National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 916 Advancement

"Investigating this person, there is a high probability that he is the deceased.

Jiang Yuan transferred the information on the police communication to Wang Chuanxing.

Wang Chuanxing's blue eyelids kept twitching: "Did you use sketching to lock your identity? When did you learn sketching?"

Confirming identity through photos is now a basic function of the police network. However, photos are photos, and it is difficult to use sketches to determine identity. Anyone who has taken the art college entrance examination knows that even if you have practiced art for eight years, it is very possible to draw a person who looks like a monkey.

Moreover, Jiang Yuan is still looking at the portrait of the corpse, not the criminal sketch involving witnesses, so the difficulty is high.

Jiang Yuan no longer needed to explain how powerful LV6's skills were. He glanced at Wang Chuanxing and said, "I just used the time you spent doing PPT to practice. I asked Team Meng to go with Team 5."

Wang Chuanxing patted his forehead, stood at attention and said, "Yes."

With the deceased's body now available, the first drowning case was considered a breakthrough. Jiang Yuan then focused his energy on the other two cases, and it took him a whole morning to look at them.

By the afternoon, another case of drowning of a young woman had come to light, but it looked less like a case and more like a slip and fall into the water, so it was treated as an unnatural death.

After doing this, Miao Ruixiang called and asked: "Captain Jiang, the body that was thawed this morning is a bit soft. Should we start the dissection now, or wait until it is thawed? I'm afraid it will be too broken."

Anyone who knows how to cook knows that if the meat in the kitchen is completely thawed, it will actually be less easy to cut. It will be just right, a little soft but not hard, and when you can just cut it, you can almost do it.

Moreover, the dissection process is very long. It is normal for a complete dissection to take two to three hours. A forensic doctor of Jiang Yuan's level, who has a little more idol baggage, needs to take more photos and take more photos. It takes more time, and it is even more important to control the time of defrosting. It cannot be completely thawed, so that the cavity is messy and all kinds of things are sticky together, which is troublesome.

After receiving the call, Jiang Yuan thought for a moment and said, "You can do the dissection. Is it okay for you to complete it independently?"

"Ah? Can I do it alone?" Miao Ruixiang was surprised.

He also has experience in independent autopsy, but autopsy and post-mortem examination are different. He usually records the autopsy of abnormal death. It is the most difficult autopsy, and the corpse in front of him has been dissected by a forensic doctor. , the difficulty of secondary dissection is very high. If Miao Ruixiang has this kind of confidence, he should not be so confident.

Jiang Yuan did not say that there had been a breakthrough in this case. He only said: "You ask people to video and film the whole process. Take more photos and videos, preferably from multiple angles. In addition, take more examination materials. I know that the previous autopsy You should have taken the inspection materials when you were here, you can do it again.”

Jiang Yuan's request sounded like it was to avoid Miao Ruixiang's mistakes, but it actually gave Miao Ruixiang a large sum of money - a different forensic doctor would not be such a waste. Including inspection materials and the like, you can take more the first time, but you will take a lot more the second time and store it. The brigade leader may not necessarily agree to this expenditure.

However, experience always requires funds to accumulate, but some people only spend funds, and some people train while working.

Miao Ruixiang quickly understood what Jiang Yuan meant and happily went to dissect the body.

Jiang Yuan cleaned up by himself and left work early.

One body was thawed today, and the other was determined to be an abnormal death, which ruled out the possibility of criminal prosecution. As for the last remaining female body, it was difficult for Jiang Yuan to judge by looking at the photos, so he could only wait. I'll see if it thaws again tomorrow.

As for working overtime, even if Jiang Yuan wants to work overtime, he can't add another body. As for other types of cases, Ningtai County's police force is already overflowing, so there is no need for him to participate for the time being.

In fact, regardless of the various situations in the operation of various criminal cases, the ideas are similar. A police officer with a little experience has more than five or six years of experience and is already familiar with most types of cases. He is nothing more than a police officer. Issues of authority size, resource allocation issues, and personnel management issues.

That is to say, the difference between homicide cases is relatively large, mainly because the incidence rate is too low, and the police department often uses excessive force, making the operation of the homicide task force very different from the operation of ordinary cases.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Yuan came to work at the right time and saw that the office was already busy.

"Captain Jiang, the suspect responsible for the first body yesterday has been captured and is being interrogated. He confessed on the way." Wang Chuanxing reported with blue eyes.

Jiang Yuan said "Oh" without being surprised and asked, "Are we acquaintances?"

Only through acquaintanceship can we catch him so quickly.

"Yes." Wang Chuanxing said: "The suspect is the husband of the deceased. After his wife disappeared, the man claimed that his wife ran away and did not call the police."

Jiang Yuan nodded. With such a lying process, it would be difficult for the suspect to explain clearly.

Wang Chuanxing paused, and then said: "Miao Ruixiang has finished dissecting corpse No. 1. Do you want to take a look?"

"Then let's take a look. Have No. 2 and No. 3 thawed? If so, he should also dissect No. 3." Jiang Yuan simply arranged the task.

The next step is to watch Miao Ruixiang's anatomy videos and photos, both of which are in accelerated and dragging progress bar mode. After watching it in less than ten minutes, you can basically know the specific condition of the corpse. Because there are no tricks, and the case has basically been solved.

Corpse No. 3 died abnormally and could be dissected or not. Jiang Yuan preferred to dissect it. After all, it is a floating corpse in the water, so it is still very confusing.

By the afternoon, Jiang Yuan counted the time and arrived at the autopsy room of the funeral home.

Corpse No. 2 had external injuries, so although, like No. 3, he had entered the water before death, Jiang Yuan believed that this body was likely to be involved in a criminal case.

The results of the anatomy cannot point to this conclusion.

Based on the judgment of forensic pathology alone, the deceased simply died of drowning. Whether the physical trauma was related to it is actually impossible to judge based on forensic technology.

However, Jiang Yuan was not in a hurry. He first took lung samples and sent some to the physical and chemical laboratory for examination. Then he finished the autopsy with peace of mind, and then wrote and filed reports one by one.

The speed is a bit slow, but slowly cutting the corpse is still very healing, making people feel calm and less anxious and uneasy.


The autopsy of corpse number two is completed.

Jiang Yuan drew another sketch, but after scanning it several times with the software, he could not find any suitable information.

As a result, the difficulty of the case has increased.

Jiang Yuan thought for a while, called Shen Yaowei, and said: "The location where No. 2 was discovered has a lot of silt and reeds, which can be regarded as a speed bump in the Taihe River. Take people to double it and see if you can find anything else. Items that can prove No. 2’s identity.”

This is a way to find a needle in a haystack, but in homicide investigation, there are simply countless similar requests.

Shen Yaowei was only happy that he had been reused. He thanked Jiang Yuan sincerely and then led the team to set off with high morale.

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