National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 904 Don’t retreat yet

"Come on 0.5 times the speed, people are zoomed in." Jiang Yuan's orders came one after another.

The Malaysian police officers quickly followed suit.

Jiang Yuan only had to put his hands in and watch. In fact, there was no need for the police officer to adjust the speed. Jiang Yuan had basically determined that it was this person. He asked him to adjust the speed and zoom in to make sure.

It was easy for him to confirm the suspect. Nicha and others would have to work hard for a long time, so they had to check carefully.

The figure in the video quickly played in a loop, and its movements slowed down a lot. It looked like it was leaning forward and swinging from side to side.

If images with this level of clarity were placed in China, the gait recognition system would directly prompt the results. The current gait recognition system can identify dogs, let alone humans. Not only can they tell whether you are a golden retriever or a Labrador, but they can also tell whether you are on a leash or not, and whether you are muzzled or not. .

However, the gait recognition used by computer systems is different from the human judgment model. Gait recognition used by computers is analyzed through deep neural networks. It focuses on a detailed comparison. In short, it answers the question "What is China's AI doing?"

In comparison, human recognition patterns are relatively complex and simple. Even for Jiang Yuan in the LV6 state, although he can clearly explain the reasons after judging the gait or footprints, at the beginning of the judgment, , he actually relied on "feeling" to give the answer directly.

It's the same now. When Jiang Yuan saw the back in the video, he immediately thought "it's him". The subsequent loop playback is just for confirmation and demonstration.

After playing the loop four or five times, Nicha realized something and walked over with concern, anticipation beginning to appear in his eyes.

Jiang Yuan ignored the others and took out his notebook. After recording a few entries, he looked up and checked again and asked, "Bring out some more videos and pictures of this person."

When Jiang Yuan asked for video playback and looping, technicians from the Malaysian police behind him were already doing this. When Jiang Yuan asked questions, someone immediately delivered some information.

Videos and photos of other sections of the road, as well as a few short videos from a bird's eye view, were released one by one.

Out of caution, Jiang Yuanqi watched three more videos, then stopped delaying and said, "I'm sure it's this person."

"Find him!" When Nicha said this, his whole body was trembling.

This is the body's natural stress response and is the result of rapid secretion of adrenaline. If it were on the battlefield, Nicha would be ready to shoot with a machine gun at this time.

The technicians in the second row quickly became busy.

"Thank you Jiang Shen, I didn't expect the results to come out so quickly." Nicha quickly gave a few instructions and then thanked Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan smiled, changed his expression and said, "I thought it would take several days to investigate, but I didn't expect the results to come out so quickly... Well, the suspect hasn't been caught yet, so the results don't count."

"That's Jiang Shen. Leave it to us next. This person goes in and out of the mall without any scruples. It's impossible to find his people. Don't worry." Nicha also has an identity and is reserved. He watched with his own eyes. The suspect got in and out of taxis, entered and exited various shopping malls and commercial buildings, and was confident enough to pick him out.

In other words, as soon as he spoke, the technicians in the second row started printing data. Personal information in Malaysia is relatively not easy to obtain, but when a person uses a credit card, personal information becomes one-way and transparent.

In short, in a place like Malaysia, it is relatively easy to hide your identity when you are not spending money. Once you need to spend money, your identity cannot be hidden. But here, there are many places to spend money.

"This man... turned out to be a financial professional..." Nicha was a little surprised when he saw the report sent by his subordinates.

Zhong Renlong came over to take a look and said "ha": "The money he makes in one month is more than what I made in ten years."

"Isn't it weird, but this kind of person has made so much money and still goes to find street girls..." Nicha said, his eyes turned cold: "Maybe he is tired of playing the normal mode."

"Serial killers don't all come here like this." A senior police officer next to him added, not surprised, and added: "There are many perverts in finance, and many of them were killed before they had time to become serial killers. The market has been eliminated."

"Maybe he has stayed in the market for a long time and turned into a pervert." Nicha said, while operating the process on the computer, and then said: "I'm going to make some calls."

A case of this level cannot be completed by a high-ranking police officer alone. It must involve the participation of the police department.

Jiang Yuan didn't need to worry about this. He sat and rested for a while, drank some tea, and then watched the technicians start to pack things. Thinking of his mission, his heart moved, he coughed twice, and said to Zhong Renlong: "Don't move the stall yet. , keep it.”

