National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 948 Garbage Classification

There are no secrets in the slum area, let alone the oppressed mushroom people.

In just a quarter of an hour, Meng Chengbiao got the results and came over to report: "There are three known corpses. One was beaten to death and two were beaten to death. The smell you smell should be three days old." The one who died before, no one cared about it at the time, was taken to the garbage dump. We are here today, the gang

The members had to dig a hole and bury it. "

"Then dig it out and take a look." Jiang Yuan sighed. His hands were fragrant now, just right for dinner, and he didn't want to touch the body.

"People have been sent to dig out the other two corpses. Those who died about two months ago and four months ago also found a place to dig holes and bury them. No matter how early there are corpses, these will come later. I don’t know, I have to ask the core members of the gang.”

"Well, don't rush, let's take your time to review. I'll take a look at the scene first, and then think about a test plan. Except for those who need to stay behind, everyone else should retreat outside the village." Jiang Yuan is purely a technician's idea, theory This village is a piece of evidence, so it is natural to minimize the damage as much as possible.

After all, three people died, and one of them was a clear homicide. Considering the local area, sweeping a community with a width of several hundred meters is not a big project.

However, the complexity of the slum area, or in other words, its information density is much greater than that of the community. Moreover, these people have lived in Qishanzhai for several months or even more than a year. As their instincts are released, they have different relationships with each other. Jiang Yuan was constantly working on cases, thinking that he couldn't just be charged with one or two crimes.

We have covered it, it is best to be tolerant of all mushroom people with an open mind.

Crimes among mushroom people are crimes, that much is clear.

"Do we have signs with different colors?" Jiang Yuan walked around the village and turned to ask Wang Chuanxing.

"I just brought the yellow sign. I shouldn't have many." Wang Chuanxing quickly checked on the PAD. They came with a large amount of equipment, but the equipment was obviously second-level within the scope of early delivery.

Jiang Yuan thought for a moment and said: "Then use warning tape. You will circle the location I pointed out and make it a key investigation target later."

Jiang Yuan actually had no objection to this chaotic, dirty, and weird-smelling village, and even felt a sense of challenge that he enjoyed it.

Today's homicide investigations are mostly conducted indoors. Because there are many surveillance cameras and surveillance cameras outside, ordinary murderers feel that it is safer to kill people indoors, and it is easier to dispose of corpses or even dismember them.

And if we look at the level of ordinary people dying in their ordinary homes, the area that on-site surveyors need to survey is only about 100 square meters. The area in small towns and counties may be larger, and ordinary people in big cities may die only three to five times. Ten square meters, one hundred and eighty square meters, in terms of area alone, this survey

The difficulty is different from riding a mountain village.

To take it a step further, there are hundreds of people in this Qi Shanzhai, eating, drinking, sleeping and sleeping all year round, and they also engage in various legal and illegal activities. If you want to sort out as many crimes as possible, the difficulty of investigation is quite high. .

But Jiang Yuan is indeed quite confident. Not only does he have a LV4 crime scene investigation, but he also obtained a LV4 garbage classification when he was working on the case of carrying out a destitute elderly man.

It’s really suitable for this garbage scene.

Jiang Yuan carefully marked each area, preparing to go back and conduct a detailed survey.

For the criminal police, digging for evidence from the garbage can be said to be a basic operation.

For example, in Qi Shanzhai, the first thing you can dig out is all kinds of drug paraphernalia, because although the people in the village like mushrooms, many people are not the only ones who like mushrooms. Therefore, you can find garbage dumps, including but not limited to various needle tubes, aluminum foil and tin foil, hookahs, cigarettes, etc.

Guns, large and small plastic bags, pots, bottles, etc.

It is unimaginable that those items have not been fully cleaned, disinfected and traces removed. Now, what do you get when you get the most ordinary plastic bag?

First, do a physical and chemical analysis of the bag to find out what was inside the bag. In this case, it was not drugs.

Secondly, the fingerprint under the bag cannot be easily obtained. Through the fingerprint, it is impossible to match the mushroom man who has not taken the bag.

Assuming that there are no fingerprints of the five mushroom people under the bag, if the seven mushroom people are given urine tests or hair tests, or they are directly sent to the poison laboratory for testing, they will not be able to know what kind of drugs we smoke, or even the drugs outside the bag. If the type is the same, it is considered that the bag has been used by this person.

As for the rest, they are naturally suspected traffickers. Otherwise, why would their fingerprints be under the bag?

At that time, the burden of proof is reversed, and the other person has to prove how he came into contact with the bag and left his fingerprints. Gathering people to take drugs is a relatively costly explanation.

Even if a bag can still wrongly accuse a person, it is difficult to nail a participant of abnormal drugs with less evidence, such as syringes, tinfoil, pots, etc., whether they are smoking or selling, he How could his fingerprints be underneath?

Of course, the actual investigation is not that simple. If the suspect cooperates with the interrogation, the suspect is willing to plead guilty, that is, it can be dismantled through inspection. The prosecutors are basically satisfied with the low-level traffickers who plead guilty and accept punishment of less than 10 years. of.

As for other crimes, especially the crimes caused by small families reporting on each other and committing meritorious deeds, it will not be possible to add them to the previous chapters.

Yes, those are very detailed tasks, and Jiang Yuan can complete them in a day or two alone. Jiang Yuan walked around, delineated the key areas, and waited for fewer technicians to come to help.

By that time, eight bodies had also been exhumed.

The two old corpses were still slightly decomposed, but the corpses that had only been dead for eight days were still in a passable state even if they were buried in a drier place.

Shen Yaowei asked: "Do we need to do a cadaver examination? Or should we just transport it back?"

"Take the other two back for processing. The fresher corpse can be dissected on site." Jiang Yuan said, and asked someone to bring the forensic examination box over.

It was also the place where Shi Shi returned. Just outside the small courtyard with seven walls and a roof, Jiang Yuan straightened the body, and with the help of Mu Zhiyang and Wang Chuanxing, he completed the autopsy.

A single incision and removal of internal organs are all very special procedures.

In the future, forensic doctors will often perform autopsies in the field. In fact, the forensic doctors in Ningtai County still performed autopsies outside small hospitals in rural areas more than ten years later. Because it was very troublesome to get them back, and if there were no criminal police to help at the scene, they would not be able to do it on the spot. Obtain a forensic opinion.

When Zhou Jie graduated, the working environment of forensic medicine had not yet been revolutionized, but it did not feel like looking back in time.

Even when all the internal organs were processed and the skull was opened, and a chainsaw was found, the sense of déjà vu from the old days became even stronger.

"Let's use a hand saw." Jiang Yuan could wait for the chainsaw to arrive a few hours ago, so he asked someone to fetch the hand saw and handed it to Wang Chuanxing.

Wang Chuanxing solemnly took the hand saw and said seriously: "Captain Jiang, please rest first. I'll call you when the saw breaks."

Opening the skull with a hand saw, which probably required a large head, Wang Chuanxing rolled up his sleeves and started doing it.


When one of the handsaw blades was broken, he replaced it with another one. Wang Chuanxing sweatdropped from his body, and even the other detectives' bad intentions to help him were repaid.

That was a job specially assigned by Captain Jiang, so Wang Chuanxing was naturally willing to do it by hand! The first release of this book𝘀𝘁𝗼𝟱𝟱𝗰𝗼𝗺 provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

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