National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 903 Everyone fights


Under the scorching sunshine, the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows is smooth and bright.

Miao Ruixiang ordered burgers, pasta, barbecue, curry crab and mango rice from the hotel, and served them all in front of the statue of Jigong. He also lit three sticks of incense, stuffed himself a burger, and then made a video call to Master.

Wu Jun answered the phone instantly: "Ruixiang."

"Master, are you waiting on the phone?" Miao Ruixiang smiled.

"The time is stuck. You didn't know how many minutes earlier you should have called. Have the offerings been delivered?" The background of Wu Jun's video is dark, which makes it very atmospheric.

Miao Ruixiang said: "It's up. Look."

Miao Ruixiang showed the offerings on his side, and then said: "Malaysian hotels only have these things, and there are no whole animals like roast chicken and duck..."

"Replenish the offerings and get some wine for the Bodhisattva." Wu Jun made a request and said: "Among the Bodhisattvas, Jigong Bodhisattva is the most easy-going. Hey, he is not picky about food and drink. He can eat good things even if he has no money. When he has no money, he can provide one." Steamed buns, Jigong Bodhisattva can also use them. If you are rich, you can offer some wine and meat to Jigong Bodhisattva. The wine and meat will pass through the intestines and remain in the heart of the Buddha."

"Yes." Miao Ruixiang quickly went to the small refrigerator and added the remaining welcome fruits.

Wu Jun was finally satisfied and said: "I asked you to take Jigong Bodhisattva out because we know that the conditions overseas are not as good as at home. In our country now, ordinary people can afford three animals. Where can we find such conditions overseas? The food you drink doesn’t taste good either, and I don’t even like the hamburger and the pile of rice you served.”

"Curry rice." Miao Ruixiang whispered: "It can be regarded as the hometown rice of Buddha."

"Jigong Bodhisattva did not grow up eating curry rice. Jigong is from Taizhou and was born near Tiantai Mountain. This is a holy land of Buddhism and the ancestral home of the Southern Sect of Quanzhen Sect. Therefore, although Jigong became a monk in Guoqing Temple and became a Living Buddha , but he is both Buddhist and Taoist." Wu Jun said before, and then said: "Malaysian side is not as good as domestic, and we don't know what the situation is up there. Jigong has a wide range of people, and he is willing to join the world and help people. What's the matter? Please him, that’s right.”

Miao Ruixiang looked at the three burning incense sticks and said, "Then how can we ask for help now?"

Wu Jun: "Kneel down and kowtow first, tell Master Jigong your identity, and then explain that you are begging for your senior brother Jiang Yuan..."

Malaysian Police Trace Laboratory.

Two rows of computers were laid out, and the height of the monitors was just right for people to stand and observe. All computers are connected to a unified system software, and one staff member is responsible for two or three computers, exactly like when Jiang Yuan worked in China.

This was also adjusted by Wang Chuanxing and Tang Jia. According to Jiang Yuan's requirements and habits, what equipment should be used and debugged as needed. If drilling is needed, new hardware should be purchased and old software should be modified. Yes, I also called someone to do it.

Nicha and others also cooperated very actively. Similar to domestic police stations, the police will actually calculate cost-effectiveness for ordinary cases. If cases are not cost-effective to solve, they will not be willing to invest police resources. Correspondingly, once a case is deemed to be a major or important case, or a case that must be solved, the investment of resources and police force will be huge.

Not to mention that Jiang Yuan just wanted a studio that he was used to operating, he just wanted to copy his favorite studio in China, and Nicha would pinch his nose and agree.

It's all about solving the case. In order to solve the case, he could pay for a business jet to pick up and drop off Jiang Yuan. Also, to solve the case, it didn't matter if he adjusted a studio.

The police officers who were selected to work also looked excited and nervous.

Jiang Yuan has already demonstrated his technical skills not only in the police station, but also on Malaysian TV stations. The police officers in the Malaysian police station not only know about it, but also have probably watched the program. Today, these people When the Malaysian police officers faced Jiang Yuan, they were facing a well-known foreign technical expert. No one was willing to let his guard down at this time.

Chief Dragon Master Zhong Ren came forward and said, "God, shall we start next?"

"Let's start. Play the video one computer at a time." Jiang Yuan stood in front of the first computer and signaled to start.