"Ah? Okay. Yes." Zhong Renlong responded quickly without asking God what he wanted to do.

"Everyone can rest first and talk to him if necessary." Jiang Yuan said to Zhong Renlong again, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Huang Qiangmin.

Huang Qiangmin was walking nearby. He didn't expect Jiang Yuan to solve the case so quickly and come back in a hurry.

Nicha also returned at about the same time, and the two of them met at the door, looking forward to seeing each other, and they were extremely jealous.

"Jiang Shen." Nicha called out like a cat, then slipped past Huang Qiangmin and said, "I'll report the situation to Jiang Shen."

He spoke in Malay, except for the word Jiang Shen. Now he uses Chinese, and it has a somewhat formal meaning.

Huang Qiangmin didn't understand, but felt Nicha's emotions and let it go.

"The team to arrest the suspect has already set off. As expected, the person will be arrested soon. The director and the congressman are very happy and said they would like to treat you to dinner." Nicha smiled and quickly wiped away the happiness on his face. The emptiness of huge expenditures.

Jiang Yuan smiled: "It's good if we can catch people. There's no need to eat..."

When Jiang Yuan spoke Malay, Chu Guanliang, the police liaison officer at the embassy, ​​would translate into Chinese.

When Huang Qiangmin heard this, he immediately coughed.

Jiang Yuan stopped and looked at Huang Qiangmin.

"The director and the congressmen are inviting you to dinner. It would be better to participate. Or if you don't want to participate, it would be good for Officer Chu and I to participate. Officer Chu may be interested." Huang Qiangmin pulled Chu Guanliang.

Chu Guanliang nodded quickly: "I'm so interested. It's pitiful to say that I, the police liaison officer, wanted to contact the director before, but I never had the chance. It was only after Team Jiang came over that I was qualified to queue up. Occasionally, I could meet someone. Come on, line up and make a call.”

"As long as you are interested, you can chat with them and let's have dinner with the director." Huang Qiangmin smiled. The chief of the Malaysian Capital Police Bureau has no less power than the chief of the Capital Police Bureau in his country. Naturally, he cannot follow the police liaison officer of any foreign embassy every day. It is also inconsistent with the principle of diplomatic reciprocity.

However, Chu Guanliang does have the need to contact the chief of the Malaysian police. In other words, as long as he can contact the chief, most of his work can be completed more easily.

Chu Guanliang was so excited that he thanked him repeatedly, and then he remembered to thank Jiang Yuan again.

Jiang Yuan EQ Online waved his hand and said no with a smile.

Chu Guanliang spoke in Malay again, translating into Chinese while speaking, and made an appointment with Nicha in a few words.

Nicha naturally agreed, and later asked Jiang Yuandao: "Is Jiang Shen really not going to participate? The director is actually very willing to talk to you."

"I only understand technology. For matters other than technology, Director Huang has the final say." Jiang Yuan did not use Political Commissar Huang's rhetoric to avoid making the other party nervous.

Nicha glanced at Huang Qiangmin guiltily and said with a smile: "It's good that Director Huang is willing to participate..."

"However, I do have an idea. Let Director Huang tell you." Jiang Yuan had already sent a message to Huang Qiangmin about his idea before, and now he is leaving it to Huang Qiangmin to discuss.

Nicha swallowed, turned around, but couldn't laugh, and just said: "Huang Bureau..."

"Jiang Yuan feels that it took half a day to set up such a big stall, which is a bit of a waste. Why don't I help you solve a few more cases." Huang Qiangmin spoke, and Zhong Ren began to translate quickly.

Without waiting for Nicha to ask, Huang Qiangmin continued: "The ready-made model for solving crimes will be used. Continue to play the videos you collected. Just look for the footprints of some cases with nearby crime scenes. Jiang Yuan will continue to give you Just do the gait assessment. The process is exactly the same, but you can look at several more cases at once, and whichever one you encounter will be considered unlucky."

Nicha understood it immediately, slapped Zhong Renlong's thigh with a "pop" and said with a smile: "I actually have a similar idea, but I am embarrassed to say it. It would be best if Jiang Shen is willing."

He was not purely embarrassed, he was also worried that the funds would be burned too fiercely. However, Huang Qiangmin was about to go see the director and council members, so this kind of matter could be left to the superiors.

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