National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 917 Visit

Shen Yaowei searched along both sides of the Taihe River for more than a week. He didn't even go home for two days on the weekend. He took samples all the way up the Taihe River and walked almost 20 kilometers.

This distance is already quite long. In the former Ningtai County Bureau, it was basically the limit. If we continue to search along the river, the burden on the laboratory will be too heavy.

However, after searching for such a long distance, no matching diatoms were found, indicating that either the sampling was bad luck, or the victim's water entry point was not within 20 kilometers upstream.

This conclusion made Shen Yaowei feel nervous.

Early Monday morning.

Shen Yaowei was stuck at work and asked about the laboratory results. After confirming that there was still no success, he went to Jiang Yuan to report.

Ningtai County Bureau's own cases have not had such difficult cases for some time. Of course, this is not actually a traditional case in Ningtai County, but a case in the entire Taihe River Basin. In the past, it was most likely that the Qinghe Municipal Bureau would make unified arrangements. Or, if the floating corpse floated to other cities, it would have nothing to do with Qinghe.

Well aware of the complexity of the floating corpse case, Shen Yaowei was a little helpless when reporting: "We started sampling once every 300 meters, and later changed it to every 150 meters, but there was no success. This corpse, especially from the plains, was It floated down from the continent."

Once a corpse leaves the provincial border, the investigation of the case becomes a level higher. Not only is it troublesome to communicate, but the key is that the funding expenditure is likely to be a level higher, which is a Achilles heel for most county bureaus.

However, this is not a problem for Jiangyuan's backlog of cases. The speed and level of infrastructure construction in Ningtai County are already at full capacity. The little residue exposed from between the fingers has brought some benefits to the court and the procuratorate. In contrast, the funds spent on solving crimes are relatively abundant.

Jiang Yuan thought about it and said, "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Yes, if it can float for 20 kilometers, it can float for 200 kilometers. This case is troublesome." Shen Yaowei sighed heavily. He also hoped to solve the case with overwhelming force. Especially after receiving Jiang Yuan's attention recently, Shen Yaowei has a mentality of making contributions.

Shen Yaowei's cousin Shen Yaoguo is the captain of the Changyang City Public Security Detachment, which is a very comfortable and good position in the police circles. But when it comes to business and the chain of contempt within the police community, the poor and expert criminal police are always at the top. Shen Yaowei doesn't expect to reach the level of detachment leader like his cousin, but if he can achieve success as a criminal police officer, his career will be in vain.

Shen Yaowei had many thoughts and vivid thoughts. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look up at Jiang Yuan and said tentatively: "As far as I know, the drowning cases in some places, especially the corpses washed down from the upstream, are not the same. If it's too clear, it's often reported as an abnormal death."

Abnormal death is relative to normal death. Murder is certainly abnormal death, but drowning, traffic accidents, or various accidental deaths are also abnormal deaths. As for the police, abnormal death excludes the possibility of homicide. In other words, it is not a criminal case.

If it is not a criminal case, it naturally does not need to be solved. In terms of resolution alone, does it count as resolved? As explained.

Jiang Yuan would not have such thoughts. He traveled to so many places last year to handle cases, and all he handled were difficult cases in various places. It was impossible for him to return to his own territory and cook a pot of rice.

"Call Liu Chu." Jiang Yuan's existing technology also has limitations. When biometric technologies such as DNA, facial recognition and fingerprints are unable to work, it is not only necessary to determine the source of the corpse, but also to determine the location of the corpse. very difficult.

At this time, Liu Jinghui's reasoning ability seemed quite useful.

While waiting for Liu Jinghui, Jiang Yuan successfully matched a few more fingerprints and cleared several topics in the "Shannan Fingerprint Exchange Group".

Because experts like Jiang Yuan are willing to actively answer questions, the "Shannan Fingerprint Exchange Group" has become very famous in trace inspection, and it is indispensable for trace inspection and even experts from other places to join in. Jiang Yuan also treated everyone equally and answered questions if he could.

Unlike many famous experts, he was already old when he became famous and could not do much if he wanted to, so he cherished his physical strength and energy. In addition, many people are not familiar with the Internet and often do not answer questions in similar groups.