These videos are intermittent and come from different cameras. Some are official legal cameras on the road, some are obtained from cameras parked nearby such as Teslas, and some are obtained from shops or even street photographers. Camera.

All in all, Jiang Yuan hopes that the people in the video can cover the local residents. In actual operation, it will definitely require watching the overflow video.

Moreover, the first batch of videos collected is still a small number. If we want to continue this strategy in the future, we will continue to collect them.

If a normal graphic detective team were to solve a case, and dozens of people from one graphic detective team, or two or three squadrons, would watch the video together, or at least multiple technicians would watch the video together, the workload would not be too exaggerated.

But what Jiang Yuan wants to see is the gait. This technique can still find people to watch together in China, but it is a unique skill in Malaysia.

The Malaysian police officers came up one by one and wanted to learn something. Jiang Yuan didn't object, but he definitely didn't have time to teach them.

"Stop here and enhance the video. You need to see this picture clearly." Jiang Yuan stopped after watching the video for seven or eight minutes.

He also encountered unclear areas before, but it did not affect his judgment. This was not the case here, and the technician had to deal with it.

However, although Jiang Yuan also has image enhancement skills, he does not need to conquer the world by himself at this time. The police station in the capital of Malaysia can still afford such expensive technicians. In other words, it is precisely this kind of expensive technicians with common skills that the Malaysian police force has no shortage of.

"Continue here." Jiang Yuan moved to the second computer.

The police officer next to him immediately started playing the video.

This time, Jiang Yuan looked at it for two or three minutes and said, "This can be released quickly."

The police then increased the speed by 1.5 times.

Jiang Yuan directly activated temporary skill 1 and put it on footprint analysis. The footprint analysis of LV5 can be directly upgraded to LV6. The happiness will be doubled and the ease will not only be doubled.

"Let's put the speed at 2.5." Jiang Yuan was modest and explained with his remaining emotional intelligence: "What we look at is the gait, not the footprints, so it's okay to go faster."

"Okay." The police officer then accelerated to 2.5 times the speed.

Jiang Yuan watched one video and then another. After only watching it for a dozen seconds, he said: "It's too repetitive. It was recorded at a similar position to the video just now. Let's cut it again."

"Okay." The police officer responded quickly.

Jiang Yuan naturally walked to the third computer and started watching it. The same police officer opened the video for Jiang Yuan. Naturally, someone on the previous computer was responsible for re-editing the video.


A quarter of an hour into the game, Jiang Yuan finally selected a vague figure.

The technicians in the second row immediately got to work and began to look for videos of the person's gait taken at other angles, locations, or times for Jiang Yuan's secondary verification.

After half an hour, the entire trace laboratory was running in an orderly manner.

At the same time, Miao Ruixiang lit three incense sticks again and placed them in front of Jigong Bodhisattva.

On the mobile phone stand in front of him was Wu Jun with a dark face against a dark background.

"Bow, let's start folding the gold paper now. You should have brought all the gold paper. You must know how to fold it." Wu Jun's voice came out erratically.

Miao Ruixiang hesitated for a moment: "I brought the gold paper with me, and I know how to fold it. I fold slowly."

"Wang Zhong, tell him." Wu Jun waved his hand and asked Wang Zhong to come over and talk about the topic, while he stayed behind and read the scriptures.

Miao Ruixiang was not very willing to learn, but he could only follow. After a while, a large number of gold papers were folded on both sides.

"Go out and find a place to burn it. Hurry up, there are still 6 minutes left in the auspicious time." Wu Jun was almost done waiting and came over to give another order.

Miao Ruixiang was stunned: "Six minutes isn't enough. You can't light a fire in the hotel here..."

"Who are you to blame for being so slow? Run, run,, quick, quick..." Wu Jun ordered, holding on to the time.

Miao Ruixiang had no choice but to hold the gold paper and a copper stove, open the door and run out.

After getting off the elevator and leaving the hotel, the heat wave was raging outside. Miao Ruixiang casually looked in a desolate direction and started running.

Trace Lab.

Jiang Yuan's accumulated target candidates gradually increased to 10 people.

Although this does not mean that these are already suspects, the feeling of having a target is still very good.

There were obvious smiles on the faces of Nicha and others.

"Wait a minute, slow down and play it again." Jiang Yuan ordered, suddenly breaking the cycle in the office.

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