in the village is close to the main road, which is convenient for committing crimes, but it may also be easy to be discovered. If the murderer was frightened, gave up handling the body midway, and ran away in a panic.

But no matter what the reason is, if an outsider commits a crime, especially a serial murderer, the difficulty index of this case will be very high.

"Have you investigated, are there similar cases in other places?" Jiang Yuan also had to consider the worst case scenario.

Bai Jian shook his head slightly: "I have investigated and found nothing similar in recent years."

"Then let's take a look at the files first, and then let's go to Shiting County to take a look." Jiang Yuan said and stood up, leaving the others to deal with Political Commissar Huang.

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