Jiang Yuan's fingerprint identification ability that he has accumulated now is said to be among the best in the country. However, he is only in his early 20s, and he is in a small unit like Ningtai County. Apart from solving crimes, he has almost nothing else to do every day. However, it looks like he has nowhere to vent his energy. Spending a few minutes to compare fingerprints in the group can be said to be a pastime for Jiang Yuan.

Especially after the members of the "Shannan Fingerprint Exchange Group" gradually became familiar with Jiang Yuan, they also knew that he liked information feedback. They would report from time to time who else had been sentenced to death, or to life imprisonment, or because of matching fingerprints. In ten years, Jiang Yuan will feel very happy.

On the other hand, some experts who joined later in the fingerprint group may initially want to find Jiang Yuan for fingerprint identification. After the fingerprints they want to be identified are completed, they are always embarrassed to leave the group and leave. In order to return the favor or interest in the favor, everyone will often take a few fingerprint identification jobs in the fingerprint group and help people do matching.

Over time, the scale of the "Shannan Fingerprint Exchange Group" has grown, the speed of solving problems has accelerated, and more people have been attracted to join.

"Jiang Yuan." Liu Jinghui basically drove over after receiving the news, arriving very quickly.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said hello, then asked Liu Jinghui to sit down. While serving tea, he asked, "Has anyone told you the case? What are your thoughts?"

"I have seen that a 21-year-old woman cannot have facial recognition, no DNA record, and no fingerprint record. This is very rare in itself." Liu Jinghui paused and asked: "I wonder how the sketch you drew is like, what? level?"

"It's about the same level as my footprint identification." Jiang Yuan needed to inform his teammates of this information.

Liu Jinghui's eyelids twitched: "When did you learn this technique?"

"I learn things very quickly." Jiang Yuan felt that this was enough to explain.

As expected, Liu Jinghui didn't ask. What was there to ask? There are people in this world who really have a photographic memory, and there are really people who have perfect pitch. Many of Jiang Yuan's current technical levels are already domestic and even international. He is at the top level. It would be ridiculous to talk about hard work instead of talent.

"If there is a sketch of this level, it means that the face of the deceased is not in the photo library. Have you ever applied for a second-generation ID card?" Liu Jinghui reasoned in one sentence, and then went one step further and said: "Basically It is unlikely that he is an urban resident. It is very inconvenient to not have a second-generation ID card at the age of 21. It is most likely that he lives in a rural area with poor living conditions and poor family conditions."

Jiang Yuan nodded slowly: "There are traces of labor on the hands and feet, it is indeed possible."

Now he can only support Liu Jinghui's inference, but cannot reverse it. In the current environment, if there are traces of labor on the hands and feet, or even in a long-term labor environment, it cannot be proved that he lived in the countryside. Even the concept of living in the countryside has become vague.

But from another aspect, in the current society, it is a rare situation for a 21-year-old girl to look good but live in the countryside and work for a long time.

Liu Jinghui continued: "The family conditions are not good, the living conditions are not good, and she is a 21-year-old woman who has lived in the countryside for a long time. She is probably married... Of course, she probably did not receive a marriage certificate. Have you ever given birth?" Abortion?"

Both of these can be seen at autopsy.

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said: "No. There are basically no medical signs. The teeth are not very neat and have not been treated."

"It can only be said that it further proves the previous point. The key now is to determine where she is." Liu Jinghui thought for a moment, took a sip of tea, and then said: "We have to start from the place where the body was found, all the way up. Visiting?”

The cost of a visit is much lower than an investigation. In this case, it basically means going to nearby villages to ask whether there are any missing persons in recent days, whether you have seen a certain person, and whether there are any abnormalities.

The key lies in the scope. If it is traced back tens of kilometers, it is okay, but if it is traced back hundreds of kilometers, the amount of the project will be too large. Because it is impossible to visit only the nearest village along the river. On the contrary, the villages further into the mountains are poorer. Furthermore, there is no standard for poverty. How poor is considered poor?

"Let's visit first. At the very least, we have photos. If we visit a few more villages, we might gain something." Jiang Yuan thought about it and made a decisive decision.

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